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As I write this unmoderated opinion piece, eight articles about Radio Caroline are parked up on Garry (Legend in his own lunchtime) Stevens Pirate/Free Radio Board, the majority of them having nothing to do with pirate or free radio, but there you go. In the grand scheme of things it's of no real importance whatsoever, it's just a group of predominately older men pretending that the past is somehow still the present especially with their beloved community radio station and that their version of history is the final word, why they even have a Caroline Bible and who can argue with that. Someone asked why he had been banned (why not say censored), another suggested that whoever bans someone should admit they did it, but that was soon shot down by an administrator (hmmm... those who shout loudest have the most to hide?), in fact we are comfortably reminded that everything is fine in pretend pirate and free radio wonderland, indeed for some, it's a much better place than the real world, just don't rock the boat eh? Don't challenge the narrative, the admin team always know best, this is in everybody's interest, there are no thought police here, move along now, nothing but a few old anoraks in denial and nothing else to see here. And maybe that is all it is, an example of just how many want their own version of history, mentally sleep walking into oblivion, that's much more preferable and far better than being wide awake and aware of just how much their lives have been manipulated by those who know better. A glimpse into the lives of those who have been spoon fed their news by BBC, ITV, and newspapers for so long now, they have forgotten how to reason, debate, listen and accept alternative narratives. Perhaps the propaganda really has worked so well, that those who cry free radio still matters, have lost all sight of what freedom actually is. Freedom of Speech? Nah! you never ever had it, only your own make believe version and your own make believe history. Meanwhile over on the other side of the World everything is also fine, take Australia for example, there are no thought police down under.
Mervyn Hagger
9/11/2019 09:20:52 am
Last night I watched an interesting TV program on TiVo about the nominally BBC World Service from Bush House running a program aimed at East Germany. The show explained how BBC Bush House was a cover for MI6 at the Foreign Office. Many of the BBCi responses came from East German teenage students. When I began 4FWS after 1985 over a SW 'pirates' such as Radio East Coast Commercial and several other land based 'pirate' SW transmitters in the British Isles; Radio Delmare (land) and KIWI in New Zealand, most of my mail did not come from my target audience, it came from behind the Iron Curtain. The mail sent to Box 7 in Venus, Texas (for simplicity), often contained long letters from students in East Germany writing about freedom. They got the message. The target audience in the British Isles was much less responsive and only a handful seemed to understand the message. Language was not a barrier to the East Germans and neither was fading on SW. I also wonder why all of the heavy articles about 'climate change' run by Herbert W Armstrong in 'The Plain Truth' and offered free of charge up to three times a day over the offshore stations of the 1960s have all gone unmentioned. His magazine had published this stuff since the 1950s in millions of copies offered free of charge. Armstrong installed the world's first "garbage to compost digester" at his Ambassador College in Texas, long before others dreamed of "recycling". None of that is mentioned today. Instead the "new" and repacked climate propaganda message has popped up and it makes me wonder who and what is financially behind it and for what reason? Clearly there is NO "Climate Emergency" - but there is a massive "Climate Propaganda" message underway. Someone is paying for it and someone will be its political and financial beneficiary. Who is it? There seems to be a total disconnect between life and reality in the UK because the populace has lost the ability to ask "why" and to reason and to think things out. Human beings in the UK seem to have brainwashed into some sort of immortality of thought that is up to a 'Big Brother' government to program. The idea that the sexual connection between a male penis emitting a sperm into a female vagina and giving life to another temporal human being seems to have been lost, and with it seems to have disappeared that each person is born to die after a very short life span. There is no 'Government God', just a bunch of clowns laughing their way to their bank at the sheer stupidity of most human beings under their control. The exception seems to be the people born under an absolute dictatorship. The British are lobsters whose brains are being slowly cooked to death. (Yes, I am aware of the publication by that name - it seems to be in the hands of the same people who manipulate rubbish spawned by BBC.)
Ed Abovewater
9/11/2019 11:44:22 am
"Clearly there is NO "Climate Emergency"". Can you provide your reasoning and evidence for this statement? 11,000 scientists seem to disagree.
Mervyn Hagger
9/11/2019 03:19:32 pm
Ed Abovewater - I can't PROVE that "Jesus" won't return within the next 30 minutes (one minute?) either, but I can PROVE that this "Climate Emergency" is one gigantic commercial HOAX that has been around for GENERATIONS. Jesus should have returned by now and the the entire east coast of England including London should be submerged or something similar. Your "11,000 scientists" are comparable with everyone hates Marmite, but I for one like it and for some stupid reason a factory is making sure that supermarket shelves are well stocked with it in case I want to buy a jar.
Ed Abovewater
9/11/2019 04:15:54 pm
"I can PROVE that this "Climate Emergency" is one gigantic commercial HOAX that has been around for GENERATIONS". Can you do so then, please so that I might have a better understanding of your claim? What are your grounds for your assertion? Perhaps you can provide links to your evidence. I'm not sure that Jesus has much to do with it, but I take your point. I'm quite a Marmite fan myself, so let's hope that we can continue to create a demand.
Mike Admin
9/11/2019 05:38:33 pm
Take a look at this short interview
Ed Abovewater
9/11/2019 05:47:30 pm
Thanks, I'll take a look.
Mervyn Hagger
9/11/2019 06:15:09 pm
Good one Mike! Actually I was going to be more basic in that "The End is Nigh" and "Jesus may return tonight" and lots of similar silly sandwich board announcements have been around so long that they have become silly jokes. That is until I went downtown this afternoon and there on the corner of the street was a preacher on a soapbox - with a friend hoisting a sign next to him which said "Flee from the Wrath to Come!" The stupid have been with us since time began - just like the poor. We can assist the poor by giving them a fishing pole (never a fish), but the stupid are beyond help.
Ed Abovewater
9/11/2019 06:51:35 pm
It doesn't hurt to be kind and dispense fish now and again, and it is easy to label anyone with beliefs other than our own as stupid when misguided or gullible might be more appropriate. Not being one for fairy stories, I very much doubt whether Jesus is likely to put in an appearance any time soon.
The Nutter on the bus
9/11/2019 10:17:28 pm
I like crisps. I like crisps, I like crisps, one pound one pound one pond one pond. Coffee I think
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