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This is how the mainstream media fake news operates. It's good to see that they have at least been challenged on it, by a man who is ten times smarter that this toothless woke wannabe. Do you still trust the BBC News to tell the truth? I look forward to a George Soros funded idiot to now tell me that 'Musk is Bad' just like the 'Orange Man' is bad. To those waking up, well done! To those sheep in a trance or only following orders, destiny awaits.
Mervyn Hagger
12/4/2023 08:58:16 pm
Well done Mr. Musk.
The Pligrim Fathers
14/4/2023 07:24:35 pm
All the top USA Presidents have Irish roots. And Free Radio has always prospered In the Emerald Isle. Ireland and Frinton are the spritual homes of the founders
Barry Normal Garry Film Guide 2023 (long out of print)
22/4/2023 03:20:52 pm
And here are the sequals
Slaughterhouse 5
15/4/2023 02:47:03 pm
14/4/2023 04:13:00 pm
A book review of Lyn Gilbert's self-published book about Radio Caroline in the '70s is now online.
Party of one
15/4/2023 08:38:57 pm
Interesting that your review of the book has nothing in common with any of the others.
Mervyn Hagger
17/4/2023 07:42:57 am
Dear Party of one = thank you!
David Cotter
17/4/2023 06:53:06 pm
There is a much better review of Lyn's book in Hans Knot's Spring 2023 report
James McGregor. Funday Times Book Reviewer
18/4/2023 02:06:44 pm
There are a few dates like the 1978-9 sinking being 1977
David Cotter
17/4/2023 07:34:26 pm
Hans Knott has a much better book review about Lyn Gilbert.
a real James McGregor book review of the nitwit ramblings of James McGregor
18/4/2023 01:14:14 pm
My first impressions were that being very impressionable I would be extremely impressed with anything written about pirate radio ships
Shaking Hans and nodding knotted heads
18/4/2023 01:34:34 pm
Not quite sure what she and Hands are saying here
160kw for 648 - #6 Today, 5:31 pm
18/4/2023 06:26:58 pm
Please Ofcom let us turn up our power to 160kw so that the album music we play can be heard loud and clear all over southern England.
Long life hacks from the Silver Fox
20/4/2023 09:56:08 pm
You are in a lift on the 19th floor of a building. Suddenly the lift cable snaps or becomes disconnected. You are about to die. The lift is going to fall straight down its shaft at high speeds. In a few seconds, the lift will be demolished. You are at a high risk of death. You have maybe a 1% chance of surviving.
The Maintenance Man
22/4/2023 02:30:12 pm
What a load of BLX you talk McGregor
Karma Harris TX
22/4/2023 04:04:45 pm
I can't recieve the amount that the Easter fundraiser raised. Is that old news or too big a mountain of maoney to count in a coconut
Moore is less
27/4/2023 12:19:12 am
Thank you for donating your money time and passion in support of my great cause to turn my little empire into ILR
Freddie Kiss the Prince
29/4/2023 08:54:22 pm
That's quite alright Peter. You are so informative and helpful as usual. Caroline goes through so many stages always supported by the three wise stooges
Has Garry Stevens got health problems that are insurrounding himself and his cronies
23/4/2023 06:26:01 pm
Posted by Garry Stevens on April 23, 2023, 10:19 am, in reply to "Re: Good for a laugh Oh and what an hypocrite is our man Moore"
Paul Rusling
25/4/2023 04:47:45 pm
Will the person who looks like me and sounds like me who is trying to imply that I am a lying, cheating, stealing, no good, please remove yourself from the video at
Paul Rusling
25/4/2023 04:48:47 pm
Tell Paul Rusling to stop calling himself a liar and a cheat because that is libel and Paul Rusing will sue himself.
Paul Rusling
25/4/2023 04:49:56 pm
Malcolm I wrote my Bible for you and you are doing nothing to help me defend myself from me (and you.)
Paul Rusling is Garry Stevens
25/4/2023 04:50:24 pm
No I am not
Penny Farthing Caroline Adaptor Now on Sale
25/4/2023 04:55:18 pm
Help save the Ross and buy your own Caroline adaptor specially made in a third world country to fit on any size penny farthing. It comes in Caroline rust red, dirty rust white and will be available at the next Southampton support group meet.
It's all a conspiracy
25/4/2023 05:25:17 pm
Perhaps Mervyn Hagger could elaborate on what he believes constitutes the "dictatorship propaganda machine"
Peter Murdock Morre
26/4/2023 01:32:03 pm
Contrary to popular opinion that I have propagated over the years I am not an alturistic Robbin Hood and when I can say in my old age that MY STATION is going places I will turn round and sack all the frail and the loyal
The Chartered Institute of David Cotter
26/4/2023 04:08:01 pm
Paul Rusling may have said the British Institute of Journalists but he meant something else. How do I know? I tell Paul Rusling what to think and what to do.
28/4/2023 09:14:52 am
Posted by Ian B on 27/4/2023, 15:29:05
28/4/2023 09:19:37 am
Posted by Garry Stevens on April 26, 2023, 9:11 pm
28/4/2023 09:29:44 am
David, you know that clip in which Rusling goes on about telling the truth, the one you defended?
Knot sure what you're talking about
28/4/2023 10:56:45 pm
What original video? Where is it?
30/4/2023 08:13:08 am
Go to YT and look for PR and HK and lo and behold you find the original and uncut video where the puddin bowl man spouts about all kinds of nonsense.
Driftback 20 1987
29/4/2023 02:45:06 pm
I was the one who actually tried to put that interview and then there was the Charlie Wolf one in the same clip up on here. But Appantly pudding bowl man was in favour even though he was corrrected for spouting pompous nonsence
James McGregor
29/4/2023 08:51:01 pm
I was also once as in an informal senior postion at the Co operative bank asked by my superior Lords and Ladys of high born influence - to open the post
Er ...
30/4/2023 08:16:20 am
That Kenco meeting never took place.
Puddin Bowl Authoritative News Report
30/4/2023 08:22:04 am
Posted by Paul Rusling on 29/4/2023, 15:00:36, in reply to "Re: Ronan and Manx Radio"
Me and my calendar
30/4/2023 08:31:11 am
Puddin Bowl man and the Kenco is impossible.
Puddin Bowl Weather for Today
30/4/2023 08:40:55 am
Somewhere on this planet it will snow today and you should wrap up warm.
James' Nose
30/4/2023 08:43:25 am
I can smell and spell which is not the same as admitting that I do smell but it is the same as saying I can spell. Hope that helps.
1/5/2023 10:30:16 am
Posted by Peter Moore on 1/5/2023, 5:58:11, "Where Paul (Rusling) and I seem to be comrades is that the insane Hagger has lumped us together to vent his fury on us together."
Complaint about Ross Revenge Fund Raiser
3/5/2023 12:29:00 pm
There is a very complicated issue here. The person promoting this fundraiser is Malcolm Smith, but he disguises himself as 'Peter Moore'. On a Companies House site he appears as both Malcolm Smith and Peter Moore creating the impression that these are two different human beings. Malcolm Smith claims to have been given this ship by a British court, but he has not revealed that document, or how a registered charity is now claiming to own it to raise money for this ship. In the USA a criminal court case ruled that the original investors who paid for this ship to be used as a radio station had been swindled, but those claims were not made good and satisfied by repayment of their money. Now more ambiguous fund raising is going on for this same ship. It is time to halt this fund raiser until all of the dubious areas of non-transparency and apparent dishonesty are rectified, otherwise this fund raiser may turn into a police investigation if it is reported as yet another fraud involving this same ship.
James McGregor
4/5/2023 08:58:10 pm
Yes he has Mervyn. The Admiralty Marshal whatever said he had raised substantial amounts of money to do something anything with the ship and no one else was claiming it apart from nutters. Therefore it is legal law that MCS AKA ( and it does not matter what you put on duocuments in this country (not yours) as long as you give other names you are known by sometimes as PM
Follow-up to the complaint about the fraudulent Ross Revenge fundraiser
3/5/2023 12:38:51 pm
Even the book 'perk' called "The True Story of The Boat That Rocked - Ray Clark" is a fictitious account pretending to be a true account of the history of this ship. It rests upon a very false foundation, but Malcolm Smith refuses to remove from his own web site these bogus claims, and yet he is well-aware that what he is promoting is a total lie which he has encouraged others to engage in.
Logan's Run
3/5/2023 01:18:43 pm
Garry rambles on and on about how he is so old aand past it
Bud none the wiser
3/5/2023 01:24:01 pm
It's an old mans drink innit Russell?
James McGregor
7/5/2023 04:45:20 pm
I am not sure if he is trying to be a comedian but I laughed so much as this twisting of our Great World's History I nearly did myself another injury
The complex Militaria Industry Hitler Diaries Forged machine
3/5/2023 05:35:04 pm
Hey Merve, There is another old video here about some another dead bloke you don't like. Have you put voodoo powder on Garry cos his forum is going down quicker than Divine Brown on Hugh Grant
Funny you should write that ....
6/5/2023 08:14:27 am
I will NOT be swearing allegiance to the new Fuehrer (Charles) because the last person who got everyone to pledge allegiance to a person instead of to the State led us into WWII.
MH does his research, which anoraks do not
5/5/2023 07:52:12 am
Posted by Board Watcher on May 4, 2023, 5:48 pm, in reply to "Re: Ross Revenge"
Clarification required
5/5/2023 09:04:32 pm
There is, of course, no such entity as the 'Fund Raiser', so who exactly have you filed a complaint with?
Donut Sniffer
7/5/2023 10:58:13 am
The only clarification required is just how low your IQ is? Cant you figure anything out for yourself?
Where Crawford came unglued
5/5/2023 08:01:58 am
In 1963 Allan Crawford got a QC to give him an opinion about the Hovering Acts so that he could get the Mi Amigo.
6/5/2023 01:00:25 pm
The Continental Shelf report published yesterday has been revised and expanded to include legal text.
Is Paul Rustling the unwanted Royal Butler
6/5/2023 02:52:50 pm
6/5/2023 08:20:51 pm
Apples & Pears
7/5/2023 10:55:54 am
Stupid comparison but hey ho and away you go.
8/5/2023 09:04:21 am
Posted by John Burch on May 7, 2023, 9:18 pm
Ed Sheerin
10/5/2023 01:57:28 pm
Re: Man of action song
Bad Dialoge Versus Good Dialogue
12/5/2023 07:52:21 pm
Stupid pensioners should retire
For Mervyn Hagger
13/5/2023 09:57:11 am
On 21st March 2023, published a transcript of a communication made to " the Authority regulating charities in England" regarding the cross Revenge charity.
The Charity Authority Respnse
14/5/2023 02:27:26 pm
We have permitted Peter Moore to solicit money in order to prevent piracy taking place. While not all of the listeners to Peter' stations agree with what Peter is doing, the longer that he can keep the majority in line and respecting the law, the more it helps with the cost of keeping the work of policing the airwaves and sea waves within controllable lower limits of expenditure, which after all is in everyone's best interest because the public purse is funded by you, the taxpayer.
News for Caroline - fast and factual
16/5/2023 04:54:24 pm
The Durham Report is out. The one that Rush Limbaugh promised would turn the world upside down for Clinton and Biden, but which never appeared - until now.
Doctor soap opera
17/5/2023 03:12:04 pm
Ophrah says when ever Mike Simmonds and Scottg can get a signal that is sasifactory to them both then Elvis will return in a flying saucer from the Moon
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