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Dr. John Campbell has 2.48Million subscribers on YouTube and has been an incredible source of detailed information throughout the pandemic (plandemic, lab leak or whatever). His academic qualifications in science are matched by a career in medicine that leaves me confident he knows a thing or two on COVID, to put it mildly. The fact that YouTube have threatened to close down his account recently suggests that he is well and truly 'over the target'. YouTube is beyond doubt in my opinion just another mainstream media manipulator who grew fat on people like Dr John Campbell, and now needs to keep in line with their masters narrative. To quote him "Please share this video, this research must STOP. Gain of function research in the USA today using enhanced potential pandemic pathogen (ePPP) research." Please listen & learn, this is not anti-vax nonsense, this is the real world we live in and if not for you, for your children, we all need to wake up!
Mervyn Hagger
23/10/2022 12:46:36 pm
The video of the leader of China removing his competitor - quite deliberately on video - was to warn all competitors that China will not disintegrate like the USSR - so before 'enlightenment' begins - it is crushed. This happened in Tiananmen Square and again in Hong Kong.
David Cotter
23/10/2022 10:34:38 pm
I don't think that because a group or an individual want to discuss or involve themselves with music they are, as you so eloquently put it, 'dumb-asses'. They have their pursuits and causes, you have yours. It is not reasonable to expect anyone to join your tribe and to insult them when they don't, just because you would wish them to.
Mervyn Hagger
25/10/2022 09:08:50 am
David Cotter. I am not exactly sure who you are or what little rock you crawled out from, under another name, but you didn't just suddenly appear.
Garry Neville Granville Gascoin III
23/10/2022 10:42:37 pm
It's open all hours for all comers at Arkrights new improved convenience board
David Cotter
25/10/2022 05:59:32 pm
Just so you know:
James McGregor
30/10/2022 01:01:04 am
"I have very recently (since we began exposing their 100 years big lie), begun to notice a tiny bit of unrelated silent film showing a nameplate with the British Broadcasting Company on it. But the BBC Crown corporation has NO legal claim to the claim that it is related to the commercial BBC."
A spark in the dark
23/10/2022 07:36:48 pm
Frankenstein's scientific monster!.
James Frankenstein
23/10/2022 09:25:11 pm
No, James McGregor is not a Frankenstein, he is just an idiot drifting in an out of sanity - like Joe Biden. Both think they are smart. Both are loons manipulated by others.
Doctor soap dentist
24/10/2022 04:06:27 pm
Try harder Agb and Scottg
Someone you need to know
24/10/2022 01:43:46 pm
Lots of conspiracy theories abound and they seem to lack credibility because they don't name names. Well here's one for you:
David Cotter
24/10/2022 11:00:25 pm
Who is David Cotter
25/10/2022 05:15:09 pm
This lazy git wants info and provides none. Who is he?
Mervyn Hagger
25/10/2022 09:26:51 am
Several offshore DJs got nabbed for sex crimes and some went to prison.
David Cotter
25/10/2022 06:01:58 pm
This is a subject that you seem to enjoy shoehorning into any possible scenario. Hmmm.....
Pocket Lawyer Twerp
26/10/2022 10:40:20 pm
I would be bloody careful mentioning those two names in the same sentences of insinuation. Look how much Malcolm and Copeland and whoever Day has sued yesterday had to pay out
Thank you Malcolm Smith
25/10/2022 11:05:12 am
Your latest comments on the Dave Martin board are marvelous and deserve to be part of a book showing how stupid the latter 'Radio Caroline' operation was and why it had no connection with the original version in 1964. Neither did it have any impact the way that the original Laser did, thanks to the politically astute Charlie Wolf.
David Cotter
25/10/2022 06:05:38 pm
Mervyn, why don't you just ask him to contribute to your book? It's not like you've ever said anything against him - except for accusing him of fraud, deceit and theft, of course, but I'm sure he'll overlook that to further your interests.
David Cotter's Mum
26/10/2022 08:56:53 pm
You don't get it, do you David?
3656 Khz. House Martins Harmonicas on full chirp alert!
26/10/2022 10:26:14 pm
Oh my god ‘Rock Steady Eddie’ as he was known. I recall Nigel sent him up to the Libyan Embassy (all expenses paid) on another imaginary trip to see the non existent ‘David’. As Eddie lived close to a Caroline watering hole we thought we’d take a look to see if the lights were on in his bed sit overlooking the sea. Sure enough they were, with the shadow of Eddie moving behind the curtains.
No one at all who had the best three days of his life on the Orion Life belt?
28/10/2022 03:42:00 pm
Re: Oh, here we go again.
Doctor soap opera
28/10/2022 03:47:32 pm
Since the outbreak of ISP we are seeing many many more head cases of David's son disease and not much Ebola Day. More reaserch needed before I read my paper
Howdya like them apples?
29/10/2022 03:26:11 pm
Posted by Fred Bramley on October 29, 2022, 12:16 am, in reply to "Re: David MD / LW"
The G board manager
30/10/2022 12:56:21 am
Well dose Fred. This is 100% unreadably correct
Paper back writer
29/10/2022 05:21:32 pm
In my mind the problem with Moore is that he has changed from reciting the usual anecdotes anoraks love, like so and so was a unnamed spanner, to now naming names with almost vitriol. From the humblist cook to the top boss. They are in this Peters New Age plan Woke Cancel Culture named and shamed in a bucket list of grudges. Next up probably who paid a few quid in 1988 to have a fortnight on air. We know anyway but Peter will recite their names and telephone numbers with glee. What does he think he is achieving with this muck raking he claimed he so detested saying it's all in the past. What checkered chess board of tiddlywinks is he playing?
David Cotter
30/10/2022 10:46:31 am
Posted by David Cotter on October 24, 2022, 6:22 am
Mervyn Hagger
31/10/2022 04:17:44 pm
Cotter you should listen to your mother: you are the idiot she describes. Now go ahead and write that it is not your mother calling you an idiot but me. You also leap to the conclusion that I wrote the reply you cite. I am not your mother and the British Corporation is not the Baptist Bible College of Coventry and neither is it the British Broadcasting Company Limited. All are BBC but not all vacuum cleaners are Hoover, but many call other brands Hoover - but this does make them into a Hoover. You on the other hand are indeed a buffoon.
Oh look its Fred Bramley
31/10/2022 04:27:34 pm
Well now without the Haggerly so named by DavidLW who was thrown out, brought back and thrown out, now it is Fred Bramley who went on and on and on and on about the Ian Ross novel being Haggerly's only source of information, and now Fred Bramley is being called an idiot and James the big idiot is now saying that the 'Lid off Laser' is a load of rubbish and it off course was written by Paul Rustling the book thief. So who is Garry the adult acting as a child by running streams of make-believe sounds on a board that can't spell - not because of typos but because Garry can't spell. Meanwhile, on the other board Malcolm is still milking the dopes to build his own business.
Mervyn Hagger
31/10/2022 06:41:21 pm
My point is that David Cotter makes a big deal of the fact that he is not his father as if he has uncovered this as a shock horror expose which his mother or whoever has tried to obscure.
David Cotter
31/10/2022 11:21:26 pm is still unreachable using that URL. Sort it out, Merv.
URL Dept
1/11/2022 06:29:21 pm
What has "Merv' got to do with it? We register them. Beside, if it is unreachable how are you able to reach it and why would you want to? Mother says wipe your feet before you come in.
Links are working Dept
1/11/2022 06:30:53 pm
It I type in idiot, or buffoon the link immediately goes to David Cotter. Don't know what you are complaining about.
Domain Redirection Service
2/11/2022 10:15:02 am
It would seem that some redirects were listed https instead of http. This has now been corrected on several redirects not just the one mentioned above. Thank you for drawing this to our attention. We are managing over 100 domains for this client and so it is easy to let errors go unnoticed if more than one redirect goes to the same location.
31/10/2022 09:17:51 pm
bloody hell merve, you do like a good argument but,the so called debates here put others to shame( on the loony side that is!.
Loony Anoraks Arguments Department
1/11/2022 06:26:18 pm
We do not pick the topics. David Cotter seems to be in charge. So talk to him. What 'Merv' has to do with it we don't know because he seems to think that David Cotter is a mere fool, idiot, buffoon, etc., and he may very well be right. What do you think about this very cerebral matter?
James McGregor
31/10/2022 10:32:44 pm
Slightly off topic but what a brilliant name for a charity P then S!
1/11/2022 08:58:54 am
If Ronan O'Rahilly was just a scam artist (as documented by Malcolm Smith), why is his silly Caroline Kennedy story still the explanation for Malcolm Smith's toy called 'Radio Caroline'.
Who bloody well cares?
3/11/2022 10:07:04 am
Radio Caroline belongs to Peter Moore. End of. O'Rahilly was a con man. So what? Who cares? What matters is that Radio Caroline is on the air in 2023 playing records that we all love and Peter Moore is the man to see if you want to join his team. All this stuff about the past is just boring. If you want music tune to 648, if you want blah, blah, blah as Greta says, then listen to Fred Bramley and company or Garry Stevens who stitches old tapes together and lives in his own little world of make believe. The real Radio Caroline of 2023 has bills to pay so if you want to support it you should go over to our website and make a donation.
It's Never Open, Dept
3/11/2022 04:50:11 pm
Feedback: Some male with a Scottish accent accompanied by another person was looking at JLRI.CENTER and remarked that it is never open. Second visit apparently. Since it is closed to the public until at least March of 2023, the observations are in order. But the more visits will only result in the same conclusions. If you have questions why not ask them here?
4/11/2022 10:27:15 am
What is it?
David Cotter
4/11/2022 07:49:20 am
How would a casual observer/passer by even be aware that this page exists?
It's a secret page test site
5/11/2022 11:48:43 am
The aim is to see who comes here and why. You did, so why did you come here and of course, how did you know that it exists since it is a secret?
David Cotter
7/11/2022 08:18:28 pm
I come here for the entertainment and to call out those whose comments are untrue or unjustly malign others.
Joe Biden V's Donald trump
4/11/2022 08:12:02 pm
James McGregor
4/11/2022 08:47:56 pm
FFS what has this country come to when this is BBC parenting advice. Like anyone can afford more than a sparkler anyway? Or be demonised for flaunting their wealth?
5/11/2022 09:44:32 am
What does he want to know? He wants to know about a book and whether the rubbish spouted on the Garry Stevens and Dave Martin Boards will be included in it.
Time waits for no man
5/11/2022 02:57:14 pm
there is a Barry Ainsworth interview in the new RCSG email just to hammer the knock nails how sad!
James McGregor
5/11/2022 02:59:47 pm
Adolf did not join the NSDAP he just joind the party to spy on it and then took it over lock stock and catttle truck?
5/11/2022 09:11:12 pm
iam not an anorak!
Korrupt Gangster MC Ross
7/11/2022 06:23:30 am
Italy's new Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni put the issue of migration at the centre of her government in her maiden speech to MPs.
10/11/2022 01:59:50 pm
no merve that does not answer my questions but,the recent update on yesternoir does,and why have a dig at me? the questions I asked were only out of interest in the progress of the book!.
David Cotter
5/11/2022 11:58:18 am
'the corrupt little gangsters who own that boat and studio.'
Do you know the answer?
5/11/2022 12:00:13 pm
What is actual date when the story about Caroline Kennedy and Ronan O'Rahilly first appeared in printed form?
David Cotter
6/11/2022 01:04:56 pm
John Blackie's history of British Broadcasting in the 'Transmitting' newsletter seems to be a more authoritative piece than Mervyn's ' the BBC is not 100' rantings.
Mervyn Hagger
8/11/2022 10:07:48 am
Clearly David Cotter can't read.
David Cotter's Mum's Uncle via James McGregor
8/11/2022 11:55:37 am
Oi David Cotter - it don't publish no "newsletter' it publishes a magazine in print and digital formats. Wot u readin'? Someone told you about it but u didn't actually read it? That figures. By the way, the world really isn't flat, it's u that lives in one.
David's Co-Worker
8/11/2022 03:52:30 pm
Sorry David, I guess you annoyed them so much that they took time to contact me and find out who you are. They now have your picture and a lot more. You are out of your depth. Stick to your local community work because I get the impression that if you keep up bothering them they will swat you in good Irish fashion. I don't want to identify myself in public but you know who I am.
Don't care in the community
10/11/2022 09:53:21 am
Interesting! Who are "they"? Tell us more about this Cotter bloke.
David Cotter Response to your question about Caroline
9/11/2022 10:31:17 pm
Oh, I forgot, you don't know who financed the Caroline ship, so why should I tell you. I just want to know why you think that the BBC is not 100 years old?
James McGregor
6/11/2022 04:16:05 pm
I don't konw waht to say. I feel like a ship lost ast sea
Radio Caroline bible
8/11/2022 06:32:04 pm
David Cotter's Northside Co-worker
9/11/2022 10:28:09 pm
I know you became a shared big fish in very small bowl David, but why don't you team up with Agb and write a revised text for Paul Rusling now that it is obvious he is stuck in a rut of misinformation? You have a lot to say about local history but your talents seem to stop at academic research into the origins of the ship Caroline. You are getting out of your depth and exposing yourself to ridicule and this could bounce back on your friends. Either write a correction for Rusling and help him pay for his reprint, or better still just keep quiet. I don't want the people you are attacking to start investigating me.
Comparison review
11/11/2022 04:53:50 pm
Not as soft and strong or useful as toilet paper. That sells out and constantly gets reprinted.
Life raft laughs
9/11/2022 03:15:56 pm
Yes James, We note your best friend Garry has banned you yet again.
David Cotter
9/11/2022 11:12:06 pm
To Mervyn Hagger et al:
Mervyn Hagger
11/11/2022 08:01:30 am
I read your co-worker's comments and it seems that you are causing grief to some of your friends. It you had an interest in broadcasting you would enter into a serious academic discussion concerning issues and not just posting smears. If you disagree with a point based upon evidence you SHOULD post your evidence relating to the specific point you are disagree with, but that is not what you do.
Who am I?
11/11/2022 08:22:07 am
James McGregor Brand Reminder2/2/2020 08:09:50 pm
David's Co-Worker
11/11/2022 04:51:43 pm
You know who I am, and I know that you made local people aware of your assistance in commemorating local history. But why you now find it necessary to support someone who is engaged in a vanity project spreading more false information about people in our local area, while at the same time starting an argument with someone else who is conducting an investigation, I don't know. All I am saying is that if you keep needling don't be surprised if you personally end up in the spotlight. Just keep me out of your performance. You are correct in one respect: this is silly.
David Cotter
12/11/2022 10:44:18 pm
Just a final word to you, if I may.
Mervyn Hagger
14/11/2022 09:02:41 am
So "David Cotter" is now admitting that he has stolen someone else's identity and is worried that he is going to become the target of an investigation. Well, that is interesting.
Blog Frankenstein
15/11/2022 06:28:48 pm
Paul Rusling is not banned from this group; he is a member of this group and has posted here in the past.
David Cotter
15/11/2022 09:52:22 pm
It seems that further clarification is required for those who choose not to read and understand what I have written.
David Cotter's Mum
18/11/2022 08:06:16 pm
Oh thank goodness for that.
Mervyn Hagger
16/11/2022 09:28:58 am
For all those sick and twisted, mind damaged anoraks (like David Cotter who claims that he is really someone else), my attempt to rectify upon discovery the real story about 'Radio Caroline' is documented, if you know where to find it, in the archived editions of Wikipedia.
Mervyn Hagger
17/11/2022 06:28:54 pm
Back in 2005 - 2009 I tried to get others to help uncover the real and very complex story behind the creation of Radio Caroline. Back then I tried to sort out the RC story and I began several other related Wikipedia pages.
Mervyn Hagger
18/11/2022 08:12:47 pm
Two of our sites developed a glitch when a California company bought an Irish company and user names and passwords became confused when the email address was cancelled due to inactivity. Anyway, problems seem to have now been fixed at long last and so if you have been asking what is (or is not) going on? Now you know.
19/11/2022 09:56:33 pm
thanks for the answer merve,
Mervyn Hagger
20/11/2022 08:57:34 pm
AgB = Generally speaking that Board is now reserved for genuine contributions about content.
21/11/2022 10:08:04 am
For all anoraks. See
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