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Your caring BBC. The home of diversity, acceptance and impartiality. Really? No, of course not, the perception of BBC as Auntie Beeb the nations ever caring public broadcaster is something from the past. Today we have a box ticking, deranged, bloated and near hysterical organisation where intolerance, bias, vindictiveness and an obsession with delusional extremes. Indeed the BBC are akin to Black Lives Matter in that they are both Marxist led and spokes people for more sinister and darker individuals. Have a little taste of BBC hypocrisy
James McGregor
5/7/2020 04:55:30 am
RIP Earl Cameron - Sadly remembered more on BBC news today than in your acting roles which I am sure were very good in yesteryear
Kayane South West
6/7/2020 01:39:36 am
Yo running for prime fashion victim with my main hopper Jazzy M. Cummings out for lockdown haircut with Adrian Barber who was really as Jim don't have the brain muscle to know was Stevie Wayne who had a haircurl from Arthur Carringtone
James McGregor
6/7/2020 04:06:18 am
I totally agree about the BLM movement being Marxist. They are overgrown wazzers. As appalling an orator as Trump is I think he will have a November landslide because the Democrats will bend over backwards now to appease everyone with a perceived grievance about anything from police brutality to the colour of their milkshakes. As with most dictators at least with Trump you know who is ruling the country with a rod of iron. If all else fails vote for Kayne South West!
Byte Chopper
8/7/2020 11:57:57 pm
I would rather chomp my own bits off than read any more of the James Brand rubbish
James McGregor
9/7/2020 12:32:01 am
Richy's Summer Meal Deal - 50% off your last supper out
Mervyn Hagger
9/7/2020 10:35:47 am
Mike, we know that the three posts above this one that are online as I write this, were the work of a self-medicated person (by drugs or booze, who knows but him?) who seems to be located in Northern Ireland. It is more nonsense like the other trolls have been spewing and continue to spew on the Garry Stevens' Forum. It was from there that cries that I would never publish - or that Caroline Brooks is me, and therefore still nothing would be published. Well, now the real story is being published by Caroline and so where are the trolls? I guess they now have to defend the lies of Paul Rusling who conned them into buying his bilge. Is it any wonder therefore that the BBC can pump out its nonsense about this virus and all of the other anti-Trump rhetoric - because that is what this is all about: defeating Trump in November and to hell with the cost of wrecking lives and the economy of the free world. One wonders where such nasty minds come from and then we remember Heinrich Himmler and his gas chambers, and Joe Stalin and his gulags and Mao and his "cultural revolution". Millions died, and what did these pea-brain idiots care? Not one iota. Ditto BBC. Ditto Paul Rusling who told me personally that his main objective was to get money to pay his bills. He had no time for historical research. Self-greed is what motivates these people. I am not a 'Green' but I do decry "light pollution". One of my most awe-inspiring moments was to have a picnic at night in the middle of the Arizona desert and look up at the fantastic heavens above with all those planets and stars. It was the biggest thrill of all. It sure made human beings look very small and very stupid with all of their petty selfishness. All of them - including me - will die - but the power behind the universes will remain ... and have the last laugh.
Mike - Admin
12/7/2020 05:19:25 pm
Have been away from this site for a short break, but yes the BBC are feeding the same lies that CNN and the other fake news outlets stateside are doing. You have to look at who owns the big six news channels in the USA, they all have things to hide and are part of the swamp Trump is trying to drain. On another note Ghislaine Maxwell has so much dirt on so many powerful people (she may well be MOSSAD and was possibly Epsteins handler). If she manages to avoid being suicided and gets a plea bargain (a few days in a New York jail will have focused her mind) then eveyyone from the Clintons to half of Hollywood will be in panic, would be nice to see some justice after the vile things these perverts have done.
13/7/2020 11:04:42 am
With that radio fella pausing now and again, I hope that if that is what you are doing for similar reasons, that you are okay. There are too few of us to spare these days.
Ann Corsaway
13/7/2020 01:42:49 pm
My comments were in response to Hagger, who wants to blame the BBC for Trump's forthcoming downfall when Trump himself has managed to engineer that, either by accident or design. Perhaps he is coming to realise that he is not fit for purpose and will pull out to save himself further humiliation and embarrassment. According to Hagger, anyone who opposes Trump is akin to a Nazi stormtrooper and he fails to see the irony. The assumption is that anyone who opposes Trump is being fed lies and propaganda by the mainstream media, when the reality is that we are quite capable of doing our own research.
Trip Advisor
14/7/2020 08:32:18 am
If you live in Canton, Texas, then here is a nice postcard of my local bar in Northern Ireland
Ann Corsaway
12/7/2020 06:36:28 pm
Trump will be gone in November, so brace yourself for a big disappointment. It's so sad to see an obviously intelligent man like yourself fall for his gaslighting and propaganda. I didn't think you were that gullible. Trump's coronavirus denial has wilfully caused so many unnecessary deaths, has wrecked the economy, and he continues to incite racial hatred. You don't need any media spin, just listen to the bile spewing from his own mouth. His rallies are akin to Nazi Germany, so perhaps that explains your peculiar fascination with him.
Real Propaganda
13/7/2020 11:24:11 am
Oh Ann do you feed on BBC news or CNN? That's real propaganda. If you took the time to research and find out for yourself rather than being spoon fed lies, you might just see the world as it is. I have no faith in Donald Trump just as I have no faith in any other political leader, they are all human and make mistakes. But I ask you this, have you ever been to or watched a Trump rally? The Nazi Germany parallel is insane, check the audience, you will see black people, Hispanics, Asians. Check out how many Black folk Trump has worked and mixed with down the years, he clearly was not a racist before he became President, so who stated calling him that or insinuating that? Yes BBC, CNN and the other big news outlets did!
Mike - Admin
13/7/2020 11:38:24 am
Good points "Real Propaganda". So many people have fallen for the news media and their spin on Trump. So what would you have done differently about Coronavirus Ann, you obviously know a lot about it. Close the borders to China early or left them open for longer. Ramp up the manufacture of Ventilators as the preceding President had left stocks to become depleted, or just left things alone. As for the bile spewing from his mouth, that's some bile, so give me ten exact quotes and link them to the sources, should be easy considering how much bile there is! However, I learned a long, long time ago, never to trust any Human with power, and never to think they could fix the worlds big problems, so NO I won't be disappointed in November whatever happens, although the alternative choice is pretty alarming if you research the corruption he is a part of and the state of his mental health. Oh and how's the job numbers going in the USA for May and June? Not seen much about that on CNN and the BBC, I wonder why that is...
Is that all there is ....?
13/7/2020 12:01:18 pm
IF vast numbers in the USA are as brain dead as you are Ann, then stand by for the beginning of a new dark age of dictatorship now that the anti-Trump forces have proved that the only way to stop freedom from growing again, is to instill fear by intentional disease, then the days of Hitler; Stalin, Mao and the Democrats who imported the fiery cross and the KKK ideas from the Scottish Clans who mainly settled the South and the Confederacy which was built with Scottish industry and supplied by Scottish ships to build up the finances of places like Glasgow with slave money, will soon be back and YOU dear Ann will shit in your pants like a person being hung (that is what they do), because YOU dear Ann will awake to realize that Trump was not elected to be a Saint but a Savior - like Martin Luther King who was totally amoral in his home life, but he knew the difference between color of skin and quality of character and he championed the latter, not the former. Listen again dear Ann to his "I have a Dream speech." The KKK were Democrats dear Ann - like Hilary and her ilk. Obama was a half-breed who sold out to the slavers to look after himself, not you. The clock is ticking and if this virus is sort of a the Democrats god-send in place of the gas chambers which could have your name on it. But, so far dear Ann, tell me when the Democrat leaders got the virus and DIED? They didn't, did they? Only idiots like you are its targets.
Mike - Admin
13/7/2020 08:30:58 pm
That's all well and good Ann and I will allow Mervyn to reply to your original comment, but you have side stepped my questions and are more than welcome to reply to them, the floor is yours.
Paddy power
12/7/2020 10:22:32 pm
The laughter in Northern Ireland is Brighter than Halleys Comet
Ann Corsaway
13/7/2020 09:34:18 pm
'Is that all there is....?' I presume that you are Hagger judging by the Trump/Limbaugh brainwashing the writer has obviously been subjected to. So the virus has targets based on political persuasion? Who knew? I better fire up my fleet of 5G anti COVID-19 drone bats while there's still time.
The Lone Ranger
10/7/2020 03:49:37 am
James, channel your inner Karen :)
10/7/2020 10:15:25 pm
I am fed up with all the James Memes
13/7/2020 08:38:13 pm
Why did the BBC allow anyone named Karen to be stereo typed into a creature for the ignorant liberal cretins to hate. BBC is a vile hate platform for the modern Marxist's whose only weapon is verbal abuse or mob assault. -- #defundBBCnow
Anne Corsaway
14/7/2020 01:33:33 pm
'Karen' does not have her origins at BBC, nor is she perpetuated by BBC. She was begat of social media. You know, like Twitter, Facebook and stuff.Look it up.
McGregors Mum
11/7/2020 06:20:33 am
Please put my son into cardiac arrest by telling him Ronan was not his father figure of free radio and a highly talented young Irish successful businessman
James McGregor
11/7/2020 07:21:39 am
I can remember a black comedienne on the Clive Anderson chat show in the early 1990's doing some funny quips and looking at the laughing audience says "hey the niggers funny" . Uncomfortable laughter from the audience and she shoots back "your a thinkin it, I'm a saying it" . More uncomfortable audience laughter. There is an uncomfortable truth in that, both in the big picture today and in the Church of the Anorak Minds stuck in yesterday
James McGregor
13/7/2020 01:16:52 pm
The problems with the masks are that the cheap ones are impossible to wear longer than 5 minutes without squashing your nose and misting up your glasses
James McGregor
15/7/2020 09:35:38 am
Is anyone else, maybe South of the North of Ireland getting a bit fed up of this Patrick Swaziland minie ball series and want's Merve to stop faffing around and tell us what was REALLY going on in the You take the North and I'LL take the South Union? Or is it a paradoxical Paul can get crap into print but I can blot all over it with a blog?
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