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The Isle Of Man is home of course to the first national commercial radio station within the British Isles. How can I say that? Well the Isle Of Man is a self-governing British Crown dependency in the Irish Sea between Great Britain and Ireland. The head of state, Queen Elizabeth II, holds the title of Lord of Mann and is represented by a lieutenant governor. In 1866, the Isle of Man obtained limited home rule, with partly democratic elections to the House of Keys, but an appointed Legislative Council. Since then, democratic government has been gradually extended. Indeed right down until today there are plenty of Islanders who would like to cut all ties to the United Kingdom. Manx Radio began broadcasting on 29 June 1964, almost ten years before commercial radio was licensed in the United Kingdom. The Isle of Man, having its own government and laws, was not subject to the rules prohibiting commercial broadcasting in the UK. However, the Manx Government still had to apply to the UK's General Post Office for a frequency and for permission to broadcast. First requested in 1960, a licence was eventually granted in May 1964. Was it a coincidence that the GPO issued a licence to Manx Radio shortly after Offshore radio began in the Thames estuary and was it another coincidence that Radio Caroline North anchored in Ramsey Bay that same year? Or did the GPO have a little more knowledge than we have been led to believe? Well here are some videos with a few connections. The first two are Manx Radio in the sixties and early seventies with some offshore presenter links. A short video of the North ship, is followed by a French video about Radio Caroline & Radio City in 1966 (any French translators about?), and finally a Pathe News video regarding Liverpool in 1964, no mention of Caroline or Manx radio however one had an office their at the time, and after Radio Caroline was towed away in March 1968, Manx Radio's AM service had a pretty good signal into parts of Scotland and down to Merseyside. How ironic is that?
Isla Mann
27/1/2020 06:09:47 pm
And, of course, today we are fortunate to have the monthly Radio Caroline broadcasts live from the Ross Revenge and transmitted on 1368khz by Manx Radio. The presenters always have a great time and every trip for visitors to visit the ship are always fully subscribed. Whatever the truths or lies of the past, it is truly remarkable that the Caroline phoenix has risen to the status it has now, and that the Ross has now become a living, breathing museum, and a unique reminder of our broadcasting heritage. Long may it continue, and so much respect for Peter Moore and his team of dedicated enthusiastic volunteers. I anticipate a vitriolic response from the Falkirk Fumer, which matters not one jot to anyone working with or listening to Caroline. A wasp at a picnic. A minor irritant to be swatted away.
History versus Nostalgia
27/1/2020 08:54:01 pm
The link between Manx Radio and the licensed version of Radio Caroline today is based on fifty year old nostalgia. Nothing wrong with that, but that is all you have. Manx Radio today is a public service broadcaster propped up by taxation. Similar to the Radio Caroline community radio service who are funded by an increasingly older anorak audience. There is no tangible connection between the 1960's and what is a living in the past historical trip taking place now. Both Manx Radio & Radio Caroline are growing old and tired. The big difference is the Manx audience and the radio service are adapting to the future and have a reasonable chance of a tax supported future, on the other side you have a slow lingering fade into obscurity and a complete sell out to everything the fake messiah demanded.
Isla Mann
28/1/2020 11:11:02 am
Interesting comments. To his credit MH has not come out with all guns blazing, and I am only in a position to judge from what I hear on the radio, with no inside information on internal goings on. I can only hope that Caroline continues in some form, and am grateful for what we have. I do have difficulty with the haters who don't actually do anything productive as opposed to those who give their time and money to keep things going. If someone wants to change the present setup, then they might like to get involved. Surely some credit is due to those who have rescued the vessel, whether you approve of them or not.
Swat that Wasp
27/1/2020 09:02:20 pm
One is planning for their future, the other for their own demise. One has young fresh and enthusiastic presenters alongside experienced staff. One is managed and directed, the other loses presenters from days gone by because they cannot stand Malcolm Smith and his total grip on his rusting house boat.
Guns Blazing
28/1/2020 12:51:12 pm
The first post by refers to "the Falkirk Fumer" and the second one under that same name states that " MH has not come out with all guns blazing." Obviously the source of these comments is the same 'James McGregor' whose only intention seems to be the destruction of comments on this Forum. This is the same "James McGregor" who may be more than one human being, who previously tried to shut down conversation about child sexual abuse. Again these negative posts are not addressing the basic issue which is that Radio Caroline ceased to be on August 14, 1967 and its two ships were towed away the following Spring. So this is more obfuscation. Whatever Malcolm Smith (NOT Peter Moore) is promoting a confidence trick by trying to link his rust bucket hulk to Radio Caroline.) Radio Caroline ended on August 14,, 1967.
Isla Mann
28/1/2020 01:53:24 pm
I can assure you totally, categorically and absolutely that I am not James McGregor. If we are putting two and two together to make five, then I suggest that you are Mervyn Hagger, and I claim my £5. Your stance, use of words and phraseology ring a loud bell. My posts are only negative if you have a personal vendetta against Peter Moore and his team.
James McGregor Brand
28/1/2020 03:03:25 pm
Why does the 'James McGregor' brand feel it necessary to turn every topic into one about Malcolm Smith? These posts wrap themselves around other topics such pro-child sexual abuse. You arrive there by hate., and especially anything that says Radio Caroline died on August 14, 1967 - which it did. Your determination to use all manner of textual diarrhea in order to accomplish this goal reveals that 'James McGregor' is more of a brand than anything else. Its message is hate; lies and by drifting into defending child sexual abuse, Because it wraps the 'James McGregor' brand around that disgusting stance, it might serve you, whoever you are, to actually read Mike's topics and stay on subject. The question of what exactly happened between 1964 and 1967 is still under investigation.
Isla Mann
28/1/2020 03:10:31 pm
I repeat, I can assure you totally, categorically and absolutely that I am not James McGregor.
James McGregor
28/1/2020 03:14:16 pm
I don't why I bother coming back but Isla Mann is right. I have not been on this thread. This putting the words James together with offensive nonsense is not a joke it never was. I am of the opinion that it is either endorsed, sponsored, or the technicality of the board despite the board operators protestations that trolls and ISPS can be tracked is just as much nonsense as Mr Caps lock and all these other twits
James McGregor Brand
28/1/2020 03:37:06 pm
You don't get it, do you? You sank yourself into a cesspool of your own creation.
Isla Mann
28/1/2020 03:22:24 pm
"did the GPO have a little more knowledge than we have been led to believe?".............I don't have it to hand at the moment, but there are various references to moles in the Radio Caroline Bible which might be relevant if anyone has a copy and can check it out.
James McGregor
28/1/2020 03:34:25 pm
We get the joke about the "Brand" but for for goodness sake now pack it in. I don't care what you come back with this it's over.
James McGregor Brand
28/1/2020 03:38:34 pm
This no joke. YOU created a disgusting brand that you and others associated with you are now drowning in.
Isla Mann
28/1/2020 03:43:13 pm
I'm not sure what this is all about, but I don 't think this forum is for me.
James McGregor Brand
28/1/2020 03:57:57 pm
Good choice, James McGregor. The topic is outlined above but you veered off and mentioned all kinds of things that are unrelated to the topic.
Isla Mann
28/1/2020 04:06:45 pm
I repeat, I can assure you totally, categorically and absolutely that I am not James McGregor. What is wrong with you?
James McGregor Brand
28/1/2020 04:17:59 pm
The evidence shows more than one person is behaving within the 'Jame McGregor' brand where the intention is to disrupt and obfuscate by posting all kinds of rubbish, and you fit that description. You are acting within the 'James McGregor' brand, and it has been suggested by the person posting as "James McGregor" that it is not a true name. Either respond to the topic or stay away.
Isla Mann
28/1/2020 04:21:56 pm
And what exactly is your contribution to the topic? I have made one.
James McGregor Brand
28/1/2020 04:30:03 pm
You and the other character using the James McGregor brand have made destruction of topic your business. There is no point in MH posting here because a stream of stuff about the 'Caroline Bible' and "Peter Moore" will be (and has already been) introduced in order to subvert the topic.
28/1/2020 04:22:35 pm
It's not f ing woth it. Is he really M Hagger or an impostor? I't just b ridiculous. Just b give it up. It's obviously his own formed or sponsored hobby board
James McGregor Brand
28/1/2020 04:32:10 pm
Calm down before you explode, then go away and stop writing as though you went to the Joseph Goebbels School for censors.
Isla Mann
28/1/2020 04:32:36 pm
I think you are correct. If it's not him then it's certainly the Mervyn Hagger Brand. Let whoever it is talk to themselves.
James McGregor Brand
28/1/2020 04:39:12 pm
So now you think that Mike is MH and possibly someone else is also MH. Seems to me that you are only trying to copy the exposure of 'James McGregor' Brand. Do what you wrote you would do and go away.
Isla Mann
28/1/2020 05:26:48 pm
I made no mention of Mike, who ever he might be. MH can only be one person, but may or may not have an imposter, who knows. I am copying no-one. Now, do you have any comment on the topic of this thread or not?
James McGregor Brand
28/1/2020 05:38:30 pm
I don't believe you. You are part of the 'James McGregor' Brand (JMB), and you obviously know that Mike is the Admin of this Board. Since you have plastered more JMB all over this thread, perhaps you will begin by addressing the issues - for a change.
Isla Mann
28/1/2020 05:49:41 pm
Believe what you like, it is of no consequence to me or anyone else. So you don't have anything to contribute to the topic of this thread. I thought not. Final comment you will be pleased to hear.
James McGregor Brand
28/1/2020 05:56:59 pm
So your ID under the JMB is going to disappear.Of course it is. It is now burned out. You posted no discussion within the parameters of the thread topic, did you? So you are going to kill this ID off and come back with another JMB load of rubbish using another ID.
Isla Mann
28/1/2020 07:23:31 pm
So I am obliged to return to answer your accusations and defend myself. My ID is not 'under the JMB', since I have no connection to JM and JMB is a fiction of your invention. I have posted regarding the topic at hand, but you have chosen to ignore it. I shall not return with another ID. Got all that? Good, then we are done, unless you respond with more ridiculous comments. If you want me to leave, then shut up.
James McGregor Brand
28/1/2020 07:50:30 pm
You wrote: "If you want me to leave, then shut up." So by repeating what you wrote, you will stay. HUH?
The Dustbin
28/1/2020 06:00:25 pm
Peter Moore; Caroline Bible; Ross Revenge Supporters; Caroline 648. None of them have any connection to Radio Caroline 1964-1967.
Lydia Dustbin
28/1/2020 08:53:53 pm
Hi Honey, You are back at the Home Page
Mervyn Hagger
29/1/2020 08:13:56 am
Update on research: During the past two weeks an original source that I first made contact with over 2 years ago, has suddenly contacted me again, and this time with information that will fill in a lot of blanks because of files that have now come into this person's possession. They will enable my group to speed up the process of creating a true timeline of how and why Radio Caroline came on the air in 1964. None of the information floating around at the moment from sources such as the bogus "Caroline Bible" have had access to this information, however, it is genuine and well documented.
Email Check Time
29/1/2020 09:34:21 am
To whom it applies: Please check your emails in case something has been automatically deposited in 'Junk'.
Checked and read
29/1/2020 05:51:20 pm
Thanks, currently digging into the station of the stars, 1959--1964 the anoraks at the church ain't gonna like the facts, their Saint is on quick sand ha ha
Outed child murderer
29/1/2020 06:53:53 pm
I told you Luxembourg was involved. Hence your all day music station
The Killers
29/1/2020 08:11:25 pm
Come here little girl
Midnight McGregor Franchise
30/1/2020 02:30:54 am
I did put the silent version (there are 2) of this Nick Bailey cine up in August on GS. I think this was the first time I used my real full name, pointing how happy people were. 1960s cars buildings and happy Isle of Man people can be identified.
Real Facts Not Myths
30/1/2020 10:27:53 am
Manx radio was originally commercial. Today it's carries advertising and the shortfall is made up through the Tynewald - that is, it is tax funded. The monthly Caroline North broadcast has absolutely no links to the original, it is purely nostalgic. Whether this arrangement is viable into the future remains to be seen, Manx are still under pressure to save money, and their current programming policies are at odds with the monthly broadcast. With Chris Pearson now at Manx they do have one supporter. As for the community Radio Caroline service, this remains at odds with everything Ronan O'Rahilly stood from the seventies onwards when he started to have real involvement in running the new Radio Caroline. It is a complete sell out that the vocal few anoraks are happy to go along with, having sold out themselves to Malcolm Smith's tightly controlled version, and misled listeners parting with donations in the belief that the whole thing goes back to 1964.
Spot on!
30/1/2020 12:01:06 pm
You presented the facts very well.
John Bingham
30/1/2020 09:35:06 pm
I hid the facts very well
James McGregor
31/1/2020 03:40:33 am
Accepting at 3.41 GMT I am lost and confused over all kinds of things. No added sugar. New topics for me to pass my insane opinions on please Mike
31/1/2020 03:48:08 am
That was not me, I have not turned up my toes
James McGregor
31/1/2020 11:34:32 am
Greg James
31/1/2020 02:59:50 pm
You wondered how I came up with 'James McGregor'? Now you know.
John Bingham Jr
31/1/2020 03:03:36 pm
As if we caredddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
Cecil Parkinson
31/1/2020 04:02:02 pm
Of course the house of Keys was very important to me even though eventually they caused the downfall of my station
Cecil Parkinson
31/1/2020 04:04:04 pm
Of course the house of Keys was very important to me although eventually it caused the downfall of my station
James McGregor
31/1/2020 04:14:00 pm
I believe she was abandoned on the Keayside, witless. Rather like one or two or three on here
Alistair Stewart
31/1/2020 04:54:38 pm
And finally the long out of date "James McGregor" brand has been taken off the shelves. It had golly I am a wag stamped all over it's moonshine jars of jamming obsuffolkation We look back with fondness over the nigger in the woodpile #Dial 999 for Caroline
Winston Churchill Insurance Dog
31/1/2020 05:30:00 pm
So let me get this straight. In the sixties he was just a front. In the seventies he hustled the Dutch and pocketed what he could. In the eighties he flagged with some crooked Yanks and hustled some Dutch and Flemish, pocketing what he could. And in the nineties he ran out of gullible fools. Still at least he never sold out to the authorities, he left that to anoraks
Spot the Dog
31/1/2020 06:21:07 pm
You have presented this news bulletin very well. On a channel no one watches about a radio station no one listens to
Brian Spoons
31/1/2020 10:12:15 pm
Oh they come here and they are far more intelligent than you. Your just a small little troll, that's all, a small little pointless troll.
James Mcgregor
1/2/2020 12:17:40 am
Arh, I am honoured one of the three dense men have spoken to me
Spot Lord Lucan competition
31/1/2020 06:26:58 pm
He is either in Ireland or the Isle of Man or the dreamy market town of Leek in Staffordshire
Another one of McGregors talking dogs
31/1/2020 06:29:07 pm
How many hats was he wearing?
James McGregor
31/1/2020 06:49:02 pm
The one that says round the headcaseband I am watching this rubbish but not writing it!. (I thought Lord Lucan was painfully funny though). 7pm, must wipe my teeth with a handkerchief and go to the off licence now. Only 4 hours to go before all those darkies have to get out of Stoke. Doctors and nurses and people with jobs are welcome to stay though. They give me some Universal Credit. Get a life on this site
James McGregor Brand
31/1/2020 06:42:24 pm
Our anti-child abuse watch committee is keeping an eye out for any sign of resurgence of that disgusting name. Some seem to think that JMB has gone away, it has not.
Mr and Mrs Golly Doll
31/1/2020 06:59:39 pm
Dear ITN
James McGregor
31/1/2020 07:22:23 pm
Good God Mr Mrs Miss Muzzz transgender LBGT FM Molly. After tomorrow you don't don't need to stay here in the bleak midwinter of the steaming cauldron of discontent. You can go back to your shelves of origin, where the shopkeepers have jammed you up with corruption. There is something rotten in the state of the Kingdom. There is no more room at the Tescos / NHS Express counter over here. The men and the women who voted 4 years ago were asked to be or not to be and to a man for Queen, King and Country and Western said by George Soros NO, NO, NO and thrice NO. Midnight oil and you are out! Please stand together and remember International Holocaust Memorial Day - and then tick your ballot paper Labour
Buster Beaver
31/1/2020 07:28:45 pm
Clap hands, one, two, Let's take a trip to the Racist Zoo. Chitter, chatter, yakety-yak, When you talk to the animals they talk back ........... ............
Fake Emoji Webshop
31/1/2020 09:28:46 pm
New for 2020 - I love/hate O'Rahilly/Moore, I love/hate Hagger/McGregor, I love/hate Climate/Greta, I love/hate UK/ EU, I love/hate Keyboard Warrior/Troll, I love/hate Therefore/I am, I love/hate more little orange face buttons that no one understands
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