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Please check out HERE.
Some tiny minded little nobody described this place as "Mike Wilson's conspiracy theories" on another forum. A forum that wont even let me in (no right to reply - now that's what I call real censorship). Anyway such people deserve to remain dumbed down, manipulated and forever stupid (oh no! that makes me sound like Mervyn Hagger we must be one & the same, even though that would be a conspiracy theory & totally without merit or evidence). Anyway, have some objective history and provable facts. No you wont find them on the obedient BBC News who are no longer able to carry out independent research unless it involves indoctrination that straight white people are to blame for everything. Neither will you find this information on CNN or any other commercial news outlet that have a strange coincidence of being owned by the super rich. By the way, this video is about fascist white people doing terrible things over the past decade & more, so just why are the BBC not telling you about it? Now that is a conundrum unless you have learned to research & think for yourself. It's only twenty plus minutes long so go on, dip in & learn a little please. Thoughtful honest comments on this subject are welcome, others will be subject to my whims & censorship if I have a migraine coming on.
19/5/2022 09:19:10 am
I with this guy would learn how to use a microphone or at least put a baffle in front of it, but be that as it may, there is another video you should watch. It is another talking head with no graphics, only this one is an interview with the man who opened up China for Richard Nixon when he was President of the USA.
Mervyn Hagger
19/5/2022 09:59:16 am
Ooops! I should have proof read that before sending. I was writing and editing as I went along but in so doing I cut out bits and pieces that should have either been left in or changed in tense.
Mervyn Hagger with Revised Text
19/5/2022 10:31:15 am
If I was this guy I would learn how to use a microphone or at least put a baffle in front of it, but be that as it may, there is another video that you should watch. It is another talking head with no graphics, only this one is an interview with the man who opened up China for Richard Nixon when he was President of the USA.
The Small Sad World of Malcom Smith
19/5/2022 04:53:24 pm
What is wrong with Malcolm Smith? Now he has begun a whole thread called 'Different Take on Mervyn' that he posted today.
Zeezender Ross
19/5/2022 11:42:48 pm
On 19/5/2022, 21:52:30, Zeezender posted a false claim on the Dave Martin forum ....
For Mervyn
20/5/2022 12:02:21 pm
What are your thoughts on the mention of Carl "Jimmy" Ross in this article?
Dave Martin
20/5/2022 02:06:40 pm
Posted by Dave Martin on 20/5/2022, 13:10:05, in reply to "Re: Different Take On Mervyn"
Jimmy McGregor
20/5/2022 07:14:15 pm
The most publicity Mike Wilson gets in a decade
Land Register
20/5/2022 10:13:55 pm
Love it how the usual peg legs are wheely worried about which Square Uncle Albert Einstein is squinting in in 1966. The usual muppets come out with the admiration of his Kings Road residency, when he actually bought that in late 1967. The conspiracy theory being that he was bribed to accept the tow away
Sleepy Hollow legs
24/5/2022 02:47:32 pm
Love it how the usual hollow legs can make wild guesses but 4 days later no one has corrected or challenged hollow legs over something hollow legs made up for a curious laugh
A nightmare for P m?
21/5/2022 08:03:18 am
how will he deal with this.
Latin frazelled book of Gothic rants and chants and High Court twits
21/5/2022 11:02:27 am
Rob made clear he ignored it at the time so that will continue to be his modus operandi
Frazzled bacon slices
25/5/2022 12:10:59 pm
monogamous anomalous anonymous Lotto 648 winners
21/5/2022 02:30:09 pm
Ask Freddie who they are in that £1/2 m barn. If you you don't recognise them from their pictures popping bubbly
Mervyn Hagger
22/5/2022 09:07:29 am
Clearly the anoraks don't know what they are talking about, or what they are writing about, but clearly Malcolm Smith thinks that there are enough anorak fools still out there to rebuild his hulk for free. But Malcolm knows that if he is going to get them to pay for his own tiny and insignificant broadcasting business that he calls 'Radio Caroline', he had better do it now.
Pot and Kettle
22/5/2022 04:13:04 pm
As indeed will you.
Pot and Kettle
22/5/2022 04:08:10 pm
As indeed will you.
Garry Stevens' Great Aunt
22/5/2022 04:38:59 pm
This is not fair at all. Garry is a nice boy and he invented the hobby of getting others to attack Haggerly, and now Dave Martin has gathered all the people that Garry has banned and they are attacking Haggerly and so the Dave Martin Forum is ringing with new activity every hour while Garry's Forum is gathering dust. This needs to stop immediately.Garry has the dibs on attacking Haggerly and so I will kindly ask you, if you are one of the offenders on Dave Martins' Forum to stop attacking Haggerly and ask Garry for permission to return to his Forum and then you can attack Haggerly there.
Doctor soap opera
23/5/2022 06:26:56 pm
Mervyn and his smoking gung ho candles think he is being really clever there insinuating there might of been or was was a mail mail drop to bring up support. I do not believe a word of it. I for one was very flatted to have personal enquiry after being MIA for 72 hours. God bless Garry and Chicken Pox or whatever's going around these days on you Mervyn. Although of course I don't wish you harm. This is just the usual fantasy pirate radio bullshit which you, I and everyone else talks every day
Posted by Stewart Admin on May 11, 2022, 10:27 pm Board Administrator
22/5/2022 04:46:01 pm
MH, if you will just apologize to Garry and everyone you have insulted we would love to have you back on the Number One Pirate Radio Forum with the world famous Garry Stevens. Can you just do that little thing for Garry? it would make him so happy and in that way you can answer the horrible Dave Martin who I have banned for his entire lifetime.
James McGregor
23/5/2022 06:36:27 pm
My soapy dick doctor has long suspected that there is a mole in the GS Camp and they are passing a lot of internal organ information here. This has been a suspect view of mine for some time and of course I am right
James McGregor
24/5/2022 02:50:54 pm
I have been through the search industry records and this is not entirely true which makes me love Roan even more
Radio Caroline (Fredericia) Limited
23/5/2022 04:37:20 pm
Who is this company?
24/5/2022 10:07:42 am
OOOOPS! Sorry, I just posted something on Dave Martin's site which is contradicted by Allan Crawford on camera in which he says that he first met O'Rahilly at the beginning of 1963. I quoted PRHofF without noticing the date of the publication and that 'The Trio' state that their work is 'precursory' - meaning that because their investigation is ongoing, their work is continually updated. So as usual I got everything out of context which is why I dare not use my real name and expose myself to ridicule. By the way I love the "Dupes and Dopes" analysis.
24/5/2022 05:49:56 pm
This is the third party anorak board right. Three parties can be anywhere right, right
Ding! Ding! Repetition
24/5/2022 02:20:54 pm
How many more times is Hagger going to repeat himself over and over and over...... It's almost as if he has nothing else to contribute apart from the old 'Caroline died in 1967' blah, blah, blah. There is photographic and documentary evidence which proves that Ronan O'Rahilly was involved in the continuation of Radio Caroline thereafter, but he cannot accept it.
Out of Garry's Hand
24/5/2022 04:35:19 pm
James McGregor, you told everyone that Garry had banned you now here you are off again playing Lonely Hearts Club about a Neil Diamond baseball magazine.
The Shadow of Caroline Brooks
24/5/2022 09:09:07 pm
Andy Holmes, what are you yapping about? Are you suggesting that Malcolm Smith is not pretending to be two people, one called 'Peter Moore'? That is what he told Companies House and that is TRUE!
Mrs What-If
24/5/2022 09:53:42 pm
Hey Andy Holmes, and all of the other grovelling anoraks, what if MH is right? What if Malcolm and the bucket load of useless anoraks are all wrong? For instance, what if all roads lead to PYE including that sacred cow called by the initials 'CE'? Now what if? Whatcha going to do? Who is the first to prostrate themselves and beg for forgiveness? Don't worry, MH won't kick you up the behind if you merely bend over and beg. He will just laugh. You really are a silly and sorry lot.
Mervyn Hagger
25/5/2022 10:32:34 am
Malcolm - let's review your latest (UNCENSORED) posting before I respond to it:
25/5/2022 10:42:03 am
Andy Holmes you must be high on Malcolm Smith's list of gullible dopes if you think that he doesn't know how to 'Google'. If anyone is lacking a brain with which to think it is you. Malcolm Smith is a con man and good con men are not caught out by the people they are conning. So Malcolm just laughs all the way to his bank. He may not be getting much in the way of financial gain right now, but if he can pull off his long-term scheme, he will do ok as a small time con man goes. No, he is not a tabloid expose type of con man, he is just a little con man operating under the wire to the point the the UK Government can't be bothered with him. Boris drinking something during Covid, well that is sensational gossip. But Malcolm is just a flea on a dog, and the British bulldog has a lot of fleas on it right now.
Who needs investigative journalists?
25/5/2022 07:24:01 pm
Posted by Andy Holmes on 25/5/2022, 8:34:43
Handy Homes and Nepotist Tunes
25/5/2022 07:43:21 pm
We are both Stir it up crazy. Batshyte bonkers. We did the blood serum test at Greenore Artic Research station. Our red mist flew out of the petrified dish. Our heads split and we grew alien fishfingers before we were flamed. It's an anorak Thing on the loose
Handy Olmes
26/5/2022 12:31:35 pm
Andy Holmes appears from no where but has a writing style of someone else. I might bide my time thinking who he might also be. Simon Say's I wont guess but I think I might just go scrolling back through previous comments in months gone by.
The Borgan
26/5/2022 03:12:17 pm
Coming back soon. The complete assimilation of Mcgregor, Moore and England in nine minutes. 10kw of more power to Briggite
26/5/2022 02:48:48 pm
Babe Ruth
26/5/2022 03:33:47 pm
Add FeddyF to the list of basebolax loonies
Sandy Tosvigger
26/5/2022 04:47:29 pm
While it's nice having the Shipping Forecast (which is in fact a weather forecast for shipping, no Shipping is ever forecast!) on Long Wave, but the garbled speed at which some 'presenters' recite the information, some with a complete lack of intonation, renders it quite unusable to mariners or anyone else.
David Sine Wave
27/5/2022 01:54:59 pm
Long Wave is still very useful and medium wave should be regulated to SAT NAV beacons to signpost the way to Dunstable rallies and Caroline Movement Southampton meetings at the Andy Holmes Home for the dumb and blind on the seafront by the shore
26/5/2022 10:55:35 pm
OK so I was assassinated by the CIA, Bush (not quite the most senior) & my replacement, but so what.. Here is the big one! Andy Holmes is the loveless child of Freddy F and the planet Neptune and Peter Smith sniffs Ross Revenge engine oil.
Serious Question and one serious point
27/5/2022 01:49:07 pm
Hi It is james speaking here. We know which one because of the easily understood style of my writing
Limping Idiot Limpit
27/5/2022 02:28:58 pm
Shellac is a resin secreted by the female lac bug on trees in the forests of India and Thailand. It is processed and sold as dry flakes and dissolved in alcohol to make liquid shellac, which is used as a brush-on colorant, food glaze and wood finish. Wikipedia
Stewart the Censor's Analyst
27/5/2022 08:16:08 am
So, now Garry Stevens who hides behind Stewart has admitted what he is doing is what it was apparent he was doing: Stewart is blocking any intelligent discussion triggered by MH.
Er, Stewart ....
27/5/2022 08:18:33 am
Stewart, by even mentioning that you are banning forever and ever and ever any mention of MH, are you not mentioning MH and begging the simple responsive question: Why is that?
For Mervyn
27/5/2022 02:05:50 pm
"Our readers will be able to read the results of this amazing discovery in the book 'Dial 999 for Caroline'."
Mervyn Hagger
28/5/2022 05:46:30 pm
Why would I ask myself a question like that?
This is a question for Mervyn
28/5/2022 09:25:09 pm
Mervyn, I have used the name field in an attempt to address my question to you. My apologies if I have not made myself clear.
Mervyn Hagger
30/5/2022 09:35:18 am
Your name is:
Mervyn, I have used the name field in an attempt to address my question to you. My apologies if I have not made myself clear.
30/5/2022 09:39:58 am
I am thinking of abbreviating my last name to 'Field", and changing my moniker to "Name". Some think my current name is too long. What do you think?
Mr Field
30/5/2022 09:42:30 am
I find your racially motivated comments to be a slur of prejudice implying a hatred of farming folk. The name Field is very well established in rural communities.
Field Protection Society against Rural Discrimination
30/5/2022 09:43:54 am
James McGregor we are aware of your dislike for the Field family.
Kevin Hall
30/5/2022 05:04:22 pm
"That's a very long name and I don't think that it is real. I only respond to real people."
Mervyn Hagger
30/5/2022 05:20:19 pm
Is your first name an abbreviation? Your eponymous surname is interesting. If your first name is really 'Forgoodnesssake' then your surname should be 'Hippyhippyshake'. I suppose it could be McGregor.
James McGregor
28/5/2022 05:13:26 pm
Hi Mike Sorry sober time again from me. It might have turned out that you did not censor me telling Merve who had or not banned me. It might have been me not using the computer right and not sent it to you anyway
James McGregor
29/5/2022 05:57:43 pm
Pirate Radio by Merms Book The Cheap Fast Free Post New Brooks book New look undress? (ok I made the last bit up)
Mervyn Hagger
30/5/2022 07:22:17 am
I will leave it to Mike to explain how stupid you are James.
James McGregor
30/5/2022 06:42:42 pm
And if Mike can't be arsed, you will at 7.30 am. Can't wait
Dictionary Corner
2/6/2022 01:37:28 pm
Gadfly : a person who stimulates or annoys other people especially by persistent criticism
A smug misery guts occupier of others forums in preference to their set up own
3/6/2022 10:36:27 pm
Pictionary Corner
3/6/2022 11:27:02 am
Top film producer: Ronan O Ra hilly 1968
Mr Corner's Mum
3/6/2022 12:39:46 pm
You mean someone like you dear who distracts in order for others to laugh at your stupidity.
Red Corner, Blue Corner, Black and Blue and read all over Corner. Who will win Mr Sullivan?
3/6/2022 03:12:33 pm
The contenders, Mike S Meter, Eye the Page, Sticks XYZ
3/6/2022 08:09:56 pm
just curious,
James McGregor
4/6/2022 03:02:47 pm
As the film in question has never been made,it would, like reading Mervyn's book present some difficulty to the blind to see the imprint of stupidity
Andy Holmes
4/6/2022 06:11:29 pm
Yes, 9.1 out of 10 from reviewers on IMDB. Written and directed by Ronan O'Rahilly and consisting entirely of actual archive footage. Subsequently renamed 'A Brief Moment in Time". I expect Mervyn will still say it's a pack of lies or something similar.
Malcolm McLaren
4/6/2022 11:13:17 pm
James asks the blind to see the imprint of stupidity
Rotten Tomatoes
4/6/2022 11:26:05 pm
I must have missed this film credit in the obituaries
Mervyn Hagger
5/6/2022 07:29:03 am
.... and Mike replied ....
June 2022
5/6/2022 02:19:34 pm
Rustling is remembering his insider memories again
James McGregor
6/6/2022 08:42:10 pm
In the tortured world of the Pirate Radio Anorak Mind facts invariably lead to conspiracy theories
Anorak Medical Clinic Suggestion Box
7/6/2022 11:32:49 am
Would someone in the medical profession please round-up the anoraks and strap them down on as many couches as there are anoraks and then expose them to the real world. James McGregor is about to wander in to Malcolm Smith's garage in the mistaken belief that he can get medical treatment there. Even Malcolm might lose his temper and hit him with a wrench and that would be a shame since Malcolm also needs medical help with his mind-bending anorak scam. Face coverings won't work.
The Village Voice 1987
7/6/2022 01:01:23 pm
Spending a night on the MV Sarah with Captain Al Weiner and his crew of City Hall outlaws I conclude that the radio pirates live a rich fantasy life. For Hank Hayes this 4th July Party is a bigger dream for him than selling ice cream from a van in Brooklyn. For him the dream does not get any bigger than this. For Weiner, he has ideas. He was talking about maybe getting a UHF TV transmitter " just screwing around playing videos". Whether they get rich or just get busted the pirates are determined the name of Radio Newyork International will soon be known world wide
David Cotter
8/6/2022 12:26:16 pm
Charities are set up all the time for the preservation of vessels on the Historic Ships Register. They are answerable to the Charities Commission, not Mervyn Hagger.
James McGregor
9/6/2022 12:11:34 pm
Here, Here, David. Noraml people don't question Admiral Nelson or Sir Walter Raleigh's bicycle car batterer empire dealing or question who's ship was Sir Charles Skelton enduring to sail round the horn with Darwin on HMS Beagle and supply Murmansk at at later Belgian supply date. In fact the very Mi Amigo was at one time a Kreigspleasemarryme Peter ammunition barge and the Ross Revenge has a mount on the stern for a gun mounting incase of the need of a quick conversion
Mervyn Hagger
9/6/2022 04:19:51 pm
David Cotter, why are you posting a personal attack on me? Relating to what? If I investigate you personally, do you mind if I plaster my findings on this board?
David Cotter
10/6/2022 03:14:55 pm
My comments are addressed to the writer of the blog which is yourself. You already plaster your findings and accusations on individuals on this or associated boards/blogs, but presumably that's OK.
Mervyn Hagger
12/6/2022 04:09:20 pm
Prove it, David Cotter or do you still believe that Caroline Kennedy named a pirate radio ship?
David Cotter
14/6/2022 08:52:20 pm
'Prove it, David Cotter or do you still believe that Caroline Kennedy named a pirate radio ship?'
Ross Revenge Inspector of Antiquities
9/6/2022 04:26:43 pm
Dear David Cotter. What happened to the tall mast that was an artifact of note attached to ship? That's right, you polluted the North Sea with it. So is this a cod ship you are preserving or a radio station museum? It seems to me that you fail to meet the definition of a museum with artifacts. Maybe you should be the museum having charity status. Are you old enough to be an artifact put on display? Please stop throwing your junk in the North Sea and help to save the Planet. The ship is really a hulk because even the engine does not work. Don't thrown that overboard and create an oil spill.
David Cotter
10/6/2022 03:17:26 pm
I'm sure I'd remember if I had personally polluted the North sea with a mast, and I'm pretty sure I didn't.
David (The Mast) Cotter aka David The Mast Cutter
12/6/2022 04:06:50 pm
On the one hand the hulk called Ross Revenge is a museum and on the other hand its not because it lost its mast. However, David Cotter wants the world to know that he did not personally cut the mast lose and throw it into the North Sea to kill whales. But he does admit that it lost its main artifact when someone threw it overboard.
David Cotter
12/6/2022 10:00:14 pm
I did neither admit nor imply that the museum lost it's main artifact with the loss of the mast. Grow up.
Mervyn Hagger
10/6/2022 08:31:31 am
David Cotter you should follow the 'All About Caroline' Blog.
David Cotter
10/6/2022 03:31:01 pm
I don't feel stupid at all, Mervyn. You have either failed to grasp my point or have deliberately diverted from it. Never mind.
David Cotter
10/6/2022 06:34:16 am
Mervyn Hagger's logic:
Mervyn Hagger
10/6/2022 12:39:34 pm
Of course I don't do that, but if the messenger is named David Cotter and David Cotter is delivering a message of gibberish, denying reality, denying any sense of understanding anything, then I ponder whether you might self-harm? In your case I wonder whether should I notify the medical people who deal with brain disorders, or whether I should let your Mum in the other room do that. Meantime get in touch with James, he's cuckoo like you and so far he has not killed himself. Ask him for his secret to staying alive.
David Cotter
12/6/2022 02:30:07 pm
Sorry, Mum's busy getting ready for a visitor. I seem to have many uncles, but never see them at family gatherings.
James McGregor
12/6/2022 02:31:55 pm
0 Yawn Hi Merve, your comments are getting more and more distasteful as usual
James McGregor
11/6/2022 02:25:27 pm
I am not interested in Mervyn's Hagger's logistical slow delivery problems of logical deliveries to his brain. A couple of Random facts about who was head of USA ,CIA Queen Magazine centuries ago does not make a brainstorming academic book and so the Merve publishing medium of the internet and bloggy writing is very appropriate at this moment in time
Dr Moore
12/6/2022 08:46:54 pm
James, you missed the point - again. I know you are not trying to kill yourself and that is the miracle of it all. So I told David to discover what your secret is because he has a similar brain disorder to your own. Prince Charles is now online offering you advice on how to deal with complicated issues, but perhaps he still has more grey matter left and knows how to adjust to living in a daydream.
BBC Radio Caroline
12/6/2022 04:01:34 pm
Like BBC Pirate Radio Essex which is an entity licensed and controlled by the Crown, so is BBC Radio Caroline. We just dropped the 'BBC' in the title like Associated-Rediffusion and Granada did not put ITA in front of their names, but they were ITA (Crown) stations. Enjoy you daydreams David.
13/6/2022 07:58:50 am
Wrong. You said that Radio Caroline is managed by BBC. It isn't.
James McGregor
11/6/2022 02:34:44 pm
Have you see the bare faced cheek of him?
Dave Martin Smith
12/6/2022 02:43:12 pm
For anyone who is interested James McGregor will soon be making a personal appearance at the Blind Begger pub signing autograph books with a writer's block of concreate around his neck
Excerpt of a a 2011 EBAY Review of SRE DVD
11/6/2022 10:37:39 pm
As for the extras, the promo clips of 1966 hits by The Mamas and the Papas and The Loving Spoonful, Dusty Springfield etc. looks enticing enough. Until you realise that each segment is just that - a brief clip followed by a short voiceover or an extract from an interview which conveys (amongst other things) just how vacuous Michelle Phillips of the Mamas and the Papas really was. It is difficult to understand why a clip of Johnny Cash singing 'A Boy Named Sue' at Folsom Prison in 1969 is included in this review of 1966 clips. Each of these clips was crudely edited with abrupt endings leaving the viewer feeling that this is indeed a shoddy piece of work which I strongly recommend you avoid purchasing or even viewing. It is a great pity: this is a lost opportunity for a look at one of the significant players in the British offshore pirate radio scene between 1964 and 1967.
This Thread
13/6/2022 08:46:12 am
What has any of that got to do with the twisting of information, exposure and learning something new? Now let's look at the well known conspiracy theory that James McGregor, David Cotter, Peter Moore and Dave Martin are all the same person under different names. What can we learn from that about the state of mental health in NHS UK?
Dave Martin
13/6/2022 12:55:30 pm
I have enough to do policing the Free Radio Forum and stopping Garry Stevens crowd from inserting their rants without having to defend my good name on this site as well. What gives you the right to accuse me of being James McGregor who I keep banning on our site? This is a conspiracy to smear my integrity by attaching my good name to his lunacy. You need to stop this immediately.
David Cotter
13/6/2022 12:56:39 pm
I am not James or anyone else.
Peter Moore
13/6/2022 12:59:09 pm
Look, I know Dave and I post on his board. I don't post on Garry's board on anymore because he lets nutters such as James write there. I don't know David Cotter but he seems like a nice person but he is not me.
Moore and Martin - Top Magicians - better than pen and tell us
13/6/2022 05:03:08 pm
As if by magic no Moore talk of table tennis is allowed in the drawers
Lord Snooty
14/6/2022 11:15:46 pm
Back to Moore's underwear fetish?
David Cotter
13/6/2022 06:24:21 pm
"Therefore we call upon Ofcom to explain why they have also endorsed these lies, and why the Charity authority in England is allowing money to be solicited from the general public by the continued promotion of these lies? "
David Cotter Charity Commission
13/6/2022 09:43:59 pm
I am now commissioning all donations to support the work of James McGregor in spreading treacle on bread to feed the homeless sheltering on the Ross boat to give me something to write about since I got plenty of nothing and nothings plenty for me and no replies are just what I expect and what I need because my Mum is getting very angry in the next room. She says I am wasting my time by writing all this but James doesn't think so and he is up to his armpits in golden syrup which he keeps mixing with treacle that Peter Moore is licking as it drips off the table on to the floor and makes Mum's feet all sticky.
James McGregor
15/6/2022 12:06:08 am
Whilst flattering and ego boosting somewhat respectful of my top mind bending insights into the free radio world and life in general which revolves around free radio and talking rubbish I am beginning to cringe with embarrassment and blush every time my name is mentioned in Merve's dispatches and I bend over to serve the net for the delight of onlookers and over clockers
Not Convinced Enough Yet
13/6/2022 11:23:05 pm
That David Cotter is not Mervyn Hagger in another hat to talk to himself as a counterpoint he can then triangulate to his point of orientation
Lord Snooty
14/6/2022 11:13:51 pm
No, I am David Cotter and James Mc.
Malcolm Smith Fetish Review
14/6/2022 09:49:27 am
Mr Smith, the 'other place' (as you put it) may be debating what radio is, but you seem to want to discuss girls' underwear and that is clearly unrelated to Dave Martin's radio guidelines. Your fetish may be also be attracting the attention of Ofcom, and hiding behind a fake name won't stop their questions about whether you are a 'fit and proper person' to hold licenses from Her Majesty's Government.
Lord Snooty
14/6/2022 05:16:33 pm
Looks like Mervyn took inspiration for his 'Pebble Theatre' from the words of Prince Charles, part of the Crown that he hates so much and who he says 'cannot voice the truth, because of self-interest'. Oops!
David Cotter
15/6/2022 09:39:17 am
'Prince Charles may have been born into an Establishment which he has not shunned, he too will have to address those facts that will appear in evidence'
David Cotter
15/6/2022 12:10:05 pm
'vested interests moved to bribe the anoraks into attacking the messenger'
Just Wundrin
16/6/2022 07:36:08 am
do you think david cutter (probably not), that if you personally engaged in any form of discussion about the facts, that the reactions from the person you are attacking yet again would be different? what if rustling did not steal, what if ray clark admitted that he had printed lies without checking them out, what if malcolm smith did the same and you actually debated the issues instead of one of the messengers? too much to ask i suppose because what you wrote is also untrue. academic articles are on line. have you read them? so david you are fair game for a bit of fun. try telling the truth and start a discussion and see what happens then.
David Cotter
16/6/2022 01:14:17 pm
I presume that the lower case 'Just Wundrin is a pseudonym for Mervyn Hagger. Which part of my comment do you consider to be untrue? I'm glad you find that people like me are a bit of fun and therefore your observations are not meant to be taken seriously.
Lord Snooty
15/6/2022 05:37:49 pm
I disagree with David Cotter even though I am David Cotter and James won't be able to refute that.
Peter Moore Fetish Forum
15/6/2022 05:47:51 pm
My favourite is white. I asked David Cotter for his choice and he said see-through. I can't go along with this transparency idea because even the Ross is dressed in rust red. Dave Martin is a spoil sport because he has now locked the thread. What is he wearing?
James McGregor
15/6/2022 08:45:16 pm
That's a very good point David Makes
James McGregor
16/6/2022 01:21:34 pm
Rather like I have experienced cancel culture caution from the Real Authority Police after in exasperation of the hopelessness of service,asking her by email are you a recruitment consultant or the cleaner standing in?
James - Your friendly friend of the lady in red
17/6/2022 07:36:54 am
Sorry, I just realized that my own words have condemned me by adding that last line. I am "them" and "them" are James McGregor. If I want to address the issue of the message, I will have to stop attacking the messenger, but if I do that I will stop being me. James - Your friendly friend of the lady in red.
Roy North
17/6/2022 10:04:29 am
From what I can tell it was the eternally loyal Freddie Archer waxing lyrically with words to the effect of how "his Sheila" satisfies his elderly needs that tipped the balance. The moderators removed that one rather quickly
From the What You Can Tell Deparment
17/6/2022 08:53:25 pm
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