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Please check out HERE.
What if everything you thought you knew was awash with distortions, semi-truths, or full on lies? Your perception of your own memories are surely reality as far as you can see or remember. Did Ronan O'Rahilly take time out in 1962 to see Mrs J Kennedy in London? Her young daughter had captured his imagination playing in the White House, so much so, that he planned to name a radio station after her. Is that true or is that false? Do you know the timeline? How can you find out? Was Radio Caroline named after the very young Caroline Kennedy? The ghosts in the machine have been playing with your perception for a very long time. Did you buy into any of the wars since you were born? Did you see them as just, necessary, or vital for the defense of freedom loving people? Perception is reality after all isn't it? Or have you joined the 'Woke' generation where feelings are more important than facts? Well if you just don't care, or think so what! that's is after all your own business. On the other hand, it's not to late to wake up and realize that perception is not actually reality.
Ghost Writer
14/5/2024 11:48:15 am
When did Georgie Fame sign to EMI records, was it 1962 or 1963? Are there any fun loving anoraks out there who still believe Ronan gave him his big break? I get your perception is reality thing, I fear this will go way over he heads of most anoraks, maybe they will prove me wrong ha ha
Charles Cowper Ross - died on August 7, 1985
14/5/2024 05:08:44 pm
Charles Cowper Ross was the stepbrother of Ian Cowper Ross who invented a character called Paul Shaw who absorbed many of the real life experiences of Charles' real life.
James McGregor
15/5/2024 12:04:17 am
OMG What really gets me about this ongoing piffle is that somehow MCS or PM, whatever manager man, is not allowed to have a station that has a particular name. I thought this was a simple although apparently frequently contested point of trademark that so far has been upheld by this man who has it
A Lesson for James from Mervyn
15/5/2024 12:02:20 pm
You obviously don't understand the issue at all.
Board Waiter
16/5/2024 11:06:43 am
I see that the anonymous Mr Board Watcher has reposted James piece over on Garry Stevens slowly dying board. Is he also No Change and Nick all wrapped up into the one person. They all turn up at the same time to pat each other on the back which leaves me thinking they are.
Busboy here to clear away James
16/5/2024 11:18:51 am
Board Watcher gets James McGregor reposted on Garry Stevens' Board which makes me wonder whether No Change and Nick are actually James McGregor. I would have suggested Garry, but at least James can spell and seems to have a good command of general knowledge, even though he lacks he skill of critical thinking to make use of it.
Board Watcher
16/5/2024 11:52:39 am
No, I an not.
Mike (Admin)
16/5/2024 11:14:21 am
I have not let a few comments through today. If you wish to simply point score against Mervyn without any substance you ain't gonna see the light of day here.
Board Watcher
16/5/2024 11:58:40 am
While I'm here, perhaps you can produce evidence that there was an audience listening. I do know that I personally would always tune out when such programmes were transmitted, as did all of my contemporaries. We were only interested in the music. Religion was not at the forefront of our minds in those times!
16/5/2024 05:50:53 pm
You are a name and not a person and consequently you have no contemporaries because you do not exist as a person.
Mervyn and Broadcasting Laws of the USA and UK
16/5/2024 01:08:23 pm
Advertisers who sell pictures of Jesus (lol) as in Wolfman Jack on XERF, or messages about the return of Jesus causing listeners to change their entire way of living as in John Reith's father and Billy Graham in the 1950s, whose messages were certainly broadcast by the BBC, or the Lutheran Hour 'Bringing Christ to the Nations' heard over hundreds of radio stations in many countries, all used the radio because listeners responded with financial contributions.
16/5/2024 05:46:05 pm
"Malcolm Smith has yet another State-run radio station. Yes, it can play music, but so can the BBC who can do it better. So do the many other commercial radio stations in the UK."
RentaGhost McGregor
16/5/2024 02:27:17 pm
It's a shame my reply to Mervyn was nixed yesterday. Putting it simply without the truth and humour Garry credits me with at last, apart from initials
Mervyn to James
16/5/2024 05:54:15 pm
Your comment as 'James McGregor' leads me to think that you are Board Watcher and many other names. The original James McGregor was off the wall but not stupid which your post clearly is.
Butterfly on the Wheel, hopes Mike did his bit
16/5/2024 02:30:15 pm
"The continuation of paying to be heard was based on feedback that there was an audience listening, measured through mailed responses among other methods."
An Analogy
16/5/2024 06:04:29 pm
The current Mini is nothing like the original Mini. They share no common parts. Mini's are not made by the same manufacturer. There are some styling cues and the current trademark owner is not the original. The home page of has the banner 'Heritage and Design" and the page goes on to affirm the connection with the original.
Reality Check
16/5/2024 10:12:53 pm
BMW who currently make the Mini make no claims whatsoever to be linked to the original! Why would a quality car maker liken themselves to British Leyland? It's just a marketing name, with a little nod to the original shape (but not size as it's not small at all). If the current Radio Caroline made it clear they appreciate the original but in reality sixty years on have no business or other relationship to the sixties version then all would be fine. Anoraks want it all ways despite the facts, which is pretty sad on a good day.
"The Sad and Lonely Man" Clinical Report
16/5/2024 07:10:53 pm
"Barnacle Bill" is the latest name of Board Watcher and a string of other identities that love the same words about "a very sad and lonely man with a massive chip on his shoulder."
Board Watcher
16/5/2024 10:25:12 pm
No, it isn't - again.
Jacob Marley
17/5/2024 12:00:21 am
Why is James McGregor constantly allowed by Garry and Dave to keep stirring up this shite?
16/5/2024 07:25:35 pm
"Posted by Eric Jay on May 16, 2024, 5:05 pm, in reply to "Jimmy Ross"
Mike (Admin)
16/5/2024 10:16:37 pm
I am pretty sure Chris Edwards covered this in Offshore Echoes many years ago but as I don't have the time or inclination to check it out, Mikes answer is 'dunno'.
H Rider Haggard
16/5/2024 11:52:35 pm
There is a more correct answer
Jimmy Ross
16/5/2024 08:05:26 pm
Posted by Eric Jay on May 16, 2024, 5:05 pm, in reply to "Jimmy Ross"
Trebor King
16/5/2024 08:07:26 pm
There was man named Board Watcher who had a string of other silly names and he regularly appeared on the Garry Steven Board.
Lord Haw Haw
16/5/2024 10:20:37 pm
Oh that was me, how embarrassing, after they executed me I thought I would be left alone, except for the odd BBC/Government sponsored hit piece. Ho Hum I will just have to keep spinning in me grave. Germany Calling --- Germany Calling.........
Come on George
16/5/2024 11:34:02 pm
George Shuttleworth is convinced that he has the talent to win the Isle of Man TT races, despite what his neighbours back home in Wigan may think. During the trials, the brakes go on George's bike, 'The Shuttleworth Snap', which he made himself. As a result, he breaks the TT lap record, becoming an instant motor-cycling star. As the big race approaches, George soon realises that other jealous riders will stop at nothing to make sure he does not take part in the race.
He was only executed because he gave up his Irish passport and that was a loophole in the law
17/5/2024 01:47:40 am
He was only executed because he gave up his Irish passport and that was a loophole in the law. He was not American
The legal issue regarding Caroline
16/5/2024 10:32:41 pm
1. Neil Gates is correct - Malcolm Smith's State run Caroline is not a 'free radio station'.
Mervyn Hagger
17/5/2024 08:28:27 am
I asked if anyone is prepared to address what I have now defined as the "Neil Gates Question", and all that has come back is a bunch of nonsense about cars and now Lord Haw Haw.
Neil Gates is regenerated as Black gay woke Dr Whodunnet
17/5/2024 12:55:34 pm
Not charitable'
Board Watcher (and not anyone else)
17/5/2024 05:06:15 pm
Everything evolves and adapts to changing times and circumstances. Things that were once possible no longer are. Move on.
JR Ewing
18/5/2024 01:53:26 pm
Get the hell out of my office Digger Barnes and take Barnacle Billy and original Saint Nicky and Nigel Lewis Oily Pump with you out of the Gates of my Board room watcher
Charles Darwin Awards
17/5/2024 08:05:22 pm
A secondment form Board Watcher. Things that were once not possible, now are, like worldwide HI Fidelity at safe low cost. Move on and up with the museum of the BMW mini memories and let bygones be bygones and love and peace and spiritual contention blossom in your hearts. Trump to win
Don't Scare The Children
18/5/2024 08:43:00 pm
"Trump to win"
'Free' Radio Caroline
18/5/2024 07:50:38 am
Show me where Radio Caroline publcally claimed to be or intended to be a 'free' Radio station as defined by Hagger. Show me where the originators of Radio Caroline intentions were anything other than to make money.
Steady on Cowboy
18/5/2024 08:53:08 pm
Whoa, relax a bit, you'll give yourself a heart attack if you don't just chill a bit.
Mister Show Me
18/5/2024 09:18:27 pm
It is the anoraks who use the term 'free radio' and it is Neil who says that Radio Caroline with a licence is not a free radio station.
Garry Stevens v. Dave Martin Idiot Debate
19/5/2024 09:14:09 am
Clearly you must be a Garry Stevens' Idiot Anorak, because Dave Martin who embraces Malcolm Smith's Caroline, because David Martin calls himself a 'Legendary Free Radio Operator' and his Board the 'Pirate / Free Radio' forum.
The nail in Ray Clark's coffin
19/5/2024 11:26:49 am
There is one major problem with the lies told by Ray Clark, and that major problem is the facts.
Rusty nails
19/5/2024 10:18:47 pm
"I will leave it up to you to figure out what the Ray Clark big lie is'
This won't wash, Ray Clark is a promoting a lie and he knows it.
19/5/2024 04:21:04 pm
Posted by Mike Barraclough on 19/5/2024, 9:56:24, in reply to "Re: For once an accurate story about R Caroline. "
Ray Clark lied on camera to ABC-NEWS
19/5/2024 04:59:00 pm
Ray Clark told views while holding up his book, that it is the true story because he interviewed the people who created Radio Caroline in 1964.
Chris Edwards
19/5/2024 08:06:16 pm
No one has interviewed Charles or John Stanley - not Ray Clark, not Mervyn Haggar or myself. There is no concrete proof that the Stanley's were involved with Radio Caroline, only supposition, based on a paragraph in Charles Stanley biography, and a statement in the Pye archives that remains unconfirmed..
Mervyn Hagger
20/5/2024 09:10:10 pm
Charles and John are deceased, but their lives and their activities were highly documented while they were alive. Now Chris you know that you found a document that opened the door to finding a wealth of information, and that includes links to the proof of who financed Radio Caroline and why. You know that Ronan O'Rahilly was a fraud - I shared a lot of research material with you, but for some reason you want to cling on to the Ian Cowper Ross version of events. Right now I am putting together the Ian Cowper Ross version that was published in 2021, but I am fairly sure that you have not read it, but it is quite amazing how many lies can go unchallenged when no one has any desire to engage in critical thinking. That is sad, Chris, very, very sad.
19/5/2024 08:49:28 pm
There are so many alleged liars now apparently lying and vying with everyone else for attention of being the knowledgeable hero know it all of of this that and the other I feel I get a better understanding of the world looking out of the window and seeing a blackbird picking a worm after the rain has softened the ground or a cat basking in the sun looking for a bird and then yawning with the exhaustion of getting up and chasing it
Caroline Coastal
19/5/2024 08:56:31 pm
A couple in their 20s have decided to live their lives as if it were the 1940s.
Peter C
19/5/2024 09:13:29 pm
I just overrode the filters. The filters were set at what I wanted them to be. Which was anything to splash over Student radio, RTE and Laser. If you have a problem with that, hard luck, how many worldwide girlfriends in Holland have you had? I knew the whole enterprise would grind to a halt with or without me. It became a pointless existence
The Ian Cowper Ross authorship of the Radio Caroline Story
20/5/2024 05:45:55 pm
Under preparation at this time, is the authentic reproduction of the 2021 written and published words of Ian Cowper Ross about the 1964 creation of Radio Caroline.
Mervyn Hagger's Questions for Chris Edwards
20/5/2024 09:20:10 pm
Tell me Chris, what do you know about Radio Yorkshire and Ross Radio and the Isle of Man, Radio Cambridge, England's first on the air radio broadcasting station?
Mervyn Hagger BIG unanswered questions for Chris Edwards
21/5/2024 07:30:23 am
The reason why our trio invented the code E+O3X is because no human being can occupy more than one space in time on this Planet. We set out to prove where Ronan O'Rahilly was, and where Chris Moore was, and where Ian Cowper Ross was. We found the answers.
James (not McGregor)
21/5/2024 04:10:51 pm
The Alan Bednall account is far from convincing evidence. Saying that the equipment on the Fredericia was re-badged Pye kit is plainly incorrect, so I wouldn’t put much credence on that.
21/5/2024 01:08:09 pm
Posted by Swerving Badger on May 21, 2024, 11:01 am, in reply to "Re: Jimmy Ross"
21/5/2024 01:08:48 pm
Posted by The Observer on May 21, 2024, 8:42 am, in reply to "Jimmy Ross"
21/5/2024 01:10:29 pm
We love this instant feedback, and so does Mike. He knows for a fact that he has readers, even if a bunch of them are the same person.
Mike (Admin)
21/5/2024 03:33:44 pm
Been tracking IP's and locations for some time now. Some use VPN's when they come here but a number of things suggest when it's the same person using multiple names. Currently two people are having real hissy fits over Mervyn, but they just get deleted (until they can manage to calm down and write something of value).
21/5/2024 01:14:21 pm
Well, what would you call a web site about a subject that has already been described by anoraks.
Don't need a hint
21/5/2024 04:13:49 pm
Website found, read and commented on, but Hagger's minder chooses not to publish them.
Mervyn Hagger
21/5/2024 10:20:49 pm
Okay, I'll take the bait.
I'm out
21/5/2024 05:35:20 pm
Well, readership and comment here will decrease henceforth by one (or more). I'm in the process of buying, and, one of which will become an alternative place to discuss Hagger's lies, unfounded accusations and 'investigative' conclusions.
Mike (Admin)
21/5/2024 07:47:46 pm
Actually readership has grown month on month for seven months now, so you might just be a little premature (or immature - whatever!). So go on then buy up all those sites and just watch everyone ignore you bar a couple of angry anoraks. How dare anyone challenge the given and historical narrative. Have you ever read 1984 by Eric Blair? You would be the perfect resident in that world.
Dear I'm Out
21/5/2024 10:25:55 pm
You really are "out" because it would be impossible for you to buy them. Why is it that you nutcases never, ever discuss what is making you so angry - apart from calling your god a fake and a fraud. How about discussing the merits of the facts? Please, don't be childish and say that there are no facts. Besides which, if there are no facts, what is getting you so worked up?
Rod Watts wants you to stop reading this even though he is reading Mike's Board!
21/5/2024 10:29:52 pm
Posted by Rod Watts on May 21, 2024, 8:50 pm, in reply to "Re: Jimmy Ross"
Julian Orange
22/5/2024 07:05:06 pm
Researching and worse still publishing the truth will end you in a hole lot of pickle sauce
Stop it, just stop it.
21/5/2024 10:32:13 pm
We anoraks are very upset with you Mike.
22/5/2024 07:47:12 am
Posted by Swerving Badger on May 21, 2024, 9:36 pm, in reply to "Re: Jimmy Ross"
From the School of Thought
22/5/2024 07:56:29 am
The School is now accepting applicants for coursework in critical thinking that is essential in determining facts instead of fables.
In Response to the Swerving Badger
22/5/2024 08:02:33 am
Swerving Badger, we tried your suggestion years ago but it does not work because Haggardly keeps posting the truth and this reveals that we are liars.
The Cult Of Caroline
22/5/2024 10:45:03 am
This is an Official Statement from The Cult Of Caroline:
James McGregor 12 MT North Staffs Marmite (UK)) Motorway World Service Ltd SA Panama
22/5/2024 06:51:44 pm
"Anyway we must go now as it's time for our daily 648AM signal analysis and in depth report on modulation."
Damien Omen Child
22/5/2024 07:00:35 pm
Am I not the spit of my mother?
Chris Edwards and Paula Anne Vennells - by Mervyn Hagger
23/5/2024 08:00:45 am
There is an interesting comparison between what Chris Edwards has claimed on THIS Board and what Paula Vennells (Post Office Scandal) yesterday.
23/5/2024 12:07:50 pm
If the domain link did not work the last time you tried it, that was because it is a work in progress, so try it again. But please dear anoraks, don't get excited over things like that which will be taken care of. Instead you should worry about your entire lie being exposed as a fraud to make money for a few people who lie, cheat and steal in the name of Radio Caroline.
Getting Haggardly
23/5/2024 12:09:21 pm
Got him!
24/5/2024 08:24:54 am
Chris, I want to know, did YOU write this post, or is it the work of an imposter?
Mervyn Hagger
24/5/2024 08:39:44 am
The purpose of this post is to time-stamp a major realization that the PROOF OF RONAN O'RAHILLY'S FRAUD - backed by Ian Cowper Ross to further his own family interests, had been uncovered a few years ago, but like a jigsaw puzzle with many scenes, it was not put together as a single picture until just now.
24/5/2024 09:26:49 pm
At last,
James McGregor
24/5/2024 11:43:26 pm
"Malcolm Smith is in deep-trouble with reality if he keeps proclaiming that Ronan O'Rahilly founded Radio Caroline, and anoraks are going to find themselves shaking their heads wondering how they could have been so stupid to believe in the Ronan O'Rahilly myth."
A Second Person
25/5/2024 10:08:11 am
I think he should be allowed to present his case and then I will decide for myself, no place for blind faith in my life James. Maybe you will be shocked, maybe you will sit in your mummies basement and stay in denial.
Mervyn Hagger
25/5/2024 03:19:03 pm
You really should stop reading Beano and look behind the curtain and observe the stacked boxes of evidence that have now been digitalized and put on line by academic researchers. If I am the only one shaking my head, this nation is in deep shit. (And no, I don't been shite.)
James McGregor
25/5/2024 04:39:49 pm
"he was the instigator,"
Acceptance Board
26/5/2024 08:57:04 pm
James McGregor please pick-up your uniform at the door where you will also receive your own 'I love Ronan' badge Grade 'A'.
Mervyn Hagger renews DEMAND
25/5/2024 08:14:31 am
C'mon Chris (Edwards), if that was you telling Mike the Admin on this Board that you did not find the 'smoking gun' that led to the ABSOLUTELY SOLID PROOF that Charles Orr Stanley of Pye was the creator of Radio Caroline.
Chris Edwards
28/5/2024 11:12:28 am
Chris Edwards - is that REALLY you = Mervyn Hagger
28/5/2024 05:20:23 pm
The reason I ask is because what you have now written is NOT true at all. This is the essential part of what he said and I published it back in 2021 ....
Adendum to Chris Edwards comment by Mervyn Hagger
28/5/2024 05:29:21 pm
Chris, YOU are CORRECT. The source was Alan Bednall, but you fell into a trap of your own making when YOU wrote these words: "We know that there was never any re-badged Pye equipment on Caroline.... "
Orring on the side of caution
27/5/2024 06:31:22 am
I have read both 'page 276' and the 'original' text that Mr Hagger published elsewhere. These both indicate that a clandestine Pye company supplied equipment. Their is no indication who paid for it or that, in effect, Charles Orr Stanley paid for anything else.
Tip Of The Iceberg
27/5/2024 11:44:35 am
That's all you are seeing. Whats beneath the water will blow most Anoraks minds! Patience, all will be revealed. Anyone very good at Jigsaws? There are plenty of pieces in play if you know where to look, just find the websites ha ha!!!
Mr Orring of canoe fame
27/5/2024 12:27:37 pm
Okay, so you read what Haggardly wrote elsewhere? What did you learn?
Hello - oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
27/5/2024 08:45:10 am
Well, now that it's put-up or shut-up time triggered by Haggardly to all anoraks - including and especially Chris Edwards, silence falls over the anorak world like a wet blanket.
Essex Boy Celebrates on the Jimmy/Garry thread
27/5/2024 04:01:42 pm
Haggardly has been totally deleted from Amazon. I wonder what happens when Ray Clark and Co are PROVED to be fakes and frauds and lots of Haggardlys start writing their own reviews of Ray Clark's novels. Will Amazon ban Ray Clark for lying to everyone?
Paul Rusling, cough, cough, cough
27/5/2024 07:10:32 pm
This guy is not just a thief, but he is a total hypocrite. He claimed that he had no time for research, so he stole from Haggardly in order to prop-up the lies told by Ronan O'Rahilly. Now, here comes this nincompoop who has no time for real issues to tell everyone on the absurd Garry Board, all about the political issues concerning the future of British broadcasting and censorship ...
27/5/2024 08:22:44 pm
I have been told to disagree with you. Paul Rustling might have stolen your material and plagiarized your writings, but he is jolly good landlord and knows how to pull a pint of Humberside Grease Beer and serve up a microwaved pie that is par-excellent. One day the fishbowl haircut will return and he will rightly reclaim the honour that he was behind that as well. Everyone with half a brain cell knows that Mr Rusling invented free radio, he was even Ronan O'Really's voice coach from 1973 to 1972, I bet you did not know that BBC verifies fact.
Sensible Badged James
28/5/2024 10:37:50 pm
I think Mervyn has a point about the "badges" after he he teased and tasered me over the Please me sir LA cover Ronan Art school cover
Mervyn to James
29/5/2024 02:00:03 pm
Forget the word 'badges' = read the original.
James McGregor's Mommy
30/5/2024 12:10:29 am
My son knows nothing
Mervyn Hagger = read what is says = not what you think it says
29/5/2024 01:34:24 pm
"Therefore, binding me to complete secrecy, your Father came to me one day and asked me to create from scratch an entire new corporate entity for a company manufacturing radio equipment. We made up letterheads, invoices, he opened bank accounts, we made up die-cast metal logos to affix to all the pieces of radio equipment, and even all the packing cases were made up specially in this livery – all to avoid any possibility of Pye being seen to be supplying this unlicensed Radio operator who Pye were determined to support, and were determined to see should succeed."
30/5/2024 09:46:45 am
This is the key part of what you found, as dictated by Alan Bednall ....
Mervyn for Chris Edwards about Die Cast Logos
30/5/2024 10:04:33 am
Chris by switching die-cast logos to 'badges' you have formed a false picture of what it was that Alan Bednall said.
Prime Cod Monkfish DI McGregor (real entitled name)
30/5/2024 01:06:02 pm
As an addendum to the above. Smuggling has always been a part of pirate and offshore radio. The ridiculous Valcom 1988 tower rod was smuggled into and across Europe pretending to be a navigation aid for racing yachts (PM book Mick Dundee)
Chris Edwards
30/5/2024 09:43:23 pm
While Alan Bednall’s statement could be open to interpretation, it is the sole piece of evidence that possibly links the Stanleys/Pye with Radio Caroline. It is a single document, and there is no supporting or corroborating evidence for this link, or even that what is stated actually took place.
Mervyn Hagger to Chris Edwards
31/5/2024 10:25:42 pm
Chris, just for the sake of argument, if you accept the alternative stories by Ronan O'Rahilly and Ian Cowper Ross they immediately fall apart as sheer lies when they are examined. You have NO evidence at all. None.
Badge Engineering
31/5/2024 10:08:12 am
Of course, this is all about what someone said happened, which as we all know, may not be what actually happened. In this instance Mr Hagger claims to have evidence to back it up, but until such time as that evidence is produced it doesn't mean a great deal. We shall have to wait for the book to verify Hagger's claims, but until such time as that appears, just saying 'I know something you don't know' doesn't really cut it as an argument.
Argument Cutter
1/6/2024 08:23:36 pm
Well it might not cut it for an unknown entity such as your self, but who are you to say anything of any importance, you are probably just an auto-bot troll. You have no respect for someone who is researching and digging for detail, are you frightened? You do not cut it by any angle so go away and rethink your petty position Mr Doggy Bottom????
Mervyn Hagger for FRED BRAMLEY
31/5/2024 11:55:56 am
One of the earliest IDIOTS to attack me on the Garry Stevens Board is named Fred Bramley, and he has repeatedly made the accusation that everything I say that I know comes from Ian Ross' novel - which Bramley loves to point out is set in Liverpool and has nothing to do with Ian Ross.
Just saying the Cavern is incomplete
2/6/2024 05:34:57 pm
Was it the Cavern in Liverpool (which almost everyone knows), the Manchester Cavern nightspot, the Cavern boutique (just off Carnaby Street) or the Cavern in the town (near Leicester Square). This easily could again become ridiculous when it is not specific. A dry cleaning company from the East side of Scotland which (MH claims C.E. Ross was connected with) was bought by an English company during a period of rapid expansion, time to name that company. Concerning Radio Caroline-it was only an on air name. When referring to people connected to that name, it is better to name (and refer to) the operating company they were connected to - eg: Planet Productions, Project Atlanta etc, to avoid confusion. Scottg.
Scottg = explain this .....
3/6/2024 10:09:42 pm
How could Planet Productions be the operating company if it did not come into existence until AFTER the ship had been bought and AFTER the transmitters had been bought?
Mervyn Hagger
1/6/2024 08:33:10 am
According to Ronan O'Rahilly, on camera, in his own words, he arrived in London in 1961. Again, in his own words, he was a political anarchist.
For thinking people
1/6/2024 08:46:47 pm
Badge Engineering31/5/2024 10:08:12 am
1/6/2024 09:19:14 pm
So much to read,
Chris Edwards
1/6/2024 09:24:48 pm
Staying with Alan Bednall, whilst Mervyn may claim to have "file upon file of documentation", no one has yet seen any of this to make any judgement.
Mervyn Hagger - with an 'e' Chris
2/6/2024 08:56:12 pm
I published a monograph back in 2021 comparing texts. I also published a lot of material in a blog, on line. Then I sent out email newsletters and guess what? I didn't hear a peep from you once Rusling and Company got in on the act. You then joined the Garry Stevens crowd.
Haggardly: Why Chris Edwards cannot be allowed to get away with this ....
2/6/2024 08:11:21 am
"Chris Edwards30/5/2024 09:43:23 pm
Dare I ask this question? by Mervyn Hagger
2/6/2024 11:55:20 am
Gary Stevens made me his Admin and backed me while he yelled at what he called 'The Church of Caroline'. Then one day, without explanation, he banned me and fell in love with the Church of Caroline.
The name dropping brainwaves of Ronan's shortest serving P*A*
2/6/2024 04:32:07 pm
!Later Richard Laren made his OLD GOLD juke box pressings available in shops, which muddied the water still further. The brain-wave of Ronan's longest serving PA!"
3/6/2024 11:04:36 am
This is what Ray Clark said on US ABC-TV while sitting on the Ross Revenge (shown promoting his book on 14, 2024):
Beatle Bum Badge
5/6/2024 08:18:22 pm
Posted by Chris Edwards on June 5, 2024, 2:01 pm, in reply to "Re: Jukebox 45's ?"
3/6/2024 10:13:31 pm
Ray Clark is a liar.
James McGregor
4/6/2024 12:36:56 am
This recent video shows that Georgie Fame and forts and pirates were all connected with CIA control of radio and minds like Kiss -crazy days indeed
4/6/2024 11:03:01 am
Anoraks, its time to dump the stupidity of Wikipedia, Ray Clark, Paul Rusling, Malcolm Smith and the list goes on and on.
James McGregor
4/6/2024 10:51:30 pm
John Junkin was a studio 61 equity card seeking actor. He was successful as such. Tapes were decorated at Regent Street for Project Atlanta. He was last seen on screen in EastEnders and is now deceased
James, James
5/6/2024 10:36:33 am
Junkin was heard on Caroline, not Atlanta and the Regent Street address was a mail drop. Junkin was a successful actor with a long career, so the answer is, James, you don't know the answer to the questions. Maybe he worked for Carl Jimmy Ross hand-picking the peas to be frozen to sell so that the cash could be stuffed into Ronan's bank briefcase? Possible? I think all anoraks will agree that this is probably what happened.
Mervyn Hagger - Latest Discoveries
5/6/2024 09:38:11 am
If you are wondering why I keep posting here, I will tell you.
Mike (Admin)
5/6/2024 07:58:59 pm
All posts are welcome here as long as they not about slagging off Mervyn (or Chris Edwards and other intelligent people who contribute). Maybe Mervyn and Chris are disagreeing here, that's fine, constructive discussion is good however blunt it may be.
Idiot Management inc
6/6/2024 10:56:49 pm
Garry has forgiven Lesley implying the LV 18 might have self combusted
Des Les
6/6/2024 03:47:54 pm
John Junkin recorded his programmes in Dean Street, as did Simon Dee. I remember reading that one of the Atlanta jocks was surprised to see the “opposition” recording there.
Mervyn Hagger
6/6/2024 08:48:44 am
I am writing these words online in the little box for replies, but in self-editing sometimes not just letters and words, but parts of sentences seem to get left out which makes for convoluted reading. Sorry about that.
Each to their own
6/6/2024 02:37:51 pm
You have your interests, other people have theirs. That's OK isn't it?
Mervyn Hagger
7/6/2024 10:45:26 am
No, it's not OK if the offshoot subject matter relates to the main subject matter, because it is like adding more coats of paint to cover up the true identity of the subject.
John Fenton
6/6/2024 04:57:48 pm
Found this on the Internet. Hope it helps.
Mervyn Hagger
7/6/2024 10:50:42 am
Yes, that is the same material that was posted on the site. But what it does not explain is how all of that links directly to Ian Cowper Ross and to the cover-up story by Ronan O'Rahilly and the LIES told by Ray Clark on US-ABC-NEWS about Malcolm Smith's rust bucket and toy Radio Caroline .... or why Chris Edwards won't step forward and admit that he and OEM have been promoting lies to boster the myth of Ronan O'Rahilly.
Oh dear more Mike Plumbly spluttering and nonsence as if it makes Greaseball Rocco feel important with his non stop music show before the Stevens tender leaves him behind
6/6/2024 11:07:03 pm
Posted by Rollerball Rocco on June 6, 2024, 7:27 pm, in reply to "Re: Caroline Support meeting Southampton"
Steven Hanks Spiels Parallax View Propaganda. But seriously God Bless and and Thank you all
6/6/2024 11:53:09 pm
Mervyn Hagger
7/6/2024 10:55:12 am
Since the British nation called United Kingdom is a FRAUD begun back on the fraudulent foundations of a monarchy created in 1660 and supported by a censorship bureau called the Post Office - you must be one insane dupe of stupidity.
When will it register in the grey matter???
7/6/2024 06:45:38 pm
Planet Productions only leased a fully functioning radio transmitting station located on a boat. There were other offshore companies that paid for the boat and the transmitting equipment. Ronan O'Rahilly's connection is a plan that was modified for the investors to be anonymous, and the link to Greenore. He was only the figurehead, assembled the broadcasting staff and generated publicity. He had no role in the financial running of Planet Productions-his 'department' only spent money,, and was staffed by many of his friends, before Barry Ainley wealded the axe. Scottg
Mervyn Hagger to Scottg
9/6/2024 10:29:17 pm
Go on, post that on the Garry Stevens' Board!
Where is the anorak outrage directed at Ray Clark's MASSIVE LIE?
7/6/2024 09:46:37 pm
The video clip of Ray Clark sitting on board the Ross Revenge and telling the US audience that the BBC would NOT play the Beatles, so Radio Caroline had to open the airwaves defies all explanation.
The STUPIDITY of ANORAKS by Mervyn Hagger
8/6/2024 10:04:27 am
Well, to put it mildly, anoraks will be pissing down their own legs involuntarily when they discover the authentic truth about Radio Caroline for the first time.
Mervyn Hagger = It was NEVER about the music!
9/6/2024 10:10:25 am
The reason why Ray Clark and his ridiculous ilk piss me off is because he and his friends are actually DUPES of the British Establishment by helping to PREVENT the story of Radio Caroline from being told.
Busy, busy, busy
9/6/2024 10:15:18 pm
My hobby is fixing old radios. I'm working on one which has Radio Caroline on the dial. According to Hagger this pastime should only be permitted if I concern myself with the history of Radio Caroline and seek out the true history thereof. Presumably this also applies to every other station on the dial. This could take a while.
Health and welfare
9/6/2024 10:32:11 pm
Whatever the revelations concerning Radio Caroline should they ever make it to a coherent published volume, I can say with some certainly that they will not render me incontinent.
Truth tellers
10/6/2024 07:17:22 am
Not a dig, but a genuine question for Mr Hagger
Mike (Admin)
10/6/2024 07:51:19 pm
I can tell you that Eric Gilder is definitely involved in this process, I will leave it to Mervyn Hagger to expand on this if he wishes.
Truth tellers
11/6/2024 07:54:49 am
Of course, the truth is welcomed and clearly the suggestion that you and Hagger are one and the same is erroneous. There is nothing to be frightened about and the suggestions by the self styled J R Ewing Texas wannnabee that there are those who will loose control of their bladders and bowels following his revelations are frankly ludicrous.
Horse's Mouth
11/6/2024 08:01:26 am
How about contacting Gilder direct for his comment? Sounds like a plan. Ask him what his involvement is and what he thinks of Hagger's aggressive approach. His contact details are readily available. I might do that.
Mike (Admin)
11/6/2024 07:19:30 pm
I think it strange that some think I am some sort of supporter of Mervyn, or that it has to fall into camps of for or against him. To me that is school playground stuff. I am interested in the research going on and personally don't have an axe to grind with Mervyn. I also know there are plenty of other people talking to him regarding this research including Eric Gilder. I know this through emails we exchange and being copied in on circulars. T
10/6/2024 08:05:21 am
"When will it register in the grey matter???7/6/2024 06:45:38 pm
Mervyn Hagger CHALLENGE to Chris Edwards
10/6/2024 06:42:00 pm
I want to know what level of PROOF you need to admit that Charles Orr Stanley with his son John Stanley, both representing the PYE Group were responsible for the creation of Radio Caroline by supplying it with equipment, and that Ronan O'Rahilly was a paid stooge.Worse still is Ray Clark. What will it take for you to wash your hands of him in disgust?
Mervyn to Mike
11/6/2024 08:56:39 pm
Anyone who wants to investigate me or my friends and associates is welcome to do so. If you do you should try our formula of E+O3X - or event plus orientation times three: time-person-place = human beings can only be in one place at a time on this Planet.
James McGregor
13/6/2024 08:50:15 pm
Some years ago I enquired if Mervyn had a wife or other family left. This was unanswered then. I have now read from him about his wife who had the same as JW has now and I sympathise with their suffering and sorrow
An unanswered question for Mervyn Hagget
12/6/2024 09:53:58 pm
You seem to have swerved this one, so I'll repeat it for you:
Why you not give a name??
13/6/2024 12:09:23 pm
Why should anyone answer to you, you don't even have a name, is that because your frightened? I think your a troll who will never be satisfied because it's not the truth you are after, it's trying to get one over on people that get off of their backsides and do something.
Why oh why??
13/6/2024 03:14:56 pm
" ......surprised the admin let's this kind of nonsense through!!!!!"
Meanwhile, in the real world
13/6/2024 07:10:29 am
Des Les is WRONG
13/6/2024 07:59:49 am
"Des Les6/6/2024 03:47:54 pm
13/6/2024 08:29:29 am
"Chris Edwards1/6/2024 09:24:48 pm
Badges and Logos
13/6/2024 03:11:16 pm
A lapel pin? Surely that is not something which would be located on a piece of equipment?
Chris Edwards
13/6/2024 06:54:09 pm
A simple question - How does Meryyn know the name or details of the die cast logo, as Alan Bednall makes no mention of a name.
James McGregor again
14/6/2024 05:21:53 am
Hic! Is RCA involved? becuase Google says they have tie pins when I put in PYE and Caroline
Not proof
14/6/2024 09:22:40 am
A badge on the front of a transmitter is not proof that the Stanley's created Radio Caroline. A badge on a piece of equipment merely confirms the existence of that particular piece of equipment in a certain location at a certain time. Further evidence is required. This may or may not exist, but stating that you have such evidence means nothing until you produce it.
Mervyn Hagger to Mr Squirm "Not Proof"
14/6/2024 11:09:54 am
It is Chris Edwards who began misquoting Alan Bednall - complain to him (or are you "him"?)
To Mervyn Hagger
14/6/2024 10:05:59 pm
Nothing you have said proves that "The real founder of Radio Caroline in 1964 is Charles Orr Stanley of PYE." Continental Electronics transmitters were a popular choice and it may well be that various inventive means were employed to get them on the vessels. This does not mean that COR or PYE paid for them. Even if he did, that no more means that he founded Radio Caroline than the suppliers of the mast did.
More badges and logos
14/6/2024 09:54:07 am
"a company based in Dallas, Texas that employed the father of Dr Eric Gilder."
Mervyn to "More badges and logos"
14/6/2024 02:25:06 pm
"Continental Electronics. The original transmitters were their products."
Mervyn gets it wrong again
14/6/2024 09:33:09 pm
"While the former 'Grease Monkey' who misspends donations on T-shirts instead of his rust bucket".
Mervyn Hagger in reply to Chris Edwards
14/6/2024 07:59:43 am
There are 2 comments and 1 has no owner, but here is my response to both of them:
Badges and logos again
14/6/2024 11:20:17 am
None of which proves that "The real founder of Radio Caroline in 1964 is Charles Orr Stanley of PYE."
O Nameless Fearful Anorak - just one word response....
14/6/2024 08:48:43 pm
Mervyn Hagger regarding PROOF
15/6/2024 08:44:41 am
Let's get something very clear because this is the beginning of the END for all anoraks who believe in the Ronan O'Rahilly myth as told by Ray Clark and others.
Chris Edwards
14/6/2024 10:17:44 pm
Mervyn Hagger in reply to Chris Edwarrds
15/6/2024 11:21:23 am
At last, you are repeating PART of what I published YEARS ago by comparing the text in 'Radio Man' with the original text by Alan Bednall.
Hapless anoraks throw more random names about at brick wall
14/6/2024 06:11:05 pm
KLIF Dallas, Westinghouse, General Electric, Sony, Gordon MacLean don, Hunter Biden, Lee Harvey Rabbit. Oswald Mosely, Zenith, Radio Shack, Tie Rack
Mervyn Hagger
14/6/2024 08:55:15 pm
Dear Anoraks, your game of lies and make-believe is over. The fact that both Caroline radio ships had CE transmitters made by an LTV company in working partnership with Pye reinforces everything that Bednall claimed. Anoraks, your rust bucket propaganda is dead in the water.
Mountains and Molehills
15/6/2024 11:18:09 am
So Caroline had transmitters made and supplied by Continental Electonics as did many stations, some via Pye surreptitiously.
That's a start .... by Mervyn Hagger
15/6/2024 10:32:22 pm
Hopefully you are fully qualified Anorak Idiot with credentials. So, now you accept that Pye did as Alan Bednall stated. That's good.
FOR THE RECORD by Mervyn Hagger - 4/7/2020
15/6/2024 11:32:14 am
The unnamed person in this text published on 4/7/2020 and still Online for all to read for themselves at is CHRIS EDWARDS!
Bored Watcher
15/6/2024 12:48:50 pm
Have you noticed that neither of the two anorak Boards are saying anything at all about what is going on here with the Chris Edwards showdown?
OOPS, "Reg strikes back"
15/6/2024 10:34:58 pm
Yes, Reg is on about Haggardly and his sidekick concerning 'Jimmy' on the Garry Stevens' Board. Reg must be an avid Mike reader!
James McGregor
16/6/2024 01:23:10 am
"Chris, are you drafting an emergency edition of OEM? You should, you know."
James from Mervyn
16/6/2024 06:49:07 pm
James, not only did we work together on solving the 'Radio Man' mystery, but Chris sent us all of his Kew files in an information sharing operation.Therefore we are sad to see the division that has developed.
Here they come ....
16/6/2024 07:54:14 am
First Reg and now ....
And down you go
16/6/2024 01:50:51 pm
Did they supply the ship? Did they supply the mast? Did they supply the infrastructure? Did they supply the logistics? Did they pay for the transmitters? Did they pay for any of the above?
16/6/2024 09:25:38 pm
If you haven't read the involved and documented Pye story from 1959 to 1964, you have nothing at all to write about or discuss. You are a bag of wind.
For Mervyn Hagger
17/6/2024 10:29:54 am
OK, then can you kindly provide a link or links to that documentation so that I might be better informed, please.
Chris Edwards
16/6/2024 04:07:42 pm
To state that Charles & John Stanley were the founders of Radio Caroline is perhaps akin to saying that Marconi invented radio, or that Sony invented the pocket transistor radio. It’s possible that the Stanleys had some financial involvement with Caroline, along with others like Stevens, Ross and Sheffield. Without clear evidence (letters, invoices, receipts, photo’s, witness statements) it’s not known what, if any, role the Stanleys played.
Meevyn to Chris
16/6/2024 09:52:32 pm
I will specifically answer all of your points. But first, why don't you begin to read the story of Pye from 1959 and events that led up to Radio Caroline in 1964? If you can't do that and discuss those points very specifically, you are just blowing wind.
Chris Edwards-----Scottg
16/6/2024 10:07:11 pm
Chris, 'some credit for helping found caroline should also go to Alan Crawford'. Could you please expand that paragraph. Thanks, Scottg.
To Chris from Mervyn
17/6/2024 09:05:15 am
On Thursday, April 6, 2017 2:46 PM - I sent you an email with information to follow-up concerning the life of Alan Bednall and his work for Pye.
Sunday morning discovery by Mervyn
17/6/2024 12:02:25 pm
Well, if the REAL story was not complicated enough, and scandalous enough (enough to make the Ian Ross / Ray Clark story look a bedtime story for a 2 year old), this morning I have JUST THIS MINUTE discovered the BIG, dark secret that Alan Bednall was hiding, and why his daughter Jane who contacted me, did not want to expand my knowledge of the Bednall story.
Family Tree Guy
17/6/2024 01:58:55 pm
CNBC was first from Birkin Reff. Was CBC related. Could you please expand that paragraph. Thanks, Scottg eggs.
17/6/2024 08:30:46 pm
It was yoke to do with you.
Mervyn's Sunday Afternoon discovery
17/6/2024 02:08:10 pm
I assumed that the text in Radio Man was changed to protect the Stanleys from potential Official Secrets Act and related charges of 'double-dipping' while still working for the Crown Ministry of Defence, the US Defence Department via LTV ....until I stumbled across the real reason today!
Mervyn's Monday is still fixed on Sunday
17/6/2024 02:45:43 pm
Yes, sorry about that, but I really am on the home stretch of finding the real story which is so amazing that its TV and even movie stuff that grabs audiences, not more rubbish set to a soundtrack.
Mike (admin)
17/6/2024 08:12:04 pm
Just read this on the Garry Stevens Terminal Decline Board (they all come here now, even Dave Martin's lot).
Made Up Name
17/6/2024 09:55:05 pm
If I mention the Piccadilly Line, or Arthur Daley's manor you should be able to work out who I am Mike. Anyway I will email you but in the meantime please don't let the stupid anoraks who have done nothing but as you say worn a t shirt get you down. I remember how you funded J the P and how pissed off he was with the lazy sods on the Ross, who did nothing to keep the MV sound. Happy memories yet frustrating times, and the carb man was forever pissed down his pub.
James McGregor
17/6/2024 11:49:45 pm
If a TV researcher raised a laugh by asking our community if Eric Gotts was alive for that nice BBC Pirate documentary shown in 2014 and the clubs answer was ask a medium he's been gone for years, why has know it all about nothing Fred Brambly decided he passed away this March? Is Stuart Admin not aware of this new obituary of the talented trombone player or is Garry's board getting even more ridiculous by the day?
James McGregor
18/6/2024 12:02:26 am
I have read the thread Fred B refers to. So as not to make a fool of myself who is right about the lifespan of Eric? Fred does not seem to make the connection between Sealant and a rum punch however
To Chris Edwards on Fri 4/7/2017 2:05 PM from Mervyn Hagger
18/6/2024 08:15:34 am
Chris, This is the email you received on Friday 4/7/2017 at 2:05 PM from me, which seems to indicate that your recent posts on Mike's Board are not exactly an honest reflection of what you knew over 6 years ago!:
For Mervyn Hagger
18/6/2024 11:29:11 am
I'll bump my request to Mervyn as it's got lost in the general meleè:
Who is "I" that wants to be "better informed"?
18/6/2024 04:33:39 pm
Are you "You a bag of wind."?
For Mervyn Hagger
18/6/2024 08:09:14 pm
I'll take that as a no then, and presume that you do not wish to help us mere mortals better understand, but prefer to keep it to yourself so that you can still sit on your high horse.
Mervyn Hagger with more SHOCKING REVELATIONS
18/6/2024 11:55:59 am
Now that I have this animal by its tail, it is squawking louder and louder, because the 'other' mystery book manuscript is also beginning to make sense.
Read all about it
18/6/2024 05:45:59 pm
Mervyn Hagger
18/6/2024 08:42:02 pm
19/6/2024 11:38:09 am
I'm surprised that you weren't acknowledged or credited, then.
Chris Edwards
18/6/2024 12:14:13 pm
When I originally joined Mervyns group, I’d understood that it was to be an investigation into the origins of Radio Caroline, taking a “cold case” approach and looking for hard evidence.
Mervyn Hagger
18/6/2024 08:58:24 pm
Your call and your decision which I accept and will move on.
Mervyn Hagger
18/6/2024 09:08:35 pm
Dear Chris, stop spreading MORE lies.
18/6/2024 10:03:13 pm
Chris E, in the 1980's and early 90's, I used to get my copies of Offshore Echos from Anoraks UK, Blackpool. From Radio Mercur, Radio Veronica, Radio Nord, Radio Atlanta and finally Radio Caroline, do any documents of the original business and operational plans, currently exist? Scottg.
Chris Edwards
19/6/2024 10:41:02 am
The Project Atlanta shareholders list and Planet Productions company documents exist, we have covered both in Offshore Echo's, as well as some of the Pye story.
18/6/2024 06:08:26 pm
James Scott
18/6/2024 08:59:50 pm
Larry Sanders ghost say the wicked gambling world of making a fuss about nothing is well and truly 1/10 on to be a dead cert
20/6/2024 01:02:11 am
A second Conservative candidate is being looked into by the Gambling Commission over a bet relating to the timing of the general election, the BBC can reveal.
Essex Boys
18/6/2024 09:21:16 pm
Posted by Essex Boy on June 18, 2024, 5:10 pm, in reply to "Re: Jimmy Ross"
Essex Boy
19/6/2024 09:13:50 am
You forgot the rest of my post:
James McGregor
20/6/2024 08:22:20 pm
The post by Larry Sanders makes me laugh almost as much as the real Garry Shandling. Mainly because I wrote it as Larry!
19/6/2024 12:04:00 pm
Who was the person who began Radio Caroline? Was it:
Chris Edwards
19/6/2024 10:18:40 pm
Just to clarify, whilst I discovered the Bednall document in the Pye archives, I'm not making any claims that it's courtroom and academic tested, or even that the plan was carried out.
Lying in the sand
20/6/2024 12:26:43 pm
OK, I've read just about everything that you have suggested I read and I have read your deductions and reasoning. I cannot find any irrefutable evidence that Charles Orr Stanley founded Radio Caroline. You can repeat that he did all you want, but until such time as you publish the proof it remains speculation. So far the 'court-room and academia-tested' so called evidence is not that. It merely shows that Stanley/PYE may have had some hand in supplying transmitters, that's all. This ,of course, doesn't mean to say that theory (a) holds water either.
19/6/2024 07:01:42 pm
Mike can we have this thread locked,and a part two started its far too long scolling 200+posts to find latest its easy to miss what's relevant.
20/6/2024 11:38:41 pm
Hi AGB, Sorry, I'm on old tech and I can scroll down and check updates on my hi tech (nearly out of date W10) just as well as you or any other obsessive. If you can't get down to Argos on line who seriously have good shrewd buyers for their mostly on line department store and IMO do pick very good - basic - mid range - top end household goods from good top brands and sell effortlessly at lower prices than tearing you hair out in frustration and comparing every other fly by night potential rip off
Mervyn Hagger and the Evidence
20/6/2024 07:55:24 am
I got involved with the investigative search for evidence back in 1985, and everything has been documented in broadcasts and in publications along the way, but in 2024 the only response seems to be in the form of personal attack on those performing the investigation,, and not about the evidence.
Problem Gambler
20/6/2024 11:42:59 pm
Is this a promise?
Sing the Redemption Songs
20/6/2024 08:31:40 pm
I am surprised, not really that PAR now proclaims JIM Spud Murphy was a nasty piece of work yet as well as Martin Rhome? of PTT getting standing ovation in later years and Jim welcomed to Ross Revenge by smiling wolf man Moore and on his demise praised by PM as a great poetry writer and honorary fan
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