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Do you remember those endless BBC reports on Trump & Russian collusion? The certainty that he was guilty of that & much more. It was not just the BBC, in America CNN & MSNBC could talk of nothing but his guilt along with CBS & others nodding in agreement. The same goes for ABC in Australia. These are your mainstream media (MSM) outlets with huge influence! For me this not about politics or Donald Trump, this is about learning just how much the MSM collude with each other, are driven by their own agendas or those of the elites who consider the likes of you and me as sheep & cattle. If you trust the BBC as an unbiased news outlet then the propaganda & conditioning has already worked. “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. Among psychologists something like this known as the “illusion of truth” effect. The MSM have become adept at delivering biased reporting as trustworthy news. The only good news in this respect is that more & more people are waking up to their antics and questioning everything they say. Geoff Hutton was one such person, I did not always agree with him, or though a good number of times I did. Geoff thought for himself, challenged the narrative of the MSM, and tried to inform others. Sadly for the latter he was to often berated by the tiny minded anoraks that would rather just go through life in denial, rather than wake up & smell the coffee. Such is their loss, and for thinking people who are able to think outside of the box, Geoff is our loss.
Mervyn Hagger
13/11/2021 05:42:04 pm
Another good one Mike for all those BBC-etc brainwashed goons who have not been getting the uncensored news. Yes, the pissing prostitutes story is courtesy of the British Crown in all its pissing glory ruled over by the lady who by now has bladder problems herself and resides at Buck Palace. Of course she will say "Oh horror, I did not know." Just like the Rusling-Smith anoraks. An 'edited' version of that BBC road trip to see the hulk is in final editing and will appear tomorrow.
David Cotter
13/11/2021 06:21:11 pm
points from today's blog postings:
Mervyn Hagger
13/11/2021 09:24:59 pm
1. If David Cotter is not Paul Rusling,he ought to be because both are very stupid people saying the same thing and don't know what they are talking about.
David Cotter
14/11/2021 11:47:15 am
Care to address the copyright issue?
Copyright Issue
14/11/2021 12:07:48 pm
Nobody answers to you Mr Cotter (not your real name).
David Cotter
14/11/2021 02:11:25 pm
Well Mr Copyright Issue (not your real name), that is the response of someone who has no answer. You don't like being asked awkward questions, do you?
Factual Dilema
14/11/2021 12:12:47 pm
What if Rusling has had his book published & now has realized as soon as he releases it the real truth will be fully exposed re 1964 - 67. Rusling equals pulp fiction for the beginnings of Radio Caroline (the real one).
Me Copyright Issue
14/11/2021 07:58:08 pm
I love awkward questions. Please ask me a really awkward question & do it now!!!!
David Cotter
14/11/2021 10:22:24 pm
OK, here's one. Where's the "edited version of that BBC road trip to see the hulk" which was in final editing yesterday and you said would appear today?.
Editor of the Hulk
15/11/2021 01:48:59 pm
We thought of treating it seriously, but then decided to make it funny and rip it apart. So it is taking longer than expected. It will also incorporate lying Malcolm's own excuse in blaming the BBC when the lies came out of Malcolm's own mouth:
Doctor Bored Copyright Watcher Bramley
15/11/2021 09:37:24 am
Simple answer. It's none of your business. Nobody answers to you. Your sense of entitlement gets you nowhere. Your advice is irrelevant. Nobody cares.
David Cotter
15/11/2021 10:09:51 am
You have confused "sense of entitlement" with " being held to account".
Fred Bramley
15/11/2021 06:24:54 pm
sense of entitlement
Garry Stevens
15/11/2021 06:28:10 pm
Dose you no that you are confused as you have not got the write to ask anyone anything & demand a risponce. When I was the supreme leader of Veronica Super Gold I was asked to be program director for Chiltern Sounds but turned it down as they hid a lice sense & I am always a parrot at hart
Mike Simmonds
15/11/2021 06:34:02 pm
I think a 60's jazz format with custard creams would give Radio Caroline more of an appeal on 648khz and Flashback at the weekends with non stop George Formby and the occasional nose flute song, Best Rgds Mike
15/11/2021 06:38:21 pm
Short Wave is a difficult animal as it still has an audience with the Pope when he's not busy chasing his bishops finger. On the other hand Radio Caroline is a fraud that was stolen by Malcolm Moore and turned into an old peoples home. The only reason they are on medium wave is because you can still smell the urine on there.
Another Anorak
15/11/2021 07:58:30 pm
Well my long winded view is that I don’t listen to Radio Caroline or have any interest in pirate radio. I do like to write loads of words about BBC transmitter sites and give my extended view of when they will close because nobody is listening. Although I am Another Anorak I don’t really like radio that much, but do like writing my thoughts and………….continues for another 100000 words….
Para Noya
15/11/2021 10:24:11 pm
Toilet Anorak
16/11/2021 11:31:45 am
Does anyone know how many toilets there are on the Ross Revenge and what flushing mechanisms they use. I have a photo of an Armitage Shanks B35 bowl that I believe was on the Fredirica but it might have been the Ross Revenge as it has some of Ronan's poo stains on it.
Freddie Archer
16/11/2021 11:33:33 am
I think I may have kissed that toilet. Still onwards & upwards.
Bog Brush Bore
16/11/2021 12:03:27 pm
Does anyone know how many toilets there are on the Ross Revenge and what flushing mechanisms they use.
Print On Demand
17/11/2021 04:36:40 pm
I Demand to be PRINTED!!!
Mi Amigo Gates modulated Pye shop monitored devil unlevelled sausage antenna monitor
17/11/2021 05:26:32 pm
Being an attention seeking ship. I am not getting my fair share
Mervyn Hagger
17/11/2021 07:05:24 pm
Did Rusling do a bunk? It is now November 17 and still no sign of a book .... Order #20073701 (Placed 27th October 2021) awaiting publication, that's what it says on our Blogs!
David Cotter
18/11/2021 11:48:49 am
More libellous comments. If your supplier can't deliver and you don't want to get it direct then cancel your order, get it from here:
More Cotter Drivel
19/11/2021 11:59:45 am
Your such a bore Mr Cotter. Talking about whining do you ever stop?
David Cotter
20/11/2021 10:11:19 am
I will when you do. So you ordered pre- publication from Amazon????? Dear oh dear. It's almost like you wanted there to a problem with delivery.
Amazon Fact Checker
20/11/2021 11:40:26 am
David Cotter writes "So you ordered pre- publication from Amazon????? Dear oh dear. It's almost like you wanted there to a problem with delivery."
Mervyn Hagger
21/11/2021 06:26:17 pm
David Cotter is a fake, probably another name for Paul Rusling who is a crook - a thief who you are aiding and abetting by telling me to do business with a crook who is the person who told the world that he was supplying reputable book sellers who can't get hold of his print on demand rubbish. You keep citing law when it is clear that you have absolutely no knowledge of the kind of law you are referring to - just like Rusling. So that is why I call you and all of your ilk a criminal gang who scoff at the laws intended to protect people like me from being ripped off by people like you. So Paul or whatever you want to call yourself today, stay in the hole you have dug for yourself and shut up.You just don't know when to quit, do you? To think that all you originally had to do was apologise! What a jerk you are.
Mervyn Hagger
19/11/2021 10:02:44 am
Here we go. James McGregor has written that Malcolm did not say that the Ross Revenge was the Fredericia, and that Malcolm Smith put the bit about Blackburn and Caroline Kennedy in the Antiques Road Trip to wind me up.
Over The Anoraks Heads
19/11/2021 12:05:25 pm
It's not a long stretch from Waco to Wacko & that's what the Caroline anoraks are, quite wacko! Mind you it was the FBI that caused the Waco fire whereas it was not O'Rahilly that caused the birth of Caroline.
Mervyn Hagger
19/11/2021 12:53:06 pm
I was living not many miles from Waco and I saw the very beginning of the raid and the long-form coverage that ended in flames. I also got involved with reporters who were investing the entire episode which involved a LOT of British citizens who fell for the Koresh nonsense.
James McGregor
19/11/2021 07:48:16 pm
Your video edit tells me two or 3 things. First that PM did not say he had managed bands he said he wanted to. Bit of a difference. There is NO MENTION WHATSOVER of the Ross Revenge being the original Caroline ship. This is made quite clear not only in the narration BUT BY THE PICTURES!!!!
Mervyn Hagger
19/11/2021 09:12:30 pm
James, I thought you were good with words. Not so. I thought you were good at seeing nuances. Not so You apparently have to be told that Daz washes whiter about 50 times, and then told no, you can't wash whiter about 5 million times.
Elliot Ness
19/11/2021 01:42:51 pm
James trousers are certainly the untouchables
James McGregor
19/11/2021 05:02:24 pm
I would have preferred it it Malc Peter had said well legend has it about the magazines which mysteriously change names and pictures from titles to boys to girls
Radio 4 Dummies
20/11/2021 11:19:03 am
I pity James McGregor and his sad bar room of loser friends
Mervyn Hagger
20/11/2021 06:00:51 pm
The problem is that the issue sails over James' head regarding Tony Blackburn, etc., etc.
Board Watcher
21/11/2021 06:11:34 pm
When is Mervyn's new video going on YouTube?
Dalek Detector Van
22/11/2021 10:30:38 am
To stop unessesarly speculation, could the current Caroline organisation/management/engineers please respond to my question:- WHAT IS THE CURRENT TRANSMITTER OUTPUT POWER before it arrives at the aerial currently being used? Scottg.
Mervyn Hagger
22/11/2021 10:51:44 am
No one is leaping to Rusling's defense. Not even Malcolm Smith. Nor the crazy five anoraks who post on Garry Steven's Forum under many different names. Amazon have no explanation as to the whereabouts of his revised book reissue, and neither do the chain of booksellers we bought our copy from back in October. Meantime, Wikipedia has wiped the vanity page maintained by Rusling. So where is he? Enjoying a beach where Winter is just ending and Summer is just beginning?
David Cotter
22/11/2021 11:49:07 am
Mervyn has made some very confusing comments on the blogs.
Mervyn Hagger
22/11/2021 03:39:57 pm
David Cotter that is about nearest to admitting that you are Paul Rusling using another daft name. If you read the Blog it says that Amazon do not have the book, and that another chain of booksellers that the order was placed through do not have it either. Paul, it sounds like you want to print one copy to shut me up if I send you an order. But hey, I did not personally place an order with anyone.
David Cotter
22/11/2021 07:17:07 pm
I repeat, I am not Paul Rusling however much you would like me to be. Has whoever placed the order on your behalf or on behalf of your trio contacted the publisher or do you prefer to keep bitching about it?
Smoke & Mirrors
23/11/2021 12:51:23 pm
The real question is (drum roll...) Is Paul Rusling actually David Cotter?
Secret Squirrel
22/11/2021 02:22:50 pm
You wanna know where Paul is? Well, he's enjoying the sunshine in his garden. So there you are.
Covid Regulator
23/11/2021 09:52:37 am
Secret Squirrel you have bogus info. He has been away longer than the recommended self-isolation time period. Have you prodded that lump that looks like Rusling to see if it is Ruslling, or is it just a dummy that is fooling you while he makes his getaway via Malcolm's little boat (not the RR hulk), that we saw him standing on TV.? That little boat won't get him very far in rough waters.
Mr Blobby
22/11/2021 06:50:40 pm
Someone nicked my wikipedia page!!
Len Frinton Confederation of Blobby Industry Conference. Green Biro Reportage
22/11/2021 07:50:52 pm
After questions on other issues of the day - the announcements on power increases and criticism of plans for any thing recorded at 33 rpm to be heard again without green renewable and editable forums - Mr Stevens left the stage
Mervyn Hagger
22/11/2021 07:11:37 pm
Just a reminder about the real world and the birth of Radio Caroline in 1964.
Mia Amigo Radio. Mama Mia here we go
22/11/2021 10:39:44 pm
What a Great idea! How about I install a jingle singing the words "We Hate "Caroline 648" each time we all log on / open the homepage here! Now that would / could really BEee Something.
Detective Inspector Kipper
23/11/2021 12:58:56 pm
Hello ello ello, whats all this then, Paul Rusling has done a runner with his punters money. Well we cant be having this, not on my watch anyhow!
Coincidence? I Think Not
23/11/2021 03:00:24 pm
Ronan O'Rahilly was in London the SAME WEEK I had my tonsils out. Does Malcom Smith have anything to say about that??
Mervyn Hagger
23/11/2021 05:23:22 pm
UPDATE! On the Garry Stevens' Rant Board Rusling has just reappeared from somewhere) and gone on a long tirade claiming everyone is happy and that he has just called the suppliers who placed a new order. Rusling is a lying SOB, what he did was eventually supply the people who supply the bookstore (BIG well-known British chain), and guess what? Rusling's book just arrived at their warehouse! So given the days necessary to ship it may be available to us in 4-5 days from now. Rusling was either waiting to borrow some money to print some books or got fed up with me branding him a multi-part thief and liar. As soon as the book becomes available to the Trio (I did not place the order), then will skim it and immediately dispatch it for loan to Mike who can tell you first hand what is in it. But what a coincidence. Rusling reappears and posts his nonsense and so I got on to the publisher on behalf of the purchaser, and they told me just minutes ago that Rusling had JUST supplied their warehouse with his book. What an amazing coincidence.
mike - admin
23/11/2021 08:25:29 pm
So Rusling blinked first, no surprise there.
Mervyn Hagger
23/11/2021 08:38:18 pm
I meant that after I read Rusling's post at 4:15PM today, I got on to the Head Office of the book store chain. If I got on to the 'publisher' I would have been talking to Rusling. Anyway, the book store chain went through their records and talked to their warehouse, and just after 5PM I had the real story about Rusling's delivery. This was his first delivery because if it had been the second one we would already have his book. Because I did not name the big bookstore, did Rusling have to print off at least 5 books and deliver one to each of them in the hope that he would get a copy to the chain we bought a copy from?
Mervyn Hagger
23/11/2021 06:01:58 pm
Wow! SuperStewart who can't spell like Garry (same person?) has just given gold star status to our non-paying pupil Paul Rusling! His post is now on one of our Blogs in its uncensored entirety. So is Super-Stewart's - I mean Garry Stevens.
JL Seagull
24/11/2021 08:35:47 am
Just look at the calibre of "experts" who support the usual bluster, Stevens (and his alias'), Bramley, atlantisgb! and Stewart the cacographist. One tiny braincell between them and that is being generous. McGregor is on there as well, but I feel he may be taking the piss in his usual way. Hardly a solid backing for his rantings!
Mervyn Hagger
24/11/2021 10:41:20 am
Clearly the hard evidence shows that Rusling has JUST NOW published more than one copy (if that) of his updated book.
James McGregor
24/11/2021 04:11:27 pm
OMG, I could smell it in my shorts
24/11/2021 04:19:45 pm
"There is no room on this board for the likes of MH hes just out to cause unpleasantnes Keep posts from him to a minimum"
mervyn hagger
24/11/2021 04:29:23 pm
The funny thing is that I stopped posting there the moment Garry Stevens switched sides and Rusling began stealing from me while Stevens applauded. I figured that enough is enough so we will be revealing how two-faced Garry Stevens is. I think that Stewart IS Garry Stevens.
Mike Simmonds Really radio 390 Relay society
25/11/2021 10:53:51 am
The signal is not as strong as the old Radio 390, but roughly the same as Radio London Big L, but much clearer and cleaner, will be interesting to see if they can get over the night time interference from Spain. The signal is on and off because of testing at the moment.Rgds Mike
James McGregor
27/11/2021 11:15:46 am
Morning all. I just I would pop in and assure everyone that I am their friend
The Church loves a repentant. All Cheer for the Anorak return of Garry
26/11/2021 07:50:42 pm
Welcome back Garry of Stevenage, who has returned to us
Mervyn Hagger
27/11/2021 11:40:02 am
Shut up James you are now being very, very stupid (again). We have had enough of these childish antics and so it is time to expose Garry Stevens and company for what they are. We began by tearing off the cover of hypocrisy concerning the death of Geoff Hutton. Geoff was our friend and he shared with us Garry's Admin page which in turn revealed details of all of the really stupid and ignorant fools who have written on his Forum. Clearly Rusling has fallen flat on his face with push backs from Wikipedia and failure to supply bookstores. As of today not one single book review has appeared - not even from his anorak chums. They are all liars, cheats, frauds and yes, total fools.
James McGregor
27/11/2021 03:29:11 pm
From Hampton to Kew the Thames flows on since time began
Mervyn Hagger
27/11/2021 04:55:43 pm
James = Shut up!
For James, Who Like Rusling Does Not Read
27/11/2021 05:59:31 pm
Posted by James McGregor on November 27, 2021, 4:06 pm, in reply to "Re: More malevolent falsehoods from MH "
Admin - Mike
28/11/2021 01:25:11 pm
Please note: If you write something on another forum there is no need to re-post it here. Have your little rants just the once, it will not be published here.
David Cotter
28/11/2021 03:35:40 pm
Point taken. I have posted elsewhere in the likelihood that my comments would not be published by Mervyn on his board, where he has now withdrawn that facility, nor here. Hopefully this post will not be censored to preserve a balance and to permit a right of reply to blog posts.
Mervyn Hagger
29/11/2021 08:06:27 am
David Cotter doe not get "the point" at all. Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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