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Add to all of that the fact that it's author presents the book as non fiction when clearly some of it is complete and utter fiction. Perhaps the biggest problem is the denial the author puts up when he is challenged and presented with properly researched accounts with plenty of verifiable documents and logic. For example the MV Frederica was heading to the river Medina, and East Cowes in the Isle of Wight initially and for good reason was redirected to Greenore in Ireland. Not possible screams the fantasy author! Only a fool would think you could dock the Frederica there! I've been there, it's not possible (remember some of you have paid good money for his Babble). So lets take a boat trip down the Medina five years after the original plan to go there had passed. See those old riverside buildings the room to dock a ship alongside, for yes the word dock in this context is a generic term that can be used for a boat alongside a wharf, but you might need to research that, something your beloved author seems to have avoided, after all it's much easier to copy and paste stuff - innit!
Fred Bramley
5/9/2020 05:56:17 pm
I agree with this
Paul Rastafarian
5/9/2020 05:59:09 pm
I didn't nick anything I just smoked it.
Doctor Washing up liquid
7/9/2020 11:51:33 am
While we are all in a smoky, dopey, sleepy, grumpy fug. My first answer to Fake Fred is that I have got the answer to a long standing query of mine about connecting house boats to mains drainage. I believe the answer is that there can be a permanent small bore connection to the pump out.This optibore as it were can then suck and pump out speculative shyte on a constant basis. Very tedious and repetitive I believe they are retailed by Simmonds Marine.
Dave Martin
7/9/2020 07:43:27 pm
I know that I physically threatened MH on the GS site if he didn't quit, but then he disappeared everywhere and then CB sprang up with a Forum. Now that has shut down and it tells everyone to come over here. 'They say' (whoever CB and Co are), that they are about to drop a bomb on us Caroline OAPs, well bring it on. Let's see what you've got in this long promised book. Agb who is the voice of Scottg says you don't have anything.
Dave Martini
7/9/2020 08:41:24 pm
You couldn't threaten a 98 year old disabled dwarf in a straight jacket. As for Scottg well how long have you got to discuss non-entities?
7/9/2020 09:28:42 pm
I told MH/CB that everyone knew about Radio Cambridge on 250, and that is when he had a fit and closed down his Forum and redirected everyone here. I guess now he has played his hand and everyone yawned he has nothing left and the CB Blog will fold up and disappear.
Dave Martini
8/9/2020 11:56:19 am
I doubt anything you say is accurate, you just can't stand the fact that all the myths about Radio Caroline in the sixties are being exposed. You need to get over the fact that Ronan was just a mouth piece back then and a blagger and worse ever after! Deal with it!
Never Never Land
8/9/2020 12:28:58 pm
A book later this year......where have we heard that before? He still thinks people are running scared of his exposé when it's just a big 'whatever 'as he gets peat bogged down in the minutae of Greenore and dispenses lessons on history. A complete irrelevance and a waste of time and effort.
8/9/2020 01:16:23 pm
Agb is the man that actually believed that Big L was a front for diamond smuggling a la Dateline Diamonds. So I agree that nothing he says is accurate (or generally of any sense!)
Who Is?
8/9/2020 08:19:07 pm
Mervyn, what's the purpose in buying yet another Caroline related domain name?
8/9/2020 10:52:46 pm
CB has now disappeaed.
Another Yawn
9/9/2020 02:29:00 pm
Well, it's not like she ever authored anything, is it? If you're bored, may I suggest Tune In and listen to Radio Caroline, Radio Caroline Flashback, Radio Caroline USA East, Radio Caroline USA West, or the test transmissions for Caroline Community Radio. Brighten up your day.
8/9/2020 08:41:19 pm
Idiot protest middle class metropolitan bubble group Extinction Rebellion have just found out about Radio Caroline and have declared it an endangered specie. Plans to block the river Blackwell with pretend listeners are at an advanced stage. A spokesman for the group known only as Ralph Rich stated that Extinction Rebellion is always pleased to help any point scoring bandwagon and despite Radio Caroline not ticking any of those boxes, they just felt sorry for a small group desperately hanging onto past glorious whilst fast tracking their own obvious demise. A spokesperson for Radio Caroline stated "have you any spare change".
9/9/2020 08:46:58 am
Why is it that the trolls who donate money to a hoax operation called Radio Caroline are so eager to disrupt reseach but so anxious to avoid what has been available for them to listen to since October 20, 1985?
Slow Walker
9/9/2020 12:18:09 pm
The sad reality is that some have been completely taken in by the old hippy. He has slow walked the final incarnation of Radium Carolsmiley to it's inevitable end. Pitiful RSL's that came and went and were quickly forgotten. He traded 10 kilowatts for 10 watts. The Ross Revenge has sat alone for most of the past twenty years, these days it's an OAP's weekend home once a month. 648 a decade to late, but tell that to any of his disciples. They applaud everything that is done as progress, onwards and upwards they shout. It has taken an awful lot of money from willing donors to keep the whole charade going, yet they have no say over anything that happens. The anoraks are idiots according to the hippy, he may be right as they still donate cash and worship the licensed sell out.
Quick Trotter
9/9/2020 02:15:40 pm
The final incarnation of Radio Caroline did not end with RSL's. and the Ross Revenge is far from alone. Just try to book a visit and see how long you have to wait. Do try to keep up.
None of this Matters
9/9/2020 02:20:48 pm
It's not about disrupting research, it's about the unwarranted, spiteful attacks . You reap what you sow. You go ahead if it makes you happy, in the mistaken belief that anyone is quaking in their boots. I'd be interested to know how you arrive at the conclusion that your research has not been read, based on no evidence whatsoever. You cannot even answer a simple question without having a pop at someone.
Stupid Trotter
9/9/2020 09:54:11 pm
Oh good a boat trip to the Ross has a waiting list. Do those of us who worked on renovating the Motor Vessel in Dover get to jump the cue, we put an awful lot of our own money and supplies into the saving of the boat. I thought not! Some of us asked awkward questions, some of us spoke up for Steve and Wendy, some of us looked after Neil Gates and took him to the pub for a few nights out (on us). You go on defending the great pretender (PM) and his sledge hammer approach to those who put their lives at risk while he was on the piss in London dining out with his hippy mates.
Quick Trotter
9/9/2020 10:16:43 pm
Stupid Trotter, has an account of all that been published? I'd like to know more.
"Unwarranted, Spiteful Attacks" = Call Mr Truth
10/9/2020 08:22:26 am
Every time you click on the Blog your click is registered. We know you are reading it, but we don't care if you don't. The reason why we are not promoting it outside of its own sphere is because it is part of our shared research process drawing feedback from people who can help! That is, people with knowledge. As for the idiots, dumb-asses; the fraudsters; the thieves and the fakes who are also reading it, well you might be better off not to do so and play another track on one of your LPs and pretend that you are on the North Sea. Sorry for being spiteful in your miserable mind, we think we are telling the truth in the real world.
How to start a REAL PIRATE RADIO STATION and get results
9/9/2020 01:40:23 pm
The dopes who have imported the lunacy of Black Lives Matter don't want to know about all of the WHITE slaves that the British Crown shipped overseas. Nor do they want to challenge the myth that Nazi Germany alone began WWII - when RUSSIA jointly invaded and carved-up Poland and then mass murdered thousands of its elite and blamed it on Hitler.
How to waffle without achieving anything
9/9/2020 10:12:33 pm
Isn't this the point where you post a link to Buffy St Marie singing Universal Soldier........again
Book Club Exchange?
11/9/2020 09:42:12 am
Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin
Test Tone Loc Doc, moored and berthed in Messiah Land
9/9/2020 03:23:59 pm
Check out those porta potties and Maldon wipes James. You'll be needling them. Fighting off mass immigration on the beaches
Um back to the premise of this thread
10/9/2020 08:19:38 pm
Why does something calling itself Radio Caroline exist, except to satisfy a community of trolls and dopes that even Malcolm Smith now acknowledges on the GS Forum are the gullible fools forking over their pensions to keep this ridiculous operation on the air.
And the answer is.........
10/9/2020 10:04:18 pm
The trolls and dopes as you call them are a tiny proportion of Caroline listeners, most of whom will be unaware nor interested in a small internet forum or any 'investigation'. Come out of your bubble and into the real world where people just listen to the radio stations of their choice and get on with their lives. It is comments like yours which also put you firmly in the troll camp.
Phat B’atard
11/9/2020 07:14:18 am
Would appear the ‘editors’ of the GS board have banned me, yes me, from posting in reply to Smith’s attacks on the brethren of the GS board when actually attempting to defend the dimwits. In all that is holy. Free speech my butt.
Malcolm Smith versus James McGregor
11/9/2020 07:58:07 am
Oh this is good.
Sour Grapes
12/9/2020 12:14:48 pm
Is it their ball and they won't let you play? What information do you purport to have to back up your claim that you know what the Caroline organisation has in mind? How to you reach the conclusion that UK taxpayers will be financing the Ross Revenge? If I were you, I would stop now before you make an even bigger fool of yourself. Do some colouring in or something, but don't go over the lines.
Stupid Grapes
12/9/2020 03:05:27 pm
Oh dear did you throw your toys out of the pram when you wrote that? Talking of bigger fools Mr Rusting seems to have gone quiet, perhaps he is copy and pasting another book
Moby Grapes
12/9/2020 04:34:07 pm
As usual, nothing to back up your wild speculation. Keep making mountains out of molehills like ' Caroline Brooks' and her coma inducing examination of the directorships of Weatherwell Ltd if it makes you happy. Nice that you're concerned for Mr Rusling's welfare though. I'm sure he's alive and well, and perhaps he has better things to do than rise to your trolling. Why don't you ask him?
Wild speculation grapes
12/9/2020 06:57:33 pm
Oh dear Mrs Moby Grapes you just don't get it. Nobody answers to you, needs give you anything or cares about your inability to learn. Seems your lack of interest is just that, keep feeding on Ruslings nonsense then, it's just that, but if that's all thats in your head taking facts might hurt eh?
Grapes of Wrath
12/9/2020 07:36:07 pm
'Your inability to learn' equates to ' your refusal to accept my version of the facts'. You have also made an assumption regarding my gender.
Moist Grapes
13/9/2020 12:18:08 pm
I bet you really are a lady, as for facts you believe in fairy tales, I will stick to researched material OK?
Offworld Echoes Margarine Pathetic News
11/9/2020 11:11:14 am
Rare color footage of the Oval Office at Chesterfield Gardens in 1966
Opinions, please
11/9/2020 11:34:25 am
Who agrees? ................ "WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE USA?
Since you asked
12/9/2020 12:06:52 pm
This has all the hallmarks of the troll who wishes he was American and thinks the rest of the human race are idiots.
Since You did'nt Answer
12/9/2020 03:07:16 pm
And you have all the hallmarks of a troll that can't think for himself.
Pot Kettle & Black
12/9/2020 11:47:13 am
Fred Bramley writes:
Malcolm Moore
12/9/2020 11:49:35 am
Actually he is my script writer for my superstar visits to the GS forum where I impart all kinds of superior knowledge. I get Scottg to wipe my backside and Freddie Flintstone to kiss it after.
Black kettles matter
12/9/2020 12:40:22 pm
You haven't grasped the concept of irony, have you?
Blocked Drains Matter
12/9/2020 03:08:49 pm
I like ironing as a concept, but leave it to my wife, does that make me sexist?
" The Media Slander Machine"
12/9/2020 02:19:17 pm
Obscure Music
12/9/2020 03:13:37 pm
Caroline Disciple Mike Simmonds requires the station to cease and desist all obscure music at once.
Agb Dickschonharys Now on Sale
12/9/2020 03:28:38 pm
We sold our first one to Garry Stevens who tells the world that everyone works at companys. Garry cant spell for toffeys and we cant either. We sold another to Paul Rustler who made good use of it in his pilfered-plagerised-pook. My agents on commission are Gregscott and Fred Bamley-jam if you want one.
Knight Rider
12/9/2020 03:45:33 pm
60mph on motorways very sensible. My driving instructor said There is one thing that kills more than poor judgement and that is speed. I am totally in favour of the USA 55. You are responsible for a vehicle and there for the journey. Plan it , travel it and execute well. There are far too many boys who are old boy racers who are revving their engines and not even understanding the basic mechanics of chassis, wheel, engine and driver
Close the Gates
12/9/2020 07:02:39 pm
Level crossings, now that's for the other brand of anoraks, your actual train spotters! So who are the biggest anoraks? Plane spotters, train spotters, free radio (including licensed ones these days - good old double standards) fanatics or what?
Brain Spotters
12/9/2020 07:09:13 pm
Fred Bramley = no. Scottg = no Paul Rusling = no Dave Martin = no Agb = no Garry Stevens = no
Purely Gates
12/9/2020 07:46:59 pm
The anorakiest anorak resid
13/9/2020 11:17:24 am
A famous Greenore politician quit in 1961 and went to work in London for the Post Office.
Mike - Admin
13/9/2020 12:21:50 pm
I'm out and about for a few hours so if any one needs to vent their spleen, have a hissy fit or whatever, you will also need to be patient. Anoraks do know it's alright to go outside don't they???
From Scittg Secretary Self-Appointed Caroline OAP Representative
13/9/2020 05:32:21 pm
You can't insult us with no brains by telling others that we have no brains, I have it on good authority from my Master Agb that this is what you are doing. Stop it now.
Agb asks Brain Spotters a Question and gets an answer.
13/9/2020 06:12:15 pm
Posted by Agb! on September 13, 2020, 12:46 pm, in reply to "Re: Freedom of speech "
Be kind to trolls (not) update
13/9/2020 06:06:32 pm
Scottg is like a yapping tiny dog. You know, the kind that you have to be careful not to step on, but which yap, yap, yap. yap until you want to take some sort of action against their owner.
Bramley Jam
13/9/2020 07:09:30 pm
Posted by Fred Bramley on September 13, 2020, 5:12 pm, in reply to "Re: Freedom of speech "
Someone posted something interesting
14/9/2020 08:36:07 am
Over on the GS troll board someone posted this very interesting comment about why people support the toy Caroline and its rusty hulk ....
I've lost the Plotter
14/9/2020 11:33:07 am
• Aodogán Ronan O’Rahilly, radio entrepreneur and film producer, born 21 May 1940; died 20 April 2020
Not just you ...
14/9/2020 04:44:25 pm
What's the plot that you have lost?
15/9/2020 01:01:08 am
Sorry, it would have made more sense with the Guardian link
Thanks Plotter
15/9/2020 12:35:29 pm
Load of old cobblers - both Guardian articles (linked.) But where did you find the video link to the Arena prog from? More rubbish content but I would like to know because it is an interesting link I have not seen before.
Colonel Radi
17/9/2020 08:55:44 pm
Hi, It is in the actual website article link. I have just checked it. Scroll lower down below the begging bowl adds for a popular commercial newspaper and 29 amusing comments taking off on 23 April fall out of a pure junkers article. The film directors submission is the last parachute. This film director is of course on the road to education, enlightenment and mega immorality, which is what anyone who can achieve the score of HHH on Pac Man would desire in eternal life. That and their more easily riddled name read out by Gary Ziepe!
Open Road Media
18/9/2020 01:05:07 am
Open Minds can be anywhere - right :)
James McGregor
18/9/2020 02:21:28 am
Not to milk the EHL thing but I had a look on you tube and this long 151 mins is very good. Actually as I said sometime before, as film adaptions go and considering it was in 1976 it is very faithful to the original and must have cost a bomb to make. I think modern critics only sneer at Larry Hagman because they remember him as JR which did not even start until the 1978 and not as the the befuddled astronaut Major Anthony "Tony" Nelson in the 1965–1970 sitcom I Dream of Jeannie. I always remember him for saying get the hell outa my office Barnes. Why Barnes had actually gone to his office in the first place apart from the purposes of televisual excitement was never made clear
Anorak Heart Attack
20/9/2020 05:43:38 pm
If MH keeps up this snail pace by documenting every move at Greenore and those who took 2 ships there, he is going to expose Rustler's glossy spray by showing us what is underneath it.
22/9/2020 11:00:10 pm
I am ready and waiting for April 1964 to December 1965. Bring on your alternative version if you are so confident. Scottg
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