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What is Treason? What is Corruption? Obama Officials Reportedly Negotiated With Iran During Trump Term to Spoil Latter's Diplomacy The administration of former US President Donald Trump depicted a hard-line approach toward Iran, elevating tensions with the Islamic republic to unprecedented levels. In 2018, Trump unilaterally withdrew the US from the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), quickly introducing a severe sanction regime on Iran’s banking and oil sales. Former Obama officials held face-to-face meetings with the Iranian foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, in the middle of worsening US-Iranian relations under the Trump administration to “undermine” the latter's team, The Washington Post reported on Sunday, citing an unnamed former senior US official. According to the newspaper, the alternative diplomatic channel also served to lay the foundation for a future US administration that made clear its intention to rehabilitate relations with Iran and revive the JCPOA nuclear agreement. President Obama’s Middle East adviser, Robert Malley, along with former Secretary of State John Kerry and former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz reportedly met with Zarif in 2017, 2018 and 2019. All of the US representatives were key US negotiators of the JCPOA. The report suggested that these ties with “influential liberals” allowed Iran to expect an improvement in US-Iranian relations, bypassing Trump officials and hoping that Democrats would soon return in the White House.
Mervyn Hagger
23/2/2021 01:57:27 pm
The problem involving Iran and the USA also involves the UK, because Iran is the Persia where the UK wanted to overthrow the government, but couldn't so it turned for help to the USA which placed the Shah on a throne. The problem involved UK oil interests and the company that became BP. That company was run by a man who came back to the UK to head up the London Brown and Root (Halliburton) office at the start of the offshore natural gas and oil phase (which coincided with the start of Radio Caroline which was dominated by the grandson of the founder of Shell. This current 'crisis' is allied to the 'Global Warming' scam and all of it has to do with energy. Meanwhile, Russia is going ahead with its massive pipeline to supply Germany - just like the good old days of Hitler and Stalin before Operation Barbarossa. History is going around and around in circles.
Name (not required)
23/2/2021 11:21:57 pm
If I have one and one only final request in my life. I do not want to live to see the James McGregor Brand hijacking, tarmacing, tacking over and destroying this thread. Like he does with everything else everywhere. Booze and meds makes Bonzo a very unhappy monkey
James McGregor
24/2/2021 01:23:44 pm
That's the best laugh I have had in ages Mr Name (nr) because as sure as you can be of shell Mr Hagger can find a deflamatory link to you know what
Doctor Cleveden Martin Tweed
25/2/2021 01:43:58 am
A measure of how idiotic the other board is is that all the anti McGregor votes were shredded by Hutton who likes to keep a puppet puppy to praise his leftest conspiracy rants
25/2/2021 12:13:49 pm
I have asked on board associated with the Caroline Brooks blog why legal action has not been taken against those who have stolen their research. I imagine that the cost is prohibitive, or they can't make a case for it.
Curious Response
25/2/2021 01:10:01 pm
Ask the people they swindled, the one's who bought their books! That's who they stole money from.
Knight Frank and Prattle
28/2/2021 01:24:11 am
Paulton Square is for sale for peanuts
28/2/2021 01:15:45 pm
It looks like my response to your non-answer got censored. I merely question whether you are not taking action because of lack of funds or because you cannot make a case. You insist that you are the aggrieved party. You do not speak for others.
Curious first responder
27/2/2021 05:43:32 pm
the Joke board has moved on to DM talking to FA about vaccines
Doctor Soap Opera Queen
1/3/2021 01:56:26 am
My husband and I also thought that quite amusing
James McGregor
2/3/2021 01:57:05 am
Interesting, but I have no idea what Piper Alpha pipeline fault has to do with this any more than Kings Cross, Bradford, Hillsbourough, Herald, Afaban, Marchioness, Tidal flooding,M25, any train crash wherever, twin towers suicide by pilot over vast ocean of speculation and global warming up pretend institutional journalism
Guide Dogs for the Curious
1/3/2021 12:49:29 pm
Can't see the answer? Ask anyone who paid for a 'bible' who has read the expose and see if they have been swindled. You should be asking Rustler if he is suing to defend his lies. As for the Joke Board and the Swindle Board managed by Garry with its ad for fraud, how can you say that one board is a joke and the other board is real? They are both silly. Meanwhile Rustler is being pummeled into the dirt.
James Please Stay Sensible for 5 minutes
2/3/2021 01:17:06 pm
Another daft comment from you James and it is long, rambling, tedious and stupid. Just raise your hand if you don't understand what Piper Alpha has to do with Radio Caroline, and maybe we will explain it to you personally. But maybe not. You will have to wait with other dim wits to find out. You do more yapping than learning, and that is your problem.
Hamlet Mode Today
2/3/2021 01:17:08 pm
Is this bible a helpful handbook for the blind I see before me?
Curious about Life
2/3/2021 02:47:37 pm
Mike, you post all of these interesting topics and what do you get in return? You get renegade anoraks complaining about anorak boards and other anoraks. None of them respond to the topic. On the CB board the anoraks look, don't understand and complain about something trivial because unless the CB board is dealing at kindergarten level where the only thing that matters in the world is either them getting a virus, or a jab or repetition of airplay on 648 snap crackle and pop old fashioned medium wave, or what Fred Bramley did in his back yard with a mini transmitter or the height of the mast on the Laser ship, then the world does not seem to exist. Why can't they join James McGregor in his shed and discuss whether or not he should clip his toe nails? Your topics deserve more serious response than what they are getting.
2/3/2021 08:12:08 pm
But readers of Caroline Brooks blog are directed here by the owner of the associated and heavily censored board. I quote:
Toe Nail James
2/3/2021 11:44:41 pm
Go on then. What was it about Piper Alpha that relates to Simon Dee?
Mervyn Hagger
3/3/2021 08:39:05 am
Well that was quick. The two Democrat book ends of California (west) and New York (east) are being simultaneously toppled and the AOC stuff has been brushed aside by Biden. The Republicans seem more united than ever and it looks as if several new contenders might run and that Trump would stand aside and back them. My, how things change overnight. The NY Governor's brother on CNN who led the fake news charge against Trump is now being told to shut up about defending his brother.
Get a life
3/3/2021 06:40:45 pm
The world exists, but Merv's world of Nazi powered oil rigs which have been left on the Continental Shelf does not. I have a continental Shelf from IKEA. Can we get this thread back on topic please? If Caroline Brooks didn't direct comments to this board you might not be infested with anoraks. What's wrong with her own board? Nice to see some free publicity for the RCB on the blog today. Nice one.
James McGregor
4/3/2021 05:29:38 am
"Another daft comment from you James and it is long, rambling, tedious and stupid. Just raise your hand if you don't understand what Piper Alpha has to do with Radio Caroline, and maybe we will explain it to you personally"
For James who is lazy as well as stupid
4/3/2021 01:29:35 pm
One thing that is becoming very clear is that James and most anoraks seem to be lazy as well as stupid. Now Garry Stevens has a thread about "offshore cooks"? Oh good grief! But you James, are going on about Piper Alpha because you are just too damn lazy to read and digest information. So no, there will be no explanation because if you actually read instead of writing rubbish, you would already know the answer. But for you stupid anoraks you will have to wait for the book 'Dial 999 for Caroline - the girl who never was'. However, we are debating whether to add ANY pictures or illustrations, so if you want a picture book you will probably be out of luck again. Why? Because YOU and your STUPID AND LAZY TRIBE are not our target audience. You really should devote yourself to answering Garry's cooking question. It is more up your street at the loony bin. You lot are the reason why the real world is a mess and totally unable to follow and respond to Mike's intelligent thread.
5/3/2021 01:41:57 pm
If your blog readers cannot grasp what you are writing with regard to your north sea oil/offshore radio connection, perhaps it is not because they are lazy and stupid, but because you lack the skills to write a coherent explanation.
Plain Speak vs Lies
7/3/2021 08:35:54 am
The CB Blog is NOT promoted by us because it serves two purposes. 1) Refute the anorak/Rusling/Smith crowd - who are a divided mess but who all lie; 2) Use it to assemble aspects of the gigantic (enormous, huge) puzzle we are putting together to refute people like Asa Briggs; BBC; academics; etc., by undermining the accepted version while getting feedback from people who are genuinely interested in this research. 3) Avoid publishing anything in a coherent format that will enable another thief to steal it for their own self-gain. Rustling stole our work but he never understood the subject, yet claimed to know all about radio. He is the biggest loser of all because apart from the brain dead, the world now knows that Rusling's world of radio is a world of nonsense and conmanship. So if you want the complete overview - wait for the first in a new series of books.
James McGregor
5/3/2021 02:20:31 pm
Lazy Lazy???? Lazy???
2nd reminder message for Garry Stevens
4/3/2021 05:11:45 pm
What happens after all your reminders have been ignored or more likely, not even seen?
5/3/2021 04:55:58 am
McGregor and the fawning admirers of his insight have made me ex directory
Panorama Insight Special
5/3/2021 02:16:11 pm
Tonight The House of Nuts
Looks as if NY Gov may on the way out
5/3/2021 04:02:15 pm
Well, the House of Biden is already falling apart and it only just opened its doors!
Looks like James has just come in with a big toothy grin
6/3/2021 01:14:57 pm
"The world exists, but Merv's world of Nazi powered oil rigs which have been left on the Continental Shelf does not."
21st Century Anorak
7/3/2021 12:38:50 pm
So who was your favorite cross dressing, rugby hooligan, anarchist petrol station employee, radio Caroline presenter?
Openly Strraight Troll
7/3/2021 12:40:35 pm
So as there was so many, who was the Gayist Caroline presenter?
Brent Crude
8/3/2021 12:07:21 am
Watershed Warning Some of these comments might offend Vikings and other exotic extinct keyboard oracle warriors
Brent Grease
8/3/2021 01:01:08 pm
Love the Bobby Chariot reference. Are you sleeping in your Jag? How're you diddling?
Man in the White Coat
8/3/2021 05:00:48 pm
James is definitely bound for the loony bin. He plonks this stuff everywhere. Clearly he has bouts of sanity which must mean that he is on medication but from time to time he picks up a bottle of booze and swigs from it, and forget to take his meds. But if he mixed alcohol and meds he might be in the morgue and not in the hospital. Clearly the local medical authorities do not consider him to be dangerous to others, but how long his present state of mental chaos can continue without sending round someone to lock him up before he croaks, well that is another matter. If he is not provided with an outlet for his rants he will probably put himself out of his own misery, so Mike, are you prepared to kill off James by his own hand if you block his mental frothing?
The Doctor Is In
9/3/2021 03:24:09 pm
I don't know about you guys, but I prefer to take my medical advice from a qualified professional rather than a random. Likewise, I would run my board as I wish, and if a contributor doesn't like it, then they are free to go elsewhere or start their own.
James McGregor
10/3/2021 10:05:59 am
Everywhere now meaning 2 liver busting public houses. The third TV channel took leave of their senses and banned me remember
Bobby Chariot
10/3/2021 05:40:54 pm
I have not got a bookcase behind me. So there is no way I can ever be on TV
Mervyn Hagger
10/3/2021 01:22:31 pm
Meanwhile, in the real world I see that the drum beat to get rid of the boss in NY and the boss in CA is gathering momentum. Maybe even leading to the criminal prosecution of the boss in NY. All this while Biden is being challenged again about his mental health; Harris is taking over and the Southern border is being swamped by unaccompanied kids! What a shame all of this did not get exposed and resolved last year before the rigged election.
James McGregor
12/3/2021 06:52:28 pm
Stop it stop it stop it mummy. I was only trying to eat a KIT KAT
Dougie Houser MD St Elsewhere Hospital
11/3/2021 09:21:33 am
I am a fully qualified doctor and kept a computer journal while you children were still playing operation
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