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Do you remember that idiot who commented here back in December & January salivating over the arrival of Uncle Joe Stalin oops Uncle Joe Biden, that's an easy mistake to make. Well you got what you wished for! Personally I do not take sides in politics, I have tried to make that clear in the past. The whole system as it is, cannot deliver. The reality of the evil deep state makes sure of that. That includes the UK where the masters have their agents do their bidding, whether that's MI5, MI6, GCHQ or the military versions of those agencies. Power corrupts and all that. So why hasn't BBC or Sky News (UK) called Uncle Joe out. That's easy, see the above paragraph. If you think you have real freedom of speech in this country, you are delusional. Still I have to say those new clothes the Emperor is wearing really are quite colorful. The countdown never stopped.
Mervyn Hagger
10/7/2021 09:43:49 am
Eventually people who lie and involve themselves in complicated cover-ups expose themselves - accidentally. Today, thanks to pirate buff Dr Martin on the GS and its counterpart web site, we followed the link he posted to an event in 1988 which in turn revealed big pictures of someone tied to the story about the raid on the mv Ross Revenge and that hoax called 'Sealand'. So we have added some links of our own ....
James McGregor
10/7/2021 04:48:58 pm
Something about sausages. I could not make much else out
sexton blake
11/7/2021 02:27:42 am
hello merve,
For Mike
13/7/2021 06:58:45 pm
Still an Andrew Lawrence fan?
Mike - Admin
13/7/2021 08:20:44 pm
I am not a fan of anyone. I see videos that seem reasonable based on what I know and post them here if they feel relevant.
Any number of screenshot from his now deleted Twitter account. Here's one:
Mike - Admin
14/7/2021 05:28:43 pm
Yes those tweets were stupid to say the least, the man clearly has a problem with skin colour. I live & learn!
Mervyn Hagger
15/7/2021 06:30:27 am
From the Garry Stevens Board:
Board watcher
15/7/2021 05:59:00 pm
I think that the last 80 days shows that no-one is interested in what you have to say. That is why you have had no meaningful response and it was a waste of time and probably a delaying tactic.
James McGregor (2nd Top Troll)
17/7/2021 05:10:16 pm
I think he is on OnlyFans or some shyte
Mervyn Hagger
18/7/2021 07:33:11 am
I walked away from the GS Board when GS decided to bring back Malcolm Smith / Peter Moore and promoted Paul Rusling and his theft as a fixture at the top place on the GS Board.
Board Watcher
18/7/2021 06:15:40 pm
'I have totally washed my hands of the anorak nutcase community.'
mervyn hagger
19/7/2021 07:43:18 pm
I am here for fun. You won't find any anorak connection in relation to the book which will NEVER be available for "PIRCHASE" because we intelligent beings have no idea of the language you idiotic fearful who can't expose your identity are currently speaking. You should NOT read or even contemplate reading a book in preparation that may derail the little sanity that remains in your head. Expose your true identity and then I might engage in a conversation with you. Right now you are a renegade member of a looney bin.
The haunting sound of Clannad
18/7/2021 07:03:35 pm
We feel the same way
18/7/2021 06:37:53 pm
hi merve,I also thought the new admin on g-s was you,because of the edit style.
Mervyn Hagger
20/7/2021 03:42:52 pm
Something of interest on the GS Board (finally), as a result of GS being in a muddle and Freddie Archer trying to straighten him out, unsuccessfully. Have a look at this GS thread which is all about Radio Caroline, except that GS says that it is not. But it is according to the 3 thread rule imposed by his new Admin. It will be interesting to follow this thread and observe the know-it-all comments that get posted in response to Garry's question and Freddie's response:
mervyn hagger
20/7/2021 07:00:18 pm
Mike! Back to YOUR topic. Just been listening to the continuation of the Rush Limbaugh show with its twin new hosts, and it seems that the USA is now turning to Boris Johnson for England as well as the situation in Israel to decide what is going to happen with Covid. The scientists so-called are totally discredited and contradicting themselves, let alone other scientists. This is the future, and you won't get that in context off the BBC - they will wrap it into total obfuscation! As for Joe Biden, he is clearly being injected with an hour long drug that wears off. He is a sick, sick man through no fault of his own who is being exploited by ruthless idiots.
Radio Nord
20/7/2021 10:39:50 pm
Why is a certain someone doing erroneous TX counts and then claiming that makes a lot of sense?
Mervyn Hagger
21/7/2021 08:29:47 am
So Garry Stevens asked a Caroline question in which he violated his own Admin's rules about a limitation on Caroline questions, and he did so by claiming that it was not a Caroline question - even though it was all about Caroline. So the knowledgeable (joke) Freddie Archer explained what Garry needed to know, and Garry said 'thank you' to Freddie. But then the confusion began which was 'corrected' by Neil Gates, except that Neil merely parroted more from the standard version of history as provided by the limited knowledge of certain people who once worked on the engineering side. But what we have discovered is that this standard engineering version is itself a carefully concealed nugget that wraps truth within obfuscation. What is being preserved at all levels is the fraudulent basis upon which UK sovereignty - which includes authorized UK broadcasting - has always resided. It is fun to watch the trolling Anoraks who have their fingers in their ears and eyes closed shut, then wonder why they don't know anything about the very subject that they think they are 'experts' in. The only expertise that any of the trolling Anoraks display is total stupidity.
Board Watcher
22/7/2021 08:16:47 pm
What's 'Norcres'?
Mervyn Hagger
22/7/2021 12:26:56 pm
So Garry asks on the Caroline transmitter thread - which is not about Caroline (lol) - what about the 50kw that went to Harold Wilson that was going to Caroline, and Garry was told that was for the North ship but due to the MOA it never got one.
Total Stupidity
22/7/2021 08:22:41 pm
How many 10kw were on the Mi Amigo then, and when and how?
Mervyn Hagger
23/7/2021 11:01:11 am
The idiot named Scottg strikes back like a fool on the Titanic who is yelling to those in the icy water of the Atlantic that the ship is not sinking - even though three quarters of the vessel is now beneath the waves.
Mervyn Hagger
23/7/2021 10:51:10 pm
I don't know who the 'Admin' is that began a new GS thread about 'Free Speech', but I agree with everything as stated - including the comments about the GS streams. I am also in agreement with Geoff Hutton's comments.
Board Watcher
24/7/2021 03:00:04 pm
Has it occurred to you that there is no game, it is just a board allowing people to express their views, whatever they may be? I doubt very much whether your agreement or blessing is of any interest to the board administrators. Your approval is not required.
James Mcgregor The Wise One
24/7/2021 07:09:44 pm
"Some come on Garry Stevens, show yourself and reveal what the game is that you have been and are still playing with the trolls and Anoraks.
Lover Boy
25/7/2021 06:25:13 am
"The nearest thing to Garry Stevens right now is James McGregor when he is sober. It is these stupid, childish trolls who annoy me and who interfere with genuine research."
Mervyn Hagger
25/7/2021 12:56:11 pm
I love the stupid self-hanging posts of Scottg. He really is an idiot first class. He doesn't get it, does he? Even the Troll 'Bored' or 'Board Watcher' understands how stupid Scottg is. Scottg posts to taunt me, but all he does is publicize what I am connected to, and Garry Stevens' Trolls like B.S. (how appropriate!) tell Scottg to shut up, but no, he trundles on. He knows about the Regent Street address but he does not want to tell anyone (its on the literature you dummy), but what is not registered is Caroline Sales Ltd which the Board of Trade inspector discovered. There was no operation at Fetter Lane for obvious reasons - it was too small and the recordings for Caroline were made at 47 Dean Street. What the dumb-ass Scottg does not know is that there was a 'Caroline House' before 6 Chesterfield Gardens, and he also fails to understand the correct legal name of Planet Productions Ltd. All kinds of CRAP got printed by the phantom Caroline operation and the only way to get to the truth of any of it is from contemporary legal documents, not from what someone wrote or said. Just find a rock and crawl under it Scottg - but on the other hand keep annoying the people on the GS site and publicising our sites - but don't try to post there because Trolls and idiots (same thing?), are not welcome. Don't read our sites either - the true story will just upset you no end. (lol)
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