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It is clear that broadcasting on the Medium Wave in Europe is coming to an end. It's no more likely to make a come back than VHS tapes. Old anoraks can remember days gone by with fondness, but the reality is that from a commercial point of view the waveband is no longer fit for purpose. A generation bought up on the internet, gaming, podcasts and short attention span conditioning, are hardly going to bother with AM, and those a little older are at the very least going to expect FM quality. DAB (Dead and Buried) remains a very poor substitute for AM broadcasting and even the masters of brainwashing BBC after countless campaigns extolling the virtues of DAB have failed to gain the traction expected. 5G could even be the finish of DAB. It's much cheaper to use bandwidth than maintain and power transmitters. Perhaps hobby radio does have some mileage, broadcasting to yourself and a few mates could give the Medium Wave a few more years of life, thinking about it, there are a good number of parallels with today's community radio stations, small, reliant on volunteers and by comparison to the mainstream, small audiences are all that can be expected. If your business model is reliant on AM & DAB then you are going to need either deep pockets or a generous audience, that getting younger everyday. Otherwise the clock is ticking and the end is no longer even over the horizon. The reality is that the world of media has changed, music companies are no longer that concerned with music radio in the UK, they are more concerned about their own futures as they too are becoming less important. The following video is about today's media world, not some rose tinted memories of days gone by.
30/5/2020 09:26:38 am
You are right Mike, there are about 2-3 trolls using multiple names who are causing all the problems, and rejecting their posts is the only way to deal with them.
Kevin H
30/5/2020 09:58:05 pm
What has any of this got to do with the topic?
30/5/2020 01:36:34 pm
With respect, I cannot see that your comments relate in any way to the subject matter.
30/5/2020 09:13:12 pm
ROBERT: This is the connection. It is because Mike has had the same problem with the same stupid trolls. That's why. As for the topic, AM was rescued in the USA by talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh and because there is no such thing as the First Amendment guaranteed by the highest law in the land with a written constitution, what Rush does every weekday Monday to Friday for 3 hours each day over 600 radio stations, would be impossible on any scale in the UK. So we have stupid and ridiculous trolls like James and his ilk daydreaming about some person who played records on a music program which never influenced any political policy or war or anything else. That's what my original comments have to do with the topic of AM dying out in the UK. These trolls and their daydreams who post under multitudes of different names are nasty, ignorant and really brain dead specimens of biology.
31/5/2020 07:42:24 pm
Your personal issue with trolls has nothing to do with the topic. What are your views regarding 5G? Is there a health or security cost to be paid and set against the benefits to communication and broadcasting?
James McGregor
30/5/2020 04:05:18 pm
How has Witchfinder General Mervyn managed to turn a new topic about the decline of MW and the disappointment of BAD FM into a plug for his own hobby horse of finding communists under every bed
Communist Watcher
30/5/2020 06:44:34 pm
There are plenty of Commies to find, just look at ANTIFA and the riots they have been causing in the USA this week, they are brainwashed cowards funded by one of George Soros slush funds. As for MW and DAB it's RIP for the first and good riddance to bad rubbish for the latter.
30/5/2020 07:33:02 pm
What are your thoughts on 5G? Will it mean the end of traditional radio broadcasting? I think it likely, but there will be objections from the old guard.
Kevin Dee
31/5/2020 04:57:31 pm
I think traditional radio will be propped up by the BBC for some time, they already control half the FM band and won't give that up lightly. Commercial radio will move to 5G if take up is high enough to save money. MW is a gonna in Northern Europe as is LW, they are yesterdays technology, that is probably why the community license was issued to Malcolm Smiths radio station, it's still part of the plan to kill off the toxic radio Caroline brand name.
Down The Plug Hole
31/5/2020 05:02:21 pm
I have to laugh at the jokers on the Idiot Board and Dave Martins Laugh In board, who talk about Radio Carolines expansion and say onwards and upwards, when in fact they are expanding on the most duff platforms that have a limited future. Their audience share is pitiful against the awful Borg stations, they are simply propped up by an aging audience and nostalgic memories. It's a slow lingering death, thats all.
1/6/2020 01:04:20 pm
This is for Robert. I have addressed the death of AM by referring you to what happened in the USA and how Rush Limbaugh resurrected AM which in large part helped to elect Donald Trump. In the UK all transmitters are firmly in government hands and always have been. Free speech is muzzled and always has been. But the trolls are the biggest bunch of uneducated nutcases since Hitler formed his youth group. Fred Bramley is a classic example (today of Garry Stevens Caroline Cult Board. He wrote: "almost 12 months ago I posted link for Amazon book review 'the boat that Rocked a novel published by Ian Cowper-Ross in 1990. In return MH lifted content from this forum
1/6/2020 11:15:50 pm
This was my question: What are your views regarding 5G? Is there a health or security cost to be paid and set against the benefits to communication and broadcasting?
Police Personnel Recruitment
1/6/2020 03:46:12 pm
So Simon has has a closed mind along with Scottg and all the rest. They would never get a job with the Cold Case Department or with a defense lawyer with a client in prison who is said to be innocent. This lot of trolls all have closed minds. Now any religious cult would be the place for them. Oh, I forgot, they are already members of one. I used to wonder what made Adolph Eichmann and the rest into the murderous loons that they were. Perhaps they were hung up on WWI dance band music and wanted to revive it in WWII.
James McGregor
3/6/2020 06:27:59 pm
You can't music without a set of speakers
Fred Bramley
28/3/2021 03:03:28 pm
Mervyn Hagger you have mis-quoted me
David LW
29/3/2021 02:34:09 pm
Fred Bramley, Mervyn Hagger is simply looking for the truth. Most do not like the truth, and are happy with the nonsense that is encouraged by the lies on the other (not free) radio forums. If you dare to say on them the fake Caroline on 648 is rubbish, you are banned for life. Been there, but I only want the truth. Why there are so many lies out there about Radio Caroline is beyond me. Two things need to happen to resolve this. The first is the licence for 648 is cancelled by Ofcom, (as is was an error of judgement to issue it), and the next is the account under the title "Dial 999 for Caroline" to be published. These will remove the present stalemate of the lies and fake hype surrounding 648 to be ended, and then allow Free / Hobby Radio to move forward in the UK, as it has in the USA and Holland. Hobby radio is fun for all to enjoy, as CB was, and often results in the Hobby operators becoming Radio Hams / Amateurs, Regards, David LW
Mike - Admin
29/3/2021 04:24:56 pm
Why are you writing this on here Fred? It's not Mervyn's board so why here? I have seen some of your comments directed to Mervyn on Garry Stevens board that are pretty nasty without being misquoted? Mind you it's good to see your solicitor works Sunday's does he charge a premium for that?
David LW
28/3/2021 05:06:24 pm
I totally agree with Mervyn's views. Closing down the fake Caroline would be the best option for all concerned. It would be like a works Department Manager removing unwanted propaganda from a staff noticeboard. Hobby radio is now the best option for MW, and would not create the endless gossiping nonsense about the 'fake' Caroline, (which is not even a proper Community station).I believe the Caroline brand name is the legal property of Tatiana Safanova, so using that brand by any others is illegal. Regards, David LW
David LW
30/3/2021 10:49:38 am
It's widely known in the Free Radio world that Peter Moore (Malcolm Smith) has utter contempt for Free Radio enthusiasts, and refers to them as chimps with keyboards. So why don't these chimps approach Ofcom to close the fake Caroline down? Are they all as stupid, as Malcolm Smith says??? Hagger will be proved right in this sorry farce, and the truth always outs. This is the sad legacy of what once was the real Caroline of the 60's. Get rid of the fake Caroline, and push for a radio scene as is now happening in the USA and Holland. Those countries are much closer to true freedom. Regards, David LW
David LW
31/3/2021 12:58:06 pm
Is the question of who is the legal owner of the Caroline brand name something that should be considered? I believe the Caroline Brand name is NOT the legal property of Malcolm Smith (Peter Moore), but is owned by Tatiana Safanova, who is still active in running radio stations. Is this true or false, and if true, is Malcolm Smith guilty of Copyright theft? Regards to all here, David LW
David LW
5/4/2021 11:02:45 am
The only free radio I support is low power MW hobby radio, and anything else poses a serious interference threat from illegal pirates operating on SW frequencies not allocated for broadcasting and creating sprogs with badly designed transmitters that can fall on any random frequency and interfere with emergency services. I strongly feel that caroline should be shut down on 648, as this blocks the idea in the UK to allow low power MW Hobby Radio for anyone, to introduces new blood into radio, and some hobby operators then would naturally venture into the Amateur Radio Service. 648 has been monopolized for far too long by Malcolm Smith, who operates under an alias -why?, and under a stolen trade mark name, and it's now time to close it down and let others have the option, much as they doing Holland and the USA. Many others are now of of this opinion, but at the moment the wrong people for the wrong reasons have the monopoly. We don't want or need caroline, as there is the GHR radio now for that type of listening. Caroline is not even a proper community station, as is carries no local interest news or coverage of local events. It is fake, whatever way you look at it. It needs to go. Regards to all, David LW..
David LW
16/4/2021 09:42:25 pm
I see Malcolm Smith is in breach of UK broadcast standards law, and listener complaints have been recieved by the UK Regulator. Smith would not even offer an apology for this, meaning Smith openy endorses that sort of broadcasting content. Surely it's now time to permanently close this unwanted (fake caroline community) station down. The Regulator should now revoke the licence, in order to deter future incidents of this nature,. Regards, David LW
David Hine
18/4/2021 10:37:00 pm
The stupid Peter Moore (Malcolm Smith caroline church worshippers that infest the Garry Stevens joke board and the Dave Martin's laugh in rubbish have got it all wrong. The reason the offshore pirates had to be taken down was triggered by pirate interference caused to the Coastgaurd Service, which then operated on the HF end of the MW Band. There were also "Fishphone" Services in that band that also suffered severe QRM from the badly set up offshore transmitters. Also, there are links with the offshore pirates (caroline in particular) and the infamous IRA, who caused the deaths of some of the Military colleagues I helped to train in film handling and comms.. This is why I hate that station big time, (and its present links). So, it became necessarry to end this bad state of affairs for ever, and so the MOA Act was designed to silence these pirates for ever. From this, it was then decided by the UK Government, there was a public need to justify the introduction of legal Commercial radio, operating alongside the BBC Services, with properly designed and adjusted transmitters to replace the pirates. I feel low power MW Hobby radio in the UK would be a very good and interesting way to introduce new blood into radio tech, and also provide a source of future Radio Amateurs, of which I am one, and enjoy that great hobby immensly. Radio Amateurs are a body which are immensly innovative, and would provide vital comms in emergencies, when other infrastructure fails. No one wants or needs the caroline juke box, which always reminds me of the IRA atrocities whenever it rears its ugly head. It should be closed down to end its unpleasant and criminal associations With kind regards, David Hine.
David Hine
19/4/2021 08:58:28 pm
Hi, I wonder if you have an email adreess that would put me in direct contact with Mervyn Hagger privately? I did have it some time ago, but I forgot to add it to my contact list..I would never pass the email address to anyone. With very kind regards, David.Hine . .
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