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Over the years there is much Russell Brand has said that I disagree with however over the last year or so I have noticed a difference. He is clearly now very aware of the plight humanity is in. Throughout the last century & down to today division and hatred has grown exponentially. If you read history books regarding the nineteenth century particularly regarding Europe and the USA, societal norms were in the main a world apart from today. Of course there was much wrong back then and progress in health, social standing and education has been phenomenal. I am talking more about basic human interaction and how that has declined at an alarming speed. Behind that is in part, the ever easier ways that we can communicate our bias, emotion and and sense of belonging to one particular tribe. Add to that the media manipulation of thinking and believing at first through News Papers and then on to Radio and TV broadcasting and it became ever easier to divide opinion and create entrenched ideas and ideals. The whole left versus right political thinking takes us into even darker areas, take Fascism and Communism for example where over a hundred million were murdered in Germany, the old Soviet Union, China and Cambodia for example. Both are at the extremes of the left versus right ideology, however even in the center agreement and compromise are becoming ever rarer. So back to Russell and the video below about 'Big Tech' and the alarming power these now hold along with their own left versus right biases. This is a thought provoking piece and if we can just ween Mr Brand off of his own little biases he could build an even larger audience and perish the thought, even bring the great unwashed closer together.
James McGregor
19/3/2021 10:18:15 pm
It is not 20/3/2021 yet even in Texas. Your blogging timeline is interesting but flawed
Doctor Busy
19/3/2021 10:46:13 pm
Behind the masks dose any one know who is really who and who is taking us all for a yacht yawn ride these days
DWP Doctor
19/3/2021 10:52:02 pm
How many many more mental health assessments do I have to take
Doctor Soap Opera
19/3/2021 11:07:33 pm
This is now a full blown auto mutated pandemic of when will Stevens, Hutton McGregor have Mike's dingly dangly long vaccination jab
Mervyn Hagger
20/3/2021 07:29:25 am
He was born of fame by the masses making fun of individuals via mass media. Unfortunately most people don't take responsibility for their own individual lives and so we get wars of killing by individuals grouped together as armies. No individual is ever responsible for all this, it is the masses, so we get gas chambers and atomic bombs and yes, pandemics. On a local scale if the anoraks really cared about Caroline there would be a raging discussion about the facts revealed so far on the CB Blog, but there is only the repetitious drone of individuals as part of the masses feeding the masses with nonsense. Biden can't even walk up the stairs without falling down, and the masses are gathering at the Mexico-USA border. The masses were warned that this would happen but the masses only respond to what the mass media tells them to do. Russel owes his fame and income to the mass media, so he is part of the problem - his jokes are not original, they are clones of mass media mockery. The beat goes on ....
Dusk to Dawn
20/3/2021 07:15:50 pm
Hi Dawn. You are a girl? and so will have intuition
Johnathon Toss
20/3/2021 07:46:25 pm
Do not lest Roger day forget not the best or worst DJ but the thread of idiot time "I MET PETER MOORE"
James McGregor
20/3/2021 02:27:58 pm
For once or twice in a millennium I agree with Mervyn
Serious Question
20/3/2021 09:14:52 pm
Why cannot this board be reserved for comments on Mike's posts, and the Carolkne Brooks board reserved for radio related comments?
Johnathon Toss
21/3/2021 05:01:25 pm
About The Space
All About Radio Caroline
21/3/2021 06:39:07 pm
Peter Moore's Admission courtesy of Malcolm Smith
22/3/2021 11:25:19 am
Have you been reading this thread over on the Joke Board? Start with this one: and just follow PM/MS other comments.
Serious Answer
21/3/2021 01:58:40 pm
Because the CB Board is for questions about the CB topic, not radio, and the anoraks don't discuss anything but nonsense which is how they come over here from the GS and Joke Board and still don't discuss either radio or Mike's topics.
Serious Question
22/3/2021 04:16:01 pm
Crikey! No need to be so aggressive. Thanks for that 'explanation' but I think I'll give this board a miss if that's your attitude.
22/3/2021 06:20:08 pm
Does James McGregor drink?
23/3/2021 03:21:21 pm
We certainly hope so because dehydration is no laughing matter.
The Joke Board
23/3/2021 10:08:02 am
Read the Joke Board - Malcolm Smith (Peter Moore) is stating that the Radio Caroline operation was an outfit run by small time crooks and he is being supported in this by other posters. Isn't that the entire point being made that the 1964-1967 Radio Caroline was wound up and not in any way connected to the kids stealing money who then followed using that name?
23/3/2021 12:39:04 am
Mike - Admin
23/3/2021 12:02:08 pm
I'm interested in what Rob Day has just hinted at re libel from a certain gentleman & will allow comments regarding that issue if it unfolds into something.
Mervyn Hagger
23/3/2021 03:18:36 pm
Mike, I found your reference on the 'GS Board' which refers to 'the other board' under the 'Atlantis' heading. Over on what GS calls the 'Joke Board' there isn't a thread about 'Atlantis' that is current and the long and current thread that is there - is a jumbled mess of out-of-sequence dated comments that someone else is also complaining about.
The Libel Commite: Translation wanted
23/3/2021 03:26:13 pm
Posted by Paul Edward on March 23, 2021, 4:11 pm, in reply to "Re: ATLANTIS NEW PRESENTERS "
New Killer Bill blames the BAME news reader
4/4/2021 05:11:51 pm
Stayed tuned out of you brains this evening around midnight when the ever popular sporting panel show of Jeff and Uncle Rod Killer Watts and the lost continence of Atlantis GB debate whether The Macgregor Brand is now credited as a universally agreeable term for the lost and loony or is that an insult to Radio Caroline and the lost and lonely brigade
Very concerned about the condition of the RTE Transmitter drinks cabinets
24/3/2021 02:26:07 pm
Freddie Archer Serious Student Department of Anorak Education
24/3/2021 04:02:25 pm
Freddie is being serious and having a conversation with Malcolm Smith (Peter Moore) about the Ross Revenge. This is over on the 'Joke Board' alternative to the GS Nutty Board. Posted by Freddie Archer on 24/3/2021, 16:07:50, in reply to "Re: 19th March 1980"
James McGregor Money tree of knowledge monkey
25/3/2021 04:23:28 pm
I have lots of digital photos of the Ross Revenge so as far as I am concerned I own it
Doctor Soap Opera
25/3/2021 02:16:12 pm
Was James Ryan still interested in offshore radio in the L Hot Hits communicator year and referred to as Mr Last Hope with his horse ranch in Jersey?
Laser and the like
26/3/2021 02:16:29 pm
Yes, the man who brought you LHH and the pub manager who dabbles everywhere, both knew him and the latter stayed in Ryan's home. It was all tied together with con tricks and theft of other peoples' money. No conscience, and people like James McGregor think all this is fine just as long as no one tries to hurt him. What goes around sometimes comes around before crooks and their supports finally croak.
Travelogue Geyser
27/3/2021 10:33:46 am
Gazza S is having us all in stiches with his endless permutations of Mr Kipper
James McGregor
27/3/2021 08:26:35 am
Boy do I feel croaked this morning
Why am I a Doctor
28/3/2021 12:21:59 am
Why O' Why do you keep doing this James? Do you just do it to amuse the pure of mind and simple? Do you giggle with satisfaction at the obfuscation of the truths, half truths, lies, comforting lies, outright bullshit?
Doctor. The Corona Lemonade please
6/4/2021 07:01:33 pm
Say what you like about the James Brand. They certainly shook the market up and left in good grace.
James Kennington
30/3/2021 01:22:47 pm
In light of the new website written in the first person by Ian Ross, I have emailed him to check whether it is him, or some low life imposter. if it is not Mr. Ross then I'm sure he will be interested to find that his identity has been stolen.
Mike - Admin
30/3/2021 02:06:03 pm
I have not got a clue what your on about, but if it makes you happy to come here and make a random statement then so be it, just don't troll OK.
30/3/2021 02:13:13 pm
allaboutradiocaroline.weebly. com. I thought it was/is a subsection of this board/forum. 30/3/2021 04:25:49 pm
I have added a website link. This appears just at the moment Hagger raises the subject of Ian Cowper Ross on the Caroline Brook's blog. Coincidence? I think not.
James Random Mind Actor
30/3/2021 09:01:10 pm
Well thank you Mike, I have no idea who who are but I have certainly been feeling a lot of a lot better since my regular meetings with Mind F*UK UK
The Real James Kennington
30/3/2021 02:26:19 pm
If I call myself James Kennington, can you prove that I am not James Kennington, and if I lie about what I do as James Kennington, can you stop me from exposing James Kennington as a liar without getting James Kennington into a whole lot of trouble for lying? Or do you do as others have done and adopt silly names to stir up trouble, if they can without having anything to add to the conversation, which by the way is about Russell Brand. Or did that sail over your head, James Kennington?
Fred Bramley Book Reviews
30/3/2021 04:04:23 pm
Fred keeps quoting bits of book reviews about a book he has never read and now he is asserting that Hagger said that the Princess Margaret was in cahoots with Ronan O'Rahilly. Of course he never claimed that but Fred does no research, has a lot to say and is probably David LW under another name. Even James the Loon is saner than Fred.
James Kennington
30/3/2021 04:32:22 pm
I also see that the above has just been amended so at not to appear to be written by Ian Cowper Ross, presumably to avoid litigation.
Mervyn Hagger
1/4/2021 11:07:53 am
I just love this!
Simon Pea
4/4/2021 04:40:09 pm
Hello and Happy Easter to all of you. Yesterdays's old news was me with the first record on the worlds greatest Radio Station. WGAS Classic AM
Caroline Brooks
2/4/2021 02:30:24 pm
And your point is??
2/4/2021 07:00:48 pm
just like viruses wrestling over an epidemic.
Primadonna Martin Records
3/4/2021 06:30:37 pm
Relieve the glory days with covers of the Island Holiday in the Sun, Get into the Coove. La Istanbul contaminated. Geoff is like a senile old man. Papa David don't preach. Remastered off 48m metres reception for high fidelity grumpy old git care home bickering
Malcolm Moore TOP MONKEY
4/4/2021 03:25:18 pm
Paddle harder up the creek James. They all know that you just knows ooze bananas
James Battersea Brains
4/4/2021 04:33:02 pm
Cambridge have just won the 2021 women’s Boat Race. So, when Oxford win the men’s Boat Race in about half an hour’s time, that’ll make it all nice and even Garry Stevens will win thanks to me putting more social media trolls in his shoes
Unwelcome Trolls Complaint Upheld
4/4/2021 05:22:53 pm
ITN sporting news network has now confirmed the result
Mervyn Hagger
5/4/2021 09:08:58 am
Clearly the anoraks are a tiny bunch of people who populate two forums on the Internet. Of their number some are clearly insane and constantly post absurd nonsense wherever and whenever they can.
Cor what a Quroa question
6/4/2021 07:33:38 pm
Q: What was the worst year in Human History
James McGregor
5/4/2021 07:02:16 pm
Like the pyramids or the radio ships. Secrets that will never be uncovered in the publication domain. i am retired. I want fish fingers from the shops. Love to Jeff
6/4/2021 06:54:53 pm
Garry board problems of no hopers is seriously abounding in abundance and number
The Man from Mars Ice-cream IT Experiential
6/4/2021 07:53:12 pm
I am understanding the James McGregor brand is a highly successful day dryer of poop but why does he always have to have the last trading done in my world of the all bets are now closed Fay Coffey Gondola
Spokes man for one of the James Tramps
7/4/2021 07:08:26 pm
Hi, He I do wedding roll play very well and weld understand your concerns about what he get up to in my closet and why when the litter tray is full he trys to sell it on the open market elsewhere. Mainly to you at the moment. In fact only to you at the moment because all others are are closed doors to him
The last alien on Earth
11/4/2021 07:20:03 am
Hello You marvellous people of the planet Earth
Ross Fish Fingers Support Group
6/4/2021 11:54:59 am
If you feel moved by the plight of abandoned rusty anoraks homes
6/4/2021 04:16:31 pm
Interesting site. Now if you'll excuse me I must run along and tell Ofcom and Companies House how to do their jobs.
Rabbi Levi Dutchman Double
8/4/2021 06:03:16 pm
Javier Leveitout Martin, who hosts Pretend free Radio, a podcast that interviews "real people pretending to be someone else", has a similar view to every other nutter
Watching other boards watchers
9/4/2021 06:42:10 pm
Roger T and the predictable gang are now praising the Royal Rest in Passing as being an example of prepared Caroline professionalism. What have they got ready for the the Queen - some Dan Fogleburg?
Doctor Proctor
10/4/2021 03:40:08 pm
Cadet McGregor you are grounded. You munchies kin kidder
Doctor soap opera afloat
11/4/2021 05:06:13 am
A bit of coin is not a safe coin 9/4/2021 06:03:58 pm
No copyright notice on, so presumably the content can be copied and used elsewhere.
9/4/2021 09:02:47 pm
Waiting for one of Dave Martins free archers to duplicate he was the patron of the RSGB
9/4/2021 09:14:58 pm
I am all over the Internet.
James McGregor
11/4/2021 02:00:17 am
Arena: The private life of the Ford Cortina
Doctor soaper appears unwell
11/4/2021 02:41:45 am
OMG I have read it all now. Freddie has been in the idiot stalagmite surgery and passed wind on the general appearance and body mass index of Mr must eat Moore when 20 years ago he was last seen in public in suspended animation in Cromer. Norfolk. There's nowt as queer as folk but if anyone want to buy me a good meal then leave something in the donation box of my head bin
Joe King Aperitive
11/4/2021 07:46:30 pm
No takers ....
11/4/2021 10:05:04 am
Why am I being ignored?
Board Watcher
11/4/2021 07:29:53 pm
There is no facility to respond to the allaboutradiocaroline blog, so I will comment here.
James McGregor
11/4/2021 11:11:09 pm
Double line spacing to copy me is not double decking anyone who knows me
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