Bombardment - An Alternative News Source
No politician can solve your problems. No political party really has the answers. They cant even answer a straight question honestly. In George Orwell's book 'Animal Farm' published decades ago, today's governing politicians were explicitly described. The sad twist is not that some animals are more important than others, its more of a case that some voters are more important than others. So if you are old, served your country with honour, or simply just got by without being a drain on social services and cash hand outs, if it's a very cold winter, you can simply die. Now&Then has never and will never support any political party. We do however reserve the right to expose rampant hypocrisy. Sociopath? Well review the evidence. Is he a W.E.F puppet? Well most definitely, because that particular club hates humanity, and he would prefer to be there than in parliament (his own words). Funny old world innit!
It turns out that 'the progressives' might just be not just a little bit racist, but a whole lot racist. As they project themselves on everyone else, the reality is people are waking up. Maybe there is no left or right. There most certainly is 'flip flop' power hungry individuals and collectives but what is left or right anymore? As these crazy times develop please just think about that. Whose side are you on. Do you need to be on any side? What is really right and what is really wrong, perhaps even disgusting and evil? Why does anyone even take sides? Have we all lost the ability to think for ourselves and reason for ourselves? Do we need the liars and cheats of the mainstream media news channels to tell us what to think? Or are you just another "live for today, because tomorrow I will die individual"? Stuff the consequences for my friends or children and their descendants, I'm alright Jack pull up the ladder (do you remember that expression?) A couple of videos that take us a little along that thought process... |