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This is Robby Krieger one of the four founder members of The Doors. He is playing a Doors classic song 'Riders On The Storm'. Simple question is this band The Doors? Yes or No? Robby Krieger does not think it is. His bloodline goes back to the creation of The Doors. No it's just Robby Krieger an elderly gentleman surrounded by some friends playing (very well) an old and much beloved song. Psychiatrist: So whats seem to be the problem with this video?
Caroline Anorak: He's lying just look! Riders on the Storm was by The Doors it say's so after the song title, so this must be the Doors" Psychiatrist: I think you will find it is just referencing the Doors as the band who originally released this song. Caroline Anorak: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Psychiatrist: Nurse close the curtains and get the medication please.
Mervyn Hagger
15/10/2021 01:47:28 pm
Great song; great band; great analogy!
James McGregor
16/10/2021 06:42:42 pm
What were you writing yesterday . The talk out of fanny monologues
Mervyn Hagger
15/10/2021 08:36:15 pm
What absolute scum Garry Stevens and his crowd are - now pleading for Geoff to reappear. Geoff is my friend and he has been my friend for some time. I don't always agree with him but he is my friend because he is honest and you can't say that about Garry Stevens and the people he now attracts. This includes McGregor who keeps posting to me and I keep rejecting his posts. He is cut from the same cloth as Stevens. They don't read, don't think but they clearly all have their begging bowls out. Geoff, stay happy and stay clear of these people. Your friend, Mervyn. (Now watch people like McGregor tear this to shreds. They really are sorry specimens of human dross.)
John Lewis
16/10/2021 08:40:45 pm
Say no more
Doctor soap opera
16/10/2021 08:44:58 pm
I am not on Facebook but can an appeal be put out for Geoff on it or other modern media sources. Perhaps an appeal on one of the SW stations like Neil's or FRS Holland. He is in our thoughts and prayers. Most of us obviously. Not people consumed with hatred like you know you
Mervyn Hagger
16/10/2021 09:01:12 pm
Well, after writing to Garry Stevens and asking him over and over again why, after he denounced Malcolm Smith's Church of Caroline and its Joke Board, he then tried to snuggle back up with Smith and advertised and promoted Rusling's bible which was written to support the Caroline Joke.
In the Spirit of Norman Greenbaum
16/10/2021 05:17:16 pm
Unsolicited and unwanted, we keep getting two-part posts from the man of many names and riddles.
James McGregor
17/10/2021 08:43:24 pm
Hi Merve, yeah credit where credit is due. You occasionally write some good personal insights. There's a lot of truth in what you say to me ie I can't have my cake and drink it as well without making a mess in my trousers. I just lost another pair today. Unfortunate as that obviously is I see no connection with being a Ross Revenge or any other offshore generation fan or hobby of interest and being a substance addict and have extremely little faith in being a pirate radio freak in curing anything. I would lightheadedly suggest it goes with the territory and magnifies all things eccentric traits good or bad but to say I believe it's a church or have any faith in it to cause or cure alcoholism is common sense nonsense
In Reply to JM
20/10/2021 03:57:00 pm
JM you summed it all up very well.
For the Garry Stevens Record
16/10/2021 08:03:31 pm
Posted by Atlantisgb! on October 16, 2021, 6:59 pm, in reply to "Re: For The Attention of Geoff Hutton"
James the Conspiracy Analyst - you can trust his wit and wisdom - he says ....
17/10/2021 08:05:42 am
Posted by James McGregor on October 16, 2021, 9:03 pm, in reply to "Re: For The Attention of Geoff Hutton"
Garry Sanders
17/10/2021 05:41:45 pm
I don't have a board. Leave me out of it.
Wiki Wanda
18/10/2021 06:29:39 am
True, anyone can, but if a cult with members does not like the changes they can undo them or reword the same misleading info and put it back.That is why the Caroline page is stagnant about origins. Until a number of people want to erase the nonsense the nonsense will remain.
Mike - Admin
17/10/2021 07:29:48 pm
I see they are waving their handbags around on the GS board. They should have gone down to the beach today like me & enjoyed the last few sunny warm days (it was down at Studland in Dorset anyway.
Mike - Admin
17/10/2021 07:35:09 pm
Make that Geoff Hutton removed - not Garry. Geoff is in a much higher league than the Cretin Caller & his inflated ego. Seriously Chiltern Gold copied his amateur Varonica Stupid Gold station. That was a crap station on a good day, the people at Thameside & Jackie used to laugh at them.
When is Mark Clark scum?
18/10/2021 07:58:33 am
Okay, its me, Mervyn Hagger asking the question, and here is why:
Fred Bramley
18/10/2021 11:11:57 am
Hi I'm Fred Bramley and I totally endorse Now & Then and Mervyn.
David Cotter
18/10/2021 11:22:53 am
Meanwhile, a group of people on a board which you hate and call scum have come together over their concern for a regular poster who is conspicuous by his absence from that board. Despite their opposing views, their anxiety for his welfare transcends other considerations. Isn't that nice?
Intrepid Birdman
18/10/2021 01:21:32 pm
I notice nobody has commented on your analogy regarding The Doors & Radio Caroline except Mervyn. As for Gerry Powell (aka Tony Kirk) and his stupid justification that the 1964-67 Radio Caroline is linked to the OFCOM licenced version today, well it really does sound like Malcolm Smith is getting a bit desperate right now.
Birdman in Print
18/10/2021 01:32:49 pm
John Burch with Chris England hold the real key to this story about the Ross Revenge and its fake registration as a yacht or pleasure boat. Some of it is recorded in the old Caroline Bulletin magazine and it also reveals details about Richards Butler the lawyers in London, and Ronan O'Rahilly and the involvement by John Burch with RIS. At that time Malcolm Smith was not even in the picture. So where are John Burch and Chris England? It was Chris England who had contact with John England in Texas and Chris England who was exploring the idea of claiming the abandoned Ross as salvage. Most of the anoraks on the Garry Board were not there and knew nothing first hand about any of this. They only know what they have been told by Malcolm. Does anyone reading this having old back issues of the Caroline Bulletin?
Intrepid Birdman
18/10/2021 08:13:28 pm
Good thinking fellow Birdman & as it happens out in my garage there is a pile of old CM Bulletins. Time to do a little forensic detective work as Mervyn Hagger would say.
Birdman in Print
18/10/2021 08:46:08 pm
This is from memory, JB ran several items, he was walking a tightrope with ROR and JE, but CE was trying to get control of the RR and he was the one who was making all of the enquiries. Anything that JB wanted to know went through CE. It all stopped which Murtha got control of the RR. But this is when a lot of first hand contact was going on with the RIS, So you are looking for snippets rather than big features in the CM Bulletin.
inform Wikipedia administration
18/10/2021 03:44:13 pm
the Caroline info is inconsistent, what would be the point,
Garry Dose Not No how to spill
19/10/2021 11:11:13 am
I see that Garry Stevens is talking to some of his multiple personalities over on his forum.
Mental As Anything
19/10/2021 11:13:46 am
He goes on to say "Anyway no more to be said really and far more important things to be getting on with right now." Stupid is, as stupid does...
Birdman and PM
19/10/2021 01:32:12 pm
Not everything that PM says about MH is false, the times when he has recalled (and made fun of) the transatlantic calls made by MH regarding the Wireless Telegraphy Act of 1949 are = TRUE.
Intrepid Birdman
19/10/2021 04:36:15 pm
It's my view that MS/PM was motivated about gaining more control over Radio Caroline at that time. Personally I think he had no intention of getting around the new laws that came into effect in 1990. The Dutch raid & then the Goodwin Sands grounding scuppered any plans of staying offshore & that seemed to suit MS/PM more than it should have. He was always good at demeaning other people, even back them, if MH had been talking to O'Rahilly about the circumvention of the law he probably would have listened, but he had a gatekeeper by then.
Doctor soap opera
19/10/2021 04:42:19 pm
This is of course the intellectual board?
James McGregor
19/10/2021 11:10:15 pm
Hi Mike, I think Geoff has been located so you can perhaps not print the all points bulletin to protect his identity
Mike - Admin
20/10/2021 07:23:04 pm
Yes James, I think that is best, you did as much as anyone else in actually trying to find him.
Birdman and reality
20/10/2021 09:33:32 am
ROR was a pawn in 1964 who became a paid stooge. By 1968 when the pay was shut off and his Dad no longer needed him, ROR became a believer in his own mythology, and this drew in the anoraks who were just beginning to form and began to turn to ROR as their messiah. He would know what to do.
20/10/2021 04:57:04 pm
I'm surprised that a whole day after you demanded the removal of the Radio Caroline page it is still there. Unbelievable!
20/10/2021 07:30:05 pm
Some say the CIA 'invented' wikipedia, whilst I am not sure about that I am quietly confident that they are behind the personal information hoovering site that is Faceache.
James McGregor
20/10/2021 07:42:50 pm
Yes, I sort of sort of sort of agree with that
David Cotter
22/10/2021 08:04:33 am
Mervyn, thanks for the heads up about a new edition of the Radio Caroline Bible! Your readers are all aware of it now. Order placed!
David Cotter - self-confessed gullible fool
22/10/2021 11:53:54 am
Fools rush in is the name of David's favorite song!
Mervyn Hagger - self confessed arrogant twat
22/10/2021 10:16:14 pm
Favourite song - Poor Poor Pitiful Me
Doctor will be calling Thursday about the bloodline
22/10/2021 06:31:18 pm
Today we have people like Mervyn Hagger who writes very passionate and logical posts behind the scene, but then bursts into absolute lunacy all within the same message. On one hand it appears that Hagger "gets it" and on the other hand he then wraps himself in this "poor suckers who don't get me business."
No James - you just described yourself
22/10/2021 10:15:56 pm
Go back a few posts on this thread James and read the long retort to your rant doing just the job you have now accused someone else of doing. It is identical. Obviously your mind flits in and out of sanity.
Sonny Jim wont post here
24/10/2021 10:34:25 am
It seems that Sonny Jim's raw nerve was exposed here, so he let lose on the 'yesternoir' comment board and consequently it got rejected because it failed to address the topic which is about the start of Radio Caroline in 1964. That is a time when Sonny Jim Cotter was probably not even an idea for creation in his parents' minds. It is a pity that they dig not feed him with commonsense and logic while providing him with bodily food.
David Cotter
24/10/2021 02:39:45 pm
Well, I did post here actually, as you well know, but it has not been published. Another twisting of the facts to suit yours
Mervyn Hagger
24/10/2021 03:40:40 pm
You anoraks just don't get "it", do you? The reason is that just as Paul Rusling told me that he had no time for research and after seeing part of our library he said that he had no time to read - neither do you lot.
Sonny Jim didn't post here!
24/10/2021 08:03:48 pm
Sonny Jim posted over there because Sonny Jim is of the age and up bringing who thinks that everyone owes him something, but Sonny Jim, David Cotter was born to DIE - just like everyone else on this Planet. No one owes you anything but you seem to think that the group I am with owe you a publication. We don't owe you anything. Paul Rusling thinks that you lot are fools to be fleeced because he did it once and now he is going to try it again. It is fools like you who don't 'get it'. You were born to DIE and no one asked if you you wanted to be born, did they? Maybe you should have a go at your parents for that oversight. You should sue them for taking away your right of self-determination. It that sounds stupid - that is how you are coming across as stupid. Now go and demand your 'fair share' of the British Treasury. They owe it to you. Actually, that would make more sense than the nonsense stuffed into your head at the moment. Please don't cry. Actually, I don't give a **** if you do.
David Cotter
25/10/2021 11:01:07 pm
Just curious, Merve. You continually accuse certain parties of theft and fraud. Why haven't you taken legal action? Perhaps you get your kicks trolling people on obscure internet blogs instead. Perhaps you can't back it up in a court of law. Perhaps you have no REAL evidence.
David Cotter can't spell, can't read, can't think
26/10/2021 10:36:19 am
First you obviously cannot spell - even when a name is right in front of you: where is the 'e' after 'v'?
David Cotter
26/10/2021 10:28:27 pm
If anyone needs remedial training it's someone who repeats himself on a daily basis, whining about how aggrieved he is, poring over minutiae that nobody cares about.
Mervyn Hagger
25/10/2021 11:52:04 am
James McGregor - I am sorry that your failing health is dominating your life, but if you want to leave some sort of legacy, please stop writing nonsense and even if 648 music gives you pleasure, please separate those issues from the research ongoing into the 1964 origins of Radio Caroline.
25/10/2021 09:44:26 pm
Hallucination Society
26/10/2021 10:14:56 pm
Any uppers on Neil gates opining I am a gutless cretin
Neil Gates Delusion Society Membership pissed
26/10/2021 11:07:22 pm
Prof David Cotter - Profile - Royal College of Surgeonshttps
Mervyn Hagger
27/10/2021 08:57:23 am
We keep getting long posts from James McGregor over at YesterNoir and of course they keep getting rejected because they are not on subject. Since the topic of this particular thread (created by Mike - who is NOT me), is in keeping with this topic which also concerns David Cotter, I will repost it here, and then add another post to tie it all together:
Mervyn Hagger
27/10/2021 09:40:22 am
This is a follow-up to the James McGregor post about David Cotter who asked why our team has not sued Paul Rusling for copyright infringement. The answer goes back to the days when I was working with both Don Pierson and his son Grey in Texas.
Mike - Admin
27/10/2021 08:01:39 pm
For David Cotter
David Cotter
27/10/2021 11:05:22 pm
Fair enough. Genuine question - it would be interesting to know how many visitors you get rather than just the percentage increase. Same with Mervyn's blogs. We know the numbers who read posts on the other boards, of course.
Mervyn Hagger
28/10/2021 01:06:08 pm
David - just piss off.
Mervyn Hagger
28/10/2021 07:26:02 am
I endorse your comments Mike.
James McGregor
28/10/2021 06:32:35 pm
Hi, Merve I thought that quite a while ago you said there was a very good true account of reg Calvert in 3 parts by Susan Moore called Ceath of a Pirate
David Cotter
28/10/2021 10:13:40 pm
Whoa! I simply enquired regarding the size of your audience, which obviously hit a nerve. You seem to have forgotten the genealogical information I fed you. I did so to establish at first hand the way in which you work and I don't like it. I have expanded that research but you will not be privy to it, I'm afraid.
James McGregor
28/10/2021 11:09:16 pm
I don't really know why I feel the need to do this and make this rubbish an ongoing soap opera Doctor but being a humanitarian in my lizard form I do notice that Stewart Admin over there is getting hot sweats and flushes over poor old Mike Simmonds looking in scrap yards. It's not the first time either It has obviously been decided that the Winterval Sacrifice will be the scrap yard old goat of Mr Simmonds
Mervyn Hagger
29/10/2021 09:03:38 am
The book by Adrian Johns is called 'Death of a Pirate' (2011), and the book by Susan Moore, daughter of Reg Calvert is called 'Life and Death of a Pirate' (2017) - but the edition I have is a hardback containing her 3 book trilogy - which includes the biography covering the life of Reg Calvert as well as his death.
David Cotter aka Scottg
29/10/2021 03:05:20 pm
Oh dear I gave myself away by writing like I do under the name of Scottg:
30/10/2021 09:14:47 am
Uh-ho someone has edited the RC entry on Wikipedia. I wonder what will happen next?
30/10/2021 11:34:29 am
Well some brave soul decided to see if Wikipedia has changed its wicked ways and reverted to sanity in its editorial approach by making an attempt to revise the Radio Caroline page. BOOM! No sooner revised than reverted back to rubbish. Now the Garry Stevens choral has noted this attack and is attempting to rally the troops in the name of that blessed Saint Ronan and all that is holy in Carolineland.
Anorak Lie Detector
30/10/2021 05:09:53 pm
Our anorak lie detector hit the red zone today. Somebody tried to tell the truth & some spineless protector of lies kicked into action and activated the Church of Caroline to support him/her/it.
Mervyn Hagger
30/10/2021 05:44:55 pm
The Garry Stevens pocket people have all decided to immediately attack me - including the dope who calls himself 'Freddie Archer' but will never use his real name - just like Malcolm Smith who he also attacks!
Mike - Admin
31/10/2021 08:51:45 am
Reverting Wikipedia back to the "official" narrative regarding Radio Caroline 1964-67 is quite telling. It demonstrates that the cult or church of Caroline followers are not open to reality. Their version of events is final & anyone who questions them is a hostile enemy.
On the fence
31/10/2021 10:32:46 am
I don't know whether the Wikipedia editor who initially rejected the amendment is a Caroline fan or not, but the door was left open to discuss it.
31/10/2021 06:54:24 pm
the fact that Dave martin is on the Wikipedia team could be the reason why the updated correct details about Caroline have disapeared,
David cottage
30/10/2021 09:52:55 pm
David cotter,
Clocks going back
30/10/2021 11:12:06 pm
1 November new Roan bashing topic please for Merveryn and James to play with
Anoying Anorak Awards
31/10/2021 05:58:05 pm
Mark Clark has been nominated for the Annoying Anorak Awards (The AAA's) for his persistence in knowing everything with statistical support.
31/10/2021 08:22:28 pm
have some respect ,
1/11/2021 09:32:49 am
Yea & you only found out after this was published so cut the self righteous holier than thou nonsense.
Scottg who deserves to receive the idiots' idiot award
31/10/2021 07:04:18 pm
Scottg has just read the rubbish on Wikipedia and discovered the Drummond article. How long will it take for him to read that The Trio exposed Drummond as an authentic crook who stole from an Essex printer, went to prison and then changed his name?
31/10/2021 08:16:15 pm
These anoraks are buckets of scum - mean, vicious, two-faced bastards who stab you in the back and then mourn you when you die!
James McGregor
31/10/2021 09:48:45 pm
Despite him no longer moderating on the GS Forum Geoff Hutton is still widely tipped to win Most Abused Moderator By Anorak Idiots.
Geoff Hutton Remembered as a friend
1/11/2021 10:03:19 am
Read the obit at
Geoff Hutton, great, he's dead, snigger, snigger.
1/11/2021 10:51:38 am
It gets worse. Now Malcolm Smith using his fake name is lamenting sort of, the death of Geoff Hutton, on the Garry Steven's Board. Then there is this:
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