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Rand Report Prescribed US Provocations Against Russia and Predicted Russia Might Retaliate In Ukraine (by Rick Sterling - March 28, 2022)
According to a 2019 Rand report titled "Overextending and Unbalancing Russia", the US goal is to undermine Russia just as it did the Soviet Union in the cold war. Rather than "trying to stay ahead" or trying to improve the US domestically or in international relations, the emphasis is on efforts and actions to undermine the designated adversary Russia. Rand is a quasi-US governmental think tank that receives three-quarters of its funding from the US military. The report lists anti-Russia measures divided into the following areas: economic, geopolitical, ideological/informational, and military. They are assessed according to the perceived risks, benefits and "likelihood of success". The report notes that Russia has "deep seated" anxieties about western interference and potential military attack. These anxieties are deemed to be a vulnerability to exploit. There is no mention of the cause of the Russian anxieties: they have have been invaded multiple times and had 27 million deaths in WW2. Significance of Ukraine Ukraine is important to Russia. The two countries share much common heritage and a long common border. One of the most important leaders of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev, was Ukrainian. During WW2, Ukraine was one of Hitler’s invasion routes and there was a small but active number of Ukrainian collaborators with Nazi Germany. The distance from the capital of Ukraine, Kiev, to Moscow is less than 500 miles. For these same reasons of geography and history, Ukraine is a major component of a US/NATO effort to undermine Russia. Current Under Secretary for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, said that over 20 years the US invested $5 billion in the project to turn Ukraine. The culmination was a violent coup in February 2014. Since 2015, the US has been training ultra nationalist and Neo-Nazi militias. This has been documented in articles such as "U.S. House admits Nazi role in Ukraine" (Robert Parry, 2015), "The US is arming and assisting neo-nazis in Ukraine while the House debates prohibition."(Max Blumenthal, 2018), "Neo Nazis and the far right are on the march in Ukraine" (Lev Golinken in 2019) and "The CIA may be breeding Nazi terror in Ukraine" (Branko Marcetic Jan. 2022). Rand suggested provocations Prior to 2018, the US only provided "defensive" military weaponry to Ukraine. The Rand report assesses that providing lethal (offensive) military aid to Ukraine will have a high risk but also a high benefit. Accordingly, US lethal weaponry skyrocketed from near zero to $250M in 2019, to $303M in 2020, to $350M in 2021. Total military aid is much higher. A few weeks ago, "The Hill" reported, "The US has contributed more than $1 billion to help Ukraine’s military over the past year". The Rand report lists many techniques and "measures" to provoke and threaten Russia. Some of the steps include:
These and many other provocations suggested by Rand have, in fact, been implemented. For example, NATO conducted massive war exercises dubbed "Defender 2021" right up Russia’s border. NATO has started "patrolling" the Black Sea and engaging in provocative intrusions into Crimean waters. The US has withdrawn from the INF Treaty. Since 2008, when NATO "welcomed" the membership aspirations of Ukraine and Georgia, Russia has said this would cross a red line and threaten its security. In recent years NATO has provided advisers, training and ever increasing amounts of military hardware. While Ukraine is not a formal member of NATO, it has increasingly been treated like one. The full Rand report says "While NATO’s requirement for unanimity makes it unlikely that Ukraine could gain membership in the foreseeable future, Washington’s pushing this possibility could boost Ukrainian resolve while leading Russia to redouble its efforts to forestall such a development." The alternative, which could have prevented or at least forestalled the current Russian intervention in Ukraine, would have been to declare Ukraine ineligible for NATO. But this would have been contrary to the US intention of deliberately stressing, provoking and threatening Russia. Ukraine as US client In November 2021, the US and Ukraine signed a Charter on Strategic Partnership. This agreement confirmed Ukrainian aspirations to join NATO and rejection of the Crimean peoples decision to re-unify with Russia following the 2014 Kiev coup. The agreement signaled a consolidation of Washington’s economic, political and military influence. December 2021 Russia red lines followed by military action In December 2021, Russia proposed a treaty with the US and NATO. The central Russian proposal was a written agreement that Ukraine would not join the NATO military alliance. When the proposed treaty was rebuffed by Washington, it seems the die was cast. On February 21, Putin delivered a speech detailing their grievances. On February 24, Putin delivered another speech announcing the justification and objectives of the military intervention to "demilitarize" and "denazify" Ukraine. As Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov later said, "This is not about Ukraine. This is the end result of a policy that the West has carried out since the early 1990’s." Afghanistan again? As earlier indicated, the Rand report assesses the costs and benefits of various US actions. It is considered a "benefit" if increased US assistance to Ukraine results in the loss of Russian blood and resources. Speculating on the possibility of Russian troop presence in Ukraine, the report suggests that it could become "quite controversial at home, as it did when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan." (p 99 of full report) That historical reference is significant. Beginning in 1979, the US and Saudi Arabia funded and trained sectarian foreign fighters to invade and destabilize the Afghan government. The goals were to overthrow the socialist inclined government and lure the Soviet Union into supporting the destabilized government. It achieved these Machiavellian goals at the cost of millions of Afghan citizens whose country has never been the same. It appears that Ukrainian citizens are similarly being manipulated to serve US goals. A "disadvantageous peace settlement" The Rand report says, "Increasing US military aid would certainly drive up the Russian costs, but doing so could also increase the loss of Ukrainian lives and territory or result in a disadvantageous peace settlement." But who would a peace settlement be "disadvantageous" for? Ukrainian lives and territory are currently being lost. Over fourteen thousand Ukrainian lives have been lost in the eastern Donbass region since the 2014 coup. A peace settlement that guaranteed basic rights for all Ukrainians and state neutrality in the rivalry of big powers, would be advantageous to most Ukrainians. It is only the US foreign policy establishment including the US military media industrial complex and Ukrainian ultra-nationalists who would be "disadvantaged". Since Ukraine is a multi-ethnic state, it would seem best to accept that reality and find a compromise national solution which facilitates all Ukrainians. Being a client of a distant foreign power is not in Ukraine’s national best interest. The Rand report shows how US policy focuses on actions to hurt Russia and manipulates third party countries (Ukraine) toward that task.
Bored Quizzer
30/3/2022 11:39:54 am
...and all we sad old anoraks can think about is was a women on a boat or not in a vain attempt at some point scoring. Next up - Lets Ban The Russian Refugees in Finland because they are er um, well they are Russian and everyone knows Russians are bad!!!!
Briois Johnson to Inquiry Committee
30/3/2022 04:57:46 pm
I am ensuring you I am still your leader, and as the answer to your fertiliser question. I am spreading all the good stuff around the British Isles
George See Scottg
30/3/2022 05:10:53 pm
Don't get me wrong. I know those Ruckexcuses. I know they felt damn hard against those snazzies. 25 million+ emojos. That's not a war Mr President. That is a crime committed in the name of inhumanity of which you will have to answer to the Coca Cola company and more importantly Facebook
BBC, DW and RT = spot the difference
30/3/2022 06:30:13 pm
Okay, RT in 2022 is saying what BBC and DW were saying in 2014, but in 2022 BBC and DW are saying what? That they never said what they said back in 2014?
Bored of the Boring Board Watcher
30/3/2022 07:30:18 pm
The Board Watcher will not mention someone again. Oh good.
Put up or shut up 'Quizzer'
30/3/2022 07:59:32 pm
Was 'Quizzer' on the VoP? Well 'Quizzer' contradicts Genie Baskir: "Posted by The Quizzer on March 28, 2022, 7:29 pm ...
Interested - for Mervyn
30/3/2022 10:54:46 pm
In the previous thread I asked if you could kindly post links to the BBC Newsnight videos you referred to. Perhaps you missed it.
31/3/2022 10:43:05 am
I stumbled across these videos by chance on YouTube! I would have thought that they would have been censored and removed due to the anti-Russian propaganda, but not so, because the censors have a major problem.
BBC Newsnight Feb 28, 2014
31/3/2022 11:02:43 am
Canada looks at Ukrainian neo-Nazis
31/3/2022 11:11:17 am
DW - and Ukrainian neo-Nazis
31/3/2022 11:12:36 am
31/3/2022 11:18:43 am
31/3/2022 11:31:27 am - Weimar and modern Germany in 2019 - this is DW TV and it is fueling the war in Ukraine.
Mike Watcher
31/3/2022 09:48:07 am
Congratulations Mike Wilson - you just beat RT to the broadcast beat with their in-depth coverage of this Rand document.
Quizzing the Quizzer
31/3/2022 01:20:33 pm
Your name?
James McGregor
31/3/2022 06:53:03 pm
I identify with one of many of your problems Merve. I have nervous itchy rashes all over acerbated by the stress of modern life. It was a lot easier in 1964 before I was born and Roan came to London for the Pilkington Census Circus chaired by King Harold Wilson. Roan found that radio was lacking and made it his life to improve the transistors. King Harold hated him and so put his memory to death by letting the Genie out of the bottle. Which reminds me I am very thirsty. Did I tell you I had a police call caution over Facebook, or was it Garry I told? I can't remember it was only last week. Have you had any idea how many disciples Garry has left? I count about 20. And all of my real name loyal will stay by his side till the end because he dares speak the truth about your crusade of ridicule and going of on a nut job Air Force 1 about every world event that happens and trying to put your own spin on it. If you are that clever why can you not even write one book? People less clever than you or I have written many interesting books about offshore wireless. Off my head I am, I can par example think of at least half a dozen travelling adventures of the MV Communicator written by the master storyteller
Admin - Mike
31/3/2022 09:49:51 pm
Get some help James. There is nothing wrong with being a fan of pirate radio but some anoraks are just in it for their pretense of some sort of fame. Garry Stevens land based pirate stations (basically only one that changed names a few times) were pitiful in comparison with most others in London pirates at the time.
Coming Off It Merve
1/4/2022 11:41:38 am
a) I am writing a book using court room standards; b) others have written make-believe stories c) if you are that much of a cult follower, then clearly you are in the flat earth category or even the David Koresh category and willing to die for your cult leader. That is just a pathetic waste of a human existence. May your biology soon end its occupation of space on this crowded Planet and take away one less source of CO2 emissions.
James McGregor
2/4/2022 12:35:58 pm
Mike is helping me a lot - to realise that this is just a game with him and Merve. Poking moneys in the cage and seeing who howls back first
James McGregor
2/4/2022 07:25:05 pm
I have just been banned again from Facebook Lovely cuddly neighbours app because I said that the local pavements were worse than Ukraine shell craters.
Is James mad?
3/4/2022 09:40:01 pm
James the world has not gone mad but you drift in and out of sanity. Maybe its the meds, but you are aiding mad people like Stevens and Rusling and Smith and all of their disciples who were too young to know anything about the Sixties from the inside. You need to take your meds, look in the mirror and then do something about the loonies you have been supporting.
WWW Sunflower Snowflake Soya Bean - Trans and Entitled
3/4/2022 11:14:06 pm
As if crisps don't cost enough already?
Unbanned but can you grass up and spy for us neighbours who are who they say they are?
5/4/2022 12:58:15 pm
Hi James,
Foxy News
3/4/2022 11:06:35 pm
James McGregor
4/4/2022 02:52:11 pm
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has described the alleged atrocities in Bucha as an "act" that was "staged" several days after Russian forces withdrew, according to Tass news agency.
James of Bucha
4/4/2022 05:30:56 pm
It is clear that James McGregor is responsible for atrocities destroying human interactive speech. It is a crime against humanity. I got this from an expert in London who should know all about this kind of confusion because he learned everything from Sefton Delmer under the direction of Winston Churchill.
While no one is paying attention ....
4/4/2022 06:08:41 pm
What a distraction is this war between Ukraine and Russia. How about Turkey? That was the Black Sea nation that almost triggered WWIII and JFK had to secretly back down and pull out USA missiles.
Wrong again
5/4/2022 01:20:13 pm
Right again and again and again
6/4/2022 12:22:31 pm
Whoever the squirrel is that is playing 'gotcha' you must be one of the dopey, stupid and ignorant crowd from Garry Stevens' Board.
Distraction Racal McGregor - no relation to Secret Squirt squirrel squeal - or any other term my thesauri's throe popup
7/4/2022 07:07:44 pm
Nothing to do with this as such but just curious and apart from my good friends on Garry have no one to ask it?
Mr Alleged
7/4/2022 08:12:06 pm
Have you noticed how much the word 'alleged' is being used on UK newscasts?
Mr Blink
8/4/2022 07:44:12 am
Onward Christian Soldiers going on to war, with the Soros Banner going on before.... World War III ... with Nancy heading off to Taiwan and China suggesting that the US is now preparing for a war on two fronts - Ukraine and Taiwan. Who is making money? US gas industry now exporting to Europe laughing at that old myth about 'climate change' .... It is time to pray and pay in this glorious moment when the new dark age is finally beginning because no one is blinking and soon, very soon, the war of bullets will be coming your way.
No point in posting here
8/4/2022 12:59:06 pm
Responses to what I suspect are Mervyn's comments are censored or dismissed as point scoring. There shall be no challenge to his conspiracy theories, so what's the point? This blog will die or be left to Mike, Mervyn and James to play with themselves even if changes are underway in February, or is it March? No, must be April.
Mike - Admin
8/4/2022 09:15:18 pm
No censorship for sensible thoughtful comments here. But idiots who can only rant or apologies for the likes of Soros need to go away and do some real research.
No point in posting here
8/4/2022 11:11:32 pm
The fact is that you will not accept any views which do not align with your own and discuss them in a sensible manner.
Mervyn Hagger
9/4/2022 07:45:39 am
I do not engage in conspiracy theories and I also use my real name. So who are you? Probably one of the 3 under various names who are commenting on the death of the 'Radio Ship' which isn't a radio ship but a web site which few people have even heard of, so they won't miss it. As for you, how can we miss you when you are two afraid to identify yourself. In view of the Ukraine hysteria I am thinking of loading a lorry with meds and driving to James' house to save himself from himself. Bombs unnecessary. If you would like to contribute to this noble charity effort, please bring your donations to the Square (the lorry will be parked under the big Clock next to Sainsbury's with a big G.S. Removals on the side.)
No point in posting here
9/4/2022 10:22:04 am
Thank you for your values input.
9/4/2022 10:55:12 am
Don't know about the website, but the Radio Ship's Facebook page has 1547 followers, so your claim that few have heard of it might be a little off. Social media is where it's at, so where is JLRI etc apart from a few dormant pages and groups? 9/4/2022 09:32:43 am
Mike, a suggestion. I have been puzzled by the constant RT referrals to the neo-Nazi AZOV Battalion and the very last last stand battle now going on at the AZOV steel works outside Mariupol.
Facts about Facts
12/4/2022 01:21:16 pm
In a bedroom hiding from Mummy is a little boy name Scottg with his pal Fred Bramley. What are these two are doing is anyone's guess, but who cares? They are giggling writing posts signed 'Facts'. The trouble is that these kids are way beyond the age of living at home. Fact is that they don't know that they are stupid.and living in a make believe world with a radio ship that is really Scottg's bedroom which their pals avidly tune into from their bedrooms while hiding from their Mummies.
13/4/2022 10:15:57 am
What is really, really stupid is presuming that you know who wrote a post when you don't. What is really, really stupid is deflecting from addressing the comments because you have no answer to them.
Facts about Facts
14/4/2022 06:58:53 am
Dear "Facts" your identity is written all over you. Scottg and Fred Bramley and all of the other anoraks are one mindless gloop of idiocy and the reason why the "Facts' post is written that way is because it is the product of a collective loony-bin where the inmates have no self-identity. They are the Greens; the Nazis; the Commies and the Anoraks all rolled into one identity. You are that gloop. Maybe you should by addressed by that name and that we should call you Garry Gloop instead of 'Facts"?
Former Radio Caroline Listener
13/4/2022 09:56:57 am
I just cant anymore. It's tired sounding and mainly old age pensioners reliving their past. Except for a few obsessive old anoraks who really cares anymore. Neil Gates is right it is just a tribute station for bygone years. If thats your bag then fine, for me the offshore days had that extra buzz that separated it from the mainstream. It's over for me, better things to listen to and better presenters
In Garry Gloop's Bedroom
14/4/2022 07:15:30 am
It's crowded in here, not because there are so many people, but because the few that are in here are all huddled into one tiny spare bedroom where there is barely space to move. No problem with privacy they all have the same DNA. They are all in love - brotherly love - with each other. No sexual contact here. So if they have sleepovers they sometimes in a daze pull on someone else's Spiderman underwear. They don't have sisters so they don't know about biology, only comic book life and comics for the Gloops do not include facts of life, or any facts for that matter. They all listen and watch the same obscure sounds and sights and close the one tiny window to shut out the sound of thunder or the chirping of birds. Nature is imagined. Gloops remain in this one bedroom usually with the door locked to keep out the unwanted intrusion of the real world in the form of their Mummy. After all, Mummy knows the facts of life and that is how all of these Gloop kids came to be. But Mummy gave up long ago trying to teach them anything and so she is quite content to let them all reside in the spare bedroom and kid themselves that they were all brought over from Ireland in a box of dried seaweed that only required some sea water to bring it back to life. The best part is that they are in this one tiny spare bedroom and they are all dying off one by one and they can be removed and disposed of when the smell of their decaying corpses tell Mummy it is time to call in the undertaker once more.
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