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"The anonymous poster who had a dig seems to be one of those snowflakes who are always so desperate to take offence on behalf of others. I speak to Ronan and his family and go over there too, whenever I can; I wouldn't do so if I thought anyone close to him might be offended. If anyone else doesn't like Ronan's messages or his image appearing, perhaps they would identify themselves clearly and I shall be happy to pass the details to some people in Dundalk". Some people can get very weird. Maybe it's just that old sense of self importance, you know "well yes I'm close friends with him/her/it & obviously your not, which makes me considerably better that you". Or maybe your just trying to flog a book and K'Ching, another angle presents itself. Whatever, if your not man enough to fight your own causes you can always send in your fantasy gangsters. Anyhow lets have a couple of random history lessons. The first was in 2016 and includes Nuala ORahilly looking ahead to the Rebellion Museum on Moore Street, Dublin. The second one is from February 1968 when ex Big L presenter Dave Cash was presenting Top Of The Pops with a major celebrity of that time (no disrespect to Mr Cash it wasn't his choice - I wonder if he was listening to Radio Caroline or the BBC by then). So many TOTP editions still available, so few these days that can be re-run.
James M
19/12/2019 11:13:30 pm
I fought for the Firehuere on sea, land and over the air. I will never betray his memories. Except by telling everyone my version of them now have to be read to him
Ed Abovewater
20/12/2019 09:14:04 am
Mervyn Hagger
20/12/2019 11:24:09 am
Have you seen THAT photo? If you believe the caption under it you will believe anything - including the idea that Ronan O'Rahilly founded Radio Caroline in 1963. That's what it says - 1963. The entire promotion and contents of this Bible is a fabricated lie designed to milk cult members of what Gary Stevens called the 'Church of Caroline'. Check the photo out for yourself: - It is known that O'Rahilly is very ill, and I am familiar with others who have been struck down by this terrible illness, but don't try to tell me that what I can plainly see is something other that what I can plainly see. I agree with Atlantisgb! who expressed shock at the idea that this photo is being used to sell a book - and it is a book based upon a LIE - and that really is scraping the bottom of the barrel in self-promotion.
Ed Abovewater
20/12/2019 04:00:03 pm
Read the posts on your own forum, and this from Atlantis GB: whoops!
Fred Bramlee
20/12/2019 11:26:14 am
I can drag on for several years correcting everyone else. I use Wikipedia I do.
Ed Abovewater
20/12/2019 12:16:16 pm
'One of the Yestertecs'........Hahahahahahaha!!!!
Mervyn Hagger
20/12/2019 12:19:35 pm
We created a total brand some years ago using 'yester' instead of the word 'history'. Now that you stopped laughing, what about the photo (disgusting), and the claim citing '1963' and a lot of bogus information?
James M
20/12/2019 12:26:09 pm
The drugs don't work it just makes it worse,it's plain for all to see. No new history = No new book
Mervyn Hagger
20/12/2019 12:33:35 pm
James M you are correct on both counts. The drugs can only stave off some side effects but the illness grinds on. That is obvious from the photo. Of course the 'Bible' has "no new history" and therefore it is "no new book", it is reciting the piles of lies told in other anorak books - but their authors did not know better - the person who wrote the 'Bible' does know better and chose to rush into print a regurgitation of those old lies.
Ed Abovewater
20/12/2019 02:21:15 pm
It's not a brand, it's you in a bitterness bunker.
Mervyn Hagger
21/12/2019 10:03:51 pm
You wish
Ed Abovewater
20/12/2019 03:49:42 pm
"I am familiar with others who have been struck down by this terrible illness" am I. My question to you is: What is disgusting about carrying out the wishes of RR's nearest and dearest?.........'Last week we had a call from Ines, at Ronan's prompting, to pass on a message and felicitations to his friends in the radio world. They sent a picture of Ronan doing his exercises and asked that it be shared with everyone along with the message that he is feeling fit these days and is very happy'.......Have you met RR? No. Have you any connection to him? No. Are you in a position to comment on his health and welfare? No. Have you been contacted by his loved ones? No.
Mervyn Hagger
20/12/2019 05:54:28 pm
That is a picture of a very sick man, not a man doing exercises. Ronan was a con man for all of his life, but he ain't foolin' anyone now!
Ed Abovewater
20/12/2019 06:02:56 pm
You will know as well as I that even those with quite advanced dementia can have periods of lucidity and clarity. You know jack shit about his particular situation, so stop speculating on something you know nothing about. Are you calling his partner and his family liars? Sounds like it to me.
James M
20/12/2019 05:32:05 pm
......the real story, that it will take a thoroughly researched and documented explanation to explain what really took place between 1964 and 1967.
James M
20/12/2019 01:19:00 pm
You are misinterpreting the direction of my needle
Mervyn Hagger
20/12/2019 05:49:07 pm
Sorry you can't say what you mean and mean what you say, you must be a disciple of the Caroline cult. Very dangerous mind destroying people.
James M
20/12/2019 06:02:46 pm
Mervyn H. You are correct on both counts
Fred Bramley
20/12/2019 02:01:24 pm
Oh boy am I ranting on again on Radio Carolines newest disciple Garry the Legends board today. I just can't help it, I know who is a greater human being, didn't even need to check Wikipedia for that one.
Kevin H
20/12/2019 03:15:32 pm
Hagger in meltdown again - LOL.
Ed Abovewater
20/12/2019 04:03:29 pm
I know! it's worth a visit and a comment or two, just to see 'One of the YesterTecs' tie himself in knots and drown in his own cesspit of righteous indignation and pomposity.
Kevin H
20/12/2019 07:09:27 pm
Actually Ed I the one having a meltdown because I suddenly realized that Hagger is right.
Mervyn Hagger
20/12/2019 07:11:12 pm
Kevin, what do you mean by "I the one"? I don't get it.
James M
20/12/2019 07:12:59 pm
That cannot be Kevin.
Ed Abovewater
20/12/2019 07:16:48 pm
It is obviously not you Kevin.
Mervyn Hagger
20/12/2019 05:51:13 pm
No Kevin, that's you and the sniffling little religious trolls you hang around with. Lies and liars always come a cropper.
Kevin H
20/12/2019 08:01:53 pm
Of course that post wasn't from me, only a complete moron would think it was.
Fred Bramley
20/12/2019 05:22:22 pm
Look for the last time I am not Fred Bramley and anyone saying I am may be locked in the company of Paul Rusling who is Paul Rusling. He has a Bible but it's not the real one it's a pretend one as Wikipedia will tell you. Also you will need to provide your papers and are in breach of my party hosts terms and conditions. You have 72 hours to spontaneously combust are I will have to take things father including your teeth in the jar.
James M
20/12/2019 05:37:35 pm
Calm down dear, I have had a seance with Michael Winner and he says it's only a commercial for a book
Fredericia Bramley
20/12/2019 06:28:36 pm
Don't you call me "Dear"!
Fred Bramley
20/12/2019 06:49:26 pm
Let's get something straight which is that I am the real fake Fred Bramley and I wish to disassociate myself from the fake James M and the fack Ed Abovewater, all of whom disassociate themselves from all of the non-fake individuals so named and I dismissing the 72 time lime limit and replacing it with two and a half minutes. This is faking hell if you ask me.
James M
20/12/2019 07:40:44 pm
If you say so Sergeant Wilson. Can you get the platoon fell in and back on line ship shape and proper now, no cuss words but perhaps a password if it would not be too terribly impossible for you. I did actually look through my records and found that one morning when I was terribly indignant over a mere bus conductor implying I lived in 1977 with a racist dad and a dead dog - the bus conductor was actually me on the trip the night before. I was so far gone on the journey I honesty could not remember I had bought the ticket . But there it was in black and white 20 Units = Totally pissed. I was living in the past of Midnight Glory when I was pretending to be someone else entirely! Well I Never. Right said Fred, my pet El Gato, lets put the kettle on, call it Blackie and have a cup of tea now, it's got to be safer than cider and less cracked then them up Stoke on police dispersal orders from the city centre on Mad Friday tonight. Crackerjack Trentham Forest monkey dust- some folks
Ed Abovewater
20/12/2019 07:29:49 pm
I'm being impersonated too! The sincerest form of flattery!
James M
20/12/2019 07:46:41 pm
That's funny Ed because you are obviously the fake Ed and not the real Ed and I should know because I am the bus conductor that I told you about in my Crackerjack glory epistle.
Ed Abovewater
20/12/2019 07:49:46 pm
Are there any crisps left?
Kevin's Mother
20/12/2019 07:51:10 pm
I told my boy not to associate with such people as yourselves and now we can see the awful plight that he has not enmeshed himself in by posting ridiculous comments that treat these conversations seriously when it is patently obvious that James M is really Fred Bramley.
James M
20/12/2019 07:53:11 pm
Only if you provide photographic evidence to show that you are really Adrian.
Ed Abovewater
20/12/2019 07:55:09 pm
Are you referring to Kevin's Mother or Fred Bramley?
Mervyn Hagger
20/12/2019 07:56:41 pm
Mike, this is getting ridiculous.
20/12/2019 07:59:01 pm
Row, row, row your boat say I.
James M
20/12/2019 08:12:01 pm
When the price of crisps is dominated by Brexit and here is talk of bringing back the blue bags of salt to save the Planet from wasted key strokes that generate heat that eventually will combust due to the amount of cow emissions clogging the air above the M1, then we will all be wondering if the days of Walker's Crisps are gone for good or whether we are gone like a goods train that is sitting idle on the main line for the East Coast and therefore delaying commuters who would prefer to sit instead of stand if there were more seats instead of more shoes per inch on the floor of each carriage which is not intended to be a slap at the carriage of our Gracious Majesty whose partner is now making use of the NHS we think but who could be getting private treatment in a manner approved of by Donald Trump, who is seems has not been Impeached because to do that the charges have to be read in the Senate by the House manager but that was stopped in its tracks and everyone was sent home for the Christmas Holidays which means that Trump cannot be Impeached until January at the earliest. notwithstanding that the BBC has already stated that he has already been Impeached which makes me wonder whether Philip will avail himself of Johnson's NHS now that he has promised not to sell it to Trump, but do we believe Johnson? I rest my case M'lud.
Kevin H
20/12/2019 08:33:09 pm
For once I find myself in complete agreement with Hagger,
Mervyn Hagger
20/12/2019 08:37:19 pm
I never said you were dirty Kevin, bonkers yes, but dirty? No.
James M
20/12/2019 08:07:30 pm
Whooa Monkey dust about central abounds.
Mervyn Hagger
20/12/2019 08:13:46 pm
In the spirit of goodwill and reconciliation, may I wish you all and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.
Peter Moore
20/12/2019 08:19:16 pm
We are where we are now
Ed Abovewater
20/12/2019 08:25:09 pm
And where is that?
Mervyn Hagger
20/12/2019 08:21:33 pm
I thought my act of kind generosity should be attached to a caveat that it does not extend to the cult members who belong to the Church of Caroline due to their hateful and abusive posts.
Mervyn Hagger
20/12/2019 08:19:03 pm
Judging by the amount of time it took for you to write the last two slabs of gibberish James M, how can you click on a box when you are sitting upon your box clicking finger?
Roger Whittaker
20/12/2019 08:24:14 pm
Any one here from Durham?
Kevin M
20/12/2019 08:27:32 pm
Are you all mad?
Peter Moore
20/12/2019 08:38:52 pm
Rodger, It's Dublin, get with the plot. Trust is something that like my Swiss TSB Bank account full of millions from you gullible suckers Mervyn will never understand and earn interest from
Ed Abovewater
20/12/2019 08:46:38 pm
Rod-ger, who is Rod-ger?
James M
20/12/2019 08:43:30 pm
I think I have found this boards a killers eels hiding under the stairs
Testing 1.2,3
20/12/2019 08:49:32 pm
James you may be writing a lot of nonsense, but it probably equals the remaining posts with the exception of Ed.
Admin - Mike
20/12/2019 08:49:04 pm
I can confirm that Fred Bramley is a fake. As for anyone here from Durham, well I have know idea but some of you might want to get to know who US Attorney John Durham is, because when he starts unsealing indictments things might start getting a bit bumpy even over here in Blighty.
Mervyn Hagger
20/12/2019 08:51:25 pm
So Mike, what did they do with the corpse of Joseph Mifsud?
Ed Abovewater
20/12/2019 08:59:21 pm
Think I saw him in Tesco by the fish counter.
James M
20/12/2019 08:53:56 pm
Mike if you are confirming Fred Bramley, does that mean that you have see the error of your ways and become anointed by the Church of Caroline?
Mervyn Hagger
20/12/2019 08:56:22 pm
I am watching that series on TV about the execution of Charles I and this episode is ticking down to the fall of the ax? England then became a republic.
Ed Abovewater
20/12/2019 09:01:12 pm
I'm watching Fraggle Rock. It's getting pretty intense, I can tell you.
Stewart Admin
20/12/2019 09:02:28 pm
This thread is now locked
Fuhrer from the grave
20/12/2019 09:10:55 pm
Your thread has me in stitches.
Ed Abovewater
20/12/2019 09:37:02 pm
No it isn't
Garry Stevens
20/12/2019 09:17:30 pm
This abuce off my Admins will stop now and you take this arful hate speech to the Joke Board. My Board is for the worship by Loving Awareness of the Church of Caroline and by the sale of our most sacred text The Caroline Bible. Our companys and our spellings are not for critizim anymore than our Admins.
Fred Bramley
20/12/2019 09:20:54 pm
Stewart and Garry, this is not your Board
Lydia Stevens
20/12/2019 09:25:49 pm
I dose agree with my husband and his multiple alias have the last early morning woody
Ed Abovewater
20/12/2019 09:31:06 pm
Can somebody tell me what the situation is with the crisps? I couldn't get a sensible answer the last time I asked.
Geoff Hutton
20/12/2019 09:45:32 pm
Ed, I like most of the taste mongers here have different thresholds of holding their tongue in their cheek but generally speaking we welcome all flavours of interesting and informative crisp packets like Ike, Irving, Gates. You can get anything past me as long as you don't start me off on 5G or anything that might happened since November 1990
Dave Martin
20/12/2019 09:32:26 pm
It's not as sad as the sad board of the lost and lonely where people talk to themselves. If you can't find the stable look for the signs in pale blue
Garry Stevens
20/12/2019 09:35:05 pm
You mean the Joke Board.
One of the Yestertecs
20/12/2019 09:49:15 pm
Anyone seen Mervyn? Oh, wait, it's me!
Wait Rose
20/12/2019 10:08:58 pm
I am me and he is him and maybe I am also a YesterTeck but I can't confirm that since we are working incognito. Now go on James M,, tell us what is inside a cognito.
David LW + JM Grand Wizards Status u mugs cos we are Chesney Hawkes on screen
20/12/2019 10:17:48 pm
It what not the right time to ask for the simple reason that I was listening to the BBC to correctly forecast that now is the right time for hobby and amateur radio on all in Band Bedford trucks with no license, no messing and double scramble quick. I think Optibore was a fantastic best friend and should have his own channel double quick march of time step and that Katie Puckrik should get in a time machine, come back nice and young and chunky legged and marry the J the husband she really should have done 30 years ago. Thanks to Garry's nostalgic streams this is really no way forward for 648 to be used as Malcolm Smith's personal aircraft beacon. We hope this is a warning light to those who waver and wander from the Church of Freddie Archer Hope and cannot see the blindingly obvious needs for passwords before planes start crashing. I am sure listeners in Essex will get their cards and the air traffic controller will see a bright star on the screen. It's the Lord he is showing us the way to Bethlehem, an apocryphal tale, the King of Kingmaker name dropping blaggers. All bow down for sucking up to Saint Paul
Paul Rusling should have NOT posted that picture. Other items on the article relate to his book, both in pictures or words. That is publicising (for interests unknown), of a hero, (as far as listeners are concerned from the early days and ESPECIALLY from the restart from Holland). The most sensible way would have been, not for self interest, on a book site, to share it on the Official RADIO CAROLINE WEBSITE. That way it would have some credibility. Scottg.
Mervyn Hagger
21/12/2019 07:53:17 am
Who is this idiot Fred Bramley who goes on rampages denouncing me personally by name on the Garry Stevens' Board? Stevens says he won't allow personal attacks against anyone - but ME. What a hypocrite Stevens has become. He made me an Admin and told me to get rid of the 'Church of Caroline' trolls (as Stevens called them), and then, he reversed himself and welcomed the cult Caroline trolls back and allowed fools like Bramley to attack me - by name! Meanwhile, Stevens also told me that Paul Rusling was an Admin on his Board at the time I was an Admin, but Paul Rusling who pretended to be my friend, then denied that he was an Admin, and yet, his 'Caroline Bible' advert (thread) is posted at the top of the Garry Stevens' Forum. Stevens claims that he put it there and that, supposedly, gets Rusling off the hook for promoting his nonsense on the Stevens' Forum. Reading down one of the most recent threads on the Stevens' Forum, Rusling claims that the demented picture of Ronan O'Rahilly ("excercising" - is that a SICK mind caption by Rusling, or what?), anyway, he claims that the page is not full of lies with false claims concerning O'Rahilly and the original and authentic Radio Caroline from 1964-1967. Go to this Rusling link on the Stevens' Forum: It should not read "O'Rahilly" but Oh, Really? Well, unless you are blind you can read these fake claims for yourself on Rusling's own promotional page that Rusling linked himself!
Ed Abovewater
21/12/2019 08:28:10 am
Probably does it just to piss you off. Seems to be working. It's not even 8am yet, have you had your porridge? Or maybe some crisps. What are your favourite flavours? Sour grapes? I like a hint of sea salt myself. I might have a banana today, too
Mervyn Hagger
21/12/2019 09:45:38 am
Brain-dead as you are I will recommend you for service as cannon-fodder in the next bogus war looking for WMD that don't exist. We need dead bodies to celebrate wars, and since you are brain dead it will be of no effect upon you. You might get your name engraved on a monument after you are dead. Think about that for glory.
Ed Abovewater
21/12/2019 09:54:09 am
You need to relax. Try some colouring in. If you go over the lines, get one of the yestertecs to help you.
The Tramp shivering at the bus station
21/12/2019 09:08:06 am
Oh boy what a night bus. Was there a party going on
Photo Shop Bucket
21/12/2019 02:28:52 pm
Initially that photo was larger, nearly filling half the screen and now it has been pared down to what the family intended
The Tramp shivering at the bus station
21/12/2019 06:51:21 pm
When I last spoke to you there was a party going on the night bus to crossing the Oder to Notting Hill, as if it was possible to get on any bus crossing the Oder to Notting Hill, what I meant to say was there was a bad odor on the night bus going to Notting Hill for the carnival, but of course the carnival was winding down at night, that night, any night and the bus driver should have known that when I asked about the carnival as I stepped on board the night bus. But then the driver was James M, so I ask you. what do you expect from James M,, not what I say, what do you say? Well the bus started moving before the driver asked for my fare, but being a tramp who had been shivering at the bus station, I just wanted warmth from somewhere and the night bus pulled in and I hoped on. So when James M asked "where to?", I just said "carnival" and James M asked "what carnival? He kept on driving. That was dangerous but James M was oblivious to talking and driving because he was drinking and driving and that was even more dangerous since he was guzzling down a Diet Coke laced with something with combustible fumes. Anyway, by the time he figured that I was a tramp and that I had no money, we were already in some unlit spot of the road and James M threw me off the bus in the middle of nowhere. I mean he actually threw me off and I landed in a puddle face down. A cat had occupied that spot seconds before and it leaped up and screamed with its back arched in fright. I pushed myself into an upright position and saw the night bus driving off into the darkness. Now all was darkness and I was alone with my thoughts.
James M
21/12/2019 07:24:38 pm
James M who has just been gifted with 6 name checks and a can of Night Nurse has won Employee of the Year award from the Malcolm Smithsonian Institute for having extreme patience in bus driving and customer service, going above and beyond playing call of Camelot Duty in his bedroom and doing his best with humanitarian concern to make sure an emotionally under the weather passenger who got on in April and refused to get off at the correct stop as he had paid for his self promotion ticket. Eventually after trying for hundred of Routemaster baiting miles Star James M Gold Lebelsmith politely informed that his ticket was not transferable to new other reactionary upstart bus companies. Being the kind and compassionate Driver James M is he denies he was the first one to hit the hooter and shout OMG what is That photograph about. Escorting the long term smelling and festering passenger off the bus but kindly making sure he had enough coins to take his CentreStage Coach Express back to Fallofkrack Scotland, where we all agree with kind driver James M that we hope he stays, keeps out of mischief and enjoys listening to the radio he muttered about on the bus a lot
Suzy Q
21/12/2019 07:35:28 pm
I looked down at the disgusting sight gazing up at me, and I wondered if he was gazing up me, if you know what I mean, and there are laws against that sort of thing but he was a tramp and it was dark. "You a hooker?" asked the tramp. It was dark and I got scared being a nice girl coming home from Bible study. Not the Jesus version, the Rusltng version. "Well?" he asked. I was shocked. Yes it was dark but I was just a short distance away from home. I told him he was disgusting and that I am a Caroline girl ordained to preaching Loving Awareness, but not the carnal sort. We collect money to run our charity which isn't really a charity because it is not registered as a charity. It just acts like a charity and we distribute the Rusting Gospel to all those who are trying to save old fishing boats, provided that they have been used as a radio station that no one listens to. Anyway, I started to walk away from the tramp and then I began walking faster and then faster still. A cat suddenly leaped out of the darkness in front of me and screeched with its back arched. I began to run and I looked behind me into the darkness trying to see if the tramp was following me. I could not see him but then, just at that moment his form became back lit by a Notting Hill bus that was coming in my direction with its wheels plowing into puddles of rain water and spraying dirty liquid over the curb and on to the tramp.
The Virgin Caroline
21/12/2019 07:51:52 pm
I gazed down on Suzy Q and wondered whether to save her from the wrath to come, but she was looking upwards towards me as if she could see me. But how could she? I am a phantom and only my true believers think that I am a virgin giving birth over and over again to radio station called Caroline. "Who are you?" she cried into the dark night air. Behind her the on again off again outline of a tramp was coming towards her bathed in moving headlights which is more than fresh water had done to the tramp for a long time and his odor reached upwards into the mystical realm of Loving Awareness (old recordings available for a price on ebay). Susy Q was losing her mind. It was dark and I was an illusion, but the tramp was real. Just at the moment when the tramp was about to reach out to Suzy Q a bus drew up at the curb. An inspector opened the doors and asked the tramp if James M had thrown him off an earlier bus. Just then that cat reappeared as if from nowhere and screeched yet again with its back arched once more.
Lord Saint Christopher of English Darkness
21/12/2019 08:02:20 pm
I made you boy. I am your father
The Virgin Caroline
21/12/2019 08:11:28 pm
How dare you! I am not transgender and I was born of the spirit of Caroline which wafts through the airwaves uncontaminated by the reality of any man. I am Caroline, immortal, eternal, etc., etc.,
The Cat Named Bramley
21/12/2019 07:59:22 pm
If you are trying to imply that I am that cat who screeches with an arched back, well, because I resent your viscous language I give you 72 seconds to remove all references to my surname from this really stupid monologue.
Ed Abovewater
21/12/2019 08:04:38 pm
Obviously you think that by adopting and expanding the insanity of James M you can redirect our attention away from the issues that have been raised.
Ed Abovewater
21/12/2019 08:16:22 pm
The me above is not me. Just so you know.
The Virgin Caroline
21/12/2019 08:18:33 pm
Of course you are not you Ed, and I am not the Virgin Caroline.
James M
21/12/2019 08:22:13 pm
I confess that I am Ed Abovewater.
Testing 1,2.3
21/12/2019 08:23:53 pm
That is not true and you know it. I am Ed Abovewater.
James M
21/12/2019 08:25:30 pm
No you are not, I am that cat.
The Cat Named Bramley
21/12/2019 08:27:29 pm
Look, there is only one cat here, and that is me. I give you 72 milliseconds to remove all content about me,
Ed Abovewater
21/12/2019 08:29:19 pm
I have no idea what any of this is about.
James M
21/12/2019 08:35:13 pm
WELL, He can't adopt it because as I said last night in mock outrage, if you have not really got it you cannot really pull it off. It's just a bad Assburgers bap that will give you indigestion and long for Rennie bonehead strength spearmint tablets and guilty gallons of ..of....of... of. . As the real Peter Moore said last night - We are where we are now- If that its not clear enough I honestly don't know whether truth is a stranger to fiction. How goes the weather?
The Real Peter Moore
21/12/2019 08:39:48 pm
Are you trying to suggest that Peter Moore is not real? I suppose you are going to tell us that he is really Malcolm Smith.
Ed Abovewater
21/12/2019 08:41:19 pm
Perter Moore IS Malcolm Smith.
Testing 1,2.3
21/12/2019 08:43:16 pm
Perter Moore? Who is Perter Moore?
James M
21/12/2019 08:35:24 pm
Hop on the bus Ed and we call all go to Notting Hill together, assuming that you are Ed and not Adrian.
James M?????
21/12/2019 08:45:49 pm
Pointless is just a BBC quiz show of little interest right????
Rennie bonehead strength
21/12/2019 08:52:10 pm
Too many questions James M, too many questions, just too many questions. Did I mention that you ask too many questions?????
Testing 1,2.3
21/12/2019 08:54:39 pm
What do you mean LITTLE interest James M????? What have you got against little people?????
James M yes M I said Licence to Trill
21/12/2019 09:04:08 pm
I am not daft as you think. Mervyn is hick-jacking this custom tailored trailer park of you tube chav trash. Like Long Wave left in a note before he went AWOL BS baffles brains. Merve knows there is no real foundation for his warped reasoning. Row who exercises his mind and body more in a care home than Merve does behind the keyboard in his research institute is is still in far superior health. The bottom line is the station was founded to break the BBC monopoly and play all day music. ROW "founded" and bought it all together and stuck with it. Anyone who says different without rock solid real evidence is just shitting bricks and staring at them in the bowel trying to mind map what they ate yestertec. Fact. End Of. Very Best Wishes as usual JM
Ed Abovewater
21/12/2019 09:08:42 pm
Now that does make sense. Nailed it.
James M yes M I said Licence to Trill
21/12/2019 09:16:54 pm
Okay, you got me Merve, I was trying to outrun you with my long tangled lines but they have now bounced back on me like those weapons the UK sells abroad that eventually get fired back at us and we eventually don't know who is anybody and ROW is nobody. All I ask is that you let ROW supporters down gently. Best Wishes as usual M.
Ed Abovewater
21/12/2019 09:19:56 pm
James M, you now sound like atlantisgb! who also told Mervyn that he was right, please don't open that door because we all know that he is not going to write a book.
Testing 1,2.3
21/12/2019 09:22:06 pm
James do as Ed wrote and keep Mervyn and his supposed novel out of the discussion.
21/12/2019 09:24:57 pm
I don't take sides. Why am I being dragged into this?
Lord Saint Christopher of English Darkness
21/12/2019 09:46:50 pm
If Scotland is not a part of England we are all safe from exposure.
Mervyn Hagger
21/12/2019 09:55:14 pm
Have you read the hypocrisy of Garry Stevens? This is what he has recently posted: "Posted by Garry Stevens on December 20, 2019, 2:26 pm - Edited by board administrator December 20, 2019, 2:33 pm: "Hi All, I would like to take this time to wish the admin team here who all do a great job year in year out, and of course all who post here have a happy and fun Xmas and a great 2020." Well I was one of his Admin. So how much value is there to the words of Garry Stevens?
Ed Abovewater
21/12/2019 10:09:36 pm
You were one of his admin? Really? I didn't know that. Please tell us more.
Ed Abovewater
21/12/2019 10:12:02 pm
Oh, wait........I think you might have mentioned it a thousand times.
Mervyn Hagger
21/12/2019 10:14:02 pm
Mervyn Hagger
21/12/2019 10:16:33 pm
How's that venom from the master of hate, Garry Stevens?
Ed Abovewater
21/12/2019 10:21:11 pm
Seems like you need to talk to Garry, then doesn't it? I don't give a shit either way.
Mervyn Hagger
21/12/2019 10:24:36 pm
Of course you don't care - you are also a hypocrite. One minute blasted the Caroline crowd as fools and kicked them off his Forum, and then he welcomed them all back. I contacted Garry and Garry never responded. Then you joined the fools and hypocrites. You can't have it both ways.
Ed Abovewater
21/12/2019 10:49:00 pm
Au contraire, mon brave. I am simply not interested in your spat with Garry. You are confusing my support for Caroline and it's heritage with a board admin issue.
Ed Abovewater
22/12/2019 07:21:58 am
On second thoughts because you don't seem to understand it when I say that I don't give a shit either way, and that you are confusing my support for Caroline and it's heritage with a board admin issue, I had better make it ever clearer since you seem determined not to understand what I am saying, or even what James M is saying: We support Ronan in everything. We support the Biblical Project undertaken by Paul, and we support the maintenance of the Ross Revenge, just as we support our station on 648, and we do all this without question; without waver; without doubt. We pledge our money; our time and our support to this cause which we believe in the spirit of true Loving Awareness will eventually win out and capture hearts and minds everywhere to the point that eventually Ofcom will allow our 648 Caroline to assume all programming on Radio One which owes its very existence to the perception of programming once portrayed by some as being the work of Ronan O'Rahilly. Now do you get it?
The Real Ed Abovewater
22/12/2019 07:38:13 am
Very amusing . Ho ho ho.
Kevin H
21/12/2019 10:10:16 pm
Ha ha ha ha ha Hagger got shut out and now we can all celebrate the glorious history of Caroline and raise a toast to its magnificent founding father Ronan O'Rahilly, even if the history of Caroline was made up and even if Ronan O'Rahilly was not really the founder of Radio Caroline. By shutting Hagger out in 2019 we can all continue the tradition into 2020 that says Ronan is its founder and perception is reality..
Kevin H
22/12/2019 06:49:10 am
Again, that post is not from me.
Kevin H
22/12/2019 07:06:31 am
Correction! The troll who wrote that the post was not from me was not me because I did write that post.
James M
21/12/2019 11:02:49 pm
When I said End Of what part of that was misunderstood by Church of Mervyn Troll Fakery and Quakery. I have seen read and heard more sense in a simple sentence from Donald Duck
Donald Duck
22/12/2019 07:01:26 am
You and me stand united on this one James M, we are the only legitimate Church of Fakery and Quakery because we represent the Church of Caroline Communion, which is the extended family of troll members outside of the southern counties of England. Ours is a mighty and noble cause to spread confusion and misinformation to the masses wherever we can and wherever we can. Out Lord and Master Ronan taught us that it is not truth that matters but perception and if we preach the Word from our Bible long and hard, far and wide, our Lord and Master will be pleased with or without the factor of dementia because he always faked dementia when he was in fact not demented but cunningly conniving. No imitators can begin to match the confused messages of your missives Priest James M, just as no one can match the confusing corruptness of our Lord and Master with any who would try to pretend that they could. All must eventually come into the fold and all must eventually bow to the correctness of our missives of madness as you so wistfully and worshipfully twist words and meanings into the shape of hoped for things to come out of the shape things passed. Let us all now pause in this moment of respect for our Lord and Master as we turn to a daily reading from our Bible while we sing out loud our mantra of Loving Awareness. Praise the Ronan, He whose name we worship all day and everyday from a music station of low power intensity.
Fred Bramley
22/12/2019 07:27:23 am
Did Hagger just make up that post from Garry Stevens? Did Garry really write: " Don’t let them get to you by letting that happen your letting them win, do one of two things mate ignore them or simply just delete them that’s why you have Admin rights, its why you are a member of the team. Re the crap that gets posted on that pile of junk board of theirs they have been puling me and mine to bits ever since they started that piss of a board. It don’t bother me Mervyn because they are not playing with a full deck mate I’m not just saying that they are mentally weird damaged goods. They are by the majority all rejects from our board banned a long time ago for being retards. Your much better than that / them so just do as I do ignore the venom they post there and enjoy rejecting their posts and post what you do best on our board mate it really is as simple as that." That is disgusting Garry, if you wrote that. It means that you have been deceiving me and all true Caroline supporters all along! An explanation is called for. I tried to post this on your Forum but it got deleted!
Fred Bramley
22/12/2019 07:36:45 am
Garry, did you actually call Caroline supporters "mentally weird damaged goods"? That is really horrible due to the terrible illness that Ronan is suffering. It is almost as if you are mocking Ronan's illness as well as everyone who supports Ronan. Garry, please tell us all that this email that Hagger says you wrote is a fake and that you did not write it.
atlantisgb - ATLANTISGB!
22/12/2019 07:41:31 am
I have noticed on this forum that snippets from some of MY POSTS are being mis-quoted,and mis-used by others too suit there agenda it has also been brought to my attention that someone is posting using my name so until this stops I will post here with another name!
Fred Bramley
22/12/2019 07:44:10 am
Does your post mean that Garry did not call us all "mentally weird damaged goods"?
atlantisgb - ATLANTISGB!
22/12/2019 08:04:13 am
I dont know Fred because I know that he was posting on Garrys Forum when all that fuss over Stewart came up to do with that other Board, and then everything changed all of a sudden. Its difficult to know what is true and what is fake. If it is true then Garry has some answering to do!
The Real Ed Abovewater
22/12/2019 08:17:55 am
atlantisgb - ATLANTISGB - the REAL ATLANTISGB! - if Garry did write that and someone is also pretending to be you, it is difficult to see where fact and fake begin and end. On the other hand if Garry did not write that which seems to me to be more likely, then someone is sowing seeds of discord among everyone who supports Caroline. I am not sure what to think because I certainly resent the idea that Garry would call me "mentally weird damaged goods", if he in fact he did call me that. Do you know for a fact whether Hagger was really an Admin on the Garry Stevens Forum?
atlantisgb - ATLANTISGB!
22/12/2019 08:29:40 am
The Real Ed Abovewater, I did not write that last post as you can tell because I now sign off with REAL ATLANTISGB! and if you notice it does not say that at the end. Someone is playing games. I dont know if Hagger was an Admim but I do remember that he was posting on Garrys Board with his support and then he suddenly stopped and everyone that Garry banned came back from what Garry called 'the Joke Board'. It is possible that Garry wrote that before he got rid of Hagger but it does not excuse Garry for calling us all "mentally weird damaged goods", does it? the REAL ATLANTISGB!
The Real Ed Abovewater
22/12/2019 10:55:20 am
I didn't write that, either. Someone is shit stirring
The Real Ed Abovewater
22/12/2019 11:45:06 am
I didn't write that but I did write the comment that it said that I did not write.
Lydia Biscuit-Barrel
22/12/2019 11:49:23 am
I asked you on Garry's Board how will we know that the real you is really you? I think James M is using so many fake and real names and posting so much rubbish that he is trying to confuse us all.
The Real Ed Abovewater
22/12/2019 11:51:09 am
I didn't see anything on Garry's Board. Where?
Lydia Biscuit-Barrel
22/12/2019 11:52:52 am
Not you Ed, I mean atlantisgb!
The Real Ed Abovewater - Adrian Hopkins
22/12/2019 08:23:35 am
So.......the impersonators are impersonating the imposters. No posts here can be considered genuine (except this one, obviously), including those from Mervyn, so this board really is 'for amusement only'. I would advise that no store be set against any comment made here (except this one, obviously).
The Real Ed Abovewater - Adrian Hopkins
22/12/2019 08:32:57 am
On second thoughts, I am not certain that Mervyn's posts are genuine either. The finger of my suspicion points at James M who has written under so many fake names and written such long texts of meaningless nonsense. Perhaps James M is having fun with all of us?
Fred Bramley
22/12/2019 08:36:05 am
Are you saying that James M made up that stuff about Garry calling us all "mentally weird damaged goods"?
Sheriff Bill and Deputy Ben
22/12/2019 10:44:56 am
Climb a Hill Mountain Men
Sheriff Bill and Deputy Ben
22/12/2019 11:43:05 am
I didn't write that, it looks like more of the work of James M.
Kevin H
22/12/2019 11:56:12 am
If anyone is "mentally weird damaged goods" its you.
Forget the Wrapping Gift The Paper
22/12/2019 12:39:15 pm
Now this is the thought that counts
James M. Bargain BoJo
22/12/2019 12:45:42 pm
Let's have a little more respect for my contributions to this thread.
'Reetha Franklin's Ghost
22/12/2019 12:55:07 pm
R-E-S-P-E-C-T has caps and hyphens always, sez so in the lyrics.
The Real Sheriff Bill and Deputy Ben
22/12/2019 12:03:13 pm
Be careful about calling people names, Kevin.
Kevin H
22/12/2019 12:06:22 pm
I didn't call anyone names except the crackpot who keeps writing rubbish. Some of have said that this is James M. Garry Stevens is the one who called all of the Caroline supporters "mentally weird damaged goods", or at least that is what it is claimed that he did. Did he?
The Real Sheriff Bill and Deputy Ben
22/12/2019 12:08:59 pm
Kevin, who is "James M. Garry Stevens"?
Kevin H
22/12/2019 12:11:26 pm
Very funny. That is a reference to two people, and one of them is Garry Stevens.
The Long and Wind-Up Roadster
22/12/2019 12:39:45 pm
You are all "mentally weird damaged goods" said Garry to the trolls who populated Stevensville which is a make-believe community of streaming sounds emanating from the shadows cast by the beloved ship which once smelt of cod but now smells of blood, sweat and tears after a long and twisted fallout began to seep out from within the ranks of the trolls. Garry was taken aback by the attitude of the trolls to his remarks. Had he not been a camouflaged hypocrite and one of them all along? The trolls were angry with him so Garry went underground but not on the Central Line, because Garry was going off the track and along the long and wind-up road in his wind-up roadster. Where he was going no one could tell because he told no one of his intentions and this led some to think that he was going in one direction when in fact he was going in the opposite direction. Then the trolls blocked his way and made Garry dismount and take off his mantle. Someone else picked it up and put it on. It was the alter ego of Garry who now was worshiping at the altar of the trolls.
mentally weird damaged goods
22/12/2019 12:51:56 pm
my children have no fear of that world of sanity that lurks all around our beloved church and the aura of insanity that seems to swirl around our leader. soon we will all be no more and the only reference to our having ever passed this way will be in the books that we have packed with rubbish in order to confuse and confound future generations. there is but one church and it is caroline, and it has one leader and his name is ronan.
Mervyn Hagger
22/12/2019 01:02:34 pm
What is Fred Bramley going on about now over on the Garry Stevens' Forum? Why is he mentioning my name at the end of a thread of gibberish and linking it a site that goes to nothing? What is wrong with this loon? See
Fred Bramley
22/12/2019 01:04:57 pm
I linked your name to this Weebly site because it is your site.
Mervyn Hagger
22/12/2019 01:06:28 pm
Fred, you are nuts. Your link goes nowhere and I do not own this Weebly site. You need to put your specs on and read the name of the Admin.
The Real Ed Abovewater - Adrian Hopkins
22/12/2019 01:32:22 pm
Nobody cares what you think.
Kevin H
22/12/2019 01:34:20 pm
I agree
Mervyn Hagger
22/12/2019 01:37:48 pm
Apparently Garry Stevens thinks you are "mentally weird damaged goods" so I suggest you take your issues up with him.
Adrian Hopkins
22/12/2019 01:50:21 pm someone is posting in whatever permutation of name I choose. You can all rest assured that any further postings are not from me. No second thoughts, no by the ways, nothing else will be of my doing. Seasons Greetings to most of you and farewell, for good this time.
Mervyn Hagger
22/12/2019 01:57:28 pm
Seasons Greetings to you Adrian, I understand your frustration because Fred Bramley is posting my name on the Garry Stevens's Forum today, and I am not even contributing to that web site. What is going on? I suspect that the chief culprit is James M because no one can understand what he is constantly posting on several sites, including this one.
James M
22/12/2019 02:33:07 pm
It's no Great Conspiracy. Garry whatever Lydia his name is accepted a guinea of fowl up from you expecting to increase footfall on a farmyard, which even shrewd sociopathic muckrakers like Optibore could see was turning into a stale season of guess which G call off top band has passed away.
Mervyn Hagger
22/12/2019 03:29:23 pm
Is that it? Are you done now with all of your many aliases for this thread James M? Can Mike start a new topic now?
James M
22/12/2019 07:34:06 pm
How close are you to Mike? How did you know he was about to start an new topic. Is he adopting you like Gary did just to see how many patrons would come to stare. Is he in email contact with you encouraging you to keep up the good work with the mentally wierd damaged goods?
Mervyn Hagger
22/12/2019 08:44:06 pm
The only one with mentally weird damaged goods is you James. By the way, what are "mentally wierd damaged goods"? If Mike has started another topic I had better investigate it. Why are you still here?
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