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Do you think the world you live in today is the same world you lived in back in the swinging sixties. Hopefully not! What about the seventies, from prog rock to punk, from the three day week and power cuts to the early advent of yuppies. Or even the mega hairstyle days of the eighties, Live Aid, Band Aid and well er... AID's. The thing is, while we sleep walked into the nineties, where the earlier free radio fans were starting to scratch around for something still relevant, another bunch of people came along and ruined everything, people called young, now what about that. Some were not white and some liked different music. Their sort of pirate radio was wrong. The authorities you so despised started to use new propaganda, they accused them of being drug pushers, knife carrying lunatics and how easy was it to jump on that bandwagon and go with the flow. Go OFCOM, stop these youngsters, I'm not racist, but just look at their baggy clothes, hats and hairstyles. When I was a lad, it turns out I was actually my Father, who hated everything. Etc etc etc........ So spare a thought for younger folk today. Those born into the world we have left them. Those indoctrinated from seven years old and upwards by the modern thinking of so many so called intellectuals. Did someone mention Caroline is now available on DAB in Scunthorpe. Hooray onwards and upwards, we are keeping your daydream alive!
Mervyn Hagger
25/11/2019 10:09:52 am
Very deep Mike, very, very deep - I like it and I appreciate the fact that you have the ability to process this kind of thought and not freak out. Some time ago in the academic series of articles I was working on, I took the same idea back to a very practical level of human birth and death in an article which is online at - Listening to these two made me think of Nicola Sturgeon who wants to get Scotland out of the UK to become an independent Nation once again, only to lock it into the EU which eventually would turn Scotland into a mere State within a United States of Europe. No one seems to be following that thread and asking about her apparent contradiction of "set us free from this tyranny so that Scotland can become captive under another tyranny. Nicola does not seem to understand that if she wants submission, she already has it! What a time waste the SNP are - although I do think that Scotland should be free of all chains - which includes getting rid of the SNP! This cerebral idea that endless discussions among politicians, students and the lower end of the WOK community will somehow make this world a better place is what changes "me" to "we" and to "our planet", when in fact we are individually born and we will die individually. There is no "we" - except by contract to perform among individuals. This Planet was not created by WOKs. The WOKers see no truth, or reality, they just hear endless prattle. On the lowest rung of the ladder we thus have the Caroline cult who see no truth but O'Rahilly's blather and no reality other than a tin pot station and a rusting hulk. Jehovah's Witness candidates (or their equivalent), every one of them. Oh, yes, they DID/DO have a mantra, it was called 'Loving Awareness', and now they even have a "Bible". No wonder these Caroline cultists are nuts.
Mervyn Hagger
25/11/2019 11:01:15 am
While WOKE seems to be a new fad, notwithstanding ties to Leadbelly, I remember this issue getting fired up by Alan Alda (MASH) with his dopey 1970s children's album entitled Free to Be You and Me. Here is the idea of gender "we", not me or I, but "we" which implies a split personality to use its politically incorrect term. I find it funny that Obama condemned it when he used the same loony reasoning to attack Donald Trump. - I also think that is interesting that some seem to think that it is an agenda created by the UK Home Office - which means MI6 - just like the "pissing prostitutes dossier". See - But to go back in time to the 1970s and Alan Alda, take a look at this:
Ed Abovewater
25/11/2019 11:14:00 am the first response you have chosen to reduce this thread to YOUR lowest level which is throwing the same tired old 'tin pot station and a rusting hulk' insults at a cult which only exists in your head. If it weren't for the fact that those involved and interested in Caroline are largely ignoring you, they would be laughing at you. How was your weekend? It sounded like the guys on the Ross were having a great time as usual. I suspect that the use of the word 'Bible' is an inside joke, but lost on someone who has had a sense of humour bypass.
Mervyn Hagger
25/11/2019 11:39:04 am
Ed Underwater - I am SO pleased you wrote that rubbish you just posted, and I am SO pleased that Mike had the brains to upload this video discussion. Because when I began following these threads and I read this article: - I started wondering about who had been, and is still attacking me. I took my Forum offline and then I just put it back on line and guess what? I instantly received another of those "let's be reasonable" messages about "Caroline continues". I deleted it - I did not put it online. But now that I have tied the beginnings of Caroline to the current 'Brexit' General Election, I can see why more than ever these loony Caroline cult messages are being posted! After reading the article cited above I can also understand how MI6 got involved with the "destroy Donald Trump" movement. But Mister-not-too-smart Underwater, you need to either look over your shoulder and see who is manipulating you, or if you already know, then please be advised that by posting this thread Mike has now exposed a reason why the tin pot station and rusting hulk exist - in order for the Caroline cult to be used as trolls to try to stop publication of 'Dial 999 for Caroline'. You won't succeed.
Ed Abovewater
25/11/2019 02:59:44 pm
Yes, you took your forum offline to, as you stated, concentrate full time on your research, so why reinstate it? You don't want hostile posts. You clearly don't want 'reasonable' posts.What do you want? Obviously I can't comment on that post since you have censored it, but it seems that you want no posts at all. What is the point of reopening your board, then? Missing the attention? So you think that 'Mike has now exposed a reason why the tin pot station and rusting hulk exist - in order for the Caroline cult to be used as trolls to try to stop publication of 'Dial 999 for Caroline'. What a ridiculous assertion! Nobody cares what you publish. Nobody cares what you think. Nobody is a member of a Caroline cult. If you think that such a thing exists to stop publication of your book, then you are deluded. You think you are important. You are not. You think you are stirring up a hornet's nest. You are not. You are being ignored by all but a few who refuse to let you get away with your continual tirade of insults, that is all. But you love the confrontation, don't you, Mervyn? You love inventing things that don't exist so that you can 'expose' them. I have no doubt that there is much in the chequered history of Caroline and pirate radio that is untold, and may be revealed by you in due course. Nobody is stopping you publishing your book except yourself. At this rate you will go down as the biggest joke in the history of offshore radio. Mike will tire of you turning everything thread into a Caroline hate rant eventually. I only contribute here because your Caroline cult drivel needs to be addressed by someone.
Kevin H
25/11/2019 02:09:12 pm
"Mike has now exposed a reason why the tin pot station and rusting hulk exist - in order for the Caroline cult to be used as trolls to try to stop publication of 'Dial 999 for Caroline'. You won't succeed."
Board Watcher
1/12/2019 07:55:37 pm
Like yourself, I engaged with Mervyn on his board. He talks of dishonesty and censorship, but in the same breath only accepts those posts that he feels able to respond to which suit his agenda and where he can have the last word, a devious and underhand tactic for one who claims to be holier than thou. He asks why he was removed as an administrator on Garry's board and demands to know why. I think we can see why. Hard hats on ready for a scathing comeback..........
Mervyn Hagger
25/11/2019 06:10:16 pm
The Caroline cult exists because it has been allowed to exist in order to conceal the real story, and the real story continues today in the 'Brexit' General Election. This 'Brexit' mess goes back to Major Oliver Smedley and Herbert W. Armstrong who became two parties to a defence crisis linked to the demise of Blue Streak and JFK's attempt to unload the dud US Skybolt on the UK which resulted in those Polaris nuclear submarines being based at Holy Loch in Scotland. Your tin pot station and rusting hulk are merely side issues to keep your noisy cult together. The fact that you don't understand what is going on is because you probably did not watch the video that Mike posted. On the other hand I doubt that you will understand it if you do watch it.
Ed Abovewater
25/11/2019 06:17:25 pm
So who is the cult leader? Who is concealing the real story? Put up or shut up.
Mervyn Hagger
25/11/2019 07:05:01 pm
Watch the video - read the links. The Caroline cult is one of 57 varieties of rubbish that have concealed the real story - which is NOT about Caroline, but Caroline is one way to get a handle on this long running story. The tin pot station and rusting hulk are merely the latest gimmicks used to cover the real story.
The Nutter on the bus
25/11/2019 11:05:48 pm
Blue Streak. The unfortunate rocket propelled bus
Mervyn Hagger
25/11/2019 06:14:02 pm
If the Caroline cultists want to understand what they are caught up in, they should watch - which is related to the subject matter in the video that Mike has put online.
Ed Abovewater
25/11/2019 06:47:13 pm
So you prefer to divert rather than answer the question, because you cannot identify those in something which does not exist. Case closed.
Mervyn Hagger
25/11/2019 07:07:55 pm
You guys are so thick that a brick falling on your head would make no change to your current thought patterns because they are already DEAD. Mike answered your question and I answered your question. Dump your own carcass into that case that you are closing, it stinks of decay.
Kevin H
25/11/2019 06:23:56 pm
He gets more bonkers with every post. I would say. 'as mad as a March hare', but that seems unfair on March Hares.
Mervyn Hagger
25/11/2019 07:10:50 pm
All brain dead cultists like you react that way Kevin: Mike asked you to watch the video.
Kevin H
25/11/2019 07:40:14 pm
Why would I, or anyone else, waste an hour of life watching a video from a couple of self-confessed hoaxers?
Mervyn Hagger
25/11/2019 08:46:20 pm
Kevin - you wrote: "Why would I, or anyone else, waste an hour of life watching a video from a couple of self-confessed hoaxers?" Where is your PROOF?
Ed Abovewater
25/11/2019 07:34:14 pm
'Dump your own carcass into that case that you are closing, it stinks of decay.'
Admin - Mike
25/11/2019 08:35:54 pm
But who is attacking who? It is going both ways. Calling someone bonkers, that's OK is it? Saying that watching the video I put up is wasting your time, yet how much time are you wasting here with petty point scoring. Go on watch the video and judge by the discussion or brush it aside with a lame excuse and remain part of the reason why the politically correct social justice activists are destroying our society.
Ed Abovewater
25/11/2019 08:54:42 pm
It was not I who called Mervyn bonkers. I think I'll leave you guys to it whilst Trump and his ilk destroy our society.
Mervyn Hagger
25/11/2019 09:00:51 pm
"...whilst Trump and his ilk destroy our society." Please explain how and just where your fake news about this event is coming from?
Ed Abovewater
25/11/2019 09:14:30 pm
Your turn to watch a video. Any of his rally speeches will do. They don't come from MI6.
Mervyn Hagger
25/11/2019 09:28:17 pm
So he tells you what he will do and he does it which has resulted in a booming economy and unemployment reaching an all time low. What is wrong with that?
Ed Abovewater
25/11/2019 09:54:57 pm
Obama coat tails and massive deficit. He has no idea what he's doing. Left to his own devices he will bankrupt USA like everything else he has touched. I'm not going to discuss this further. We'll be here forever.
Mervyn Hwgger
25/11/2019 10:06:49 pm
Mike, where on earth do these British goons like "Ed" get this crap from? It runs counter to reality.
Ed Abovewater
25/11/2019 10:19:06 pm
It runs counter to the reality that has been fed to you, blindfolded, open mouthed and gullible. Mmmmmm tastes good, huh? Want some more? Lap it up, Trumper and kneel before your orange god before he either goes to jail or has a heart attack.
Mervyn Hagger
26/11/2019 07:56:21 am
Mike, I just read this post from "Ed Abovewater" who dares not use his real name. His rant marries the lunacy of the tin pot station / rusting hulk cult, to the ideology of the anti-Trumpers / never-Trumpers. It reflects the brain-dead; storm-trooper worship expressed by Hitler's Nazis and Stalin's Communists which they shared with their equally absurd race-hate programs. We know what became of the Hitler's and Stalin's goons, they fell out with each other and self-destructed with a lot of 'help' and sacrifice by the sane human beings. I sure hope that this pip-squeak variety will turn upon itself soon and self-destruct in the same way - without harming too many innocent bystanders before then.
Ed Abovewater
26/11/2019 09:37:40 am
One more time. You are mistaking those who dislike you and your opinions and tactics for a cult which does not exist, except in your head. If you're looking for a cult, check out the Trumpers who put so much store in a serial liar, mysogynist, xenophobe, racist, narcissist, and incompetent bully who is completely out of his depth and struggling to cling onto power by his fingertips. When's the next 'rally'?
Mervyn Hagger
26/11/2019 09:53:06 am
"Ed" - you have just made my job so much easier! Thank you. You have connected the dots from the tin pot station and rusting hulk cult and revealed that the SAME identical language is being used to attack 'Dial 999 for Caroline' research that is being used to attack Donald Trump. That language of yours reveals an empty head full of hate; ignorance due to your resistance to learning, and hate for everything and anything that does not support your cult-like thought process (what little there is of it.) In other words you represent the worst that humanity can dredge up and stick on a pedestal and tell everyone to get into line and support - or else! The sooner you and your ilk are exposed as the total frauds that you are, the better!
Ed Abovewater
26/11/2019 11:12:57 am
Did you know that it is possible to learn without drawing the same conclusions as yourself? Oh, and I think you're confusing hate with fact. Anyway, I think we're done here. Mike won't thank either of us for posting this bollocks, will he? Have a good Christmas, if you believe in that sort of thing.
Mervyn Hagger
26/11/2019 11:32:46 am
"Ed" - I find your posts disgusting because you do not want to learn. You are pig headed and blind. That is why I thanked you for your anti-Trump rhetoric. Now I know for a fact where you are coming from, and it is the world that gives us dictators and your ilk tries to explain themselves out of a paper bag with the lame excuse that you were "just following orders". You represent book burning and the burning of human flesh. I find your entire approach reprehensible.and disgusting.
Ed Abovewater
26/11/2019 02:35:55 pm
OK, so I can't really let this one go, can I? How you get from a cult which does not exist to Hitler's Nazis and burning human flesh is just unbelievable. You are willingly blindfolded and open mouthed, waiting to be fed the next spoonful of Trump nonsense, and you have the gall to tell me I'm the one who is pigheaded and blind. I have no resistance to learning, but I do have a resistance to propaganda and lies, particularly those spouted by the so called leader of the free world as he cosies up to his dictator friends and alienates his allies. Well, let's agree to differ shall we, and leave it at that...............
Testing 1.2,3
26/11/2019 12:02:15 pm
Christmas in that house hold ?
Ed Abovewater
26/11/2019 02:39:42 pm
And to you. Mervyn certainly does like to have the last word!
The Nutter on the bus
26/11/2019 06:07:37 pm
This is so much more interesting to overhear than cbt. I think I might hold off buying my helium bag just yet
Ed Abovewater
26/11/2019 08:29:39 pm
In other news, the Ross Revenge Maintenance Crew have been announced as winners of the Team Award for Historic Vessel Conservation at the National Historic Ships Marsh Awards 2019. Good to see their hard, productive and voluntary work recognised.
Mervyn Hagger
26/11/2019 09:27:39 pm
So Mike posted a very thought provoking video and you have brought this entire matter back to a rusting hulk. Have you watched and listened to this video?
Testing 1.2,3
26/11/2019 09:35:40 pm
No I was going to then along came your first post .
Ed Abovewater
26/11/2019 11:01:36 pm
Oops! Sorree! This is 'Radio now and then' isn't it? Well, that is a 'now' bit for you. Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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