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Scottg who has contributed to the Pirate/Free radio ""wholesale censorship board"" for some time and more recently here, has as I am sure you know been undertaking his own research regarding the original 1960's Radio Caroline. As requested by him here are some screenshots and links regarding Michael Dean aka Michael Joseph, or is it the other way round (the clue is in the header). There are a good few dots to be connected here, one of which clearly adds credence to the assertion that Radio Caroline had links into the likes of Alma Cogan and Winifred Atwell prior to launching. If you then dig into their friends, associates and business partners, the whole thing gets pretty warm. Scottg you can contact Now & Then by email at [email protected] if you want to add your own narrative, rather than just use the comments below. Link: Link: Link: The last image is the latter part of an article published on the Pirate Radio Hall Of Fame, the rest can be found over there, it's to much to include here, but gives a feel for the whole article.
Suspicious Mind
5/3/2020 11:54:06 am
OK, lets talk about board censorship. I see that censorship, or moderation if you prefer is alive and well over at yours and Hagger's spoof book review site when 'Caroline' is exposed as a fake. She does not exist and the photo is 'Woman-Books.jpg from the stock images available on Weebly. Embarrassing, no?
Admin - Mike
5/3/2020 04:37:14 pm
Now & Then ran without any moderation for several months until 3 or 4 stupid individuals spammed it with garbage. It seems as soon as anyone questions the modern version of Caroline out come their anorak troll army. So know censorship is not alive and well here, rather the need to stop abusive personal remarks and the few trolls who cannot here anything critical about Malcolm Smiths OFCOM licensed community radio station, something that Ronan O'Rahilly was consistently and without doubt totally against from 1967 onwards. Now that he is unable to functionally oppose this he is ignored by those hypocrites that in the next breath claim adoration for the man.
Mervyn Hagger
5/3/2020 05:10:38 pm
Well written Mike. How does the writer know that Caroline Brooks does not exist? Maybe Caroline is also a part time model and that's how she finances her education. Someone wrote on her site that she "sounds" like me. How is that possible? Another person took issue with the "b" in bible and blamed her use of it on me, but it seems that her copy has a lower case "b", but the image she uses has a capital "B". Why is Paul's fickle use of printing on demand different covers of his plagiarized book my fault? If I had my way Paul would not have stolen from me to begin with.
Suspicious Mind
5/3/2020 08:30:45 pm
Interestingly, there is no denial by Hagger or Mike to my observation that Caroline Brooks > Caroline Books > Carolinebooks is a fake site. Comments are being censored for asking awkward questions doubting it's authenticity. Some of 'Caroline's' phraseology is practically identical to that of Hagger. Anyway, it's all a bit of fun and is keeping you amused on these dark winter nights. It's not as if any of this is of any consequence or interest to the masses or ever will be. Have fun with the few who bother with you. I shall leave it there and turn my attention to something worthwhile. Have fun.
Mindless Suspicion
6/3/2020 12:02:59 pm
Oh you will be back, self righteous know it all's like you can't help yourselves, maybe you will change your name either way back you will come.
Anorak Asylum
5/3/2020 08:06:05 pm
I would not hold your breath waiting for intelligent comments Scottg. Looking at Mr Stevens tired old board, it's full of adoring 648 fans or Mr Rusling dispensing expert knowledge that is roundly applauded by all delusional attendees. Those who dare to question (ironically like DavidLW) are frequently reminded by Paul R's deputy censor Stewart Admin that this is their last warning. That site is Groundhog Day for mentalists and well used from that angle
Garry's Wholesale Censorship Bored
6/3/2020 08:35:41 pm
I see that that little jumped up administrator is banning and threatening to ban again today over on the Original Caroline Love In Joke Board. I bet he has a clip board and writes it all down. Talk about old age humour bypass, that sad loser has it all. LONG LIVE HOBBY RADIO especially if it gets rid of the fakers and their fake tinpot OFCOM licensed OAP station!!!!!
Caroline Brooks
6/3/2020 10:02:18 pm
Yes, I know Mike as you know Mike and the same goes for Mervyn. First you picked holes in my review by alleging that Mr Hagger referred to Paul Rusling's "bible" with a lower case "b" but claiming that Mr Rusling used an upper case "B". I had a look at the copy of the book I received and it has a lower case "b", but Mr Rusling illustration has an upper case "B" and yet his web page and his Facebook page both have a lower case "b". The only fake here is the accuser who dare not use his real name. Then you said that I could not be a photo model to pay for uni. Why do you say that? I am writing my review because there is so much controversy about this book and it is a good project for me. Thank you Mike for the link. Oh, in case you are wondering, I thought it would be fun to shorten my name for the book review.
James McGregor
7/3/2020 01:17:42 pm
Did Climate Change cause the Corny Wahtnot
Caroline Brooks
7/3/2020 06:30:30 pm
I also read Mike's Commentary, which is why I ask you James, are you the same James McGregor who made a disgusting sexual suggestion on my book review comments page? I deleted your filthy remark, but it still shows up in the file) I suggest that you stop this nonsense immediately because next I time I will report you to the police in your location.
Caroline Brooks
7/3/2020 06:38:06 pm
You are disgusting James McGregor and obviously of the same ilk as Jimmy Saville, and what is worse you seem to be proud of it. Keep this up and you may find yourself in prison with other sexual predators. You wrote and posted this on another Forum: "Posted by James CradleSnatcher McGregor on March 7, 2020, 5:50 pm, in reply to "Re: Busted!" Oh sugar papa silly par excellence. This what happens if you rustle up the courage to complement a girl on her smile and enquire if she fires up on Tinder. Next stop Blind Date - or Grindr - or according to Haggis - Jail, do not make a pass and go James. You are a thorn in my side and must not lock stag horn with me for the title of Supreme Highland Bore. No worries there Mr H. The Barmy Army Boom Box Eternity is all yours."
Mervyn Hagger
9/3/2020 12:32:57 pm
Scottg - You are light years ahead of the people answering you on "The unanswered question?" on the Rusling-Stevens Board. Original Nick's reply today resorts to supporting Rusling's rubbish that Atlanta and Caroline were two different projects. They were the same project, but even though Rusling stole some of the answers from me, he STILL didn't get it. This guy is thick! But then he told me after seeing our library that he has no time for books and research. But he still has time to churn out rubbish and con a bunch of anoraks with stuff he doesn't understand himself.
Mervyn Hagger
9/3/2020 12:40:37 pm
Rusling is back at it again today with more rubbish on his Rusling-Stevens Board. This time it is this thread "Re: the attempted revival of Radio City by the Krays and Meister-Bollier". He is holding himself out to be an 'expert' on offshore radio of the 60s, but I can tell you for a fact that this guy has not got a clue about the subject. All he is doing is conning anoraks into buying his book in order to support Malcolm Smith. The very people who should be interested in the history of offshore radio are doing more to harm it every day by their stupid tin pot station and obsession with a rusting hulk. Rusling does not have a clue and Malcolm Smith does not care about any of it. I suppose in that sense it does make Malcolm into a more legitimate person than Paul Rusling who acts and behaves more like a seedy scavenger.
James McGregor
9/3/2020 05:16:42 pm
Interesting question I have I think
Blind leading the blind
9/3/2020 02:08:23 pm
It's a joke board after all, but the blind leading the blind is evident over at the Garry Rusling Censorship Board. The so called pirate radio anoraks are just so lost when it comes to the 1960's and the Blind Leader keeps telling them even more rubbish. To top it all they are even debating Stewart the Censor God banning of DavidLW again with the usual sycophants congratulating him and only a few concerned about his arrogant self importance. Talking of which the tiny bloated Yorkshire man is now the font of all knowledge on the Kray's and Radio City. Seriously you couldn't make this all up.
Right Said Fred
10/3/2020 02:06:16 pm
Today's star incoherent ramble award on the Paul Knows Everything Censorship Forum goes to Fred who writes:
Mervyn Hagger
10/3/2020 02:53:09 pm
What a confused bunch of loonies the Tin-Pot Caroline anoraks are. (I have to use that prefix to distinguish just who I am writing about. It is the Paul Rusling and Garry Stevens brigade who worship Malcolm Smith and his little project. Now as far as David LW is concerned he is apparently so weird that even the half-baked Tin-Pot crowd think that he is weird. On the other hand, the person who is claiming to be Scottg, and who may or may not be one person, is writing some interesting stuff because he apparently knows of my research - that Rusling has tried to STEAL. I make no bones about that. Rusling is a thief. If you want to read a microscopic analysis of his book, then read the 'Caroline Brooks' Review - you will find a link at the top of Mike's site. However, none of the Tin-Pot crowd are even worthy of discussing because they are like demented kids in a demented playground. Nothing they say has any connection to the real world, but this surprises me about the person calling himself Scottg. He has just asked this question on the childrens' Tin-Pot Forum: "Posted by Scottg on March 10, 2020, 3:10 pm, in reply to "The unanswered question?"
10/3/2020 03:47:46 pm
I see that this board is now heavily censored. Only pro Hagger posts permitted. No calling him out over his fake review site, then. Oh.well, it's obvious to everyone, so I guess it doesn't matter.
James McGregor
10/3/2020 08:59:39 pm
Hi Merve, Maybe he is playing mix up the Alphamale Scrabble Board. If you play rock n roll records backwards you might well hear mixed messages!
Anorak Bored Watcher
11/3/2020 10:43:42 am
The question was simple and directed to one person -- Paul R, with you revealing in your book, (RC Bible), many associated RC companies, I am surprised that you have not revealed the above. In 1966, it was reported (nationality) that Chris Moore, ex programme director, sued ROR, Planet Productions and the above, for a half share in the profits, £2500 damages for wrongful dismissal, and £1041 salary arrears. His dismissal was before Philip Solomon became a working director. --- To Fred Bramley, before you imagine that I have have multiple aliases, I will reveal, after replies, where you can read this article, unlike some who state facts, make claims, without revealing the source. Scottg. -- Then as always the hissy fits begin. Are these people normal? The answer is no, they are anoraks, and it appears anoraks cannot be rational over anything, they are often also quite stupid. The answer by the Yorkshire man however, takes it to another level. He is now comparing his amateur work to the real bible (Bible, BIBLE, bIBLE to cover all variables). Just how bloated is this mans ego! Another way at looking at his book is that it's a cherry picked load of tittle anecdotes by people who were there and rather than tell all the facts (because he does not research history) he just went with whatever came his way, simples. Thankfully we have Maldonian to clarify matters with --
Caroline Brooks
12/3/2020 10:25:26 am
I have made several updates this morning to my Review which begin to address many of the issues raised by Scottg with regards to Paul Rusling's 'bible'. The latest update was made just before I wrote this post - in case you have already read a prior and version in brief. What I find funny is that the word "credibility" is being thrown in the direction of the actual research project in order to hide the total lack of credibility that is manifest in Rusling's "bible" and which I am now beginning to address and expose in detail in my Review.
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