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Please check out HERE.
I know this has been around for a month or so, but because Prince Andrew had such a super sixtieth party, party, party! - lets just pause and reflect.
Mervyn Hagger
22/2/2020 09:45:07 pm
The trouble with this topic is the topic itself. The Royal Family is merely the Ronan O'Rahilly of Radio Caroline in 1964. They are overpaid idiots. The problem is in getting anyone to address the issue constantly raised by the SNP who want independence for Scotland. The question is, independence from what? It's the same as the Ronan O'Rahilly topic. If we go charging off in the Paul Rusling direction to argue about Ronan O'Rahilly, we are charging off to be misled. Ronan O'Rahilly had NOTHING to do with the establishment of Radio Caroline. He was an overpaid stooge designed to (successfully) mislead people like Paul Rusling. The Royal Family are overpaid stooges. Ask the SNP what they want independence from and they will go back to 1707 and the founding of the UK. But, the UK is a sham. Before that we were invaded and conquered via a Dutch coup. The Irish call him 'King Billy'. There was nothing "glorious" about that revolution - England and Scotland and Ireland were conquered by the Dutch. The Welsh bit is a joke because England conquered that original bit of geography centuries ago. (I am half Welsh, by the way!) So where to now? Back to 1660 and the fake installation of Charles II who was stuck on a throne by General Monck (Charles II was never crowned in Scotland, and before anyone brings it up I know all about the fake coronation at Scone.) Then what? well Monck got an Act of Oblivion passed to make it a crime to recall what happened prior to 1660, but he also created the Post Office - yes, that is where the roots of the BBC are. The Post Office was the censorship arm of Monck. So what was Monck covering up? Something that the SNP don't dare tell the Scots - because before 1660 England and Scotland were united as a single nation and it was a REPUBLIC! Before that? well we go back to Charles I having his head chopped off in 1649. So, if you want the story of Radio Caroline; the BBC; the Royal Family and the Crown - which is legally defined as a 'corporation sole' - you have to begin in the year 1660. Now guess what? The SNP; the Royal Family and Paul Rusling's 'Radio Caroline Bible' nonsense don't want you to know this. Not only that, but Paul told me over a beer that he has no time for reading history books. Now you know why the 'Caroline Bible' is full of rubbish. I have a copy by the way, and I keep asking Paul if he wants me to critique it. I have asked him two or three times on this Forum, and each time Paul side steps the issue by accusing me of being full of hate for Ronan O'Rahilly. No, I am angry at being conned back in 1964 and I am angry that the tin-pot station brigade with their rusting hulk are continuing with their FRAUD - because that is what it is. I am always open to discussion. I proposed a seminar-webinar on this Forum and Paul sneered at the idea. So, what to do with Andrew and all of his ilk? Nothing. Until the British people wake up to the fact that they are living in a Mickey Mouse fraudulent concoction called the 'United Kingdom' and until they demand protection of their individual human rights in a written constitution which tells the government what it can do and what it must not do, there is no point. Laughing at Andrew is laughing at the mugs who call themselves the British voting public. I am NOT one of them. There is no point and I will not join in their game of victimization.
Mike's Challenge
23/2/2020 05:40:52 pm
Present a topic where Mervyn cannot bore us to death with the same old rants as on every other topic.
Mervyn Hagger
25/2/2020 09:43:06 pm
Solution? Don't steal from me and repackage my work under your own name.
For Admin
23/2/2020 05:50:00 pm
For how much longer are you going to tolerate this Hagger troll who stifles discussion at every turn unless it's about him, and who hijacks every topic to bitch about Caroline, Paul Rusling et al. Hagger is wrecking your board with his hatred and bile and refusal to countenance any view but his own. Saying that he is always open to discussion is a joke and he has driven everyone else away.
56 years.......
23/2/2020 06:57:02 pm
It seems to me that this is no longer a discussion board, but merely a vehicle for one contributor to vent his spleen no matter what topics are proposed for discussion. This topic is not about Caroline, O'Rahilly, Rusling, seminars, book reviews or how someone was conned in 1964. That particular gentleman has made his point time and time again and it does not need repeating at every turn. The trouble is not with this topic, it is with one disruptive poster. Let him use his own board if he wants to keep posting this rubbish. Of course, his response will likely be that we are all idiots and trolls who are members of some sort of cult. I suggest he looks in the mirror.
Mervyn Hagger
23/2/2020 10:00:27 pm
3 comments all revealing the same sort of hand that offer no comments of their own about the topic posted by Mike, nor any criticism of the content about anything of substance that I wrote. So what is the point of these cloned trolls apart from censorship? Just to clarify, this investigation is preceding and several people - including Mike are made aware of it by email. So instead of being a troll - all 3-in-1 of you, why not try to prove me wrong instead ranting and hating - which is clearly what you are doing.
Mike - Admin
23/2/2020 08:24:26 pm
Mervyn is welcome to post here as are those who disagree with him. I do not consider him a troll and as demonstrated above fine with publishing opposing comments. My desire is for no comment moderation but for the short term James M has put paid to that and continues to SPAM this board with comments. They are no longer published but continue to be made. In his ignorance he has no idea how close he is sailing to violating a legal precident already set in the UK, I just hope he doesn't false any of the forums his rubbish appears on to take action. Personally my patience is running out.
56 years........
24/2/2020 08:02:33 am
Fair enough, it's your board. It does appear that he needs some sort of outlet to let off steam. Perhaps it's therapy and you're providing a service. I imagine that there is a limited audience for this stuff anyway and it's of little consequence in the overall scheme of things. A source of amusement for some, but upsetting for those on the receiving end which, of course, may be the point.
Mervyn Hagger
24/2/2020 03:26:21 pm
Okay trolls, your game is up. Time has run out. I am referring to your angst at me referring to "the tin pot station and rusting hulk". I can now tell you informatively (chapter, page and paragraph if you like), that if you bought 'The Caroline Bible', you have been swindled while I am the mere victim of a smash and grab plagiarist who does not understand the topic and therefore created another mixture of truth and untruth. I am even labeled as one of the "busybodies" for "stirring up long buried paperwork in Panama City." I was told on the phone weeks ago by George Saunders that a lot of my research had been nicked, but the best part is that the person who ran off with my work did not understand my work and got it wrong in the process. What a hoot! No, I am not upset at all because what this clown has done is undermine the accepted mythology about Ronan and how he put Radio Caroline on the air, and replaced it with part fact (from me - and yes I can PROVE it), while at the same time not understanding the subject matter and getting very confused and creating yet another BOGUS history. Scottg keeps wanting me to explain all here, but because this is the second time that this has happened to me, I guess Scottg and the rest will have to wait for the book which is coming as part of a series of books and related publications from my investigative associates. Now you know. I DARE anyone to challenge any specific part of what I have just written. Throwing fits and hurling abuse doesn't count. SHOW ME WHERE I AM MISTAKEN. By that I am referring to the plagiarized and screwed up texts in 'The Caroline Bible'. I want chapter, page and paragraph with a verbatim quotation of the sentences involved. Don't say you were not warned by me!
Clock Watcher
25/2/2020 05:19:53 pm
Talking of time running out........"Coming in 2020 as an exclusive and original true-crime forensic investigation in book format.".............
Mervyn, as you now apparently now have the RCB, I DRAW your attention to page 501, 2nd paragraph, 3rd sentence, 9th word. I also have extra additional information, connected to the subject, but please refrain from antagonising everyone, and rather than repeating yourself of past decades of history, please concentrate the 1960-63, and 1963-67 side of the subject. Scottg.
Mervyn Hagger
25/2/2020 01:02:07 pm
Page 501 is an index and there is no such identification as the one you referred to. Assuming that you are Scottg you need to read my review at
Mervyn Hagger
26/2/2020 01:50:27 pm
I don't know how many versions of his print on demand book he created but your page number goes to another part of his index, on the other hand your words go to 498, but your ninth word is "the"!!!!! He must have kept chopping and changing text with every print order. Anyway your question still lacks any meaning whatsoever. 25/2/2020 10:22:46 am
Freddie Archer has today posted on the Garry Stevens' Board a comment which implies that Scottg is acting on my behalf by asking questions. He is not. To read my own related review of Paul Rusling's 'The Radio Caroline bible', see:
Mervyn, could you please explain exactly why that you are angry at 'being' CONNED in 1964,. Please answer precisely, without reference to other years. Just for reference, on the transfer of ownership document, for the MV Fredericia, Cross Channel Container Services Ltd is mentioned, and so is Ronan O'Rahilly.(I have seen the document). Scottg.
Mervyn Hagger
26/2/2020 01:52:09 pm
Hello Paul, well if it isn't Paul Rusling calling himself Scottg it is very funny that I have an email from Rusling using exactly the same wording.
Mervyn Hagger
25/2/2020 09:40:26 pm
I ignore stupid comments by people who don't have the guts to show themselves. As for the person calling themselves Scottg, you ask questions that make no sense.
Clock Watcher
26/2/2020 02:18:56 pm
Asking if you are on schedule is not a stupid comment. You ignore questions that you have no answer for. As for ' showing themselves', I wouldn't trust you with my personal details. I've seen how you operate.
Mervyn Hagger
26/2/2020 08:56:47 pm
Scottg I am done with the daft questions the make no sense. As for the clock watcher, I am done with you as well. The Rusling book is now in the hands of our lawyer. Don't expect any more replies on this thread from me. For the Rusling thread either see Facebook or the 'Dial 999' Forum. Turn off the light, Mike
Mervyn, I am fed up playing games and also being accused of being your puppet on the GS board. You may have seen on that board - Michael who??? thread. You are first to know the full details. Go to St Marylebone Society - newsletters - download spring 2017- number 349 . Details are on page 7. Let me know what you think, as I will be releasing these full details later on the GS board. Scottg
Mervyn Hagger
27/2/2020 04:05:22 pm
Scottg. I wish you would get in touch with me directly, and then I will be more than happy to share information with you. I will not do so on a public forum because there are so many trolls on the loose in the name of Rusling the tin pot station and rusing hulk that he dedicated his garbled book to, even though he STOLE much of its contents from my group. The trouble with Rusling is that his vanity struck and slaps his name of books which are poorly written, not proofed, rotten half-tones which are disfigured by stretching or non-reproduction and then using STOLEN text which he does not understand. On one page he recites a hypothesis of mine and on the next page he contradicts himself. He is the most IGNORANT of radio enthusiasts because he admits that he has no time to read history books - so steals copy that he does not understand and then labels me a "busybody" for causing the government of Panama to take a close look at the fake registration of the Ross Revenge. On the other hand Scottg, you have found an excellent article that of course Rusling knows nothing about. However, that article, coupled with the background material I have about this individual, now gives me a proper portfolio of his life! So, I don't know how you came across it but thank you very much indeed. Now as for my "hate campaign" against Ronan O'Rahilly. I don't hate the man at all. What I do hate are the lies he told and the lies that Rusling and his buddy Malcolm have cooked up trying to build a Radio Caroline bridge from 1967 to 2020. There is no such connection. The Radio Caroline of 1964 was killed off in 1967, never, ever to be reborn. What came after that was a bunch of amateurs and in one instance a convicted USA fraudster who went to prison as a result of the 'Radio Caroline Criminal Case'. But where is that in Rusling's Rubbish? Nowhere. I am against this fraud that is promoting a licenced tin pot station and its rusting hulk trying to palm itself off as the inheritor of Radio Caroline 1964-1967. It is not and those who making these claims are frauds and cheats and Rusling printed that stupid book in order to try to validate the frauds and the cheats and their lies. I will refute this idiotic book at every chance I get. But, back to your find. Good one Scottg, now find some way to contact me privately and personally.
Mervyn Hagger
27/2/2020 10:55:38 am
While I will not respond to any further nonsense from the Caroline Cult, who are still posting hate speech about me (the idiot calling himself 'Maldonian' being the latest example on the GS Board, because he claims that the theft by Paul Rusling is no theft, because it is by Paul Rusling. What is his, is his and what is ours is his, and of course we do no want any part of what is his, because what is his, is rubbish.
27/2/2020 11:54:14 am
" he claims that the theft by Paul Rusling is no theft, because it is by Paul Rusling." I claim no such thing. I refer to your assertion that one person is masquerading as another and that your review is not a reasonable critique of the entire work.
Maldonian Huh?
27/2/2020 03:38:45 pm
More rubbish
Mike - Admin
27/2/2020 04:22:21 pm
I note a troll hiding behind the name Gordons Gin has stated in reference to Now & Then the following "Cept he's blocking everything with a steak knife". Comment moderation here was bought about by a number of trolls one in particular who continues to leave comments even though he has been clearly told that I have no intention of letting them through. His continued disruption is I guess to ensure moderation continues which takes away immediate discussion taking place. Sad really, it only takes a couple of self indulgent trolls to spoil everything. I might do an item with some of these unpublished comments just to show how stupid things can get.
James McGregor
27/2/2020 05:14:59 pm
Hi Mike, That was sort of a private joke to the GS board admin team after I had laboured for ages putting together a montage of sketches, a NYC report about the LUGER steak HOUSE getting bad reviews, a shock Jock called Josh Rogan and a music video of small town by John Mellancamp. GS did not post it because as they quite fairly said (in replies to others) gripes should be taken up with the board that the gripe has perceived to me made from. Hence my reply peppered with emojis about steak knives, knowing full well what they had done and to clear the air agreeing with their stance. Hope this clears up any misunderstanding about steaks. Best wishes even though you have rostered me to no turn at all. JM
Mike - Admin
27/2/2020 09:06:58 pm
James has left a reasonable comment and maybe banning forever goes against my hatred of censorship so hey ho, it gets published. James - I do not want to play games, if you post sensible stuff I will happily post it, you can be as funny as you like, just don't get carried away please. There are a couple of other trolls leaving nasty stuff here occasionally and to them all I will say is be careful what you wish for, you are not above the law and your IP addresses are static and recorded (idiots). No more moderation today, sweet dreams.
Mervyn Hagger
27/2/2020 06:29:03 pm
Mike, the problem is very simple - ALL of the trolls are grouped around Malcolm Smith and his "tin pot station and rusting hulk". That was the entire reason for Paul Rusling's work of theft and ignorance. Yet, on the Forum where all of this nonsense originates, here is the latest post. Note that the person posting is a troll hiding his identity and although he has not read Rusling's work of theft, it must be a great work because Rusling is a "good guy", No, his actions reveal that he is a thief. But this is what the troll has written: "Posted by Stratton Strawlless on February 27, 2020, 5:47 pm, in reply to "Re: Is Paul Rusling, Scottg?"
Mervyn Hagger
28/2/2020 09:47:26 am
Paul Rusling either needs a real lawyer, or Paul Rusling tries to fool all of the people all of the time, and it could land Paul Rusling is very hot water.
Mervyn, denials on GS board starting to appear. Another first, check out the same site I gave you - Autumn 2009 - Number 329. Page 5. You will see that his features are IDENTICAL to Michael Joseph, Caroline model, Town magazine, January 1965. Opinion please. Scottg.
Mervyn Hagger
28/2/2020 09:07:25 pm
I got it - but you have the wrong number it is 327, but I saw the picture and saved the text. Okay, my opinion. You made a good discovery. It ties in with everything I know about Michael Joseph but I did not know he used the name Michael Dean. He was the manager of the studio, not an intern, and I think he got the sack. Three of the members - Joseph, O'sRahilly and Dee then went off to form Studio 61 for about 2 weekends above a pub off Regent Street. It was a flop and Simon Dee stole money from his boss to finance it. So neither Josephs nor O'Rahilly had any money. Dee was found out and had to repay the money or get prosecuted by his boss. Michael Josephs exaggerated everything like Ronan O'Rahilly. His book on Princess Diana was a flop that was based upon some form of daft Medium idea inventing conversatons. I am not surprised that Rusling and Company are reacting because Rusling does not understand the story at all. He just steals stuff and sticks his name on it.
Mervyn Hagger
29/2/2020 03:33:15 pm
Scottg - For the last several hours I have it on very good authority that any post in support of what I am saying about Rusling's work of plagiarism (theft), and that includes what you are saying about Michael Dean aka Michael Joseph, is being deleted by one of the Admins on the Garry Stevens Caroline Troll Board. So you are wasting your time over there. I cannot reveal what I know about the early days of Caroline without allowing Rusling to steal it and print it on demand in updated versions of his book. Please find some way to communicate with me directly if you want to continue this discussion - or wait for me to publish a new book sometime this year. The cooperation I am receiving from certain quarters is amazing and a story is emerging that will make everyone rethink the politics of British media - which includes how and why Radio Caroline was created in 1964 and why it was killed off forever in 1967. The material now coming my way has even made me rethink the scope of the book I am working on.
Terri Fyed
28/2/2020 02:48:29 pm
This will be interesting! Rule one of stealing something is to never confirm you have and then put in writing. Perhaps the bigger the ego the bigger the fall. Also never blag on legal advice, intellectual copyright laws are real as is the laws that protect you from others copying your material, even when altering a few words here and there.
Mervyn Hagger
28/2/2020 07:13:56 pm
You are correct Terri Fyed. Paul Rusling was on a mailing list called 'Caroline Investigation' and he decided to STEAL our research material and even our hypothesis material where we surmised that we had the best explanation possible. But Rusling shot himself in the foot by printing our hypothesis on one page, and then a page over he printed the mythology that our hypothesis replaced and then held both to be true! Clearly this guy is not just a thief but an idiot. He called us 'busybodies' when we call ourselves investigative researchers. Paul Rusling hates research and he hates reading. We on the other hand are building a research library. We held out the hand of friendship to Paul Rusling but he turned around and created a silly book to promote a tin pot station and a rusting hulk by linking both to Radio Caroline of 1964-1967 - but there is no connection! The tin pot station and rusting hulk have a small army of religious trolls who stalk us as well as steal from us. Scottg is trying to find some of the answers but he is not going about it the right way. If he is genuine in his quest he needs to contact us privately because as a result of Rusling's theft, we are no longer sharing our research prior to publication. By the way we already have many published works and broadcasts on line, contrary to the trolls who think that we just popped up. We have been at this long before many of the trolls were born. Why? Because Ronan O'Rahilly was paid to deceive, and the gullible have repeated his myths - until Rusling decided to STEAL from us because we are too dangerous for the trolls. We are not publishing a first book but another book. To understand why we are annoyed and disappointed with Paul Rusling, read what happened to us before: - and check out
Mervyn Hagger
1/3/2020 09:25:41 am
Updated unmasking of the foolish Fred Bramley on the Rusling/Stevens Troll Board:
1/3/2020 03:07:27 pm
I think you may have confused 'troll' with 'critic'. Just so you know, I count the ability to read as one of my skills, I was not prone to falling asleep in class, and I am not party to any perceived conspiracy. You imply that I am a member of a 'band of thieves'. I am not, and I suggest that you cease and desist from such accusations forthwith, and keep your wild, unfounded allegations to yourself.
Mervyn Hagger
1/3/2020 07:56:30 pm
Maldonian, whoever you are, you are one the band of thieves on the Stevens-Rusling-Smith Board. Clear enough for you?
2/3/2020 02:08:41 pm
Not really.
Anorak Asylum
1/3/2020 01:48:38 pm
David LW writes - '''Geoff, absolutely!! Alexis and similar are not radio, or even deserve that name. They is boring, of no technical propagation interest and are 100% censored and controlled. They will eavesdrop on your life, along will all the other 'smart' gadgets, including TV's. Throw these all in the bin, and don't get the 'hive' smart gadgets either. These are all traps against your legal privacy rights. This is what Mervyn Hagger needs to campaign, rather than a pointless persecution of ROR, PM and Paul Rusling's amazing Caroline Bible. That would then make Mervyn Hagger a true hero of Free Radio, instead of being an insignificant outcast BUM, David LW David LW''' --- Well there you have it, the intelligence of people like this beggers belief, I guess some anoraks really do belong in a care home (possibly a secure one)
Anorak Asylum
1/3/2020 05:13:32 pm
Is there a translator in the house? Fred Bramley wrote today - '''''endlesss posting on /members5/yesterair but did not comment once about Totally fictitious entries on Mervyn's message board, i reported to Ofcom throught their Internet Content Policy on behalf of myself & Atlantisgb - Upheld due to conspirator signing in using my gmail suffix 56 - your moans of Mervyn Hagger seemingly crediting multiple Bible corrections
Mervyn Hagger
1/3/2020 05:55:41 pm
Garry Stevens and his side kick Paul Rusling are either quite mad, or they figure that their followers are totally insane and so they deserve to be financially abused by Rusling and Smith. The latest rant by posted by David LW on March 1, 2020, 5:07 pm calls me "Haggly" - which happens to be the same silly term used by Paul Rusling in a succession of emails to me personally. Then this idiot goes on to allege that my demand for Rusling to stop his copyright theft is actually part of "an animated virus troll sent by the dastardly Kim Jong, programmed to lie and destroy PM, ROR, Paul R., and now Fred Bramley". These people - Stevens-Rusling-Smith, are totally insane.
James McGregor
1/3/2020 09:12:10 pm
I of course am not mad at all, but feel left out from the fuhrer bunker rantings so will contribute by saying pretend Carrie fishing for status is a bad as Boris squirrelling away his nuts to keep away from the cats
James McGregor
1/3/2020 11:07:49 pm
It's just dawned on me, that apart from making any short lived jokes about Roger Day that Saint David was returned to the sheepish fold at the time of crisis nearly this time last year after an apparently enforced absence to which he took an extension. My weird mind wonders if Mervyn is now so near to the truth that he is right and all the animated troll viruses myself included have now been subliminally instructed to come out with all guns blazing. Would you like to see a closing screen of the BBC shutting down in 1979, and then being sold off to Thatcher?
Mervyn Hagger
2/3/2020 01:48:43 pm
James, instead of being a troll who sometimes spends hours posting absolute rubbish, why not open your mind and ask: "What if Mervyn is right? What if Rusling really did steal the basis of his book from Mervyn, and what if after stealing it, he did not know what to make of it and so he published a contradictory work of rubbish?" Rusling is merely a pathetic a smash and grab thief who does not know what he has stolen. But by supporting Rusling's theft you have made a bigger fool of yourself than just being the clown that you pretend to be. No one is laughing with you or even at you now James. Everyone is just pissed off at the Fred Bramley and David LW types who are no more than religious nutcases. You are in that camp. But here's the thing, Rusling dismisses my investigation into the fraudulent registry of the Ross Revenge, but Ronan O'Rahilly sneers at the idea of a license. So what have they got? A tin pot license and a rusting hulk because the engine is not working. Malcolm Smith was in cahoots with Rusling to create that idiotic book, because he needed it to pretend that there is a linkage back to 1964, but there isn't one. What Malcolm Smith has, by his own Ofcom filings, is a tin pot station for seedy 45 year old males. The glorification of the djs has been rubbished because too many of them are now linked to kind of behavior that Jimmy Saville is infamous for. So James, wake up and tell Malcolm Smith to shut the stupid tin pot station down and then face reality: Radio Caroline died in 1967, but the question still remains: why was it started in 1964? You won't find the answers in Rusling's rubbish.
James McGregor
2/3/2020 11:07:54 pm
I have no idea what this "rubbish" is about Mervyn. I think you are wandering around with a bin on your head waiting for someone to bang a stick on it so you can ask what on earth was that
The INSANE Fred Bramley
2/3/2020 03:57:07 pm
Posted by Fred Bramley on March 2, 2020, 3:25 pm, in reply to "Re: Is Paul Rusling, Scottg?"
Anorak Asylum
2/3/2020 06:16:02 pm
He's lost it this time. I guess in his ramblings he means the Computer Misuse Act 1990, which has absolutely nothing to do with any of this. Care in the community has failed, re open the asylums!!!
Hulk Revenge
2/3/2020 06:27:43 pm
I did my best to sink but the anoraks wouldn't let me go and towed me into Dover. When the Irish bloke did a runner from Santander & took me to the North Sea, he at least promised I would remain free. But when the anoraks kidnapped me off the Goodwins & tied me up in Dover and made me have an RSL OFCOM licence. The Irishman was furious but by then he was already being carved out of the picture by the sculdugery of the Highgate hippies. I did time in the Medway rivers, was banged up in Tilbury in solitary for years, tied up at the end of Southend pier for people to come and stare at, and now they have left me in the Blackwater estuary with a pretend aerial strapped on top. I wish I could have sunk but those anoraks just see me as a play thing.
Horrible LW David
2/3/2020 08:18:20 pm
Some basket case has just had another rant and it goes like this...... Fred, Ofcom are the UK 'radio and media police' acting for the Government. Horrible Haggly does libel your good self and P. Rusling quite openly, but that's his 'hobby'. I did say to PM many many months ago to drop the Caroline brand name, sever that link totally, and call his new community thing "Radio Ross Revenge". That would have neatly ended this tedious deja vu Caroline nonsense before it started. PM was too stubborn to take this advice, and it's quite possible Horrible Haggly will have the last laugh. Haggly may just rake up the Caroline death knell as some legal breach of ownership of that brand name. Do not under-estimate Haggly. He is a persistent intelligent beast, knows, and plans his agenda, and does command my respect in that direction!!! Haggly would make a good battle theatre tactician in warfare, David LW ******** Nurse!! We need medication over at Garry's Caroline & Censorship Fan Emporium!
Scottg Post Elsewhere and Response
3/3/2020 10:59:18 am
"In 'Titbits' magazine, 19-2-66, Simon Dee, 'Michael Joseph, business associate of ROR, telephoned him, (Simon Dee) for an audition, and then offered him the job'. In 'Ray Clarks' book, Carl Conway said:- 'Michael Joseph, RORs' right hand man, auditioned him (CC), and offered him a job'. Is this the same person? - then view, check the facts, and decide. Scottg." - RESPONSE: It isn't the job offer part that is of interest Scottg, because Michael Joseph may not have offered Simon Dee or anyone else a job, in fact, because Simon Dee was trained in Allan Crawford's studio at 47 Dean Street by the Radio Atlanta staff, its very possible that he was not recruited by Michael Joseph. Where your find is interesting is that it puts flesh and blood on a name and that name has already been researched in terms of the 'actors' school' fiasco. It seems the Michael Joseph was NOT an intern as your article suggests, but the manager of the school for the owner who then seems to have given Michael Joseph the sack! Then, Michael Joseph with Ronan O'Rahilly got Simon Dee to STEAL from his employer to fund a weekend bogus "actors' school" above a pub off Regent Street for a weekend or two. Then the THEFT by Simon Dee was discovered by his boss who threatened to report him to the police if he did not repay the money. Simon Dee repaid the money and the bogus "actors' school" was no more. Ronan O'Rahilly had NO money and he managed to cadge a job as the hype man with Allan Crawford for the Caroline project, and then O'Rahilly got his made Michael Joseph a job on the same payroll along with Simon Dee. That is why your discovery is of interest.
Maldonian's Madness (He hangeth himselfeth by his own words-eth)
3/3/2020 12:14:31 pm
Posted by Maldonian on March 3, 2020, 11:34 am, in reply to "Re: Is Paul Rusling, Scottg?"
Dover Sole
3/3/2020 12:55:45 pm
Then there was the incident with Ricky J... in Dover when the boat came in. Local girls school if I remember rightly, Caroline has so many skeletons in the closet, no wonder Mr Smith want's it past to be the rose tinted version the sell out version peddles
3/3/2020 02:05:08 pm
Ha-Ha! Sooooo predictable. What larks, eh? No, the word 'seedy' was not in there, and I think you'll find that neither was the term ' old gits'. You may need to check again. Perhaps in your infinite wisdom you can come up with some figures for the total number of Caroline DJ' s and the total number of those convicted of what are, of course, disgusting crimes. Let's have some real facts, shall we?
Madonian's Confession
3/3/2020 07:14:33 pm
Oh dear the jig is up Maldonian, Caroline is a magnet for you guys. What guys? Over 45 guys who cling to the idea a that 5 years old girl named Caroline is symbolic of the masses of pictures that are collected by some djs for purposes of feeble-minded fantasy. None of you are in the real world.
3/3/2020 08:36:27 pm
Read your post again and tell me who is in the real world. You are making absolutely no sense whatsoever and cannot answer the question posed to back up your statement. There's a surprise.
Maldonian's Pedophile Tar Brush
4/3/2020 07:23:18 am
Actually, Maldonian has raised an interesting question: Given that the CURRENT operation calling itself "Radio Caroline" is registered with Ofcom as targeting over "45-years olds"; and given that the supporters have always promoted the idea that it is all about a 5-years old girl named Caroline, and given that so many disc jockeys affiliated with 'Radio Caroline" have a warped sexual interest in underage children, if this information was also filed with Ofcom, would Ofcom have told the people behind the current operation to pick another name for their endeavor, or is there a possibility that it could be unofficially rebranded by the authorities as 'Radio Pedophilia"? The facts are on file and there are police and prison records to back this up!
Demographic Don
4/3/2020 06:54:42 am
"Radio Caroline is for people aged 45 plus who wish to hear album tracks from the 1960s onwards." People. Not seedy males. Not 45 year old gits. Not males. People.
James McGregor
4/3/2020 05:59:43 pm
The current climate change ensures the jinks ed James Bond Movie will never be seen and be pandemiced as rubbish
Maldonian Rusling
5/3/2020 06:41:09 pm
Well, that is established then. The tin pot station is officially for 45 years-old plus according to Ofcom, and according to police and court records there is a preoccupation with underage sex by some DJs associated with its name which is supposedly named after a 5 years-old girl. Now it seems Paul Rusling who has written a book to celebrate this obnoxious concoction, has created another muddle because he keeps changing the title of his book. What a bunch of deranged and confused people. Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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