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So Garry Stevens knows (or is that nose in his spell checker) just what Malcolm's Radio Caroline should play and it's not what they are playing right now!! Well being a licensed station they have to stay along the lines of playing album music that's their remit. Well to brighten things up and bring the quality up to Garry's demanding albeit unclear expectations I think I may have found the perfect compromise.
BA Bardacrackers
24/8/2022 11:16:19 pm
James McGregor
James scoffed at Thruth Bomb warnings. Not so cocksure about the robbin now. Are you Robin Bigmouth??
27/8/2022 06:31:30 pm
James McG has just stabbed Peter More for back stabbing
James McGregor. Full Moon? Werewolf? Dracula? Anorak? Cinderella? Freddy confused?
28/8/2022 04:00:25 pm
But is it not the case that if there was a station called say Radio Fab Album FM AM ect from a portacabin or a caravan or somthing and I and others thought hey this is great they play albums and sound sincere and not the borg but because they are not so common and they live in a leafy tent they have fundraisers and donations to keep going that would still be the same. You would still be a station supporter? Who cares about the back story of the campervan. It was passed around by conmen? Full MOT? We are where we are now. In the cool calm light of day before my Chardonnay I think Peter is trying to tell us this although by sundown I will be equating him to Howard Carter again
Is those all photos of John, Gerry and Scottg?
25/8/2022 11:10:56 am
Ugly, ugly, ugly.
Free mans Catalogue
25/8/2022 09:59:43 pm
An Epiphany
28/8/2022 10:25:11 pm
I have come to the conclusion that none of this Radio Caroline s*** stirring matters. We have what we have and we are where we are. None of the bitching and bickering will make any difference. No book, series of books or film will alter anything. I am not in denial. I am not burying my head in the sand.
Mervyn says ....
29/8/2022 05:13:29 pm
You who have no guts to identify yourself doesn't "get it" because you don't read it first before commenting on it.
30/8/2022 07:14:09 pm
This is obviously one person's PERSONAL campaign, on many topics. There are other members of the so called 'Trio' that are always silent. WHY do Eric Gilder and Genie Baskir never respond , on Mervyn Hagger's posts. Scottg.
To John Shanks who calls himself Gerry Hogan and Scottg and now Neptune
30/8/2022 08:52:40 pm
You are absolutely correct Mike must be Mervyn and all of the 'so called Trio' as you say, all rolled into one, and neither Gilder nor Baskir exist. You are so clever. But, let me ask you this, why would they ever respond if they don't exist and have never, ever posted here? You are so clever. Maybe you can advise Freddie Archer because he seems to lack all of your overwhelming intelligence.
Mervyn Hagger
30/8/2022 08:53:18 pm
Which posts?
Mervyn Hagger
30/8/2022 08:55:20 pm
Vern Smith said you wanted to meet. How will I know its you?
Vern Smith
30/8/2022 08:56:04 pm
Don't drag me into this Shanks business
Curious Raincoat
30/8/2022 10:56:04 pm
Garry is still wondering who owns the Ross Revenge
Now what if
31/8/2022 11:13:51 am
When PM gets fed up with the Joke board or gets to tired of posting. Where if anywhere will he go . I cannot see it being here
James McGregor
31/8/2022 10:27:45 pm
He will be welcome here on in my house any time. I always respect his straightforward insight and his efforts. Sometimes the thruth is uncomfortable but Peter to me always says the right thing. Usually nothing but that is the wise mans's way when you are speaking to a lunatic
Mervyn Hagger
1/9/2022 10:08:23 am
The anoraks are all self-destructing.
Now what if
1/9/2022 12:02:21 pm
Posted by Freddie Archer on 31/8/2022, 18:55:17, in reply to "Re: Nigel and his organ"
James McGregor
1/9/2022 12:04:04 pm
Does anyone acually believe this trademark court cse rubbish?
The Ironing. The hypocrasy of the dirty laundry!
31/8/2022 10:23:18 pm
An Epiphany
1/9/2022 01:12:15 pm
Mervyn seems to be echoing my thoughts, but with no sense of irony as to his own musings.
1/9/2022 10:09:35 pm
AM, Ian B and Rob Day plus ...
1/9/2022 09:34:17 pm
The anoraks are now imploding over a technology that is of no interest to anyone. Unless of course you are a State with the power to issue announcements that actually concern the immediate lives of millions of people.
To the Deaf and Blind and obviously Stupid Fred Bramley who isn't
2/9/2022 09:08:10 am
Fred stop lying under a fake name.
James McGregor
6/9/2022 03:52:04 pm
After my medical appointment yesterday. In the future you might be describing me as handicapped. I am too self effacing to say what is wrong with me but their is not much left of my atanomy that has anything right with me. Roan and Peter and all the Caroline Family are very much like me of not making a huge issue out of problems and I find their inspiraton very comforting. It is aimnlost like the comfort of belong to a religion or a church or some might say a cult. You have your friends and arh bless bless around you and then when you have been warmed up a bit at their harvest supper, you go home very cold and hungry and realise they and the govenment are going to turn off your food and eating
Mervyn Hagger
12/9/2022 12:34:27 pm
How real your comments are I don't know because I have experienced your flip-flop insane comments to logical comments several times, and then, after dealing with the sane person, I have got burned.
James McGregor
9/9/2022 04:14:18 pm
Is that Bloke who calls himself Neptune a complete and utter arsehole or what?
James my word is my bottom dollar bond
12/9/2022 10:20:36 pm
Theatre producer Concertworks said it was "extremely saddened and disappointed" by Lazenby's "language, comments and recollections" throughout Saturday's show in Perth.
James McGregor - Trident and dresses to the right of left
1/10/2022 07:45:59 pm
Time was PM would have called out Scottg or Neptune in more foreceful terms but now he is so afraid of the anorak backlash he is saying "sorry" and "I dont understand" why Neptune Trident whoever Doctor Soapy Dickhead thinks people who own worthless trademarks then buy identical copies of worthless trademarks from others and the say "see you in court"
Referee TEE HEE
14/9/2022 10:54:37 pm
GS descends into infightng. Archer, Day and McGregor about to be banned
Instantly Karma on the origional Joke Board
20/9/2022 09:52:17 pm
I see that fool McGregor's got sacked from yet another Church of Jokes
James McGregor
21/9/2022 12:30:55 am
I sense the Atlantis crowd are having an Italian Job Mob on a Vieinetta Ice Scream on me head son. Garry only told them to blow the bloody doors off
17/9/2022 09:15:04 am
Daljit Devi
Referee TEE HEE
20/9/2022 09:28:34 am
Spirit Radio is the new Caroline Hearts and Minds and Mike Simmonds
James McGregor
25/9/2022 12:43:17 pm
Mr Drakeford said the mini-budget marked a "return of voodoo economics from a zombie government experiment".
James McGregor (last man standing at the OK Coral shootfest)
20/9/2022 12:01:06 pm
Kevin D really going down in my sights
Deep Pressing 33 rpm news
21/9/2022 12:28:25 am
Unfortunatly for Anorak Evolution McGregor is still there and running at 33rpm under the name of Freya or Dodo or Gnu or PG Tips Chimpanse or something Charles Darwin missed on the Beagle to the Galapagous Islands between the origions of Anorak Specious
The Human Zoom Channel
23/9/2022 01:09:43 pm
Peter, Mervyn, DLW!!! Now RDay
Telescopic Antenna Match
23/9/2022 08:35:18 pm
Feted with rose petals? What at, his wake? Wake up Anoraks! McGregor is yesterday's toast
Dora the explorer
23/9/2022 09:30:50 pm
oh dear!
Is Kevin D a robot
24/9/2022 04:34:11 pm
He was programmed to watch the Queens funeral.
Hudson, Hicks, Vasquez
25/9/2022 12:36:45 pm
Wake up marines. They're gone. The enitire Anorak complex has gone
great with fish dishes and seafood
27/9/2022 12:26:02 am
OMG can you believe it. Garry's only just gone and let McGregor back in!
James McGregor
27/9/2022 11:46:27 pm
Yes of course Mr Sea Bass and Plaice
James McGregor Furiously on Booze and Meds
1/10/2022 07:40:52 pm
Quite happy to have me here stuffing up the pages if it suits your empty space then?
James McGregor's Mirror
29/9/2022 01:43:25 pm
James, get a life
Mervyn Hagger's Moral Compass
30/9/2022 05:33:37 pm
Mervyn get magnetic, get a book out
James McGregor
1/10/2022 07:39:09 pm
That's another name I have copywright on because he has not got one Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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