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Mervyn Hagger - what about the beginning of the story?
18/8/2024 08:24:14 am
Unfortunately none of these clips explain how and why Radio 270 began or why it was originally going to be called Radio Yorkshire with its own local programs and radio studio, but ended up with jingles stolen from elsewhere and imitating the so-called "transatlantic sound".
Mervyn Hagger - Rusling Takes the Cake
18/8/2024 06:52:47 pm
I would not call him 'Liar in Chief', that title belongs to Ronan O'Rahilly, and I would not call him 'Liar Number Two', that title belongs to Ian Cowper Ross.
Ting Ting!
18/8/2024 08:10:30 pm
Merv calls me Mike
Mervyn says
19/8/2024 07:23:14 pm
If you don't want to be confused with the, don't reflect their rants
The LadyBird book for Anoraks
19/8/2024 04:04:36 am
Yesterday, The actor Alain Delon passed away. He is probably best known for his role in 1968 Girl on a Motorcycle, produced by the legendary Ronan O' Rahilly when he was between artist management and commercial pirate radio projects. Although Alain had already been in films before this, Ronan brought him to the attention of a wider audience and Alain always attributed his subsequent success to him
Mervyn Hagger
19/8/2024 07:25:27 pm
Stop praising this lying pile of shit named Ronan. In 1974 he became a New Age LA Evangelist until even his religion turned to crap.
20/8/2024 05:31:55 pm
The "religion' of Ram Dass continues to this day. Google is your friend;
Mervyn Hagger
20/8/2024 05:22:08 pm
Just a word of praise for Mike for at least trying to show the non-BBC side of the story on his 'Bombardmeent' page. What I am watching is the BRITISH invasion of Russia with Proxy Ukranian armed forces trained by the UK driving UK tanks and paid for by American Dollars. I just wish that everyone doing the actual fighting inside Russia would remember what happened to Napoleon and HItler. If I was Putin I would blow up a Tesco or two or No 10 or Buckingham Palace. This Proxy war directed by the UK is ridiculous and it needs to stop before it all explodes into World War III. Ukraine can't win this war and the boffins runing it from the UK with American Dollars don't seem to care. Okay, Granny, does this qualify for Met Police censorship? I think reading '1984' should be mandatory for everyone. The problem is not in Jerusalem it is in London, home of slavery.
It's the end of the world as we know it
20/8/2024 08:42:58 pm
How many lives have been lost in the name of 'democracy' for Ukraine. Russian and Ukraine soldiers have died in the hundreds of thousands, and civilian deaths can only add massively to this. Yet quietly Ukraine cancelled elections and have shut down opposition to the war supported by the UK and NATO members. As proxy wars go this is up there with the biggest! BBC, Sky and their counterparts in the USA & Europe have spread propaganda and wholesale lies to keep public support for this evil war continuing.
20/8/2024 06:17:00 pm
Mervyn, Radio 270 did NOT evolve from Radio Yorkshire. Yet again you are trying stir controversy. Scottg.
So Prove It Scottg
20/8/2024 08:46:30 pm
Yes please Scott prove you are right, give us your proof, that should liven up things!!!
Mervyn Hagger for Scottg
21/8/2024 07:50:22 am
Since I have PROOF and you have none, Scottg is trying to support liars like Rusling, Clark and Smith. By the way, no one on the '270' collectors' side seems to have one of the original 'ry' logos of the station that became '270'. I had one when the project first began. It was a modified version of the original 'Veronica' logo.
DMC Stepford Wives presidential plug in gaff
20/8/2024 10:22:57 pm
I pledge every American woman will be free to choose a new electrical kitchen, car and a new man from Radio Shack. It is their elect, eact? enact, electorial right
ANORAKS are merely a lobby group run by MI5
21/8/2024 08:17:28 am
If far-right extremism is 'Nazi-ism', then far-left Anoraks are very obviously stooges under the ultimate direction of MI5.
A question for Mervyn Hagger
21/8/2024 08:52:33 am
Do you act as a guide at the Museum of Communication? If so, can tell me which dates in the coming weeks you are not there?
Mervyn Hagger for May 2022
21/8/2024 03:48:39 pm
I will be at the Felixtowe exhibition next month (June) to confront Nigel Farage about his plans for Radio Caroline.
Jumbo Records and Tapes, CDs, DVDs, head implants, subliminal messaging
22/8/2024 03:20:57 am
We legally remind, We own the Pier and have full copyright for egg on faces and milking offshore radio for more than it was worth out of crackpots like you to line our pockets
James McGregor sends kind healthy wishes that we all should do if we practice loving awareness and normalcy
21/8/2024 10:47:18 am
Firstly I am sorry to hear Mike Simmonds has had what he had. I know I poke fun at 390 but you know. So you keep on going Mike
21/8/2024 11:20:18 pm
Hi James,I have re-post ed your post to Mike on Garry s board
Unfortunately the real Nine o'clock news these days
22/8/2024 03:05:51 am
Two years ago Rowan Atkinson made a freedom speech about the thin blue line getting so thin a man was arrested for calling a police horse gay, another arrested for saying scientology was a cult and another arrested for showing pages from the bible on a shop computer screen
Fact Checker James
23/8/2024 01:18:18 am
Correction not 3 years - 20 months, but still a bit of an aggressive sentence when being told go home and stop being so silly or you will have a night in the cells would have sufficed? Although tbf I was not that police dog and I don't know how much counselling it needed after that acoustic abuse it was not trained not to hear. Actually yes fair play to the Judge, life at least, or as the Kenny Everett establishment said in 1967. I find you guilty of listening to an offshore commercial radio station. I sentence you to listen to the light programme for the rest of your life
Mervyn Hagger
23/8/2024 04:40:12 pm
Yes, I saw R.A.'s speech. He was spot on.
Paul Rusling is reading Mike's Board!
23/8/2024 04:49:07 pm
"Posted by Paul Rusling on August 22, 2024, 11:27 pm, in reply to "Re: Laser Radio ....
23/8/2024 09:03:26 pm
And what precisely leads you to conclude that Paul Rusling is reading this board?
Mervyn Hagger - Now and When
22/8/2024 09:23:35 am
The problems I face with presenting documenting facts versus Anorak fantasy is that that the rubbis thrown at Donald Trump is similar to the rubbish thrown at me.
Interesting Facebook page and group
23/8/2024 05:03:18 pm
I can predict the response from a certain gentleman, but aside from the two internet boards, these have some interesting posts and discussion if you haven't seen them:
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