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We have noted with some interest that since we directed visitors to the Freewave magazines article by Andy Archer called 'Arseholes and Anoraks' both Garry Stevens and the Joke forum (as Gazza once bravely described it) have individuals who have suddenly and by chance discovered the article. Well not really, you see one of the good things about using Weebly as a platform is the data they provide in terms of individual visits, when and how many pages are looked at etc. (I know that's pretty common, they just make it easy to monitor).
Today's flurry of comments on Gazza's forum suggest that once again the person so many avowed to ignore is well... not being ignored. In fact some really are starting to show rather worrying devotion to their beloved radio station. OK it is Sunday and church followers often turn up today to have their ears tickled by the Clergy. That would appear to include the devotees of "The Lady Of The Community Licence" church members. I just wonder how many of those who have read Andy Archers article identify as Anoraks and how many identify as Arseholes. Obviously most identify as Anoraks, who would do otherwise? Unless you do so by what you say, how you openly present your double standards, obsessions and even your inability to grasp simple facts, because you are so driven by the need to protect your ever rosy views of the past. You know the old saying "some people think denial is a river in Africa." There is also a medical procedure if you think your arsehole has a problem. No it's not sticking your head up there, but I am increasingly wondering if some Anoraks are doing just that. It might be quicker or even cheaper, but Mr Brown tends to cloud the final picture.
Ed Abovewater
17/11/2019 11:21:30 pm
I think that the flurry of activity today is more about the attempts by Mervyn to goad Garry into giving him an apology for something or other and of course, failing. That and the rapid response to criticism regarding colour schemes. Glad to see that a nice Democrat blue has now been selected. It's just a bit of fun, isn't it?
Mervyn Hagger
18/11/2019 09:17:55 am
It seems that the Caroline cult spend more time watching what I do that getting on with their lives. They seem to be genuinely afraid that I will, in my own good time, totally destroy the mythology of their means to make money to fund their hoax.
Ed Abovewater
18/11/2019 09:32:44 am
That's a sensible approach. It has been suggested many times that you focus on your research instead of involving yourself in petty squabbles which, it has to be said, are often initiated by yourself, get people's backs up and only result in a backlash which distracts you from your project. Good to see that, at last, you are going to heed that advice.
Mervyn Hagger
18/11/2019 09:47:08 am
"Ed" - let me assure you that your "advice" is the last thing anyone should follow. The reason for my redirection in attention is explained above. As for what you describe as "get people's back up", I assume you mean a single person surname "People" - for that is what you wrote. However, I have never heard of this person. But if you really mean that Garry Stevens and his cult followers are upset - so they should be. Shame on him and on them for supporting him ducking responsibility for his actions. On the other hand, this research project will still blow the 'Caroline myths' to smithereens, and I guarantee will cause a lot of folk who are presenting mitering on about 'Brexit' a few sleepless nights when they realize the kind of long-running political game they have been caught up in - by the same people who originally got involved with Radio Caroline. Now be a good little troll and trot back to the Garry Stevens' Board and tell them about this 'exciting' new development and why they should all follow you back here to this conversation site.
Mervyn Hagger
18/11/2019 09:51:23 am
"Ed", did you just shoot yourself in the foot? Are you in fact "David LW" over on Garry Stevens' Board, because he just reported that I have shut down the Forum!
Mervyn Hagger
18/11/2019 10:15:57 am
"Ed/David LW" - you seem to be in a panic now that you have been "outed" because you immediately started a daft thread called "UK broadcast Radio Top Ten most Boring Top 10 Chart" on Garry Stevens' Board. I guess this is an attempt to miter over the gaps in your posts by changing the subject - daft as the change may be. Miter is good word don't you think? It also describes clerical attire ... of the invisible kind worn by "The Lady Of The Community Licence" church members" - as Mike has now dubbed the Caroline cult. Invisible attire fits in with the near to inaudible signal of your cult radio.
Ed Abovewater
18/11/2019 10:21:04 am
You see, there you go again, looking for anything to jump on and making accusations. I am not David LW, and thanks for deliberately misinterpreting my comments due to punctuation. Again, I think you are wise to close your tumbleweed forum. It only attracted undesirables:)
Mervyn Hagger
18/11/2019 10:28:55 am
"Ed/David LW" - since you represent the folks who make unfounded claims, and so in Fred Bramley fashion I ask you to prove that you are not David LW ;)
Ed Abovewater
18/11/2019 10:33:48 am
I represent no-one other than myself. I am no-one other than myself. Go back to your research and stop being such a butt-hurt conspiracy theorist before you do any more damage to yourself.
Mervyn Hagger
18/11/2019 10:38:48 am
"Ed/David LW" - you can't be representing "no-one other than myself" - since I doubt very much that "Abovewater" is your surname! You are drowning in your own dirg Ed/David LW.
Mervyn Hagger
18/11/2019 10:51:00 am
SSSSSSSSSSSSH! - Ed/David LW is in church and he must be praying for divine inspiration because suddenly Garry Stevens' Board has gone dead quiet - which means that Ed/David LW can't be in two places at once. Or to put it in street terminology, he can't bounce a ball and chew gum at the same time..
Ed Abovewater
18/11/2019 11:12:04 am
One more time. I am NOT David LW. Got that? I hope you are not employing similar leaps of incredulity when it comes to your research. Remember that? Less than two hours ago you were going to devote your efforts to full time research. Not really working for you, is it? Anyway, enough of this badinage. Sincerely, I look forward to reading your book(s), I hope you finish your project, and I actually do wish you the good health required to do so.
Mervyn Hagger
18/11/2019 11:32:47 am
Ed/David LW - you say that you are not David LW but then you are not Ed either. So you write a load of rubbish and rubbish is what all investigators sweep aside. You are indeed in a box, and since David LW last posted on Garry Stevens' Board, the only other person coming close to using the same style of sentence construction as you, is Freddie Archer who is glad that David LW has "seen the light". You cultists do love religious lingo, don't you? Should I now call you Freddie? Or is Freddie and David LW and Ed all one and the same - sort of an unholy trinity of rubbish creators?
Ed Abovewater
18/11/2019 11:45:51 am
That's right, Mervyn. You have found me out. I am the omnipresent trinity of the Church of Caroline. Congratulations on such an impeccable piece of forensic investigative journalism.
Mervyn Hagger
18/11/2019 12:21:32 pm
Ed (Caroline Trinity) - whoever you are, now you know what it is like to be trolled by ridiculous time-wasters such as yourself and those you associate with in your silly Caroline cult. None of you are interested in learning anything. You are akin to the pathetic tribe of wall spray painters who insult the work of Banksy who creates art while they create a nuisance and a mess.
Ed Abovewater
18/11/2019 01:24:40 pm
You're wasting your own time by looking for targets and then becoming aggrieved when you get a taste of your own medicine. You start the trolling, repeat the same wild accusations over and over and don't like it when it comes back to haunt you. Just do what you said you would do and get on with your research. Responding to this post will only serve to demonstrate exactly why you might never finish it.
Mervyn Hagger
18/11/2019 01:37:51 pm
Ed Trinity - "repeat the same wild accusations over and over". Not me. I name names with proof. Ronan O'Rahilly LIED with a lot of help from Ian Cowper Ross. That is not a wild accusation. You can troll all you like, but the fact is that Garry Stevens encouraged my posts that revealed the lies of Ronan O'Rahilly, and Garry Stevens branded your cult a church. Now Paul Rusling has come along with a bible for your church and his bible is also filled with double-speak because Paul did not understand what the Caroline story is, and so he made it up. He sent me 4 pages of text thinking I would endorse them, but when I complained he changed them and made another 4 pages available to your cult. Don't believe me? Ask Mike, he has seen both sets of pages!
Ed Abovewater
18/11/2019 02:39:12 pm
"He sent me 4 pages of text thinking I would endorse them, but when I complained he changed them and made another 4 pages available to your cult." Really? Wow? I'm surprised you haven't mentioned this before. You should have put it in a post on your 'forum' or something. I hope that you have read the complete Caroline Bible, because a couple of days ago you had not, and I'm sure that you wouldn't accuse it of being "filled with double-speak" if you have yet to read it. Or would you?
Mervyn Hagger
18/11/2019 02:58:21 pm
Ed Trinity - I got sick and tired of doing what you suggested .... "I'm surprised you haven't mentioned this before. You should have put it in a post on your 'forum' or something." I have made an issue of this repeatedly and it fell on deaf ears. Probably because the Caroline cult are brain dead. So I guess its time for Mike to intercede with confirmation that he indeed has read the 4 pages in question.
Ed Abovewater
18/11/2019 03:26:06 pm
The fact that it fell on deaf ears should tell you something. Nobody cares. Have you read the complete Radio Caroline Bible? Evading the question would seem to indicate that you have not.
Mervyn Hagger
18/11/2019 03:48:59 pm
Ed Trinity - since the issue is the original start of the original and only Radio Caroline, the only part of this silly book of interest to me right now, concerns the 4 pages - which the author sent to me. Of course you don't care because you want to keep the mythology alive. The fact that you are ashamed to associate your real name with your comments speaks volumes. I never hide, I am very open and honest, which apparently is a totally lost concept to both you and your ilk.
Ed Abovewater
18/11/2019 04:01:10 pm
I thought not. You have not read it, yet you said "his bible is also filled with double-speak", and "sillly book". Based on 4 pages. You are made to look a fool once again. Hardly open and honest is it. Nice attempt at diversion, by the way. Anyway, I have better things to do than tie you up in knots again and again, so we'll leave it there.
Mervyn Hagger
18/11/2019 04:33:20 pm
Since it has ALWAYS been about those 4 pages and the beginning of Radio Caroline, I might as well ask if you have read ? But the real question for you Ed Trinity is why are you so afraid of identifying with your own words using your real name?
Testing 1.2,3
18/11/2019 04:13:01 pm
Ed Abovewater,
Admin - Mike
18/11/2019 04:51:14 pm
Yes I have seen all four pages of both versions and yes changes have been made for the published version, altering the account and making it more buyer friendly for anoraks with rose tinted glasses
Mervyn Hagger
18/11/2019 04:58:33 pm
Twp problems arise with the alterations: a) the author said it was not a print on demand job. So did he have to scrap a lot of printed segments of the book? b) how can there be two versions of the same story as told by the same author who promised to deliver only one version as the true version?
Ed Abovewater
20/11/2019 11:52:27 am
I presume that to be a rhetorical question since there is only one person who can give you the answer.
Mervyn Hagger
20/11/2019 02:08:06 pm
Well, yet another thread about me JUST came and went on Garry's Board and it took Stewart to kill it off - the same Stewart who Garry got rid off because he was attacking me - personally on Garry's Board. So Garry made me an Admin and then after writing to me personally and privately telling me to demolish the Caroline cult, he flip-flopped and brought Stewart back and deleted my posts. Since then I have not returned and I have no intention of doing so. In fact, I have shut down my Forum because I am sick of reading the same silly nonsense from the cultists who Paul Rusling is now pampering with his duplicitous nonsense. So in response to Ed Trinity I will point out that there is the answer he seeks from me. I can't explain Garry's nonsense and Garry does not have the guts to tell me. Ditto for Paul who visited with me as a ruse to try to get information for his 'Bible', and when he could not get it, he went off in a huff. He sent me the first 4 pages hoping to bring me around, but I made it clear that I wanted nothing to do with his cult 'Bible', and so he created a different 4 pages. Since it is not supposed to be a print on demand job (according to him), does this mean that he had to scrap a ton of paper and reprint his 'Bible' before releasing it? I have no idea. Mike is having fun with this site for now, but I have grown weary of the idiotic trolls who trot out the same abuse on Garry's Board where he claims not to allow personal attacks. The book I am working on is about current affairs and that includes the chain of events involving true crime that gave us two things - the drive to get into the Common Market and Radio Caroline. Today the idea of a Common Market has been replaced with the very idea that filled the airwaves of the 1960s offshore stations - a proposed United States of Europe. Now what was once heard coached in religious terms on 'The World Tomorrow', you can hear and see discussed on mainstream British radio and TV. It will no doubt come as a shock and horror to the trolls when I report that last night I was one of the select paid few monitoring the General Election "debate" for YouGov. So part of those results are actually attributable to me! My aim is not the lunatic trolls but the mass market whose lives are going to be changed one way or the other as a result of the coming "Brexit" vote, and 'Dial 999 for Caroline' will no doubt bring forth gasps followed by questions from people wondering why they had never read this in one volume before. Now you know - the noisy trolls don't want you to know.
Ed Abovewater
20/11/2019 03:26:56 pm
'yet another thread about me JUST came and went'.......No, the thread is there. It is locked. It is the threads on your 'forum' which came and went.
Testing 1.2,3
20/11/2019 04:36:28 pm
Bang on.
Mervyn Hagger
20/11/2019 06:41:41 pm
Trinity123, you are probably best described as a goon, you are so brainwashed just plain stupid. As for the Garry thread, I was told about it and asked to comment - because earlier today I was informed that I am not blocked. Clearly you are anti-learning which is one reason why I am leaving this game up to Mike from now on. I just find it sad that human beings can willingly become Nazis, Stalinists; ISIS members and all the rest - including your absurd cult.
Ed Abovewater
20/11/2019 07:24:47 pm
Trinity123? Not sure who you're addressing here, but I imagine it to be myself. I see that you are as predictable as ever, resorting to name calling when you have no meaningful response. This from Garry's board.......'Before this thread gets out of hand I think its time anything to do with Mervyn Hagger on the Forum came to an end' ....... so we now seem to have a satisfactory outcome whereby you are not intending to post there and your presence would not be welcome in any event. If items are posted here in the future that I wish to comment on then I will, and your ranting will not be missed. Your final sentence tells the world all it needs to know about someone who would bracket those with an interest in a living museum and community radio station with Nazis, Stalinists and ISIS. Thank you for revealing your true colours before you leave. Shut the door on your way out.
Testing 1.2,3
20/11/2019 08:22:25 pm
Ed .
Mervyn Hagger
20/11/2019 08:24:11 pm
Trinity 1-2-3 - yes, that's you, I came back because you have now linked the Nazis, Stalin and ISIS, etc., with "those with an interest in a living museum and community radio station!" You are referring to your cult calling itself Caroline and the "living museum' to a rusting hulk. You represent a most despicable bunch of people who are full of hate that you are totally out of touch with the real world and accuse other people of what you are doing yourself.
Testing 1.2,3
21/11/2019 11:50:50 am
That isn't what Ed Abovewater said at all.
Kevin H
21/11/2019 12:36:31 pm
It's what he does all the time.
Ed Abovewater
20/11/2019 10:51:02 pm
No, you have made that link. Read what I wrote. The door is over there.
The Nutter on the bus
21/11/2019 03:51:06 am
How many intellectuals like me are on this bus?
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