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Katie Hopkins: LIVE example of how media silencing works....a peep behind my curtains (so to speak). Well that's the title of her current video however I am inclined to describe it as "an idiots guide to how the free press and free speech died decades ago in the UK." To the occasional troll idiots who pass this way, listen to the substance of what is being said. I already know that Katie Hopkins frightens you and must be character assassinated.
Mervyn Hagger
14/2/2023 11:05:01 am
The problem with Katie Hopkins - whoever she is (never heard of her), is that she is all about Katie Hopkins and nothing more.
Narcissistic tendencies
15/2/2023 10:23:54 am
I would include your good self in the gas bagging camp.
James McGregor (occasional troller stroller)
14/2/2023 04:24:12 pm
I am scared stiiff of Katie Hopkins. How dare she make such a comeback from being an apprentice figurine of reality fun. How dare she recover from brain ops and make a life where she walks and talks. How dare she? Why does she not know her place? Why Why Why? Can Mattel not make her a doll? Mike needs a cuddle Barbie? Anoraks "need" a Mervyn book? Neither of us will get either side of US deep state. TRON was an early video game film. Sort of a Radio Nord, before the concept was accepted?
She told us so
14/2/2023 04:38:57 pm
Poor Loves !
Not frightened even a little bit
14/2/2023 05:21:33 pm
I'm always bemused by those who state this this person or that premise 'frightens you' when, of course, the commentator has no idea what frightens anyone. Meryn Hagger is fond of saying that anoraks are frightened or running scared, and this seems to be a very common ploy by those who are a bit insecure and unsure of themselves at best or are deluded at worst.
Kevin D
15/2/2023 10:05:45 am
I am not sure anyone in reality is running scared of Mervyn Hagger. Only in his mind.
Meryn says who?
15/2/2023 03:49:19 pm
Yo have a weird name, Not Frightened Even A Little Bit. Its too long.
Chinese whisper weather balloon
14/2/2023 09:57:00 pm
Posted by Freddie Archer on 14/2/2023, 18:00:42, in reply to "Poor Loves !"
RJ MacReady
15/2/2023 10:59:52 pm
Posted by Paul Rusling on February 13, 2023, 4:51 pm, in reply to "Radio Pirate History "
15/2/2023 11:11:31 pm
If All Change mentions "the old GPO" again and keeps talking in CAPS. I will agree with everyone one else that what I said backwards first time around when I was banned for nothing at all in particular apart from usual peculiarity was that he is a long wave man returning to the all speak Chinese balloon brawler band. When does Garry going to notice this or has All Change paid like Merve for Add Free. Can I go back if I pay for add free sugar and course havoc? There will soon be a campaign for all change to disappear and then there will be a Garry Amnesiasty and David and James will be back. Mark King my words
Someone on Dave's Radio Brod does not know what a monotonous station manager is
15/2/2023 08:46:45 pm
Not to be confused with Monogram.
Bang to rights, but nice try
15/2/2023 11:35:15 pm
Posted by Gino on February 13, 2023, 3:49 am
C Gotts
16/2/2023 04:51:19 pm
RJ MacReady
17/2/2023 08:57:05 pm
The results of the bloodline test was really shocking
Malcolm Smith and Paul Rusling School for Trolls
16/2/2023 08:33:47 am
It seems that the Troll class is not paying attention. One of its mini-members thinks that Genie Baskir does not exist or that she is someone else, while Malcolm who persists in calling himself Peter says that only 50 people have read the 'Hagger' monographs, and then Rusling writes (on the 'rival' Board!), that the BBC was a 'pirate' because it was unlicensed when it began operation.
16/2/2023 03:05:12 pm
"while Malcolm who persists in calling himself Peter says that only 50 people have read the 'Hagger' monographs"
Rusling Scoooooll for Trans-Idiots
16/2/2023 03:33:04 pm
Not being born an idiot but transitioning from birth into the realm of total stupidity, I now feel qualified to speak for other Trans people like Garry Stevens who pretends to run a radio station, and Malcolm Smith who pretends to run a radio ship.
Dementorak Nation
17/2/2023 08:51:25 pm
RSTI Bad news for you. YOU ARE going to pay US thousands of pounds in damages for the deflamation OF OUR characters
James Cameron
16/2/2023 04:32:26 pm
Is it true that when I filmed Titanic I was really filming The Hunt for Red October?
RJ MacReady. The Night Hawk Worker playing chess. Check Mate
17/2/2023 08:48:24 pm
No, Camerroon. It was a hunt for the USS Scorpion and USS Thresher
17/2/2023 09:14:29 pm
Before I read anything I want to see https in front of the domain name or I am not going there. If you need help in paying for a certificate just ask me and I will gladly pay the bill. I know that this https stuff is a scam but so is life. Anyway, my Mum just gave me part of her Lottery winnings so I can afford to be generous. I may offer to pay for part of the dry docking of the Ross Revenge as well.
Demonarack Detectorist
19/2/2023 03:17:44 pm
Posted by AgB on February 13, 2023, 12:32 pm
Don't pull the curtains together while Garry and Neil are at it like rabbits. It might be a good show
18/2/2023 06:32:02 pm
RJ MacReady
Please Sir, Please Sir, look how silly they are over there!
18/2/2023 11:02:24 pm
19/2/2023 03:31:54 pm
Hi Mike, My mate James might have just been trying to get on here making a detectorist spoof about the mi amigo and then got a bit worried when he went to the news about the river Wyre. So probably best not to print. Thanks on behalf of my casual aquaintance James.
19/2/2023 04:11:31 pm
Finally they got that Board to work after I complained that it lacked a certificate. If only more people would listen to me they would save themselves a lot of trouble. Do you think that I enjoy being Garry and Dave's Board policeman? I do not. Now the police have found a body in the Wye in the opposite direction to the one they were looking in. I told them where to look a week ago, but no one listened to me then. I also told Peter how to fix his ship, but he is not listening to me. To my knowledge the only person who listens to me is Scottg and he is ignored.
AGB gets industry measuring Rajar fixed
20/2/2023 02:46:59 pm
Posted by AgB on February 20, 2023, 12:14 pm, in reply to "Re: There' still money in radio!"
Mr Suspense
20/2/2023 11:03:20 am
Now that Agb's access factor seems to have been addressed, what will Malcolm post on Dave's Board in response to the latest challenge to his Caroline Kennedy nonsense?
Mr Suspended
22/2/2023 11:25:50 am
This explains a lot. Next there will be a McGregor Administrator, who will only allow praise of album music from one station. This strategy might set him at odds with Garry so McGregor will have to play his second string of boring us all to death with his medical ailments and problems with his central heating benefits and pensions. Please Garry. You have sunk the ship deep enough. Please don't inflict this on us
Mike proves Mike is all right
20/2/2023 02:57:58 pm
Posted by Mike Simmonds on February 20, 2023, 2:27 pm, in reply to "Re: There' still money in radio!"
Digital radio Moondialers
20/2/2023 03:13:50 pm
WE WILL make the 8 Track, The Betamax, The Laser 558 disc, The Radio Caroline Bible, DRM. Icons of perseverance to bring back the wax cylinder back from the museum of Smithsonion Malcolm Hedgehopper. A unvisited museum he stole from Oneman and his band and after substantial support and investment turned into a popular theme park and adventure playground for silly children to jump on a trampoline and shout weeee, weeee,more power, more power
Father Steve Complex
24/2/2023 01:11:50 pm
There once was a white haired man who owned a travelling circus
Marti mcfly
20/2/2023 08:29:44 pm
Posted by mike Simmonds on April 1, 2023, 11:02 am, in reply to " Re: 648 POWER LEVEL "
21/2/2023 02:58:51 pm
Check out the copyright notice at the bottom of Malcolm Smith's web site: "Content © 1964-2023 Radio Caroline · All Rights Reserved"
More tosh from James
22/2/2023 11:11:02 pm
More tosh from Meryvn again, who does not acknowledge "the blood line of history" through those such as Lewis, Harris, Moore and of course The Ross Revenge and Ronan. Why can he not see this. The station has gone through many incarnations and it has not always smelt of roses but it is still Radio Caroline. Not Veronica or a computer in a bedroom it is Malcolm's Radio Caroline. Thakfully now back with the wonderful album tracks. So stop moaning and picking holes in string about passing off this and that and copyright the other. Have you got copyright over being salt in the water?
But Seriously
23/2/2023 10:25:16 am
there is no bloodline and never has been. The original Radio Caroline came and went. Others brought back the brand in the 1970's however if you follow the money you will see that O'Rahilly contributed zero. He wormed his way to the top spending other peoples cash and causing some folk never to do business with him or the station again.
Nicole Bulley Remains
23/2/2023 03:35:36 pm
I have no bloodline but I think that I am related to James because we both love water sports
Andys Fan Club
24/2/2023 01:49:17 pm
Andy Archers account really does show just how Ronan rode on the backs of others back then. Always about when there was others money to be spent but in reality what did he actually do? Chris Cary & a few others did the grafting, Peter Chicago held to Mi Amigo together and the Dutch funded pretty much everything. Today Caroline is just another brand name as is Veronica & Atlantis. The latter two are at least run as businesses and pay their staff, just as the Original Radio Caroline did.
Rinehart and Rennie
23/2/2023 03:07:42 pm
I have read all 3 editions of A+A before!
Nicole Bulley
23/2/2023 03:33:50 pm
And why shouldn't I have my say? My corpse is going to be handed over for a funeral. They know its me because of my teeth. They won't tell you whether my lungs had water in them until June, but which time they will have incinerated my remains or a funeral home will have pumped them out to make me smell nice. Then with all the evidence gone the sooper-dooper and totally honest police and all that receive tax money to help them eat, drink, pay for housing and drive cars, will tell you that I had enough of life and jumped in the river, just like they said all along. So now you know: shut up.
24/2/2023 12:54:33 pm
I think it is amazing that Caroline comes to us at all. Well done to Ronan and now to Peter Moore. Peter is doing a great job. Also with regards solar panels, have Caroline looked into the cost of replacement batteries. People here are having solar panels installed under a government scheme and the batteries only last for 6 years and cost thousands to replace. Maybe the Caroline array does not need batteries to store the power?
Fred Bramley
24/2/2023 01:52:14 pm
I would just like to apologies for being a raving anorak, I just can't help it.
Bramley is a Jam
24/2/2023 08:53:44 pm
How dare you stick Fred in front. It's not your real name anyway.
Nicole Bulley
24/2/2023 08:56:54 pm
Hey I'm still dead and you still don't know why but you have all lost interest in me. What do I have to do to get your interest again? Maybe if someone wrote that I did not have water in my lungs and someone threw me over that wall. Go on, admit it. You would all love it to turn into a murder mystery.
James McGregor
24/2/2023 08:59:48 pm
To be fair to Fred. At least he has his own inimitable identity
Lincolnshire County Council Litter Department
24/2/2023 09:00:04 pm
To whom it may concern. Do not throw human bodies into the river or even on to the river bank. We do not have the kind of wildlife that will devour the remains and they will just rot and stink. Fines could be in order for such littering.
Oranges and Apples. The pair shaped hippy suicide line
25/2/2023 05:21:11 pm
Don't do it Peter! 1.5kv petrol gen to Ross Input was nearly Rico and your Hero Neil's Hillbilly 3 pin 13 amp to 3 pin 13 amp suicide line
Kramer Vs Kramer. Moore Vs Martin. Goodfellas want a seperation. You looking at me? You jousting with me?
25/2/2023 01:37:10 pm
The assault and car burirrto fast food wars. One year into the realtionship the fall out is flying at Camelot
Remedial Online Services for Ruslingites
25/2/2023 04:13:36 pm
It seems that Rusling is again poking his head above ground hoping that the world will no longer call him a liar, idiot and fraud.
Nicole Bulley
25/2/2023 04:22:50 pm
You got my corpse and the dentist has said that it is my corpse. So why can't you tell everyone how I died? OOOPS! You are getting rid of my corpse before telling anyone. Now the forensic chain of custody has been compromised. Give my corpse to the funeral home and they will make it look as pretty as possible or even set fire to it and stick the ashes in a jug. But how will you be able to prove to anyone how I died? You have just made the world of flying saucer conspiracies by three-legged elephants a reality. Was that your intention? Does anyone even dare say the word 'murder'? You can issue your report but you will no longer have the evidence if your report is questioned. That fact may upset you but you are treating everyone as fools and that is not nice.
The new maxicon: words and paraphrases heard in the wild this month
26/2/2023 09:04:00 pm
Neil Gates v Peter Moore: WHY?
25/2/2023 05:54:08 pm
Ian asked and Peter responded by telling the truth, except that he did not use his legal name. So he lied.
Everyone in the inner circle is one the phone to each other. So why bother with the Free Masons protected board
26/2/2023 01:58:52 pm
Re: Harris DX 25U transmitter
Just Spoken
27/2/2023 11:57:20 am
Seems that Paul is busy trying to climb out of a bucket, so any echo you hear is from him farting.
James McGregor
26/2/2023 08:51:57 pm
I have never given any money to Neil Gates and his crazy crusin ballon helikite stations renting 3 hours on obscure spare brother Stair freqencies. I give all my giros in advance to Peter Moore to keep the ship afloat
Puffed up Puffin Books
3/3/2023 06:29:45 pm
Beat can huff and puff but you will never beat my Yorkshire batter
Malcolm evades the direct question about his employee by pouring more scorn on his old friend?
27/2/2023 10:41:23 am
The question about Neil is fanled away by a good enough excuse for Peter to moan how mean Ronan was. Quoting large outstanding marine mortgage cliams and the usual Lichenstein stuff which Peter probably quite rightly guesses is way over anoraks diode controlled Kwh solar panel heads. I joust you knot. Another particually pointless anecdote about couriers with suitcases full of intercontinental cash. I think Peter will find that customs are quite suspicious of cash couriers. More likely that money is just wired around. But Peter thinks it all adds intrigue and mystery and will simulateaonouly keep his crafty man mythology going so he can trade on it while putting on the arrogant front of Hey I'm just Mr Innocent here doing the best for the legendary station and being thawted by you pesky researchers with your Tecsun loopies, Texan moonies and solar battery powered archers. Don't joust with me. I am the Dark Night to your Rob Day
Mr Rusling
26/2/2023 04:30:20 pm
I admit that I made a mistake in saying that the BBC was a pirate when it started, because I was referring to the BBC as the Sender and not as part of a group of Senders that already had licenses. I checked out the facts and it is true that the BBC was never a pirate station. Even so, just because I got my facts wrong does not mean that I lied, it just means that I don't know what I am talking about which is why I nick whatever I can from people who do know the difference between fact and fantasy. Besides which telling the truth has nothing to do with what I do for a living.
Acutual Mr Rustling Quote showing he takes what he can when he can because he is Mr Radio
28/2/2023 12:49:43 pm
Posted by Paul Rusling on February 27, 2023, 12:31 pm, in reply to "Re: Harris DX 25U transmitter "
26/2/2023 04:35:18 pm
Is it just my imagination or is the anorak base getting so small as to be able to fit into the lav at my favourite pub? That must be scary for Peter and why he is trying to get money from the Lottery by pretending to be a charity, unless he is claiming that old slogan that charity begins at home?
27/2/2023 11:40:57 am
If you are referring to the charity set up for the preservation and restoration of the Ross Revenge, then it is most definitely not 'pretend' as you put it. Get your facts straight
Doctor soap opera - needed to come out of retirement to save inverted 6s and 7s from DLW crisis
1/3/2023 12:10:02 pm
Re: Another one bites the dust
Quick Whit
1/3/2023 12:23:30 pm
Is it Paul's Pub LOL
Darkness, ignorance and fear
28/2/2023 07:36:24 pm
You can't separate Ronan O'Rahilly from his life, and he lived in the same time frame and the same space as Peter Rachman who employed him.
The Philadelphia Experiment
1/3/2023 11:41:00 pm
Using Ronan's magnetism. The CIA made a ship invisable
The Philadelphia Experiment reapplied
2/3/2023 06:03:30 pm
The delete button works wonders in making things vanish.
Corrected correction
28/2/2023 09:07:00 pm
The pretend charity pretends to be legitimate, and it is because the object of its charity is pretending to be legit. So it is a game of pretending to be outraged by someone exposing the pretense that the Ross Revenge charity is legit. Get it? Its like James pretending to be a legit thinker when he is really a little guy on a keyboard.
Pretend endorsement of pretension
1/3/2023 11:00:41 pm
So James is as on the level as the Radio Caroline Support Group? James will be pleased. RCSG perhaps less so
Pretend endorsement of pretension applied to James
2/3/2023 06:07:12 pm
RCSG and James are eponymous explanations for hot air in a society that can't put tomatoes in stomachs. James calls it farting.
Another Mouse
2/3/2023 09:09:09 pm
All change at platform Stevens
Charity Supporter
2/3/2023 10:14:30 am
One thing a friend’s dad said that I always kept with me, “Don’t look for ways to spend money.”
Ukraine Appeal
2/3/2023 06:12:40 pm
Please tow the Ross Revenge to the Black Sea to stop Putin. He will tremble with fear, especially when he sees the mighty Ronan O'Rahilly boat that is towing it. Make sure that Admiral Moore is on the bow. We will smash Putin's pirates.
2/3/2023 06:17:28 pm
MH is Freddie Archer!
Morre modus Operandi
2/3/2023 09:01:46 pm
These are standard expressions in common use with some twisted woke agenda to undermine my stationary bank account
RJ Stationary Engine
2/3/2023 09:05:07 pm
Sorry I have just seen there was a train crash last night. Perhaps jokes about derailment might seem dubious. Probably best not to print say my aquaintance RJ MacReady. I don't want to get anyone off track
All Change
3/3/2023 07:00:35 am
Something must be done about Garry Stevens because he has banned me yet again after Freddie Archer on the Dave Martin board wrote that I am MH, but Garry says that I am David LW and MH washed his hands of me and the entire anorak brigade, including Garry Stevens and Dave Martin and Freddie Archer, a long time ago. My identity is known by my interest in LW and of course IOMC but a stopped promoting that idea several years ago. So I suggest you take a look at anyone posting about transmission strength and the closing down of MW and LW because it not only could be, it probably is me. Funny thing is that a lot of anoraks join in these power increase and radiation pattern discussions in relation to RC and Mr Moore. But for now let's all ignore Garry and register with Dave using a proxy server.
James LW
3/3/2023 07:03:53 am
Someone wrote that I am Freddie Archer because I support the RR, but that is not true. Is Garry the only person who is against the RR?
James MW
3/3/2023 01:23:43 pm
The three who are alone against the world are Garry, David, Neil and of course Mervyn
Doctor soap opera
5/3/2023 01:41:44 pm
They are talking about the possibility of the London Mayor Sadiq Khan resisting a possible lockdown for Long Wave transmissions.
For Nick Bolland
3/3/2023 10:43:57 am
Nick posted this on 3/3/2023, 9:36:05, in reply to "Re: March 3rd 1968"
Jason Deck Chair (researcher)
3/3/2023 06:45:12 pm
Hi Mervyn, unfortunately you are way out of Date. I have looked it up. How can PR the slum landlord of the fifties have influenced Ronan who was in your own videos not in London until at least 1961 and this other immigrant who some might say like Al Capone made good died in 1962. Anyway, like Andrew Tate fair play to him. They all came from humble beginnings and like the Krays were the photographed anti heros of the establishment. Mixing with the scenes of the times
Jason Deck Chair (researcher)
4/3/2023 01:49:35 pm
Sorry, my mistake. You wrote that ROR came to London and worked for Rachman (who owned the Scene and Discoteque). Then Rachman died and ROR had to find new employment. I regret that I jumped to conclusions by not carefully reading what you wrote. Sorry about that, but we all make mistakes sitting in our deck chairs.
For Mervyn Hagger
3/3/2023 09:32:34 pm
Personally, I give little credence to any commentator who cannot present their case without resorting to personal attacks and insults, or produce any documented evidence in support of their claims, especially when they have had no personal involvement in the matters in which they profress to be an expert, and have never met or interviewed any of those concerned.
From Freddie Archer
4/3/2023 02:57:01 pm
Well I really meant to address myself and Malcolm since we love to attack MH without any cause whatsoever
David LW
3/3/2023 12:39:30 pm
It's All Change for me now or is it? Dose any won no that secretlee I am Garry Stevens? I have it on good authority that Garry has received a bung and will now transgender into a Radio Caroline 648 follower. Malcolms boots will be even shinier when the London intellectual gets his tung on them.
Doctor soap opera
3/3/2023 01:28:56 pm
I would not at all be surprised if Garry does a U turn and decides that the way forward is to do a George Orwell rewrite overnight and wake up being the most loyal supporter of RC since Buster. Watch this space
Yet another Malcolm Smith confession
3/3/2023 03:09:13 pm
Posted by Peter Moore on 3/3/2023, 12:51:08, in reply to "Re: I get the impression that he disnae like you."
Yet another Mervyn Hagger rant
4/3/2023 11:27:12 am
The success of Caroline really gets to you, doesn't it?
Mister Tripe
5/3/2023 05:40:18 pm
You must love tripe because you keep reading it in order to get bored. Why not find something else to do like fixing pot holes?
And Onions
7/3/2023 10:25:15 am
Well, Mr Tripe I read your posts, so perhaps you're right
Calendar culinder head
4/3/2023 07:44:09 pm
We are almost into March now. Are there any more interesting videos of Katie Hopkins. I am beginning to warm to her and her battles with the establishment
Cuckooing the cook books
4/3/2023 03:51:15 pm
This is a relativly new dictionary entry where where gangsters move into and take over a vulnerable persons home or houseboat forcing the sole housekeeper and cook to co operate or leave
Uh, Andrew Holmes
4/3/2023 04:37:57 pm
Question for you Andrew. How can Hagger hang on Peter's every word when Peter does not exist - which raises the question about you: do you exist?
An explanation
5/3/2023 06:35:04 pm
Since Peter Moore is often referred to here and elsewhere, I suspect that the Peter referred to is Malcolm Smith, who does exist and commonly uses that pseudonym.
Identity Parade
7/3/2023 07:56:36 am
There is NO law against using a pen name.
Another own goal
8/3/2023 02:02:42 pm
"those who are using fake identities to do so are merely low-level, anti-social twerps"
Own Goal
5/3/2023 07:47:25 am
Fortunately, Radio Caroline will not be 'forgotten by all for ever' whilst people keep writing about it. How's the book going?
Own Goal - Missed!
5/3/2023 05:37:18 pm
Yorkshire Ripper is also remembered, and Hitler and Charles Manson and Jimmy Saville. No one needs to write more stuff about them. How about a book on Paul Rusling? Nah, his puddin-basin hair cut won't sell. How about Malcolm Smith? Nah, he is just a grease monkey from days of old who should have gone in for job training to learn a new trade. How about you? Will anyone know who you are because you are too ashamed to even give out your identity.
He shoots! He misses
6/3/2023 08:55:41 pm
Talking of identities, what is yours? Are you therefore ashamed of yourself?
James McGregor
7/3/2023 11:41:33 pm
After a couple of bottles of mullered wine I am coming round.. -- to the opinion that Radio Caroiline and their supporters and detractors are a load of old tosh that have something missing from their lives. Although of course the genuine presentation and the wonderful ship and album music makes me keep going back again and again for my next fix. Hoping this time it will be better
More nonsense from Hagger
7/3/2023 12:16:02 pm
"But what Malcolm appears to be doing is taking the dying embers of nonsense and by calling it 'Radio Caroline' he is hoping to create a new and legitimate financial basis for himself".
Shaun - pay attention!
8/3/2023 12:57:47 pm
Because the entire enterprise depends on Malcolm and because Malcolm depends on a lie spun by Ronan O'Rahilly for whom he cares little. What Malcolm needs is for you to be silly enough to send his operations money so that he can morph them into something else. He is staying within the guidelines of the law to appear to be an honest chap doing a noble thing for humanity. He learned that from Ronan O'Rahilly who he sneers at and uses to fool people like you. But wait, at some point in time 'Caroline' will go bye-bye and the FM version was just a start. You on the other hand will excuse its passing as bad luck and blame it on someone else.
7/3/2023 07:29:42 pm
Read the last few posts in this thread:
Shaun stop worshipping and start paying attention
8/3/2023 01:00:58 pm
If you post rubbish then it gets tossed. Even James learned that lesson and so did Agb!
Shaun Adkins
7/3/2023 08:33:47 pm
To those who think they will silence me, I say you will not succeed because I will hold everyone to account for all of the terrible things that are said about our Peter and his Caroline. I will not be silenced. I will inform the world of the anti-Caroline propaganda spread about Peter and his mission to save the world by Caroline's message of free radio and love radiating to al who will listen. I will be back, but right now Mum is calling me downstairs for tea time. You have been warned.
8/3/2023 01:02:13 pm
A-men brother Shaun.
David Hine G4DIG
26/12/2023 07:20:18 pm
It was a delight to see "Thankyou Anoraks" posted on Garry Steven's pirate forum by "Agb". Whilst I know nothing of most persons mentioned, I can tell you I have been conned out of an estimated £4000 by Paul Rusling, who shows no shame or any conscience, and who also continues to libel Mervyn Hagger openly on public forums. I will be pleased to pass on details of Paul Rusling's conning of me if you are interested. Kind regards, David
David Hine G4DIG
28/12/2023 08:13:41 pm
I have always had the greatest respect for Mervyn Hagger for accurate reporting of facts without spelling and grammar errors. UK MoD recognised Ronan O'Rahilly was a National secirity risk back in 1964, who's "loose cannon" offshore broadcasting had to be terminated. My superior Managing Director (Colonel Key) summoned me to his office to cammand me to stop illegal "garden shed" copycat pirate radio, and to get a GPO Amateur Radio licence. Colonel Key said he would help me to obtain the GPO Amateur Licence. Colnel Key also knew I listensd to Radio Caroline from1964 as a "fan", and so set up a meeting for me to explain to UK Officials what I found "so damned great" about Radio Caroline? Colonel Key explaned the co-operation of the UK Parliament was urgently needed to outlaw "loose canon" offshore broadcasting. UK Admin knew "Caroline" was far too popular for comfort, and we had more meetings to decide the legal replacement(s) to keep the UK public "onside". It was decided to detail Bauer Media and the Global Corporation to provide UK commercial Radio, once the Act of Parliament, known as the "Marine Offences Act" passed as UK Law in 1967. Later some breached the 1967 MOA, so another act was passed (around the 1980's) to make the 1967 MOA "watertight". I was not involved with that, as I was then on other duties. Some persons are still being monitored, as recent breaches have been spotted and refered on to Ofcom Officials. That is a "work in progress", hopefully leading to certain "community" broadcasting licence terminations. With knd regards, David G4DIG. . .
David G4DIG
30/1/2024 06:39:22 pm
Con man, 1967 MOA law breaker and IP thief Paul Rusling has single handedly destroyed his own credibility. Now, no one can, or ever will trust "con man criminal serial lying thief Rusling",ever again. Now, Rusling (who is now an old man) should hide in shame and never appear, or be heard of again in any public place. Rusling only has himself to blame. David G4DIG
David Hine
31/1/2024 06:36:33 pm
In order for Paul Rusling to correct some of his past crimes and offensive behavior, Rustling MUST publicly appologise to Mervyn Hagger for using Mervyn's intellectual property in Rusling's online and Amazon published books for Rusling's commercial gain. This is theft that Rusling refuses to admit too. Rusling CANNOT deny breaking UK law in his post 1967 MOA. illegally assisting offshore pirate broadcasting in the 1980's, however small Rusling's part actually was. Rusling cannot undo that crime, BUT Rusling should apologise to Mervyn Hagger, and be seen to be a responsible adult and be truly sorry for being a sneaky IP thief. I don't think Rusling is "man enough" to admit his guilt, and if that proves to be the case, it's advisasable NOT to have any sort of dealings and conversations with "con man" Rusling. Rusling now has the chance to admit he is wrong, so let's see if Rusling can revise his behaviour and also settle what debts he has. David Hine G4DIG
David Hine G4DIG
5/2/2024 04:53:34 pm
For the record, there is absolutely NO connection WHATEVER between O'Rahilly's offshore 1964 to 1967 Radio Caroline and anything now calling itself "Radio Caroline" AFTER O'Rahilly's 1964 / 67 Caroline was scuppered by the 1967 MOA. O'Rahilly quickly realised there was no more cash to be made and wisely dissapeared when the 1967 MOA fully kicked in. O'Rahilly only loved cash and did not want to end up in a UK jail, so that was that. Later, some tried to create a "new BUT unconnected" offshore Radio Caroline, but that was not successful, and only lasted until another UK broadcasting Act was passed to close the 1967 MOA loopholes, and that "copy cat" unconnected caroline was also forced to close, taking Laser and other lawbreakers down with it. This is ACCURATE according to UK MoD records. The result(s) of all this was the creation of BBC Radio 1, and the detailing of Bauer Media and Global (casinos) Corporation to provide 24 / 7 commercial radio in the UK. In conclusion, offshore pirate radio brought forward by a few years the adoption of UK Commercial radio. This also led to the end of Luxembourg 208, who lost their listeners to BBC R1 and the new UK commercials. This is the TRUE account according to UK MoD records. Anything else TOLD or WRITTEN is a LIE. David Hine G4DIG
David Hine G4DIG
5/2/2024 07:43:11 pm
I sent the previous post BECAUSE the accounts pushed forward by Rusling and Moore (Smith) about the history of Radio Caroline are total FICTION. They make a "good" sexed up, but fake story full of LIES, and ARE NOT the truth, according to UK MoD records. O'Rahilly was simply an opportunist con man who LOVED ONLY CASH, but had NO interest in radio once there was no cash to be made after the 1967 MOA. O'Rahilly was closely "shadowed" BECAUSE of his IRA connoctions, but nothing "IRA" was pinned on him. O'Rahilly ONLY LOVED CASH, but the National Security risks his offshore shore operation posed meant it had to be closed down. No one misses it, and it was a small part of broadcasting history that brought forward commercial radio in the UK. Mervyn's account of the events surrounding O'Rahilly's Caroline matches very closely to the UK MoD records. Probably much more accurate than mine, as I'm no researching journalist David Hine G4DIG
David Hine G4DIG
7/2/2024 08:12:50 pm
We are now at a time when the past criminal antics of "quick buck opportunist" O'Rahilly "con man purveyer of book fiction and lies" Rusling and "fake caroline begging bowl OAP pensions milker" Moore (Smith) are of NO further public significance, BUT the HISTORY of the offshore events are of interest to both the UK Authorities and those that follow the path of UK and European broadcasting history. So, the true account of the offshore events are important and how they tie in with how the BBC adapted with the incorporation of Bauer and Global into UK National public broadcasting. This is why the work of Mervyn Hagger, by accurately documenting public broadcasting events, is essential to those that study that type of radio history. David Hine G4DIG
17/4/2024 05:49:09 pm
Hopefully, because "professional scammer and IP thief" Paul Rusling has now been exposed, we should not fall subject to his sly toxic antics any more. David Hine G4DIG
David Hine
17/4/2024 08:13:15 pm
Rusling has claimed to me (by email) he has NOW fully RETIRED from all business activities, sold off his "ownrship" (to a third party) of his dodgy books (that use Mr.Hagger's IP), and Rusling NOW claims he has moved his location to the IOM. I suspect (true to Rusling's serial lying mode of sly toxic operation), NONE of that is true. Rusling scammed me out of cash, and BLAMES ME saying I ordered him to retire, and is using THAT as his "get out of jail" reason NOT to settle his debt(s). Also, Rusling has scammed Mr. Mervyn Hagger out of copyright fees, and used that stolen IP in his (Rusling's) books without due copyright payment to Mr. Hagger. This all needs to be widely circulated to prevent others being tricked by serial con man Rusling. I reckon "Rusling" should now be spelt "RUSTLING"!!! David Hine
David Hine
19/4/2024 07:50:19 pm
Con man Paul Rustling has to be forgiven because he is seriously mentally challenged. Rusttling cannot distinguish between his created lies and the real truth. Also his massive ego and greed makes him wide open to do anything to attempt to make folk worship him and then part wth their cash. Rustling must never be permitted to gain any position where he can influence anything, as Rusling would be dangerous in any position of authority. Boris Johnson has similar mental defects, and look at the serial bad issues Bojo caused!!!!! Rustling has been blocked from running certain public broadcasting stations and several other things, to confine areas where his toxic influence is unnoticed, causes no harm, and therefore is of no consequence. I don't think we shall have to suffer Rustling's toxic and nasty ways anymore. I can't see Rustling honouring IP debts owed to Mr. Hagger, as Rusling NEVER admits to, or attempts to correct his serial cheating of others. It's the typical Rustling "modus operandi".. David hine G4DIG.
David Hine
19/4/2024 08:10:51 pm
I'm just recovering from a fit of laughing after reading a post from Rustling on a criminal infested online pirate radio forum, where Rusling CLAIMS he is an "OFFSHORE EXPERT"!!!! What a prize PRAT PLONKER is Rustling!!! PILLOCK DeLuxe !!!!. David Hine G4DIG
David Hine
30/4/2024 08:09:22 pm
It's so sad Paul Rustling fell victim to his own boasting about his illegal participation in pirate offshore radio after the MOA became law in 1967 after he was given good advice to stay silent on this subject today. It's also a theft offence to use other's IP (Mervin Hagger's) in written material (offshore books) for cash payments.without permission from Mervin Hagger. Through Mr Rustling's bad conduct, Rustling has lost the trust and respect of others in the public broadcasting trade. This includes UK Authorities, and also cost Rustling careers in the EU, IOM, and other areas. Bad reputations travel very fast in this computer age, with no possibility to hide any skulduggery. Mr Rustling will never be able to achieve anything, UNLESS he settles all his debts together with his sincere apologies for his own con man antics. I don't think Rustling is man enough to face up to his self inflicted issues, and probably believes everyone else is to blame!!!!..So, Rustling has forced himself into exile, using the "I'm retired" get out of jail excuse. I once had great hopes for Rustling, but Rustling himself has destroyed himself. Maybe Rustling may finally see sense and settle his issues. We can but hope Rustling will change. Perhaps he will. I like to think Rustling will put his affairs in order.
David Hine
1/5/2024 07:59:56 pm
What few realise is Ronan O'Rahilly was NOT one bit interested in radio, ONLY the cash he could make from offshore Radio Caroline, until the 1967 MOA put an end to O'Rahilly's Radio Caroline "big bucks" earner. Once the 1967 MOA killed O'Rahilly's "cash cow", O'Rahilly VANISHED back to Ireland NEVER to be seen again!! Basically, O'Rahilly was a blagging cunning opportunist, and after the 1967 MOA,, O'Rahilly and his "cash cow" Radio Caroline were GONE forever. Only a few "caroline tribute" juke boxes remain today, BUT NONE of these "tributes" are in anyway connected with O'Rahilly's original Radio Caroline. These FACTS are true, and are kept "for the record" in UK Gov.Archives. To believe otherwise, gives some "anoraks" reasons for continuing caroline tribute.hobby stations, Good luck to them in the great hobby we know as radio, which includes DIY hobby music broadcasting (as the Dutch do in the disused "Trawler band"),. and Ham (Amateur) Radio. There is no point in mentioning Rustling any further, as he firmly belongs in the past and irrelevent, and public broadcasting is moving rapidly away from traditional "RF radio".into the digital online and mobile phone apps era.. Soon the disused traditional public broadcasting bands will only contain some "garden shed" hobby music stations and Radio Hams reliving their old pirate radio days of Sunday mornings in the 1960's. Ofcom will not be bothered by this, as the number of hobby stations will be very small. Ofcom may soon encourage this, as operating "hobby" is a VERY good form of radio self training. Many Dutch free radio hobby stations are ALSO active radio Hams!!! Hopefully, Mervin Hagger will document the rise and fall of public broadcasting by RF radio, in which the BBC played by far the biggest part, from the 1920's up to these days of BBC migration into the online and mobile phone apps delivery platforms. David Hine G4DIG.
David Hine
1/5/2024 09:56:39 pm
I occassionally look at Garry Steven's pirate radio forum, and TWO obsessions are a constant "theme" of the anorak posters there. The first is the unbelievably obsessive worship of Peter Moore's (Malcolm Smith) caroline hobby tribute station. The STRANGE thing about this is Peter Moore' often quotes he absolutely holds in utter CONTEMPT those anoraks that post there!! In retaliation, Moore is BANNED from posting there!!!! Crazy world of the criminals !!!! The second OBSESSION is attacking Mervin Hagger, who only wants the truth about caroline. That main TRUTH is O'Rahilly's Caroline was JUST FOR THE CASH, and Moore's caroline "hobby" is IN NO WAY connected with O'Rahilly's 1964 to 1967 Radio Caorline -FACT !!!!! Mervin has mentioned this truth, BUT the DELUDED anoraks that insanly WORSHIP Moore "invent" the LIE that Moore's caroline hobby tribute is part of what O'Rahilly created. UK Gov records say otherwise, and I personally assisted the rather elderly team of UK officials undestand the reason why O'Rahilly's Caroline captivated millions of UK listeners. Of course, O'Rahilly being IRISH, was deemed a UK Security threat and had to be quickly stopped. This was deemed urgent, due to IRA activity in the 1960's. It was feared that the cash generated by O'Rahilly's Caroline would fund the IRA. I hope this helps understanding why the 1967 MOA was considered top priority. Of course the MOA made ALL other offshore broadcasting a serious criminal offence by default. It's important to get this truth understood. The UK Gov used the Thames Fort shootings as a way of "convincing" the UK public these offshore stations were irresponsible and had to be closed. BBC Radio One was very quickly put in place to give the UK public the same stuff that O'Rahilly's Caroline provided. Ofcom made a silly error in giving Moore (Smith) a licence, but now realising this, the future of Moore's caroline hobby station will be kept very small. No huge power increases for Moore, and the MW outlet ending in the not too distant future. Also, the public are NOT interested in obsolete "648", and prefere the "Hi Fi" noiseless interference free reception offered online and via mobiles. It appears Lyca Radio (Asian) will be the last remaining licenced UK MW station, until they also find MW has no listeners. David Hine G4DIG.. . . . .
David Hine
2/5/2024 06:17:45 pm
Having truthfully explained the "criminal" nature of "piky boy" O'Rahilly, and his ONLY love being the cash he made from the 1964 to 1967 "Radio Caroline", I must now point out the LIES put forward by Paul (con man) Rustling trying to GLORIFY O'Rahilly's felonies, and BOASTING of how great he (Rustling) was in doing ILLEGAL offshore broadcasting, after the 1967 MOA made ALL pirate offshore a criminal offence. To add insult to injury, RUSTLING stole the IP of Mr. Mervin Hagger for Rustling's own monetory gains -ALSO ILLEGAL. There is more, but that can wait until a suitable time. Perhaps, and hoping, time will make the activities of Malcolm Smith and Rustling just a stupid distant bad memory. There is NO future in anything "offshore", and the MW band will NEVER be used again for public broadcasting in the UK. The public would NEVER ever buy traditional type RF radios, even if they were digital stations there. It's all online and mobiles from now on. The only place for old type RF radios are now in private collections, museums and with Amateur and hobby music radio enthusiasts. "Joe Public" is simply not interested..Ydun Ritz is now considering widening her MW site to include Ham, SWL and hobby radio, realising that MW public broadcasting is closing down. I wonder what the pirate free radio forums will discuss once Moore's fake is forever gone. Perhaps Ham and hobby radio will become the discussed norm and participated in. Sanity will then return, once the obsessed rubbish about Moore's fake is consigned to permanent QRT. The sooner that inevitable and welcome day comes, the better for all. David G4DIG.
David Hine
3/5/2024 05:20:55 pm
Another valid point, is ACCEPTING Peter Moore's (Malcolm Smith) caroline tribute hobby station is IN NO WAY a direct "decendant" of Ronan O'Rahilly's 1964 to 1967 Radio Caroline, (ended by the 1967 MOA).. Therefore.Peter Moore's "caroline" is just one of several caroline TRIBUTE hobby stations.. Knowing this FACT, it's morally WRONG for Moore to beg cash from the now elderly OAP guys who were the original 1964 to 1967 O'Rahilly's Caroline fans. Now that many OAP's are now becoming RAPIDLY poorer in the worsening UK economic scenario, avoiding Moore's "pensions cash begging bowl" is something for the 1964 to 1967 caroline OAP fans to seriously consider. Why make Moore RICH, and yourselves ever poorer??? Moore would NOT care ONE IOTA if you cannot soon affort heat in Winter and food to survive!!! .Moore's CRUEL "con trick" should be seen for the NASTY SCAM it really is. There is plenty of evidence showing "the real" O'Rahilly Radio Caroline died for ever in 1967 !!!! Mervin Hagger can prove this, and I also know UK Gov records (MoD) ALSO support the TRUTH Caroline DIED in 1967!!!!!!! PLEASE DO NOT delude yourselves any longer !!!! DON'T donate your hard earned dwindling PENSIONS to unscrupulous TRICKSTER Moore !!!! David Hine G4DIG.
David Hine
3/5/2024 10:31:14 pm
I feel, because Peter Moore (Malcolm Smith) has slandered so many on public forums, performing character assasinations, and GLOATING about his "caroline success" (in getting an Ofcom licence) and USE it to belittle others, In "dissing others on public forums" Peter Moore has BREACHED his Ofcom licence given privilege of having that licence for his "tribute" station. Moore has ALSO TRICKED Ofcom into believing Moore's caroline "fake" is generically connected to the 1964 to 1967 original offshore Caroline. That claim by Moore is a total LIE. I urge ANYONE who has suffered in public personal attacks by Moore, to lodge complaints to Ofcom's community radio licencing office. That's very easy to do, using Ofcom's complaints procedure on the Ofcom website. It's VITAL any complaint(s) forwarded to Ofcom MUST be the TRUTH, and NOT anything else. Moore has slagged Mervin Hagger off MANY times on public forums, and also several others that Moore has also slandered and insulted in public.. Moore has actually publicly ANNOUNCED the posters on Garry Steven's forum are ALL beneath his contempt, despises them absolutely, and they are all TOTAL low life idiots. Is it right to let Moore abuse his Ofcom licence privilege to make others feel they are all "low life loosers"???????? I feel Ofcom should revoke Moore's community licence on the grounds of these unnacceptable breaches and character slander abuses regulary committed by Moore.. David Hine G4DIG... . .
David Hine
6/5/2024 06:47:15 pm
As time marches on, the "Ronan O'Rahilly offshore Radio Caroline of 1964 to 1967 period" now seems almost irrelevent in the history of public broadcasting. All it did was create the urgent need for BBC R! after the successful MOA of 1967 became law.. Bauer media and the Global Corporation (Casinos) were also mustered a bit quicker to provide UK commercial radio. Now,public broadcasting by traditional RF radio delivery has been made obsolete by the internet and mobile phone app ways of listening. We now have a disused Medium and Long Wave band, with VHF FM and DAB to end in a few short years, due to public disinterest in these platforms. VHF bands 2 and 3 will be allocated to "utilities", and M and LW left unused. Free Hobby stations and Radio Amateurs will use M and LW, but not to a huge extent. Those days are gone forever. So,where are we now? We are now wherever and whatever you want regarding the disused AM bands. There is now no interest in offshore radio of the 60's, The age of the DJ / presenter is also drawing rapidly to a close. Presenters may last a bit longer in Hospital Radio. This "bored with presenters" trend is now worying Bauer and Global, as their listeners are becoming less because of listeners now being able to "personalise" online what they listen to. Public broadcasting by RF radio has lasted for 100 years, but now is rapidly becoming museum territory. David G4DIG. . . . . . .
David Hine
20/6/2024 06:47:43 pm
After many warnings, "toxic criminal" Paul Rustling continues to boast crap and continuously "name drops" to BOAST to all what a "big man" he is (IS NOT) on public forums. Rustling's childish obsessive behavior has lost Rustling MANY opportunities, including a project to use the 162kHz Allouis (French) Long Wave "silent" TDF data transmitter for radio broadcasting again. Copied from a public forum follows a typical Rustling "big man" obsessive name dropping boast:------
David Hine
7/7/2024 05:59:48 pm
It looks like" toxic" Rustling has vanished. Killed off by two reasons. The first reason it's now widely known Rustling is a low life cash scammer and IP thief. No organisation will get involved with Rustling, as his fat sticky fingers will soon be probing into THEIR finances. The second reason is radio tech has now become an online thing, the traditional methods of "broadcast" delivery using transmitters are now as obsolete as chimney sweeps, steam railways and coal scuttles. Toxic Rustling has no place in the new online world and, wonderful for all, has gone for ever, and that's got to be a good thing for all. David Hine
David Hine
28/7/2024 07:20:43 pm
Tracking "Toxic Rustling", and find his nasty fat fingers are still at work. Rustling hides, uses various "covers", but "Mr. Toxic" is up to no good (as usual). I won't give the "toxic" details out on a public forum, but feel free to learn more by email. It's a good rule to deny "toxic cheats" of any success or influence. Regards, David Hine.
David Hine
31/7/2024 08:46:46 pm
It's wierd and typical of "toxic" Rustling to hop on the backs of the dead like some vulture, hoping to use deaths as a way of BOASTING he knows everything and everyone, hoping for another chance to scam someone!. The dead cannot argue, BUT notice those living now have NOTHING to do with Rustling. It's pathetic, but I thought you may like to be amused by Rustling's latest BOASTING on a public forum that follows this. David Hine.
David Hine
1/8/2024 02:50:15 pm
I don't think this post is something you will disaggree with, but it's the UK MoD's position on O'Rahilly. O'Rahilly was classified as a UK security risk BECAUSE it was "suspected" the huge revenue generated from Radio Caroline advertisising may / would be use to FUND the IRA, who were a problem at that time. The UK Gov. could NOT take that risk, so Radio Caroline and the other pirates HAD to be silenced. The 1967 MOA was highly successful, and closed them all down. It turned out that O'Rahilly (just like Rustling) was a sneaky criminal type DRIVEN purely by personal GREED, and it was later concluded O'Rahilly was TOO GREEDY to donate ANY funds to the IRA !!!!! It's way beyond me (although O'Rahilly turned out NOT to be a UK securitty threat) why a very small group regard O'Rahilly as some sort of hero !! The PROOF O'Rahilly was NO "pirate radio hero" was he DISAPPEARED FASTER than the speed of light when "cash cow" Caroline was scuppered and O'Rahilly could gain no more personal cash from it. Rustling is just like O'rahilly regarding cash, and is actually a much lower life form than O'Rahilly. At least O'Rahilly did not spend his time conning and duping OAP's and others with LIES and false promises. Rustling continues to this day milking the dwindling offshore fans brigade for personal gain, who are now all OA pensioners, which makes Rustling a really low life form. I imagine Rustlings family must be secretly VERY ashamed of his milking OAPS to fill his personal bank account. Nasty piece of shit is Rustling, best avoided. David Hine. .
David Hine
2/8/2024 12:23:10 pm
"Toxic" Rustling spun me a WHOLE PACK OF LIES, BOASTING he is the CEO of a large board, who set up a French company in order to get a radio programme broadcast on the "silent" French Allouis TDF data transmitter on 162kHz Long Wave. It turns out the French Admin NEVER HEARD OF RUSTLING, or had any approach from the toxic fat con man,, so therefore we must conclude that it was yet ANOTHER Rustling SCAM in order to gain cash donations UNDER FALSE PRETENCES. Rustling was quickly "sussed" by BFBS (UK), having failed their standard security checks, and these security checks proved Rustling must never EVER be trusted. It would be a waste of time writing a public dossier on Rustling's silly unpleasant self centred cash scamming antics, BECAUSE NO ONE has heard of "toxic Rustling" outside the tiny dwindling deluded O'Rahilly worshipping brigade. David Hine .
David Hine
3/8/2024 09:10:01 pm
I have just got newly tracked "toxix" Rustling details, some of which are illegal for me to place on a public forum. What I can tell you is "toxic" Rustling has now been confined to only selling a few "eadio comics" on Ebay. I'm now satisfied the nasty fat con man guy is now safely boxed in, and will not "infect" any of us again in any public place. You won't even see "toxic Rustling" on Malcolm Smith's and Rob Day's hobby stations, as Mr. Toxic" is noted as a CRAP BORING squeaky voiced presenter who can't keep his sticky paws off the cash. Captain Pugwash is far better looking and sounding!!!Tony Blackburn and Zoe Balls are MEGA BORING, but do not have nasy sticky fat paws "probing" into BBC finances !!! Regards, David Hine. .
David Hine
16/8/2024 07:22:42 pm
Posted by Des on August 16, 2024, 2:50 pm, in reply to "Re: Laser Radio Very Very Intresting "
David Hine
16/8/2024 08:18:01 pm
David Hine
16/8/2024 08:27:27 pm
That's why Toxic Rusling's pub was torched. Someone said Mr Toxic Rusling has now fled to the IOM. Manx Radio has been warned about Mr Toxic sniffing at their doors and after their cash
David Hine
16/8/2024 10:14:41 pm
Please view VERY carefully the YouTube video "Laser Radio - Reporting London 181284" and see how shifty the nasty fat toad toxic Rusling is, as he lies through his teeth about the cash vanishing and sneakily trying to blame others. Very convincing LIAR, but one who has been noted for breaking the 1967 MOA, and stealing Mervin Haggers IP for Mr Toxic Rusling's radio comics. Mr Toxic also scammed me and several others, who I am not naming, because they are innocent victims of Toxic Toad Rusling. That's why EVERYTHING Mr Toxic Rustling does is DOOMED to fail, as his criminal cash robbing past is now being revealed to all. It's now said Mr Toxic is hiding under a stone in the IOM. Manx Radio have been alerted of the fat toxic toad lurking nearby. If Toxic Rusling had any decency, he would publicly APOLOGISE to Mervin Hagger, and all the many others he has robbed and tricked, and THEN refund to them his ill gotten cash...
David Hine
17/8/2024 11:49:13 am
Toxic toad Rusling thinks he has blagged his way out of his criminal activities, BUT, although he is too insignificant for a jail sentence, all his ventures are scuppered because NO ONE now trusts Rusling with their cash and other resources.. BFBS blocked him, so did the French Admin. Manx Radio won't touch the toxic toad, neither will Boom Radio, Bauer Media, Global Corpn, BBC ITV, and Rob Day (if he has any sense)..
David Hine
17/8/2024 10:11:12 pm
Mr. Toxic toad Rusling ALSO tricked some of the conned investors out of their cash at the "Music Mann" IOM failed project. Rusling then skulked away with their LOOT. That was very similar to the Laser Rusling skulduggery.. Toxic Rusling must be insane, as no one normal would act like that over most of his nasty life.. The whole Toxic Toad Rusling thing is boardering on the totally stupid, and the ONLY hope for Rusling is to APOLOGISE publicly to Mervin Hagger, for the sneaky way Rusling stole Hagger's IP and spent YEARS trying to totally discredit Hagger by libellous posts on public forums. Rusling is beyond hope, as I know he is NOT man enough to admit to his (Rusling's) many wrongdoings pubicly. Watch the "Radio Laser - London 18i284 YouTube video to see shifty Rusling lying his way out of a corner. All the signs of the squirming criminal Rusling LIAR are obvious with careful study. See how Mr Toxoc's sneaky shifty eyes role around like marbles in a bath-..
David Hine
18/8/2024 06:07:44 pm
I fail to understand what hold toxic toxic toad Rusling has over folk like Garry Stevens and Rob Day. Maybe they are scared Mr Toxic will drag up, and / or invent past events about them, and use those for blackmail purposes against them??. Interestingly, the ONLY one with the really "bad" past is toxic Rustling. Poor old Garry Stevens is now suffering directly BECAUSE he (Garry) won't cut ALL links with Mr Toxic Rusling. Garry's webstreams are now being disrupted by a third party, BECAUSE Garry has Mr. Toxic as a forum moderator, which shows up in the electronic tracking of toxic Rualing's online and phone activities. I like Garry's webstreams, but they now failt to work correctly, due to the known presence of toxic Rustling, NOW creating the need to block them. Sooner or later EVERYONE susses Mr Toxic Rusling for the nasty little low life scammer and thief he is. In the mean time, innocent folk like talented Garry suffer.. . .
David Hine
20/8/2024 10:55:29 pm
Third party feedback reveals toxic Rusling ALSO infests Dave Martin's radio forum as a moderator. Mr. toxic Rusling slimes his nasty way into these places, as a way of finding "unwary victims", and then to tempt them to supply fundings for "projects" that "the Rusling toad" knows can never be successful. When the INEVITABLE failure of the "project" happens, Mr toxic Rusling then causes the conned investors to in fight and slander each other, while Mr. Toxic bags the "invested" funds as HIS personal STOLEN LOOT. Remember "Pirate Radio Party Boat"?? and the doomed to fail CFA antenna £million con on the IOM?, PLUS the FAILED French affair -other Rusling cash bagging scams, resulting in arsonned pubs etc.!! So, Mr Toxic Rusling is now sniffing around Garry Stevens, Dave Martin and Rob Day's butts etc.., and if these guys don't rid themslves of Mr. Toxic, trouble will surely come to them, "Don't play with the poisonous toxic Rusling TOAD" is the BEST advice, AND if you ever have the misfortune of spotting this nasty "cash sucking opportunist CRIMINAL CON MAN TOAD" lurking anywhere near YOUR businesses, investments, intellectual property, and radio ventures / forums.._- BEWARE!
David Hine
23/8/2024 04:43:56 pm
It's now certain Mr Toxic toad Rusling has a form of dimentia. Basically he has lost the plot, and is sadly caught up in his own time loop of PAST FICTIONAL fantasies and delusions of his "alleged" and boasted PAST offshore grandure.. I've studied some of Toxic's latest ramblings about his "imagined" offshore past, and I now pity this tormented, but still toxic creature. Toxic Toad does not realise that era is of ZERO interest now, and the offshore "care home" forums show the few dwindling posters remaining on them cannot accept offshore REALLY DIED in 1967, killed by the well constructed 1967 MOA. Those "mono track" Moore worshipping forums will soon be gone, as the posters finally lose all interest. Moore's health is another factor in this, and he cannot physically keep his fake going much longer. There is now NO point, and his carers and family will urge him to "forget it"..The rusting rotting ross revenge hulk will prove far too costly to preserve, because it is not interesting to today's public, (AND was NEVER part of the 1964 to 1967 REAL Caroline of O'Rahilly anyway). Moore's hobby caroline fake station will go the same way and soon go QRT. Radio Caroline was sunk in 1967, and O'Rahilly vanished with the loot back to Ireland. When the Mi Amigo finally went down in a storm, that closed the door forever on the short offshore era. It's all gone now, bar a few copycat fake "carolines". These caroline fakes will also go when it's realised there are no listeners interested in them. It's all nearly all over for the out of time few remaining elderly offshore dreamers......
David Hine
24/8/2024 01:47:18 pm
Another "toxic" individual is now, (for no sensible reason) other than revealing AGAIN his (Smith's) twisted and boastful nature, has now decided to have a spiteful "pop" at Mervyn Hagger. This time it happens to be the sneaky arrogant Malcolm Smith, who used the alias "Peter Moore" in order to "trick" the UK Authorities into giving him a community radio licence. That in itself is another CRIMINAL OFFENCE, know as DECEPTION... I'm not certain, but I believe the name Malcolm Smith / Moore is linked to some petty criminal activities (post 1967 MOA breaching) decades ago, -the same criminal offence(s) as toxic toad Rusling did in breaking the 1967 MOA after it was LAW. That's why the presented alias "Peter Moore" to trick UK Authorities. That guy is as devious as "toad" Rusling, and I think these types have also DESTROYED the once interesting free radio movement in the UK. FORTUNATELY their times are rapidly drawing to a close, beaten by old age, online and mobile phone tech, and their criminal pasts now being exposed for all to see. I now attach the rather "sneering and arrogant" post directed at Mervyn. Mervyn should NOW approach Ofcom, as a complaint against Smith (Moore), and let Ofcom know Malcolm Smith should NOT have a community radio licence, because of Smith's unsuitable and nasty cheating law breaking character... ....
David Hine
24/8/2024 02:22:47 pm
Another post from today, revealing what a nasty piece of poo Malcolm Smith (Moore) is. Mervyn and his team should now DIRECTLY approach Ofcon (Complaints Dept. on the Ofcom website) to get Smitth (Moore and his nasty little hobby station restricted to online only. Even Smith's (Moore's) caroline is a FAKE when Moore claims it is connected with O'Rahilly's Caroline. There is NO connection whatsever, and I believe Moore stole the caroline brand off Rob Day's wife (Tatiana). So the WHOLE thing's a LIE and nothing "Moore" than a FAKE. I attach that post.
David Hine
25/8/2024 02:08:00 pm
I see Toxic Toad Rusling is probing into lining up more scams to hook unwary investors, and then bag their loot to vanish when the doomed project(s) collapse at lightning speed. Also Toxic Rusling has another nasty pop at Mervyn. So much for Moore's and Rusling's "loving awareness" bollocks. As FAKE as Moore's pathetic (soon gone) fake BORING caroline The post copied from Martin's pirate forum today follows, ALSO showing Toad Rusling now wants to meddle in politics. It looks like Toxic Toad Rusling is now sniffing around "grease monkey" Moore's butt. These are petty low life CRIMINALS, that need to be brought to justice..
David Hine
25/8/2024 08:32:35 pm
The time has come when Moore's (Smith's) fake hobby station, licence, obtained by DECEPTION (to hide Smith's criminal breaking of the 1967 MOA), stealing the caroline IP off Tatiana (Rob Day's wife), and then blatantly lying to Ofcom by hiding behind the fake "Moore alias" must be revoked. The obsolete MW outlet is now dead of listeners and doomed, BUT Smith now infests DAB. That should not happen. Grease monkey Smith has trampled on many, including Neil Gates and Mervyn Hagger to satisfy his (Smith's) greed. Fake caroline is done, and a dismal worn out concept. Meanwhile Toad Rusling desparately sniffs and licks Smith's butt, in the hope of scamming unwary investors into parting with their cash. I bet Toxic Toad Rusling has never paid his UK Nat Insurance stamp dues either, and is also guaranteed not declaring "cash in" to Inland Revenue. I hate these two petty low life liars and tricksters, as much as (wronged by grease monkey Smith and toxic toad Rustling) Neil Gates and Mervyn Hagger must do. History will forget these low life Smith and Rusling criminals, and so should we all, once the pathetic fake caroline is gone . . .
David Hine
30/8/2024 08:44:41 pm
It's sad a few still think breaking of the 1967 MOA acceptable, or even "heroic". These petty dwindling criminals STILL believe they were / are right. In fact, they support a "weird logic based on pure fantasy", and they totally misunderstand why we HAD to outlaw offshore broadcasting with the well put together and executed 1967 MOA. I am VERY proud I played a small part of planning the 1967 MOA, and creating the part the BBC would play after the 1967 MOA with my Colonel boss at that time (1965). The '67 MOA silenced offshore forever, and made it a CRIMINAL offence for anyone doing, or assisting post '67 MOA unlicenced offshore radio. The inland pirates did not concern us, and they were considered by MoD to be an internal DTI civvy issue, to deal with as they saw fit. The 1967 MOA successfully finished off unregistered offshore uses of radio telegraphy transmitting equipment. BBC R1 then came on the air, and hired well known ex offshore DJ's, and that genius idea satified the UK public.After that, no one missed the offshore pirates at all. Forgotten. Case closed..... .. .
David Hine
31/8/2024 10:04:10 pm
I wonder why the criminals who broke the 1967 MOA invent fake gods? The FAKE gods often give themselves silly tiles, such as Dave Martin and Garry Stevens who name themselves as "garry Stevens, pirate radio legend"and Dave Martin, claiming to be a "pirate radio expert", whetever that may be? They have "other gods" to worship, such as Peter Chicago, whoever that may be, and Paul Rusling, claiming to be an expert "broadcasting consultant" -another meaningless self invented and awarded title, bUT sounds good, and is used to line up unwary investors to part with their cash to fund projects that ALWAYS fail. Rusling also stole Mr. Haggers reserarch to include in Rusling's books sold on Amazon.. Rusling is now skulking in the IOM, but his past criminal acts, and habitual cheating and thieving will never let him have any peace of mind. It's a very sad story, with another crook, Malcolm Smith ,alias Peter Moore, another fake, living a lie. The MASTER blagger was O'Rahilly, who's god was also money, who then "vanished" when the '67 MOA killed his cash cow. Not a pleasant series of events, and no heroes, or any good outcomes or legacies to be found there. Just petty criminals and their deluded hoodwinked poodles..
David Hine
1/9/2024 08:26:18 pm
The best and ONLY way to rid yourselves of Moore (Smith), crap bag toxic Rusling, and all the other criminals that support these law breakers, is for Mr. Hagge and hisr to provide truthful evidence to Ofcom. This evidence must be a dossier of all the problems Smith's fake caroline has caused Mr Hagger in the past, including the crimes against Mr. Hagger from Rusling and any others that have done similar. This is how we got the 1967 MOA in place, by supplying evidence to the right persons in authority. It works, and the aim MUST now be to get Moore's (Smiths's) licence revoked on the grounds it was a mistake, and still continues to cause grief to Mr. Hagger. Once Moore's licence is revoked, ALL the other problems for Mr. Hagger will be gone. The "nasties" will also then be scuppered, and the whole sad sad state of affairs be over. So, Mr. Hagger, that's what you and you team MUST do to rid yourselves of Moore and toxic Rusling permanently. I will back you on this, and you only have to ask me...
David Hine
1/9/2024 10:15:16 pm
Did you know that Peter Moore was a post 1967 MOA LAW BREAKING CRIMINAL? That's why he changed his name from Maalcolm Smith to Peter Moore to trick Ofcom about his criminal past. Ofcom were successfully tricked by Smith, and for that reason alone, Peter Moore's (Smith's) FAKE should have its licence revoked. Smith also STOLE the Caroline brand name from Tatiana (Rob Day's wife). Smith is a LOW LIFE criminal, just the same as toxic Rusling. There is lots of evidence for revoking Smith's licence, including the MANY times Peter Moore attacks Mr. Hagger for all to see on public forums. Mr. Hagger's team MUST NOW present their case to Ofcom and the DCMS, (who set out Ofcom's duties). So, get Moore off the air, and prevent him from further infesting DAB under false pretences. Mr. Hagger and his team should easily be able to present their cas to Ofcom and the DCMS, and get Moore closed down.
David Hine
2/9/2024 01:36:50 pm
When an unwanted radio station and its operator(s) are destined to be closed down, a viable and acceptable alternative should be found. Hospital Radio stations, are are a very good choice, fulfilling the "community" requirements for in patients and their relatives and friends living in the LOCAL area around the Hospital. Moore's (Smith's) FAKEcannot be classed as a "community" station. That's ANOTHER reason Moore's fake needs to be gone. Anyone can easily see it's NOT a community station. If it were, why not have train spotters, anglers, footie fans, chefs and cooks, McDonald's workers, charity shop volunteers, Churches etc., having their own "community" stations?? So, it's PLAIN TO SEE Moore's FAKE has a licence under false pretences and fake name (Moore), for something that cannot be thought of as a community station --FAKE AGAIN. If Moore's (Smith's) fake were gone tomorrow, it would not be noticed by anyone, as it has no listeners, due to its rubbish output. It's ONLY function is its use a "WEAPON" to torment those that Smith HATES. That list is VERY long, due to Smith's cheating, stealing and lying in order to achieve his "meaningless" and worthless ambitions. Smith is a nasty piece of poo, and needs to be hygeinically disposed of. Revoking Smith's licence will achieve that.......
David Hine
2/9/2024 10:13:53 pm
I've done what I can with Ofcom to get Smith's fake caroline removed. It's now up to Mr. Hagger's team to ALSO put their case forward to Ofcom and DCMS. These complaints and supplied evidence regarding Moore's (Smiths) cheating his way to get a licence, and THEN Moore's persistant ATTACKING of Mr Hagger on PUBLIC forums will be good evidence, classed as a form of written GBH and UNJUSTIFIED character assasination of Mr Hagger (a serious offence), and hopefully, this will see Moore and his "fake caroline" gone.. BUT Mr Hagger's team MUST NOW do their part with Ofcom and DCMS if they TRULY want to see Moore's licences revoked....
David Hine
7/9/2024 07:59:32 pm
Peter Moore's FAKE caroline was granted a licence under Moore's fictitious name. Real name Smith, a grease monkey and cheat. Moore now freely attacks Paul Rusling, and this attack is "crossig the line", as it gives out names etc., which is hardly LA, AND is illegally broadcasting private and personal information about Paul Rusling!!!!! More's post breaches legal protocols, so I have sent it to Ofcom Admin, along with other of Moore's breaches. I strongly urge Mr Hagger's team to do the same to get rid of Moore and his stupid fake caroline and its team of criminals (post 1967 MOA LAW BREAKERS).. Here is Malcolm Smith's (alias Moore). illegal post on David Martin's forum :-
David Hine
8/9/2024 09:30:07 pm
The FAKE caroline of Malcolm Smith (Alias Peter Moore, the fictitious name to trick Ofcom) is now the worst radio station in the history of UK public broadcasting. The present FAKE caroline of Smith was born out of a lie, and will soon die a lie, to be forgotten quite soon. To think of it as a community station is ANOTHER lie. It attracts less than 200 listeners, and that's dropping fast, as checked by its dwindling streaming numbers. Smith is using it as his PERSONAL cash cow, with which he CONS OAP previous offshore fans with a begging bowl, whinging for cash to save the rusting hulk ross revenge. That rusting heap has little to zero offshore history, and has NEVER broadcast the popular Radio Caroline the 1967 MOA had to close down for UK security reasons. It was the Mi Amigo that broadcast Radio Caroline. Sadly, a storm claimed Mi Amigo, but that was the ship of the REAL radio Caroline. It's ALL GONE now, except for a few remaining presenters (who joined BBC R1), and a few remaining sound recordings. . .
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