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Much has already been written on regarding the origins of the original Radio Caroline. Mervyn has kindly shared some additional information with me in private (and unlike others it will remain that way) which really does support the details that have already been published through Caroline Brooks (yes she does exist as do the other people Mervyn has named). Their research is detailed or forensic as they say, the attention to detail impressive and the results have changed my understanding of events in the 1960's completely. As a lover of truth I am quite happy to be corrected and educated, it's healthy for the mind and body.
All of this has led me to consider the following. Is there any tangible connection between Radio Caroline in the 1960's and the subsequent Radio stations that have used that name? In addressing that question I include my own interactions with Ronan O'Rahilly (who I first met in 1977) and those involved with Radio Caroline from the late 1980's onwards. So we have Radio Caroline which began broadcasting in 1964 and was damaged by the Marine Offenses Act in August 1967 however remained on air largely through Payola until March 1968 when the ships were towed to Holland. This is a matter of historical fact. As an impressionable child of the 1960's I listed to Radio London (Big L) and learned at an early age that Governments will do anything they want regardless of public opinion and widespread sentiment (sad as I was at the time it was a lesson worth learning and has helped me considerably in adulthood). On the evidence presented so far, I have concluded that the origins of Radio Caroline are as described on Yesternoir and that Radio Atlanta and Radio Caroline were a single operation. The real role of Ronan O'Rahilly initially as a spokesperson for Radio Caroline and then the convenient business face of the station is also correct. That he was most definitely not the founder and was part of a smokescreen to keep those behind both ventures hidden is in my opinion also correct. You might not like that opinion however as I have said the evidence often documented or cross referenced is robust at the very least, indeed the level of investigation and time devoted to uncovering the truth has been considerable. That alone has helped me understand why Paul Rusling and Brian Lister are not popular with the researchers, there is a strong argument that at the very least their behavior was unethical and potentially a lot worse however it is not my responsibility to second guess what further actions may be taken. So back to the question. Is there any tangible connection between Radio Caroline in the 1960's and the subsequent Radio stations that have used that name? In part two I will address that question, firstly considering Radio Northsea International's taking the name Radio Caroline International during a British election and the ongoing impact that had (because it had considerable impact) for offshore radio and the Dutch outlawing their own offshore stations in 1974. I would urge anyone who has not read Andy Archers account of his experience with Radio Caroline in the 1970's to do so, the link is here. This will help you to see just how Ronan O'Rahilly operated during the early 1970's. It also helps you to start following the money and who was really funding and running Radio Caroline at that time. You might want to then consider what tangible connection there was with the 1960's Radio Caroline operation. I have tried to be logical and factual rather than sentimental and looking back through rose tinted glasses, will you be?
James McGregor
18/4/2021 02:22:38 pm
More Drivel here
Mervyn Hagger
18/4/2021 02:40:36 pm
Thank you Mike!
The Voice of Peas
18/4/2021 06:24:48 pm
That's a very reasoned and sensible piece, Mike. It contrasts sharply with the daily rants elsewhere and the utterly futile and vindictive suggestion regarding getting licences revoked for no other reason than personal gratification and getting noticed.
Kanga Roo Deliveroo
18/4/2021 08:15:05 pm
James. if you strayed off strong brew for more than 24 hours and kept the troll tray foil folded. Your mind would expand slight more than a gnu's penis
Doctor Soap Opera
19/4/2021 12:48:45 pm
I thought the brief run of a Tale of Two Boards was the best upside downslide ever
James McGregaruis
19/4/2021 01:19:38 pm
I think we would all like it all a bit more if Mr Moore came out and said it
19/4/2021 07:35:24 pm
Paul Rusling's ad for his bible has finally been removed by him and now he is plugging his 'world of radio' site instead. Since ALL of the previous radio books about offshore radio are now highly suspect of providing false information - fake information, Rusling may need to rethink his line of work. He can run but he can't hide. It's a pity that Garry Stevens does not have the guts to admit he made a big mistake and scrub Rusling's false advertising once and for all.
19/4/2021 08:20:28 pm
Notice to the cretin trolls.
The Voice of Peas
19/4/2021 11:09:46 pm
Quite right too, although I fear that the only comments will now come from McGregor and Hagger under his various guises, so it may go a bit quiet.
Mervyn Hagger
20/4/2021 01:03:37 pm
Instead of writing silly remarks why don't you respond to Mike's topic? I see that Rusling has got rid of his bible ad but he is now trying to plug his other stuff - for money of course. Research is very costly in both time and money and while we plug away at trying to discover the true story there are so many childish idiots out there who can only make snide remarks. We are getting very, very close to finding the real story, so why don't you help?
The Voice of Peas
21/4/2021 07:01:29 am
I would love to help by contributing the information and documentation that I have, along with making a donation to assist with the expense of putting this all together. However, I will not publish it openly where it can be grabbed by someone who's approach and attitude to the venture I cannot condone.
Garry's Foster Care Home appeal
20/4/2021 02:51:03 pm
Adopting Rob Day as our new open and honest skool radio manager messiah
Mervyn Hagger
21/4/2021 01:58:56 pm
Voice of Peas you are obviously in danger of becoming a mushy pea - if you dare to reveal yourself (Scottg) because you are two peas in the same pod of claiming to know something; knowing nothing and doing nothing to stop the Skues; Clarks and Ruslings who are feeding mush to the masses like you - for money. They are the ones you should respond to, but you can't because while they use real names you are too afraid to even do that. I guess you just need to be flushed down the toilet with other spoilt refuse.
Right between your legs
22/4/2021 05:17:40 pm
22/4/2021 06:45:00 pm
merve scottg hasn't even read this forum fior months. let alone posting here!.there's an imposter.
Mervyn Hagger
24/4/2021 10:03:52 am
My point is that they are mushy peas in the same pod and that includes Scottg. None of them have the guts to use real names and all of them attack the messenger and not the message - because the facts speak for themselves.
The voice of Peas
21/4/2021 03:54:46 pm
As an example of what I have referred to above, I see that today's yesternoir blog entry consists of a direct attack on the respected Ray Clark, who has done so much for radio in his illustrious career and continues to do so.
Mervyn Hagger
22/4/2021 11:55:43 am
Mushy Pea, you have addressed the question and walked away from it.
Alan sugar snap pea
22/4/2021 04:15:59 pm
Scottg knows his business.
Horizon FM
23/4/2021 03:47:13 pm
Justice let the GPO off for starting this mess
James MC***EGOR Anonymous First Timer
24/4/2021 03:48:06 pm
Hi , I saw the add in the Mushy Peas shop , pinned on the new group fridge
Mervyn Hagger
25/4/2021 10:51:38 am
It seems that the Garry Stevens crowd do read his Forum, and so I will respond to the usual suspects writing there now about me and about 658.
James McGregor Top Anorak Research MP
25/4/2021 05:18:23 pm
We need the love Merve. We need the LLOVE
25/4/2021 07:58:30 pm
if you say so merve,
James McGregor
25/4/2021 01:49:29 pm
Talking of living in a dream world. Rioting raged all day in London yesterday stretching law and order to the limit. Prominent among the protesting were journalists and reporters which due to their absence from work meant that the event went totally unnoticed by everyone else in the country before during or after
Board Watcher
25/4/2021 05:04:11 pm
'about me and about 658.'
Bored McGregor
26/4/2021 02:45:40 pm
Glad you spotted that 658 number, Mr Board. Now we know you are paying close attention, tell Jamie how Jimmy Shaw became Jimmy Ross with a suitcase full of case that turned on 199. While we are waiting I will go and plant some spuds, see if the towels are dry, do the Telegraph crossword, paint my shed and mow the lawn. Will you have an answer by then or should I wallpaper my living room first?
Board Watcher
26/4/2021 08:05:30 pm
Just my opinion, but I think the living room looks fine as it is. Wallpaper is so last decade unless of course, it's for a feature wall in which case I'm sure it will look fab.
No idea who Bored Mcgregor is. There are many who would like to be be me. James and those who would not
26/4/2021 08:16:14 pm
Boris Johnson lives in Downing Street with his fiancee Carrie Symonds
Mad man James McGregor for ever
25/4/2021 06:15:11 pm
He came, he saw, he advertised ships mast for laughs and retired
Harrison Ford
30/4/2021 06:21:29 pm
Hi, James you sound like a guy with his head skewed on
James McGregor
1/5/2021 07:10:48 pm
Being a living man of honour and conscious of my integrity now that I have ambitions of opening up my own chops shop. I feel I must point out that D Martin and Roger T have not directly said anything to me about my shit. In fact they have said nothing to me which is part of my problem that silence voices a lot and I smell a rat. I have certainly made every effort to communicate with them to resolve. Large dollops of straining effort. 14 emails at the last count rubbing their noses in Jeff and the living Garry's roll of success. No doubt in private they have passed opinion on my output with a peg on their noses but it takes two to wipe the carpet and I realise I have more chance of getting a spirited e mail exchange with Garry Shandling who I was sorry to find out this morning passed away reasonably recently. Also without telling me a thing at the time
David LW
25/4/2021 07:14:31 pm
I respect Mike Simmonds and Fred Bramley and Agb very much and count them among my best friends and so I do not like the nasty comments made about me and my friends on this Forum. As for Haggerly, I wish he would devote his time to getting 648 banned.
Stuart Leek McGregor
26/4/2021 01:15:01 pm
Seeing a thread started by Jeff H alluding to freedom lost . O seats yet taken -
David Dislikes the new Bill of Uplighters
29/4/2021 05:46:13 pm
One of someone else in the world called James bringing the David Icke bard to the attention of one of the other James brand
Sexton Blake
26/4/2021 05:29:16 pm
where's Maldonian?.
David LW
26/4/2021 08:02:28 pm
Fred Bramley is Maldonian and I am not guessing as Mervyn because I am Fred Bramley with a Princess Margaret obsession regarding a novel. PS i never read Hagerly so I have no idea what he is saying, or I am saying for that matter. I am Sextone MacGregor when sober.
Board Watcher
26/4/2021 08:26:06 pm
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. See how they run like pigs from a gun. See how they fly.
Bird Watcher
27/4/2021 01:49:32 pm
Watching birds is better than watching boards which only fly if you throw them. Birds are self-propelled. Even the human kind.
James McGregor
28/4/2021 03:33:56 pm
Hi Board Watcher as you may be aware in an idle moment I had been enquiring how easy it was to set up a casual discussion board just to give my egos someone else to converse with. I think you advised me it was free and then maybe you noticed it my mere suggestion of shoddy competition had the country club coughing into their pimms and Sergeant Stewart of the Dark Yard was dispatched to have a light night word hinting my friends and I were under surveillance 24/7. Anyhow my question here is is the weebly brand easier/cheaper to set up than board host. I think the time has come for me to set out on my own and spend more time talking to myself and seeing for myself just how bad the nutters out there who are not me really are. Might be most enlightening. Nothing at all fancy just a clear text layout. Space and the knowledge to credit favoured sites and if a complete instant free for all is just going to end up in a policemans knock where I take the blame for inciting then some degree of one man once a day moderation from me. It's hardly going to rival any of the existing and you can imagine as I will be running the show it's going to be interesting to say the least. Any advice or assistance welcome. Thanks in advance.
Board Watcher
28/4/2021 04:27:01 pm
Boardhost - if you want a message board or forum - anyone posts and anyone replies if you choose to make it so
Mark your man
27/4/2021 01:02:32 am
It's late at night Texas Time but too early to light a bunker cigarette yet
James McGregor
27/4/2021 06:06:01 pm
For those who missed it on Garry's free and get off quick to pleasey board. I am seriously thinking of starting my own. Board watcher gave a reply of assistance before my threat of heavy competition was taken down which confirms to me this is the right time to do it. Anyone and their sites who assist will be credited. It's not going to be as polished as some of these but at least I will have satisfied myself what it is like to print my own Len Frinton Times
Ace Pet Detective flies over Ross By Drone
28/4/2021 05:52:38 pm
I can see it all now. It's fascinating how this Stewarts mind works
Zig and Zag Rainbow Paint
29/4/2021 02:59:18 pm
Dave M: I had to laugh when Zippy confessed it was him all along
Voluntary Trumpeter
29/4/2021 07:25:09 pm
Can't wait for 30th April so we can all shout 'TROMBONES!!!'
Dr Martins Great British Bake Off
30/4/2021 07:52:11 pm
If I suck my teeth in I can hear the wind of change whistling between my ears
Doctor soap opera
30/4/2021 12:35:44 am
Top Craic tonight over at Castle Pale Blue Numb Skull where Mutton Chops Martin cannot decide which is more hilarious Muttton Jeff or Jeff and Mutton or Jeff Mutton or James McGregor
The Tooth Fairy
30/4/2021 02:28:38 pm
Please Please Please BT. Disconnect McGregor internet
Arthur Sea Clarke
1/5/2021 10:54:37 am
What is this countdown 2021 A waste of Space Odyssey
In reply to Mr French Caroline who is ticking away
2/5/2021 05:46:39 pm
You need to take arithmetic from me, James the Mighty who added the numbers and they don't get to August 14th. Whatever it is that you think that Merv is or isn't doing, he is not counting down to MOA day. Maybe your French involvement has scrambled your British math mind?
Brass Teeth
2/5/2021 11:30:05 am
He is not half as funny as Mike Simcard was last night after the 9pm watershed insisting Mi Amigo, Altantis, Boom Box etc handgliding in are terrifying the shrinking BBC Radio 2 and the only reason they never figure in any listener surveys is because the masses are not yet aware of them circling overhead!!
3/5/2021 11:49:41 am
"As for radio I do remember in the dark times that an American or someone sounding American would call me saying that he was John England from the Four Freedoms University and that having researched deeply he knew that I could collapse the Wireless Telegraphy Act, by showing that Radio Caroline was actually using Wireless Telephony. He is still around now and no less mad.
Mervyn Hagger
3/5/2021 11:50:10 am
Mr Kettle calling glassware (transparent) black:
Question for Hagger
4/5/2021 07:20:37 pm
" I admit to having used a pen name for legal reasons."
Freddy Archer aka Fred Bramley aka David LW aka Peter Moore aka Atlantisgb
3/5/2021 06:55:09 pm
What a bucket load of mindless twerps who can't even spell the name of the person they are attacking, and why, because these clowns and crooks support theft, lies, deceit and worship a rusting hulk as the be all and end all for a reason to be alive. Wasted lives, all of them. Now what if this person who you are attacking proves to be right, and you lot are revealed as blobs of biology that some woman mindlessly dropped on the rest of us? You have not challenged the facts, in fact. Paul Rusling stole some of them and then tried to twist them to support your silly lies. You lot really need to wake up before you finally kick the bucket. Right now if you depart this Planet you will not be missed.
James McGregor
4/5/2021 02:21:00 pm
I mean that's just taking the pee strait away isn't it?
Death Watch Beatle
4/5/2021 06:29:02 pm
30 years research into something nobody cares about any more is a wasted life. 30 years of hate is a wasted life. 30 years with nothing achieved is a wasted life.
Raspberry Fromage
4/5/2021 12:16:10 am
And Roger Day
Calendar Man
4/5/2021 01:28:36 pm
Pardon a moi my French but don't say Bastard day James say Bastille Day
Crusader James McGregor
5/5/2021 01:11:22 pm
I don't think. Therefore I do not have to take any notice of your attempts to undermine my attempts to soldier on . Spreading the word of Carolina to arid, dry and underwater lands 4/5/2021 07:39:35 am
Mike, this link is something you might want to follow-up.
Doctor soap opera (lower case)
4/5/2021 05:48:13 pm
So Microwave weapons ARE targeting us? You accept that now?
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