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When will the wheels come off of the wagon? The countdown continues. Those in denial will remain in denial until the overwhelming evidence can no longer be denied.
Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!
Biden My Time
27/1/2021 05:10:23 pm
"Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!"
27/1/2021 06:58:19 pm
I have just been listening to Donald Trump Jr on the Rush Limbaugh show.
Biden My Time
28/1/2021 12:57:07 pm
I hope you've ordered all the $30 T shirts in all of the colours and all of the sizes. They need the money.
Trumpty Dumpty
28/1/2021 11:12:33 pm
He's just said what he'll do next. Help the Republican party. You don't need Little Donny to tell you that. He clearly has no idea what Daddy has planned.
Harry Tubeman
27/1/2021 08:32:23 pm
"Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!"
James McGregor
28/1/2021 01:46:39 am
Biden's main message is save the planet with the climate change
James McGregor
28/1/2021 01:56:40 am
I am just watching the BBC news
Biden My Time
28/1/2021 07:04:45 pm
""wok" standard of judging human behavior!"
Rocker Fella Pizza Plaza
28/1/2021 07:19:35 pm
keep on rocking
Justin power
29/1/2021 01:16:59 am
let the battle commence.the third and final war!
Board Watcher
29/1/2021 12:06:05 pm
Mervyn Hagger - re your blog posting today:
Mervyn Hagger
29/1/2021 02:04:34 pm
Not my Board. But why don't you and your tribe stop lying and stealing? HMMMMMMM? You even hide behind a stupid façade But thanks for the plug, I am sure that it was posted knowing that's exactly how you would react. Every little bit of publicity helps.
Board Watcher
30/1/2021 02:44:07 pm
"Not my Board"
Bored Watcher
29/1/2021 04:34:17 pm
I wonder if Board Watcher laments every person who covers up a crime? Where do you draw the line? Rogue cops? Murder? Rape? Theft? What kind of theft? Money? How about intellectual property? Yes Board Watcher you seem to always pop up to take a pop, maybe you have something to hide yourself? Just asking.
Board Watcher
30/1/2021 02:45:51 pm
Hi, Merv. you again with a different hat on. So you're accusing Christopher Moore of covering up a crime. Hope you have good legal representation.
Mike - Admin
31/1/2021 12:48:37 pm
Hello anonymous Board Watcher.
Board Watcher
31/1/2021 02:06:30 pm
Hi, Mike - Admin
National Enquirer
29/1/2021 06:09:44 pm
Who is Streaming Uncle Sam over there?
Charlie Man Son
30/1/2021 12:33:42 am
Cover up letter
James McGregor
30/1/2021 07:14:09 am
What offshore Radio, Radio Caroline and Ronan O' Rahilly did was to take the painful loneliness out of suburbia. please stop persecuting him and it Mervyn and just tune in, relax and enjoy..
Board Watcher
1/2/2021 03:08:44 pm
Hear, hear. This decades long crusade on the name of investigative journalism is nothing more than a personal vendetta eating up a bitter man from the inside. Caroline, Ronan and Chris live r
Neuro Nets block Anoraks brains
1/2/2021 06:57:13 pm
Netblocks says its findings indicate a "centrally ordered mechanism of disruption...progressing over time as operators comply".
Bored Watcher
1/2/2021 04:08:02 pm
Mike is right, Board Watcher is a trans-rational idiot who has to write here about what someone else is doing 'there' and then the trans-rational idiot has to explain what he is referring to and does not seem to understand that if you LIE to the wrong people you go to the slammer. That's prison, or maybe its gaol, or jail or make that somewhere behind bars. As for the TRI (go figure), well it and its loony associates are all dying off and soon only the new generation will be around to wonder why such blobs as the TRIs kept pretending to be listening to radio station on a ship, which wasn't on a ship, that was still fighting against the Kingdom which has now given them a license to mutter into the ether. Mike is right again. TRI-BW, nothing can stop what is coming your way and soon.
James McGregor
2/2/2021 02:16:28 pm
No, Board Watcher is right
Board Watcher
3/2/2021 03:59:15 pm
I ripped this trans-rational nonsense apart in a yet to published comment. Hope it makes the board and isn't censored since there is so much talk of free speech and all that. We shall see.
James twiddling his thumbs
3/2/2021 07:44:36 pm
I think its funny that Chris Moore hides and then dies and then the anorak misinformation machine springs into action - but when the basic flaws in his obit are pointed out, all James can do is put on his pointy hat and twiddle his mind to churn out more rubbish. Anoraks supposedly like radio, but it seems that what they imagine is so different from the real thing that they have to grab a bottle, have a swig and become more abusive hoping that the truth will go away.
Character Witness Twiddling
4/2/2021 03:44:21 pm
I read most of the boring James letters to to the boring Hutton whine merchant
James Disinfectant please
4/2/2021 05:03:44 pm
It's all the bleach he drinks to wash his mind. Even Peter has woke to he doctors the washing up reports to give a shine to his carer Covid Geoff's plates
Board Watcher
4/2/2021 07:13:13 pm
Meanwhile, back at the subject of this thread, Trump's illiterate lawyers desert him. Even they realise that he is on a road to nowhere. The only movement he has any relevance to is the one in his pants.
Mike - Admin
5/2/2021 11:12:30 am
"'Nothing can stop what's coming' is the mantra of far right extremists". Absolute clap trap! It is the knowledge that the criminals will reap what they have sown. The Biden crime family, the Clinton crime family, the Bush crime family, and all of those swamp creatures that feed off of them will eventually pay the price for their crimes.
Back in the real world
5/2/2021 11:13:42 pm
I believe the BBC
Bored Watcher of the Board Watcher
6/2/2021 10:13:16 am
The idiots are now really falling out big time! Fred Bramley and James McGregor have both been denounced by "Peter Moore" at
Board Watcher
6/2/2021 05:32:58 pm
Thank you for your reply to which I have responded. Interesting that there is no comment from Hagger, who is usually quick enough to jump on my comments.
Smart Meter MacGregor for ever praising Maore
5/2/2021 10:03:47 pm
Praise him a bit more James. He is extracting the Mack
Back in the real - REAL - world
6/2/2021 02:28:19 pm
Climate Change is so preposterous that it demands an investigation into who killed the dinosaurs? But then, Mark Carney is slated for death - like everyone else on this Planet.
James McGregor
6/2/2021 06:38:58 pm
I suppose you will say it is my mistaken vanity but actually in my rear view mirror the considered reflection is that I (I don't care about Fred and others just me) am a very astute keeper of some monkey business. Occasionally some of of them monkey about when they have no visitors due to the zoo being covideo closed - or Jeff having a nap!
Ray Dio Jackie Weaver
7/2/2021 03:34:50 am
I would evict everyone on there apart from Mike Simmonds
James, James, Morrison, Morrison
7/2/2021 09:39:11 pm
Mr. McGregor you have spats of sanity, so why put out this idiotic nonsense that impresses no one? You do appear to have an interest in the Caroline story, so what is your feedback from the latest Blog revelations about "Jimmy"? Please don't post more twaddle in response.
Mister McGregor's Ghost
8/2/2021 12:37:25 pm
Just got another of the same ol same ol responses. A long post (it got deleted), which claimed that the reason for the silence is that no one is interested and it has to do with broken publishing promises. Well just because these loons don't know what is being published and where, they think that nothing is being published but on the Blog and they don't like the repetition and the drip-feeding. But I get the impression that they are the drips (fools), who paid Rusling for rubbish when they get the truth for free. So Mister McGregor, wake up and take your meds and provide a sensible reply.
Real James McGregor
9/2/2021 02:55:07 pm
Yes Merve and Mike so you have obviously read it
James McGregor
9/2/2021 03:19:10 pm
Mervyn is tempting me on, like the apple to the Serpent
Dave Holland
9/2/2021 05:27:34 pm
I don't know who you are, but by the tone and nature of your response I suspect you to be Mervyn Hagger hiding behind a silly name. In an event, you obviously represent the authors of the Caroline Brooks blog, where I posted the comment reproduced below. it is interesting that you refer to it without publishing it and take my comments out of context to put your own spin on them.
James McGregor yawning
9/2/2021 06:48:51 pm
If you thought it was such a yawnathon. You and your friend Mike would have printed it to tear into it. The jist of my unpublished CIA paper post was that every 12 months you find a new Mr Big by going through the Project Atlanta investor/ directorship mailing list. O'Rahilly no and add his dad , Crawford no, Smedley no, Kitten Black no, Stevens no, Pye Stanley no, Princess Margaret No, Corney Veracious yes, REM Island Lies, Garner Ted yes , Don Pearson sucker. Maybe Lyndon Johnson yes, Steve England nice but naive, Johnson Walker Pratt and Lee Harvey Oswald was on the Titan cutting off the anchor chain
9/2/2021 10:01:16 pm
FAO "the offended ones"
Dave Holland
8/2/2021 11:55:49 am
The author of the Caroline Brooks blog has posed the question as to why there is silence from readers. This is my response, posted to the blog forum, but which may or may not be published:
Dave Holland boomerang
9/2/2021 04:04:33 pm
Well now, here is Dave Holland answering for James McGregor in a way that implies that Dave Holland knows all and sees all therefore understands all, but the reality is, that Dave Holland understands nowt. Why? because Dave Holland assumes that what is on the CB Blog is 'all that there is', but unfortunately for Dave Holland, that is not true. Mike is privy to some of the 'other' related sources which are not being made available to Dave Holland. The fact that the focal point of the entire investigation has now shifted to oil (away from pop stations), is due to the shift away from strategy to logistics. Because that is such a major shift and because it is such an involved subject, it cannot be explained in a Rusling-like manner since it is not a regurgitation of the repeated mythology that old age anoraks are dying of. Now what Dave Holland says about 'no interest' actually reflects the growing feebleness of the anoraks who gave up on learning anything new decades go. On the other hand there are millions out there, both young and old who are the real target audience for this research. So Dave, maybe you should ask James where he gets his meds from. James praises 'Peter Moore' (Malcolm Smith), while that phonetic duo ridicule James McGregor. It is a very confused little minded world you anoraks dwell in.
Dave Holland
10/2/2021 03:08:13 pm
"there are millions out there, both young and old who are the real target audience for this research"
11/2/2021 01:24:55 pm
You might want to check out - Agb! seems to think that one of the publishing sources that is very indirectly referenced by that site, is somehow tied to the CB Blog. It is not. We publish in many journals and we own none of them. As for the book/s, there will be a commercial version with CB as narrator linking factual material, and there will be an academic version sans CB. How many volumes depends upon how much information the first in this series can cover. Our timetable is linked more to our research than to dates on a calendar. The Blog covers a 'sprinkling' of the subject matter that we will be putting into a book format. It is interesting that now we have 'outed' the real 'Jimmy', Mr Rusling and his trolls have nothing to say. I wonder whether he will get demands for refunds due to selling something as true, when it is made-up fiction?
James McGregor
12/2/2021 07:59:44 pm
Bored Watcher of the Board Watcher6/2/2021 10:13:16 am
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