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The Beatles were once a little bit rock & roll, just consider their days living in Hamburg in the early 1960's. Not just the leather jackets & denim jeans along with a little bit of that Scouser attitude, no these guys were becoming rock & roll rebels, playing in all manner of dodgy venues, George was deported for lying about his age, Paul arrested for arson. And then there were the pills for this and that, yep you might say they were a tiny bit towards living life on the edge. Fast forward a year or so and the world had become their suited & carefully crafted mop topped oyster. Rubbing shoulders with their new establishment friends, winning awards from the same folk, meeting the new Prime Minister (Harold) and be very well behaved, a little light banter, but not a whiff of rock and roll. With Harold now in Number Ten, the new offshore rebel pirates had to come up with a Plan B as the power shift would see The Pilkington Report gain further traction (The Report recommended that the BBC should extend its activities to the creation of local radio stations in order to prevent the introduction of commercial radio). Perhaps Radio Caroline should become a little less rock and roll and a little more establishment sounding? However there was a problem! Radio Caroline wasn't really rock & roll to start with, more a template for how commercial radio might sound if it was adopted in the UK. Listening to recordings from those first few months of broadcasting and the whole thing sounded rather sanitised, more like the Light Programme without needle time restrictions than the radio boom taking place in Australia and the USA. 1964 was an eventful old year, but not really one for rock & roll mavericks, just different parts of the same establishment ensuring normal service would resume as soon as possible. Go on then rip this to pieces if you should choose....
James M
22/12/2019 03:46:17 pm
Why oh why oh why are all these re en-actors Graduates of Regent Street Studio 61 dressing up in old clothes. Do they think it gives them some connection with the past, which in it's scale of unpleasantness was mostly quite not as good as the the more subtle score on today's scale of subliminal climate change, law of the land, media driven frenzy of new workhouse words for old social media unpleasantness?
Colin N
22/12/2019 04:08:08 pm
What is that in English?
Mervyn Hagger
22/12/2019 08:47:07 pm
So you are already here James M, and again you are posting nonsense. Why?
James M
23/12/2019 09:57:26 am
Only I Fred Brambly and David LW know how to open our screams and speak. The Turkey and the goose just gobble and screach. The strutting peacock talks a lot of Poppycock. The chickens peck their beaks in and out The pigs snort and sniff. Farmer Boris Blair Orwell the deciding factor realises God has made all his creatures a lot more unequal than others but is quite happy with the status quo as being part of the land owning gentry. Rees Moggy is quite happy to be a re en actor of days of folklore as long as the nativity play is set in 1934. The serfs smile and doff caps to the Lord of the Manor knowing very well that the Bastile of washer women housewife's no choice drudgery was saved by the introduction of New Labour saving wool sack Lydia Corbyn. Now in 1964 The Beatles were incidental 4 wise monkeys bringing gold to the shores, Pheromones to the girls, mirth to EMI and misery to Brian Epstein. Mike's pet horse contribution to the estate is the faithful shire horse ploughing the fields and scattering the good seed to the 4 freedoms and then resenting the introduction of the steam engine. Being too lame to even sell to Gary Big Top Barns Circus he is put out to pasture with another old timer Merve The Bulldozer who enjoys his retirement limping around the fields of Kew Garden Files, swatting flies off his bum research files and being a real miserable old Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Poop Poop croaks a passing toad
Mervyn Hagger
23/12/2019 10:15:19 am
James M (and aliases) you are past your 'sell by' date for novelty, and while you may still be 'on the shelf' your wares are no longer a novelty, but clutter. Rather than go to the bother of removing your slabs of slop, other items are constantly being placed in front of you, and thus your appeal is akin to that of a non-working 8 track tape that had limited appeal many years ago, and which has no historical value but one day will be dumped into a bin. It won't even be worth looking at as recyclable material because it became a non-functioning item before it made it to the shelf.
Colin N
22/12/2019 03:50:58 pm
Just about the time that Harold Wilson arrived on the scene he was greeted by the arrival of the mv Galaxy.
James M
23/12/2019 10:56:46 am
That's told him the good news then. Wilson and Hagger will have to lie down in a dark room. Is there some clue to this board's sponsorship with the Comet
Mervyn Hagger
23/12/2019 10:23:24 am
The arrival of 'Big L' marked the end of the first phase of Radio Caroline on October 15, 1964 when the Tories lost power and the socialist Labour Party took office, albeit by a slim majority. Then began the second phase when Radio Caroline fell under the control of interests in New York City. The third phase of Radio Caroline took it into depths of dysfunction and exploded with a bullet killing Reg Calvert of Radio City. After another General Election and a big Labour win, the curtain finally fell over Radio Caroline on August 14, 1967 , leaving its remains to be towed away in March 1968.
Mervyn, could you please list the directors/investors involved in phase one,two and three. I have agreed with you on many points before, but 'depths of dysfunction and exploded with a bullet' requires fuller explanation. Please give any additional facts not already known.Scottg. (PS - music programming on Caroline South from May 1966 - August 1967 finally got up to the standard that I enjoyed in 1965 listening to Caroline North.)
Mervyn Hagger
23/12/2019 12:59:39 pm
Scottg, I am still working on it, but I am very close to filling in the blanks. However, if I release that kind of information before publishing it in book form it will simply be 'stolen' by others who will slap their own name on it. That is what happened with the Chris Elliot and Ray Anderson book about Radio London. I do share a lot more information by email, if there is a chance that others can contribute information. I have offered to do this for you in the past, but you told me that you do not write or receive emails.
James M
23/12/2019 01:21:39 pm
What is Scott's curiosity about this. It seems to extend beyond healthy mild interest into almost a pint of Merve Bitterness?
Mervyn Hagger
23/12/2019 03:01:30 pm
Take your pills: your posts indicate insanity is taking hold of your life.
James M
23/12/2019 03:01:34 pm
The on the shelf 8 track for me is funny. I can't be so conceited to pretend to think I must have scored a knock out blow on every round (just a few LOL) Moving forward, as the Galaxy has now been dredged up. When it anchored in Territorials near Shivering Sands the Good Guy image was that Ronan pointed this out because he did not want radio ships to get a bad name. I know about the suggestion of a merger before crossing the Atlantic but really would not the uncaring business view would be to whoop with glee and get on to the phone to the GPO. Maybe I am plucking a straw in the farm yard hear, maybe people were more chivalrous then. BWJM
Mervyn Hagger
23/12/2019 03:04:11 pm
Ronan O'Rahilly was a paid mouth. As for the real story, wait for the book which will be published during 2020.
Testing 1,2.3
23/12/2019 03:16:39 pm
"wait for the book which will be published during 2020".
Testing 3-2-1
23/12/2019 03:19:49 pm
You seem rather concerned other testing person, are you afraid it will be published?
Testing 1,2.3
23/12/2019 04:45:37 pm
Nope not me .It is the author who would be concerned that is why he will never publish it .He is all bluster and he is stringing you all along. Is that not true Mr Thrush?
Mervyn Hagger
23/12/2019 06:58:43 pm
Okay you sniveling little coward who hides behind a silly name, be specific. Why don't you think this book will be published? Be specific and tell everyone what you think is in the manuscript that will prevent it from being published? Over to you.
Testing 2,1.2
23/12/2019 03:33:21 pm
Excuse me for dropping in, I am just checking up on the mental well-being of James M.
James M-1
23/12/2019 03:35:51 pm
Life is like a road surrounded by fog in which crashes do occur.
James M
23/12/2019 04:19:05 pm
I'm hear for the journey. I wan't to see the new accepted undisputed biblical account which is not biblical but real truth and fact, leather case published in a readable non 8 track novelty way by at least this time next year. If I am still alive due to the beneficial training in the DWP workhouses pushing text message, digital logs Universal Credit almost like PYE Transistors and Garner Ted Armstrong pushing the world tomorrow and new Beatles tracks being laid down to promote Great British Railroad Deception to promote independence from the continent after WW2.
Pill Time for James
23/12/2019 04:24:14 pm
"wan't" - ?
The Tourist Train Operator who is -?
23/12/2019 05:58:39 pm
James needs more pills
23/12/2019 06:05:47 pm
Big L; a train and a car video. Why not add a scan of James' brain?
The Fred Bramley Factor exposed by Mervyn
23/12/2019 05:47:30 pm
Right now I am listening to Rush and he is blasting away at the absurd Greta Factor on 'Global Warming' or whatever the latest daft name is, and Rush is attacking the people who have used and abused this girl for political purposes. I noticed that Waterstones has a ghost written slim volume in their windows with her name on it as the "Author of the Year". Rush's point is that the people using her claim that you can't criticize Greta because she is ill and that she became petrified because the Planet will be no more by the time she is 25-ish. Well this is the same DAFT AND TOTALLY LOONEY mode of attack used by Fred Bramley on that now stupid site for the Church of Caroline run by Garry Stevens. In personal attack after personal attack on me for revealing that Ronan O'Rahilly is a fraud and a con man, Fred Bramley is using the same stupid argument that others are using to defend Greta. Fred Bramley's response is that I am heartless and cruel for revealing the truth. Fred Bramley is an example of the worst of the worst pathetic sniveling little Ronan defenders who is not interested in the truth - only in Ronan's version of mythology as taught by the ridiculous Church of Caroline. Yep, this is a rant against hypocrisy and hypocrites wherever they are.
James M
23/12/2019 07:05:48 pm
Fred Barambley has never actually spoken to you. I cannot impersonate him but whenever the real Fred has put a car crash of a physics manual on his preferred site he has never mentioned an Irishman
Mervyn Hagger
23/12/2019 07:14:33 pm
So you are the insane bully boy for the insane? These sniveling little cowards cannot defend themselves - only attack me by name from afar? Shut up James and take another pill.
James M
23/12/2019 07:25:58 pm
No idea what that's about but if their is any fascist social round up we will both soon be sharing a cell
Anon Ego
24/12/2019 08:25:32 am
The trouble with M James and H Mervyn is that they both have monstrous egos and want the entire bus to themselves so they can shout out loud to what they like to imagine is a packed auditorium. On rare occasions that there is anyone else on the bus they have their hands over their ears wishing to their God that these two would shut the F**** up. Neither seems to know anything about radio and just aim to batter each other with wordy ramblings inspired by emotional instability and vodka. In an ideal caring society they would be locked in a padded cell together and accidentally on purpose prescribed a great deal of pills
Mervyn Hagger
24/12/2019 10:44:12 am
No James M, you alone are on a time-wasting ego-trip posting rubbish under a pile of different names.
sniveling little coward
24/12/2019 09:41:20 am
Publish the novel then you'll see, but you know that already that is why you will never publish it .Any plans for a trip to the USA in 2020? XX
Mervyn Hagger
24/12/2019 10:37:17 am
No, I don't know what you mean. So I will appreciate your enlightenment. Be very specific. I want to know why you are so scared of this manuscript. Several other people are well-aware of the kind of detailed research that is going on, so I don't have to defend anything, but you do. Tell us all why you think it will not be published.
sniveling little coward
24/12/2019 12:58:10 pm
Time is on my side not yours XX
Mervyn Hagger
24/12/2019 03:13:08 pm
Tell us why you think it will not be published. I keep asking you and all you do is snivel.
24/12/2019 04:30:31 pm
Publish then you will find out, bye x
Mervyn Hagger
24/12/2019 04:46:54 pm
That makes no sense. You say it won't be published. Then you say publish it to find our why you say it won't be published. Huh? Are you totally nuts?
Santa's Helper
24/12/2019 06:15:18 pm
It's Christmas Eve ffs. Give it a rest you guys.
Santa's Other Helper
24/12/2019 06:57:10 pm
I have a publishing date to deliver.
David LW
24/12/2019 06:59:31 pm
Do you have a hobby radio for me?
Fred Bramley
24/12/2019 07:00:33 pm
Do you have a Caroline Bible for me?
Fred Bramley
24/12/2019 07:02:25 pm
Do you have a Caroline Bible Companion Fact Checker with built-in Spell Checker for me?
Ed Abovewater the real one, honest
24/12/2019 07:04:57 pm
Do you have a Sat Nav so that I can make sure that it is really me who is here? Santa, look again, you must have.
James M the only Santa's Helper you will ever need at a bus stop
24/12/2019 07:07:03 pm
Have you got a load of pills for me in your bag, Santa?
Santa's Helper
24/12/2019 07:22:25 pm
I understand that there are some gifts due to be distributed before morning by the man in the red suit: A megapack of cheese and onion crisps for James, ear defenders for Garry, a dry dock for Peter Moore, a crystal set for David, and an ego reduction kit and sense of proportion adjuster for Mervyn. Merry Christmas, boys!
Suzy Q
24/12/2019 07:36:23 pm
And what about us girls?
Testing 1.2,3
24/12/2019 07:09:09 pm
Santa, please say that you have a 2.1,2 in your bag, I am tired of being stuck on 1.
Ronan O'Rahilly
24/12/2019 07:11:15 pm
Santa, is it too late for me to start telling the truth and get on your 'Nice' list?
Garry Stevens
24/12/2019 07:17:43 pm
Santa, I am going to have to ban you and Stewart and everyone else as Admins for not recogn i s i n g tha t i kant smell xxxspell an th at im onli hjuman spreadin muck xxxxxlove arou dn as t he reel santaclorse. yoo ar an impostor crea ted by the Coca Cola companies in the 30s. ooops, tha t bit is right if we ar talkin about the big fat man with the ho ho ho an white beeerd.
Fred Bramley's Mum
24/12/2019 07:21:37 pm
now yuve dun it, little fredy has hung his stockin out for a rusting bible an youve taken away his whole reesin for bein. fredy loves santa and his claws.
Merry Christmas Mike
24/12/2019 07:24:12 pm
Thanks for the weebly wobbly satire.
Mervyn Hagger
24/12/2019 07:28:30 pm
Merry Christmas and Hanukkah everyone, and any other type of holiday that you may be celebrating. I will have a present for you sometime during the New Year.
Mervyn Hagger
25/12/2019 03:44:38 pm
Santa brought us (our research team) a bona fide publisher for Christmas, and so I have accordingly and correspondingly updated this site
Guess Who
25/12/2019 05:00:03 pm
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