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"Now & Then have been contacted by Brian Spoons and we are pleased to announce that he will be providing a book review for us in a few days time. Brian is an experienced literary critic, who majors in non fiction analysis and has a reputation for his no nonsense and sometimes quite bruising commentary.
For those unfamiliar with Brian, he was recently censored on the newly labelled 'even bigger joke board (EBJB)' where individuals posing as administrators seemingly delete anything they don't like or disagree with. Brian raised a rather obvious question to the author of a surprisingly expensive new book, questioning the logic of setting up a brand new radio station at sea (with all the extra costs such a venture must have, versus a land based operation), rather than just buying airtime as Joe Meek (owner of a small 1961 record label) had done on Radio Luxembourg. The author who is found plying his new book on the EBJB forum was absent in replying to this very legitimate question which after a few hours was censored without good cause or explanation. It seems that individual contributors to the forum enjoy calling for censorship for example "I think Admin need to remove these irrelevant posts because some of us are making usefull cross-connections on thread topic, but others now just Deliberately making Your forum a Laughing stock!" Others mock and get away with it, as Brian Spoons noticed with this being cruelly suggested about him " Steve Wrights BBC R1 character "Mr Spoons" jingle "Talk about a man who make you delirious, (missing line... not that serious?) the man on the bus with a vacant stare, Tap him on the forehead? there's Nothing there! Mister Spoons, Mister Spoons Mister Spoons (repeat to fade) Clearly the EBJB forum has many double standards, it's owner openly washing his hands of any responsibility, we quote him earlier today stating "As we all know this place has a large team of admin! Who have my greatest respect both for their time, and dedication and as such I support their decisions at all times. We are all individual with varying tolerances hence why depending on who moderates at the time may take an action the next may not". Whilst Brian is giving consideration to any redress he may be due, I am pleased to reaffirm that Now & Then maintains a consistent approach to any comments left, resisting any censorship except where obscene language and identifiable hate speech are involved. We also have contact details on our About page for anyone to use & normally can respond within four working days.
Screen Grabbing Man
8/12/2019 06:37:31 pm
EBJB (good name their sir) have been deleting stuff frantically this afternoon, perhaps Mr Spoons is putting his cat among some anorak pigeons. What a fine tool these screen dumping apps are, much better than the wayback machine
Ed Abovewater
8/12/2019 06:56:54 pm
Mr Spoons has recently appeared from nowhere to take centre stage here and he seems to possess some detailed knowledge of offshore and pirate radio. I'm surprised he hasn't made himself known to the community before. Perhaps he has been otherwise engaged with lengthy appointments at the tattoo parlour. I wonder if he is either a certain gentleman of our acquaintance or alternatively been coached by the aforesaid gentleman. I think I can safely say that the accompanying photograph above is not Mr Spoons. He looks to be too tall.
The Nutter on the bus
8/12/2019 08:15:49 pm
Mr Gates???? the Ronan thing I did stick on at the end for a bit of a joke! My complaint was about some waz announcing mocking bird singing shyte to me, in which I seem to be in good company- a dubious Scottg now appearing when the g was absent when he was last in the Church. Innocent droppage maybe but I am a paranoid nutter and I will not stand for being peed on and my family insulted. That is one thing I agree with Merve on If someone says something badfull about me or my ma or pa they get both barrels. In American parlance they are not going to see the dawn.
The Nutter on the bus
8/12/2019 07:04:19 pm
I prefer hot tub time machine, and if I ever listen on the station tannoy again and hear some annoying wanker announcing that standing on the platform I am Clan Ball Bore Muttering, under Doctors orders to live in 1977 watching The Good Life and washing dead dogs with my dead racist dad! I shall find them and stick them in a twin tub time machine on FAST SPIN. Fred, David, Me Nutter Me, Fast draw Cutlery Drawer Man. Is there any highly respected regular on the mostly nearly always some of the time excellent Pirate Free Radio Church of Chatterbox who has not suddenly grown a FAKE BAD IMPERSONATION BEARD in another then and now hereafter parallel dimension?
The Bus Driver
8/12/2019 07:56:20 pm
You make assumptions about Ronan based on third hand anecdotes from forty plus years ago. Did You ever spend time with the man, did he ask you for details of anyone with a bit of spare change for the bus?
Mike - Admin
8/12/2019 07:00:10 pm
Yes I see what you mean. Never a dull moment eh? Still Fred should be a little happier as I removed his namesake's name, if you see what I mean & Brian Spoons is busy reading a borrowed book rather than nursing a grudge. You see we are such a friendly lot over here and up for a good laugh, something most anoraks seem unable to grasp, it must be all those years they have spent twiddling with their knobs.
Mervyn Hagger
9/12/2019 08:27:18 am
Mr Mike, what a shame to learn that Fred has disappeared - been deleted - er, censored, when said Mr. Fred is the person who has libeled me extensively on the aptly renamed - by you - Heeby-Jeebies Board (since you are using Little Richard's - and I am BIG fan - song title: ). Anyway, since I am the one who noticed that Ronan O'Rahilly was unmasked by Joe Meek's prior actions, let me set the record - pardon the pun - straight. The year was 1960, not 1961 and his show on Luxy '208' was for his 'Triumph' record label. The show was dreadful by the way, although Joe Meek was a genius nutter of the Phil Spector variety and created not just hits for the UK charts - but he crashed into the US charts as well - long before the Beatles and followed the path set by Pye with their promotion of the spin-off single 'Rock Island Line' by Lonnie D (and jazz band fragments.) Anyway, back to Joe Meek. He scored big with 'Angela Jones' by Michael Cox - - but he ran into problems with record pressing because the limited plants available to him could not satisfy demands. Capitol ran into the same problem with "I want to hold your hand" - but they were Capitol and owned by EMI, so they overcame that problem by hiring downtime plants silent during the Christmas holidays. Joe Meek was not so lucky as he had to cave in and 'sell-out' to EMI for his 1960 follow up by Michael Cox. Guess what that record was called? Well here is the link ... ... yes, contrary to what Fred and his fellow Nutters on the rusting hulk boat bus trip all say, it will be part of the narrative in 'Dial 999 for Caroline'. No, I don't know all of the interlocking bits of the story at the moment and I probably never will. But my constant search for them is what has taken so long, but since pirates like PR come along claiming to be my friend in order to self-promote themselves, I think that I need to stop and go with what I have so far, and add anything else to a second edition. So, yes, PR has nudged me into moving 'Dial 999 for Caroline' up the production-line schedule. Since it will debunk the entire creed of the Caroline cult, blasphemy cries are certain to burst forth in the name of their patron Saint Ronan (may his name always be remembered as a blagging con-man.)
Mervyn Hagger
9/12/2019 08:52:34 am
Here is the 'Triumph' record show from 1960 that make a LIE out of the Ronan O'Rahilly claim in 1964 that he could not get a self-made record played on Radio Luxembourg. Joe Meek's show was terrible but some of his records were big hits and made it on to both the UK and USA charts - although not some in this sample!
Mervyn Hagger
9/12/2019 09:23:26 am
Yes, the father of British pop radio is really JOE MEEK, not the fraudster and con man and lying blagger named Ronan O'Rahilly! Right at the beginning of the pirate offshore radio era - when Veronica and its CNBC came on to the British airwaves, when the 'Voice of Slough' tried to follow suit with Allan James Crawford looking on and getting involved, Joe Meek was doing it all in 1960 with his own record label on his own record show on '208' - and he was doing what Ronan O'Rahilly said (LIED) could not be done. That is why I am out to DESTROY the lies and myths spread by Ronan O'Rahilly as a paid blagger to conceal the real story. I know that O'Rahilly now has mental health issues and I have seen friends who have suffered from the same terrible illness - but that does NOT take away from what Ronan O'Rahilly did when he was young and healthy and continued to maintain his LIES to the present day - which Paul Rusling is now trying to keep going with his ridiculous 'Caroline Bible'. The big unsung (pardon the pun) hero is JOE MEEK. But even Joe, the genius that he was, went off the deep end and into the blackness of insanity like another hero and genius, Phil Spector. But Ronan O'Rahilly is not in their class. Ronan O'Rahilly is not fit to carry their bed pans. Meek and Spector were music men to be remembered. Ronan O'Rahilly is a fraud and a con man to be forgotten. But anyone trying to peddle O'Rahilly's nonsense about Geogie Fame is peddling more lies to keep the O'Rahilly mythology alive. I make no attempt to conceal what I am trying to do. I am trying to right a terrible wrong, because I want to sweep away the lies of the con men who concealed the real story about offshore 'pirate' radio. They got into bed with some of the worst criminals that the UK ever produced - but that came AFTER the original plan by one Britain's biggest electrical manufacturers teamed up with one of Britain's biggest printing and publishing enterprises in order to create their operation called Radio Caroline. Their ultimate aim was to get licences for the nearly 200 commercial stations waiting in the wings, and their plan was to demonstrate that the audience existed by creating Radio Caroline. That is the story I will be telling in 'Dial 999 for Caroline', and that is why I pour scorn on all attempts to keep the mythology of Ronan O'Rahilly alive. His lies need to die, now while those who know the story are still alive and can investigate what really happened back in the Sixities. Radio Caroline is already dead and it has been dead for decades.
Testing 1.2,3
9/12/2019 11:24:09 am
Well get on with it ,you know you won't.I look forward to the back lash if you do .But you won't.
Mervyn Hagger
9/12/2019 12:12:20 pm
Well that is a silly statement because as you can see I am obviously "getting on with it". I am just ignoring your timetable and having fun with the Caroline cult trolls who are as dippy as they come. But 'Dial 999 for Caroline' is in progress, its just that I am not telling you what stage it is at.
James M
9/12/2019 11:25:15 am
Well if you had told us from the start it is a strategical satirical board I could have understood. I did not know we had to tactically vote by Troll. James M (no relation to Susan M) that's a pretty not much room for satirical Bolton Eddie Stobart alias with bus tickets - so Nutter I be no more? That's a leading open door for a rebuff - I see the joke - I have looked in the mirror - beat yo to the punch line and the mulled whine of the main protagonist of the antagonistic generators. Am I boring you?
Ed Abovewater
9/12/2019 11:23:30 am
Whatever you may think and whatever evidence you have to support your claims, there is no excuse for using such disgusting terms as 'Ronan O'Rahilly is not fit to carry their bed pans'. Shame on you Mervyn, shame on you.
Mervyn Hagger
9/12/2019 12:07:42 pm
And I suppose you still respect the memory of Mr Hitler; Mr Kray; Mr Jack the Ripper, etc., etc. and all lessor criminals. Well I don't.
James M
9/12/2019 12:43:22 pm
How come ROR is not as known as "the lesser" criminals you name above. Is that another dastardly Wikipedia omission or was he incredibly cunning to cover up 6 million cutting and slicings and the laundering of £6 million pounds. I just thought he had 6 million listeners and worked in Mayfair not Whitechapel. Although I do concede his real identity may never be known for sure. Many investigations, films and books have speculated, perhaps a suitable next subject of interest for you. I don't think Hitler died in 45 either, what were those 2 U boats doing off Argentina as late as July? Did they not get Donuts message Cease and Desist
Mervyn Hagger
9/12/2019 01:10:04 pm
James, he was both the 'lesser' and 'lessor' criminal. First of all he was not 'Mr Big' and second because he was constantly claiming addresses whose identity was hidden by obscurity (like 'Caroline Sales' at 6 Chesterfield Gardens. The problem being that Caroline Sales did not legally exist in the United Kingdom!)
Ed Abovewater
9/12/2019 04:36:33 pm
How dare you bracket him with Hilter, The Krays and Jack the Ripper. You disgust me. You belong in the gutter.
Mervyn Hagger
9/12/2019 04:59:19 pm
This is fun - it is religion and he is Patron Saint if not God Almighty to some. So on the sliding scale of nasty people who lie, cheat and deceive, where would you slot him in? Hitler worse that Jack the Ripper who was worse than the Krays (maybe). Name your criminal.
Testing 1.2,3
9/12/2019 01:09:03 pm
MH the stage you are at is "never to be published" because you know the backlash if you do.Appalling comment about Ronan by the way.
Mervyn Hagger
9/12/2019 01:13:12 pm
Backlash from cultist idiots and revelatory reading for the masses. ROR is what ROR was, a con man and a fraud.
Kevin H
9/12/2019 02:54:04 pm
And, just when you think it's not possible, Hagger hits a new low.
Mervyn Hagger
9/12/2019 05:39:05 pm
Okay Kevin H, what do YOU call a con man and a fraud? Now don't sling back my name because I want NOTHING from you or from anyone else, on the other hand ROR conned a generation out of the truth and out of money to make himself feel good and look good. If you like con men and frauds, and you seem to be saying that you do, then what does that say about YOU?
Kevin H
9/12/2019 05:59:23 pm
For all the faults of RoR, he doesn't deserve to be compared to Hitler; the Krays, nor Jack the Ripper.
Mervyn Hagger
9/12/2019 06:12:01 pm
Ronan O'Rahilly DESTROYED the lives of thousands - because he destroyed their perception of real life events. That includes me. I was there. Were YOU even born? I am spending MY money and MY time for the sake of thousands to uncover the truth about what happened in the Sixties. YOU may think that this is a joke. How much of a joke is the coming General Election which is tied to the same basic issue AND YOU DON'T KNOW IT! I don't blame you, because you are a victim of the fraud that ROR unleashed on the United Kingdom. Get a life anorak, wake up to the real world where Parliaments send young men off to kill in the name of 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' that don't exist and in return, they trigger terrorists who bomb innocent concert goers and no one has an idea of what is going on. There is a cause and effect going on here and ROR lined his own pockets for greed and deemed the likes of you as fools for believing his message.
Kevin The Gerbil
9/12/2019 03:58:25 pm
And just when you think it's not possible, a fake radio fan turns up!
Mervyn Hagger
9/12/2019 05:42:05 pm
Since the Church of Caroline is full of fakes, why is Kevin being singled out for special attention? Let him be conned into buy their Caroline Bible and we can all snigger at what fools these people are. No wonder Hitler got elected!
James M
10/12/2019 12:09:35 am
Hands up who was in the brainwashed Hitler Youth Movement in the 1960's. Surrender now Hands right up. Gutte now right arm only and repeat after me I I pledge allegiance to pop music and Carnaby Street fashion selling it's colourful smart uniform vogue. The future belongs to us. When a GI points a Tommy gun in my face and take me to the cinema of horrors I will realise there was a sinister motive behind this and shun the national redoubts and keepers of the Carnaby Street flame reunions flashing back in the secret tunnels and bank accounts on the Isle of Man. Sometimes you feel like you are trapped in a yellow u boat with that mad inventor who likes cutting up journalists who are just along for the ride and then pretend they just had a bit of a tumble which left them dismembered.
Kevin H
9/12/2019 06:25:16 pm
"Ronan O'Rahilly DESTROYED the lives of thousands - because he destroyed their perception of real life events.". Only in your head, Hagger, seek help, start with your GP, and they will refer you to specialists that can help you.
Mervyn Hagger
9/12/2019 06:39:06 pm
Since you are a brainwashed troll you are an IDIOT. If I sat down with your right now in a pleasant and low-key conversation and I asked you to tell me what happened in the Sixties, you could not. If you don't know what happened in the Sixties then any ideas you have had about the Seventies are warped. Is it any wonder that young me were CONNED into invading Iraq looking for weapons of mass destruction that did not exist? It is any wonder that concert goers get killed in retaliation by terrorists? The misery goes on with lie after lie. A few like me yell "STOP!" But religious idiots like you want to kill the messenger asking YOU to THINK and ask your own questions. But you won't, will you?
Ed Abovewater
9/12/2019 06:51:56 pm
I think admin should take a long hard look at Mervyn's posts today and determine whether it is in his own best health interests to allow him this platform for his obsessive deranged rantings. He really has gone way beyond what can be considered acceptable behaviour by any standards.
Mervyn Hagger
9/12/2019 07:06:14 pm
Ed you are acting like a brainwashed moron. Answer this: Why does Christianity rank lying with murder and stealing and any number of other "sins"? Why is it if you go into a BRITISH court of law and tell only partial truth you can be sent to prison for distorting the truth and turning it into a lie? Then why should I give ROR a pass for lying? Answer that and we will be getting to the core of why the 'Caroline Bible' is harmful rubbish being peddled to moronic fools.
Kevin H
9/12/2019 07:07:59 pm
"Since you are a brainwashed troll you are an IDIOT.", of course I am, dear, now settle down & take your medication.
Mervyn Hagger
9/12/2019 07:14:43 pm
I previously wrote an entire recital of events at the beginning of this thread. You did not respond to the facts, you simply attacked me. It seems that you Kevin, along with Ed are both condemning yourselves.
Ed Abovewater
9/12/2019 07:48:27 pm
It's the way you tell 'em, Mervyn.
Mervyn Hagger
9/12/2019 08:08:24 pm
If you end up in court, don't use that as your defense. Answer the evidence, but in this instance you cannot so you resort smears and stupid comments. The facts speak for themselves: ROR was a liar and those who back him today are also liars. The facts speak for themselves and liars condemn themselves.
Ed Abovewater
9/12/2019 08:52:42 pm
I'll try again. If you just stuck to the facts instead of hurling insults, spitting bile and inventing conspiracies then you might earn some respect. SInce that is unlikely to happen, I think I'll leave you to fester in your own sewer of hate, delusion and paranoia.
Mervyn Hagger
9/12/2019 09:04:54 pm
The facts are as stated by me above. You avoid them and defend the lies and then attack me personally for calling out the liars. That is your twisted mind at work. Clearly you have no answers and so I can understand why you are hurling more abuse in yet another pointless post. If you have a sensible repl;y try to answer why ROR lied by pretending that no one could do what Joe Meek had already done - years earlier!
Ed Abovewater
9/12/2019 09:20:52 pm
Can you not understand that it is not the facts, it is your references to bed pans, Nazis, morons, rusting hulks, tin pot stations et al which I object to? Can you not see that? They are not facts, are they?
Mervyn Hagger
9/12/2019 09:45:11 pm
That is really rich Ed, since I have been called every name under the sun that reflects hate for what I am stating. In the end I decided that I had had enough. I am now calling liars for what they are: liars. All you want to do is either call me names and get away with it, or attack me for blasting back at the lies and smears. So why don't you address my first point. Why did Ronan O'Rahilly LIE and claim that what Joe Meek did years earlier could not be done? If you want the details read my earlier posts.
Ed Abovewater
9/12/2019 10:08:46 pm
I already have in a previous thread when I asked you what the issue was..........'Thanks for the explanation. I suppose policies may have changed in the years between 1960 and 1963, who knows what went on. Perhaps we shall know one day.'
Mervyn Hagger
9/12/2019 10:48:40 pm
Ed - that is a cop-out! ROR arrived in London during 1960-1961. He met Allan Crawford after January 1963 and Crawford sent ROR to Houston in June 1963. The stories about Georgie Fame were dreamed up to explain why ROR had not done what Joe Meek had done back in 1960. Even Crawford was not as creative as Joe Meek because Crawford was trying peddle 'cover versions' and Meek was dealing with his own created artists. Meek pressed records and bought airtime. ROR did none of those things and he invented a story that tried to create the impression that Atlanta and Caroline were two projects. They were not, they were a single project and ROR was not in charge of either of them. In short, ROR flat out LIED about EVERYTHING. Even his acting studio story is bogus! But instead of trying to investigate and uncover the real story, now we have a "bible" that is peddling bilge and turning ROR into a cult-like saint. The man was a fraud. A con man. Address that issue. Why did ROR lie and lie and lie and lie?
Admin - Mike
9/12/2019 09:29:40 pm
I strip back all the emotion, all the typed in anger, despair and what have you and look at the logic.
Ed Abovewater
9/12/2019 09:52:04 pm
OK, thank you for clarifying your position. I have only returned to defend myself. Regarding differing IP addresses, I have posted from different physical locations. I have not knowingly used a VPN. So there we are.
James M
10/12/2019 01:07:30 am
Slightly different question. Mervyn you invariably speak of the Costas the Mafia the organised crime US and UK being heavily involved in 60's offshore radio but never even hint what that actually means. Is it just the Krays saying play my records or what? A Teamsters DJ Trade Union?
Mervyn Hagger
10/12/2019 07:25:01 am
James, I have previously explained the involvement of Cosa Nostra (Mafia) many times, but with the "anti-Hagger" brigade constantly hurling abuse my way, I can't get them to address the first point comparing Meek and ROR. It one of the reasons why Paul Rusling created his "bible". He is trying to sell the old lie that ROR was who ROR said that he was. Rusling is an Admin on the Garry Stevens Board and because so much criticism has been raised by people who have bought and read his 'bible', he now has a thread on top of the GS Board that looks like an ordinary post, but as another person noted on the 'Joke Board', it has over 300 hits and no responses. They have all been deleted. Rusling is an Admin on the GS Board and the only way he can sell his monster book of lies is to silence all criticism. So if you won't address the issue of Meek and ROR, then what is the point of me repeating (again) everything I know about ROR and organized crime? This thread by 'Brian Spoons' actually begins with the issue I am trying to get the worshippers of ROR to address, but they only post endless comments that are all off the subject, or they attack me personally. Then, when I come back "guns blazing" as Mike says, they complain about that as well. So let us stick to the topic of this this thread and address that topic first, and then I will move on to address the many, many, many other lies and cover-ups that involve ROR and why I condemn him as a fraudster and con man, and why Rusling is now peddling a giant book of rubbish to further the cover-up while trying to make money out of it.
James M
10/12/2019 02:11:13 pm
Mervyn I assure you I watch you like a hawk and I have never seen the mafia explanation brief or in depth. Hands up anyone else has and can help me out with a line or two! Can't you just spare a couple of sentences. How I can help you with Joe Meek/ROR How do I know. I think you are getting into camera obscura mode as usual
Kevin H
10/12/2019 07:53:04 am
"he now has a thread on top of the GS Board that looks like an ordinary post, but as another person noted on the 'Joke Board', it has over 300 hits and no responses. They have all been deleted." - That's a pinned thread, that was locked when it was posted, there was never any replies, so no replies have been deleted.
Kevin H
10/12/2019 08:00:20 am
"I can't get them to address the first point comparing Meek and ROR" - You have had a response to this before but ignored it. Personally, I don't care if Ronan's story about going to Radio Luxembourg is true, or just a good story created for media coverage. But, IF it's true, the different would be that Meek had a record label & took a 15 minute show to promote his various records, ROR would have been trying to promote a single record, it's like comparing chalk to cheese.
Mervyn Hagger
10/12/2019 08:08:10 am
Kevin - if you don't care what is true and what is not true, then why the hell are you blathering on this site? Stick to reading novels and watching East Enders and avoid anything deep like truth in politics, because ultimately that is what is being discussed here, and if you have not noticed a General Election is now going on in the UK in which 'Brexit' is its cause, which just so happens was the message carried on 'The World Tomorrow' that paid for all of those Sixties stations to stay on the air. The fact is you are trying to avoid the issue: ROR was a con man and Rusling is now trying to fool more people into buying his book that promotes those same lies.
Kevin H
10/12/2019 08:14:07 am
I don't care about that particular piece of the 'Caroline history', but I do care about you trying to compare that story to Meek, when his situation was totally different.
Mervyn Hagger
10/12/2019 08:03:00 am
Kevin H - stop being such a smart-ass! - I was an Admin on the Garry Stevens' Board and Paul Rusling still is an Admin and that is why the 'pinned thread' is there. Rusling is now running the Garry Stevens Board as his own book promotion site with no criticism allowed. Kevin, stick to the issue of this thread - the one at the very top about Joe Meek and ROR and the lies told by ROR is trying to conceal the true Caroline story, the same lies now being peddled on the Garry Stevens de facto book publishing site!
Kevin H
10/12/2019 08:15:47 am
I am a smart-ass, simply because I pointed out you were wrong?
Mervyn Hagger
10/12/2019 08:14:08 am
Kevin H - so what is your connection to the site that Garry Stevens called the 'Joke Board'? Because your post about Rusling and pinned threads looks very similar to this one that 'just' appeared on the 'Joke Board': "Posted by ADMIN on 10/12/2019, 6:50:29, in reply to "Re: The Radio Caroline Bible"
Kevin H
10/12/2019 08:20:46 am
I have no idea what you are gibbering on about now, but I am unconnected with any board. You just seem to get very confused,, and just make things up in your head.
Mervyn Hagger
10/12/2019 08:19:06 am
Just to set the record straight, Rusling is a co-Admin - there are no 'moderators' - I know because I was a co-Admin on the Garry Stevens' Board and I know how that Board and similar Boards all operate. Garry Stevens has effectively turned his Board over to Rusling to promote his 'bible' in support of Malcolm Smith's cult, and it is that source that pressured Garry Stevens to suddenly turn on me and do the exact opposite of what Garry Stevens said he would not do. To me that smells of BLACKMAIL and that is ILLEGAL.
James M
10/12/2019 05:55:50 pm
Hypothetically and it is pathetically supposition what form of this hold or black mail over Saint Stevens could this be. He makes no secret that he views RC as Hippy Crack. How can an RC person exert pressure unless a financial inducement (this is called a bribe) rather like when Mervyn paid to monopolise the advertising that no one watches? Are there secrets in the community of headless photographers of those who have lost their minds in the Chatterbirdbrain Box? Fred will know the answer Dense = JM squared at 120)% North on orientation of floor {IBA Lord Chalfont sell Avator Lite for NOB £ for take over$ by Disney mouse - power cheese 20g
Kevin H
10/12/2019 08:24:58 am
"To me that smells of BLACKMAIL and that is ILLEGAL." - I am sure it does to you, not anyone else, just you.
Mervyn Hagger
10/12/2019 08:30:47 am
If no one else can see that this is blackmail and know that blackmail is illegal, then the days of the Krays never went away. The Krays were the ones who blackmailed Lord Boothby and got him to LIE in the House of Lords on their behalf, and all of that was in the days of Radio Caroline during the Sixties!
Kevin H
10/12/2019 08:39:33 am
Mervyn Hagger
10/12/2019 08:26:45 am
Just to set the record straight and correct both the 'Joke Board' and Kevin H. this is what Paul Rusling's thread says on line, right now and always has said since he first posted it over 300+ hits ago: "Posted by Caroline Bible on December 8, 2019, 9:25 pm
Kevin H
10/12/2019 08:38:16 am
"Just to set the record straight and correct both the 'Joke Board' and Kevin H. " - You are getting very confused again, I've never made any claim about who posted that thread, I've made no mention as to if it was a 'Board Administrator' or a 'Moderator'. You are not correcting me, you are just making a fool of yourself.
Mervyn Hagger
10/12/2019 08:53:24 am
Clearly the rubbish being posted by Kevin H and a few others is cult propaganda from brainwashed trolls. I see no point in responding to any other comment that does not address the thread as posted at the top of this Board. You guys have dug such a deep pit for yourself that you are obviously in the cornered dog survival mode. The real story about Radio Caroline is going to be published so you need to rethink your position. If you stay where you are, some of you are going to become very disillusioned former cult members wondering why you remained so loyal to a cause that you should have abandoned long ago.
Kevin H
10/12/2019 09:03:26 am
This post is just laughable, why would anything unearthed about how Caroline came about in the 60's alter how I, or anyone else, feels about Caroline now? Complete logic failure.
Testing 1.2,3
10/12/2019 10:32:01 am
"The real story about Radio Caroline is going to be published " Not your version in your life time it isn't. XX
Mike - Admin
10/12/2019 09:00:11 pm
This comment section is now closed due to a vehicle collision. OK it's not but if you want to be noticed migrate to the new and outstandingly wonderful new article above. NEVER UNDER ESTIMATE THE POWER OF THE CENSORS DELETE BUTTON. You know "Luke I am your father" --- "No................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................"
James M
11/12/2019 12:07:52 am
Yes , and I am having special hugs and kisses and me me me me time with Darth Vader Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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