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Poor young Greta Thunberg, suddenly she just vanished, just like that, was someone counting her fifteen minutes of fame with a stopwatch? Her marketing and promotional teams forecast projection of personal wealth increase (that's their personal wealth) has gone by the wayside, plummeting to virtually nil in days. Even the decision too allow Greta to have Corona Virus and issue stark end of the world warnings with the virus hardly gained any traction. Even worse another young girl was starting to gain attention by saying that catastrophic climate change just isn't true, it's a lie, it's nonsense! Pure heresy, that clever people like Piers Moron quickly bought to account by restating the bogus facts and twisting his comments (and getting called out for it). If Climate Change is the only emergency that matters, and everything else is of no real concern, then why has the BBC and pretty much all other climate change worshipers suddenly stopped bleating on about it at every given moment of the day? Is it because a real global emergency has come about? Why yes, of course it is, and one that threatens these bogus journalists and their propaganda machines head on. Yep, some of them might catch a real emergency, if Boris can they can, now that is a real emergency! Still I dare say once the virus is under some sought of control, and humans are allowed out again BBC will once again dust off their golden mantra and resume the original project fear campaign. It's what their dark masters want so whilst they answer to them, it will. Roll on with killing the TV license off once and for all. Subscription or commercial I don't care which way it goes, break it up and sell it off would be my preference (or just kill it off) the BBC day of reckoning will come. Once the public become aware of just how manipulative they are with their programmed dumbing down and News propaganda then it will go the way of the Royals, (I can only hope, now that would be a double whammy). That said even ITV are full of rot as Piers Muppet ably demonstrates in the video below.
Coincidences happen but when they happen with the same individuals more than once, well perhaps digging a little deeper is worth the shovel. An interesting video here, it's made by someone that can easily be described by those with something to hide as a conspiracy theorist (the CIA invented that term to rubbish anyone doing the "wrong sought" of investigating). Worth watching in full in my opinion and giving some thought. It's not the most professional piece but the information is intriguing to say the least. As for the above title, No I am not talking about Julia Hartley-Brewer pictured above, but about the subject she and Posie Parker (aka Mrs Kellie-Jay Keen) are talking about in this video. I note (actually with some interest) that there has been some conversation about Talk Radio in the UK on the Sleepy Pirate/Free Forum, which thankfully has remained quite calm, probably as it doesn't involve a certain Licensed Community Radio Station. Whilst talk radio in the UK isn't a scratch on the Australian and USA stations, it's reasonable to say that the commercial stations LBC and talkRADIO are at least employing some journalists and presenters that can think outside of the metropolitan bubble and even hold views that the BBC would never entertain and much less allow aired to the great unwashed. With the BBC and Sky News TV output fixated on Corona virus, lets hope the transgender activists don't try and sneak some more progressive grooming policies through Parliament. BBC Propaganda News were even showing us how to clean our mobile phones this afternoon, well it's their fault they dumbed their viewers down so much, it's only a matter of time until the One Show will be demonstrating bottom wiping for the sheep viewers that take it all in. Anyhow it's quite a long video so those who have not got the time, the first 20 minutes pretty much convey the key points albeit the rest remains very informing and interesting. If your children have grown up, then think about your gran-children, and the obvious attempts at grooming minors in the name of progression. Like Posie I would rather go to prison than allow my loved ones to face this twisted thinking masking and hiding behind the hate crimes laws, that surely were passed to protect the most vulnerable such as children. If you are curious about the powerful Dutch FM "Pop Up" free radio stations that have made their nation continue to keep un-licenced radio relevant, indeed vital in the twenty first century in Cloggie land then this video might help explain. It's a cultural thing above all else. It's also the fact that the Dutch still know how to party young and old. No white shaming here, it's a social justice warriors nightmare, yet so many idiots still cry racist over this. But who are the real racists? Those who seek to divide, or those who just want to have a grand time? Scottg who has contributed to the Pirate/Free radio ""wholesale censorship board"" for some time and more recently here, has as I am sure you know been undertaking his own research regarding the original 1960's Radio Caroline. As requested by him here are some screenshots and links regarding Michael Dean aka Michael Joseph, or is it the other way round (the clue is in the header). There are a good few dots to be connected here, one of which clearly adds credence to the assertion that Radio Caroline had links into the likes of Alma Cogan and Winifred Atwell prior to launching. If you then dig into their friends, associates and business partners, the whole thing gets pretty warm. Scottg you can contact Now & Then by email at [email protected] if you want to add your own narrative, rather than just use the comments below. Link: Link: Link: The last image is the latter part of an article published on the Pirate Radio Hall Of Fame, the rest can be found over there, it's to much to include here, but gives a feel for the whole article.
The following four paragraphs are taken from the Ultimate Pop Culture Wiki and provide a reasonable, if only partial summary of Radio Luxembourg during the latter part of the 1950's. Following the merger of the English-language service of Radio Luxembourg I with the new English-language service of Radio Luxembourg II on 208 metres medium wave, the station came to be known as Radio Luxembourg. A British company, Radio Luxembourg (London) Ltd, controlled the programme content and sold the advertising time. The station sign-on time at dusk varied between summer and winter to allow maximum benefit to be gained from a skywave propagation at night that covered the British Isles, although reception was stronger in northern England. By restricting the service to night-time, the sales representatives were able to sell most of the available airtime both for spot commercials and for sponsored programmes. One spot commercial that became burned into the minds of every Radio Luxembourg listener was for Horace Batchelor's "Infra-Draw Method" of winning money on football pools, turning the previously obscure Bristol suburb of "Keynsham, spelt K-E-Y-N-S-H-A-M" into a household name throughout the country. Programmes were partly live disc-jockey presentations by the team of "resident announcers" from the studios in Luxembourg City, partly shows pre-recorded in the company's UK studios at 38 Hertford Street, London W1. This was not made clear to listeners, who were allowed to form the incorrect impression that all the presenters were sitting in the Grand Duchy or, alternatively, that they were indeed in London but performing live via a hypothetical landline to Luxembourg – a landline which in reality the British government was never prepared to permit until well into the 1980s. A strange conspiracy of silence operated throughout this period between sworn enemies Radio Luxembourg and the BBC, each of which never mentioned the existence of the other, although many famous names appeared on both, often almost simultaneously. -§ion=14Edit As I said only partial summary. Radio Luxembourg's all time peak of daily listeners was in 1955 with an average of 8.9 million. However things were already changing as the arrival of ITV was beginning to seriously impact on Luxembourg's advertising revenue and some of their most popular presenters were beginning to jump ship for lucrative television roles. When ITV went off the air at 11pm Luxembourg really missed a trick, instead of ramping up as a serious alternative they presented the likes of Billy Graham and other US based religious broadcasters, which saw their audience drop by 75% rather than grow by competing with ITV. That said they exited the 1950's with what by today's standards would be an excellent average evening audience of 3 million people. The late fifties saw their programming begin to shift away from the likes of Hughie Greens Opportunity Knocks and other family orientated shows which increasingly became better suited to commercial television. It was the beginning of Radio Luxembourg as a pop music station. However there has always been the myth spread by Ronan O'Rahilly that all of this was carved up by the likes of Decca and E.M.I. We have already looked at how Joe Meek made a nonsense of some of this, and in the next Radio Luxembourg article I will look more closely at the early sixties and demonstrate how any music plugger could have (and did) get new artists and music played outside of the London based pre-recorded record label programmes. |
Radio Now & Then
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