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This is our weekend piece on the Bombardment page, however because of the quality of investigation and honest journalism, and the fact that in the first ten minutes alone you can see just how much is being held back from people in general. The legacy news media and politicians, from left to right lie about the climate, weather, and the need to control you, as they continue to strip away your freedoms.
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SO THESE VIDEOS SUDDENLY BECAME PRIVATE. HOW VERY TYPICAL OF SOME WET BRAINED ANORAKS TO DO THIS. This is not a coincidence, There is collusion from the Mervyn haters, even though this is not his website, to keep on trying to undermine this place. Those oh so lovers of freedom who censor as much as the new Government seems hell bent on doing, expose themselves simply as bitter old men. So no more publicity for the provider of these videos (as you can see everything has been deleted). I have left the post in place because of the comments that have been left. Unlike the sad losers who caused this, for that is what these petty minded people are, we will continue to provide great features. We have contacted the moderators at YouTube and are also in contact with Boardhost regarding possible copyright infringement. If you want to play dirty, then so be it. The Dutch had a special word for anoraks, they were clearly ahead of the curve! The vast majority of people who listened to the close down of Radio London and the other offshore stations on August 14th 1967 have not only moved on, they have forgotten all about it. Even Keith Skues didn't know what Johnny Walker was talking about at first during their brief phone conversation over the past weekend, when Walker mentioned a special date coming up on Wednesday. Looking at the Anorak forums today with only a handful of people mentioning the 57th anniversary of the MOA act that shut down the offshore stations, it raises a sensible question, Is it not time to just move on and leave that day and date behind? If the goal back then was for commercial radio in the UK then we have had that since 1973 and in more recent times, alternatives such as internet and community radio stations have not only developed they have exponentially expanded and flourished . In fact with the internet we have seen an explosion of independent radio stations from one man in his bedroom through to some highly up-skilled professional online services. Apart from a few hundred anoraks nobody cares anymore, there have been so many bigger injustices since the MOA and the governments of today are becoming far more radical control freaks, where individual choice is of no importance, whilst the indoctrination of children through the school system is the stuff of George Orwell's 1984. Whilst you live in the past hanging on to memories of the golden age of offshore radio, what do you achieve? With hate speech laws now being used to silence dissenting opinions and the rise of religious and cultural division in the UK, freedom is far more at risk than it was in 1967. Perhaps we should focus on 1984 as the 'virtual date' we all should mourn, because it has (to quote from an old Caroline sweatshirt) arrived a little late, but arrived it has. Some who come here are by the comments they leave, simply no longer able to think for themselves. So hopefully this excellent and very honest interview will help. For those who do think about current events and want really sensible opinions I cannot recommend watching this episode of Triggernometry enough! Personally I do not agree with violence, intimidation or generalization. I hate bullies, racists, cowards and their ilk. To label those you disagree with, or cannot present a reasonable reply to, as far right/left or hate criminals does not wash with me. We are living in very different times, where the super rich and UN-elected bodies seem to have all the power and the puppet governments of so many countries simply do the bidding of their master(s). In part that is why I love history and those who research and look for the real facts. Does it matter that my once held viewpoint has turned out to be mislead or simply wrong? Surely the real truth is worth everything compared with being mislead and simply not getting the point. With current events in Great Britain, the video below is quite poignant at demonstrating just how valuable history is, in understanding current events. I leave you to decide how you feel, I need to do more research personally to form a rounded opinion, still its good to listen to an informed researcher. Going forward and thanks to some new contributors, we (yes we) are planning a few light hear-ted yet damn accurate pieces including 'the beginners guide to BBC news bias' and a new 'Ladybird Books of Anoraks' publication. The above video is a little long, so give it 15 minutes if time is tight. If it disappears, then understand the bombers were over their target!! Some additional context to the situation we are experiencing in the UK is cleverly laid out by Katie (obvious bad girl) Hopkins below. If the current (pretend) version of Radio Caroline had some balls they might have joined in the defense of their genuine old age supporters and fight the stripping of the winter fuel assistance! But no, they cannot do so, because they have completely sold out to OFCOM. Remember 'Caroline Can Be Anywhere' especially on an over sized sweatshirt on an over priced 'money raiser'. Do any of you remember the freedom fighting days of free radio? Either they existed or it was and remains one huge con! {To Be Continued}...... |
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