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The BBC News website today at 8:30 pm as seen above. The war in Ukraine has continued to slip out of the news cycle. Yet the war goes on, civilians and soldiers continue to die or suffer terrible injuries, and the mental health of many will be permanently damaged for their lifespan. What the news in the UK never seems to be able to talk about is when a war is, or becomes a Proxy War. As has been the case since the cold war the war in Ukraine is now clearly between the collective west, that's the USA, UK and some of Europe versus Russia and their allies (don't be fooled by news propaganda Russia have their willing and active allies in this awful conflict). The video below is from Alex Christoforou and having listened to him for some months now along with his colleagues from 'The Duran' I think it reasonable to say that they have an intent to be neutral. That said there seems to be a bias towards Russia driven in part by their logical disliking of the Western Military Industrial Complex, along with an informed understanding of just how evil institutions like the World Economic Forum, Bilderberg & other un-elected but politically dominant and influential super rich organizations really are. That said listen please to Alex and think about his point of view regarding Ukraine as things stand today. He uses verifiable information, openly adds his interpretation and in my opinion confirms that Ukraine is now a fully fledged proxy war where soldiers on both sides are cannon fodder and the 'elites' who fund all of this through your tax money, could not give a flying toss to the ever growing collateral deaths and injuries. Those at the top of the pile in this wonderful world system really do think of you and me as sheep or cattle, maybe it's time to become a virtual vegetarian.
Mervyn Hagger
16/6/2022 11:37:33 am
Absolutely spot on and yes, RT is broadcasting this exact same story every day.
James McGregor
18/6/2022 02:22:16 pm
Hi Mike - apart from Dani Dyer satire being to much of a hot lunch..
The fourth member of the trio
16/6/2022 11:52:22 am
It is time for me to come forth and say that yes, yes, I admit it I am indeed a stone mason
16/6/2022 01:05:20 pm
Sorry, The Trio do not accept fellowship from idiots. Your application is denied.
Hidden doctor soap opera
16/6/2022 10:20:36 pm
I fooled Mervyn there Buena
Dr Soapy Dick (Special agent)
16/6/2022 10:42:57 pm
Posted by RogerT on 15/6/2022, 11:29:33, in reply to "Re: Gym Slips are Verboten ??"
advice to keep her majesty's subjects safe from harm
16/6/2022 10:52:45 pm
Anyone male or female or of an agenda group you most identify with, who smiles at you while they are wearing a Radio Caroline 199 onwards and upwards for ever T shirt
David Cotter
17/6/2022 11:24:47 am
Of course, Mervyn Hagger is trying to get us on board to fight a proxy war himself - his war against Peter Moore/Malcolm Smith.
David Cotter's Psychiatrist
17/6/2022 08:50:34 pm
I have still to explain to young David that what he currently reads is merely a plaything as well as a bookmark. It is a plaything to wind-up anoraks, while at the same time getting them to state what it is that they don't know or understand. What Malcolm Smith is doing is ripping everyone off for his own benefit. But since David has a hard time grasping the realities of life, he has now been told that the real story is currently taking place elsewhere and what Garry Stevens and David Martin are doing is playing a joke at David's expense. Ask James.
David Cotter
18/6/2022 12:32:17 pm
I'll assume that 'David Cotter's Physiatrist' is either Mervyn Hagger or someone who feels competent to comment on his behalf. I suspect the former.
David Cotter's Psychiatrist
18/6/2022 08:11:07 pm
You do not understand law, do you David? Libel is when a false accusation is made, and these are not false accusations that you complain about, but facts.
David Cotter
19/6/2022 10:47:47 pm
Let me clarify for you. You accuse Malcolm Smith of undertakings that are for his own financial gain and benefit personally. Do you have proof that he personally benefits financially? Tell us, how and to what extent has he personally financially benefitted as you claim.
David Cotter's Psychiatrist
18/6/2022 12:05:50 pm
By the way David, I forgot to ask you: Did you listen to the video posted by Mike Wilson? Why did you post something so unrelated to the topic created by Mike? Do you ever step outside your little teeny, tiny bubble, the same bubble that James lives in? Do you know where Ukraine is and why a civil war has been raging there since at least 2014?
David Cotter
18/6/2022 09:19:53 pm
Not only did I listen to it, I watched it as well! It seems churlish not to when video is provided in addition to sound.
peter more
19/6/2022 06:58:44 pm
Hi all, back after my morning brew up and putting the sheets in the washing machine, I log on here for a bot of seeing how the other great unwashed live
David Cotter
19/6/2022 09:05:56 am
Mervyn Hagger, the word twister:
David Cotter with glasses
20/6/2022 08:56:52 am
Sorry, the first part is a statement and the second part is a suggested explanation of that statement. No contradiction. No twisting = just me twisting in my own wind.
Mervyn Hagger
19/6/2022 06:42:06 pm
Mike, it's now time to ban the idiots who won't discuss the issues. Boris Johnson is now talking about a long war with Russia over Ukraine, and the new British Chief of the UK Armed Forces is telling everyone to get ready for a WWIII to defeat Russia in a land war.
David Cotter
19/6/2022 10:40:45 pm
I imagine that Mike will run his board as he sees fit and not at your behest. You, sir, have directed those who wish to comment on your blog to this board! My, you do have a short memory.
21/6/2022 06:28:22 am
.... if that is so, why can't I read their responses? All I read from them is personal attacks on the messenger, but no response to the message. Why is that?
David Cotter
21/6/2022 11:54:51 am
" All I read from them is personal attacks on the messenger, but no response to the message. Why is that?"
A voice in the wilderness
20/6/2022 08:39:42 am
Your call, Malcolm!
Thank you Mr Voice
21/6/2022 11:35:16 am
You got the idea. No response means no comment and no comment in this instance means that the named individuals are stuck with their own stated views and have no idea of what we are working on. We just wanted to make absolutely sure by providing them with the opportunity to self-destruct. Now they have.
David Cotter
21/6/2022 08:47:12 pm
No-one has or will self destruct. No response and therefore no comment does not mean what you interpret it to mean.
David Cotter
21/6/2022 08:55:19 pm
Hello. I would like to make a statement about what I do not know, but I can't because I do not know what I do not know.
David Cotter
20/6/2022 09:42:50 am
It is very telling that Mervyn Hagger does not choose to voice his opinions and accusations anywhere other than here or via the blog. He will say that it is there that his targets will read them, but since he is so sure of his facts then why does he not have the courage of his convictions and broadcast them to a wider audience? Why does he not use social media or the press? Why does he not complain to Ofsted or the Charity Commission? Why does he not take legal action?
Disjointed David
21/6/2022 06:33:30 am
Okay, so you are responding to MH. But where is your response about the topic? For that matter, where is your response of any sort based upon material fact to any topic? All I read from you is personal attacks because you have no response. If that is the case then MH has achieved what he set out to do since those named are the noise makers.
David Cotter
22/6/2022 09:29:05 pm
Yes, I am responding to Mervyn Hagger, who has, revealing, failed to address any of the questions I asked of him. Perhaps he would care to do so in order that we might better understand why the only vehicles he uses to voice his opinions are here and on the 'Trio's' blog and why he does not present his evidence, if indeed he has any, to Ofsted, Companies House or the Charity Comission.
James McGregor
21/6/2022 12:52:38 am
If anyone is in any doubt about how lack of interest niche a Mervyn book will be
Mervyn Hagger
21/6/2022 11:31:54 am
Shut up James, you have no idea of what we are working on. Ask Mike for a hint and then go back to your bottle and pills. Its way above your lack of comprehensive skills.
David Cotter
21/6/2022 08:52:36 pm
Yes, shut up James. You have no idea what Mervyn is working on and he's not going to tell you either. That's your fault. And Mervyn isn't even going to give you a hint. You have to ask someone else for that. Your comment made more sense than Mervyn's 'I know something you don't know' but shut up anyway. Mervyn told you to.
James McGregor
22/6/2022 06:56:41 pm
Sorry, David, I could not help myself from impersonating you. We both think alike.
James McGregor
23/6/2022 08:15:24 pm
I use eyeopen potation punctuation so Mervyn is just firing a spud gun saying I impersonate David Cotter who reads like a normal sensible individual just like myself
David Cotter
23/6/2022 04:31:17 pm
On today's blog is a 'new video by YNH Ltd.' Mervyn Hagger has used this abbreviation elsewhere.
David Cotter
23/6/2022 10:27:54 pm
'VNH Ltd' has been removed from today's blog. Mervyn Hagger will no doubt thank me later, or indeed, may already have done so in a yet to be published comment.
VNH Cotter
24/6/2022 08:07:11 pm
Where did you find this VNH business David?
Mervyn Hagger
24/6/2022 11:43:07 am
YNH Ltd is the abbreviated name of 'Your Name Here' - a company specializing in web site domain registrations. Our domain is and it is an abbreviation for 'Yesterday Never Happened (UK) Ltd' .
David Cotter
24/6/2022 08:56:37 pm
You cannot use 'YNH Limited'. That is the name of a company that is registered at Companies House:
James McGregor
24/6/2022 01:32:05 pm
I think YNH Ltd is an agenda designed company of one or three based in Falkirk
Domain Names
24/6/2022 08:12:09 pm
James, 'You Nutt Heads Ltd' seems to be registered to you. By the way, what is a 'Nutt'? Is it the 'you' as in McGregor? You do write in riddles.
David Cotter afterthought
23/6/2022 08:17:24 pm
Regarding the topic itself, I am wondering why we are fighting a country called Proxy which I can't find on the map. Please explain.
Fred Hawk
23/6/2022 08:32:07 pm
This is for David Cotter. There is nothing on today's blog about the person you refer to, except in comments. There is a reproduction of a BBC page about Boris Johnson but it is not a video, and it all relates to the civil war in Ukraine and it was posted days ago. Are you sure you are on the right page?
Wikipedia fan
23/6/2022 08:34:24 pm
DavudCoter it says on Wikipedia that Queen was published by Jocelin Stevuns.
James McGregor
23/6/2022 10:55:25 pm
Goombay is a form of Bahamian music and a drum used to create it. The goombay drum is a membranophone with one goat skin head held between the legs and played with the hands or sticks. The goombay name has also evolved to become synonymous with local African-American music related to calypso.
David Cotter
24/6/2022 02:48:24 pm
It would genuinely be interesting to know how many hits the 'allaboutradicaroline' blog is receiving - that is, the number of separate individual visits from different IP addresses. I don't doubt that the blog is attracting more attention, but whether this is in the tens, hundreds or thousands we do not know.
David Cotter's psychiatrist
24/6/2022 08:05:51 pm
I can tell you for a fact that young Master Cotter has received many hits from James' pop bottle laced with something and it is doing ever more damage to his brain. He yelled too much at home and so his Mother threw him out, and so he moved in with James thinking that the two of them would get along well but after David began guzzling from James' bottled liquids, and James ran out of stimulation, he threw young David out. It anyone out there is leaning towards taking in a refugee you might consider taking in David, but on the other hand you might not. Would you be interested Mike?
James McGregor
24/6/2022 09:57:46 pm
God bless David Cotter who has told us something that neither Dave Martin or myself could find i.e where is the blog that all this rubbish is published?
David Cotter's psychiatrist
25/6/2022 08:31:38 am
It would genuinely be interesting to know your age and the parents who gave you a very sheltered upbringing.
David Cotter
27/6/2022 08:49:16 pm
I find it quite telling that my comment regarding web rankings has not been published and that no evidence has been provided to support the view that the allaboutradiocaroline blog is seeing increasing visitors to it's page.
David Cotter
26/6/2022 12:36:08 pm
"Your own response it to attack the messengers over and over again."
David Cotter Repeat
27/6/2022 10:21:18 pm
"Your own response it to attack the messengers over and over again." You can't win. If we say that Radio Caroline was named after Caroline Kennedy, it was. If we say that Jimmy Ross entertained Ronan. He did. If we say that anyone who contradicts the story that everyone knows is causing trouble and should be silenced. Then that is what needs to happen and that is what me and my friends are all doing. You can't win. Give up now.
Countering the attackers
28/6/2022 06:59:20 am
David Cotter you mean that YOU can attack and there must be no response. You even attack MH, and quoting you, "for some unfathomable reason", when I can only find comments by him on this forum in response to your personal attacks on him. You are insane.
David Cotter for World Peace
28/6/2022 01:42:45 pm
I am starting a movement to push for the UK to immediately drop some nukeler bombs on Proxy so that they will stop their waron Ukrane. If we could get a million online subscribers we might get Borris Joneston to take us up on this. I am a certifiable and fully qualifyied human so please join with me and let's stop this invasion by Proxy now.
David Cotter
28/6/2022 10:24:51 pm
Your command of the English language leaves something to be desired, as does your grasp of the current Russia/Ukraine conflict.
Proxy for World Peace
28/6/2022 01:43:55 pm
We can see through David Cotter's plan, he does not want world peace he wants war.
James McGregor
28/6/2022 11:35:30 pm
Radio Caroline was set up to sand for peace
Ronan O'Rahilly Truth Bureau
28/6/2022 10:42:06 pm
I spoke to Jimmy Ross and he tells me that his insiders have reported that 'All About Caroline' is getting one million hits a day, and that this Blog is getting sixteen million hits a week, mostly on Friday nights which is causing server overload. This information has been provided at the specific request of David Cotter whose interest in truth in reporting is second only to that of Paul Alexander Rusling and Malcolm Smith on his garage tea break. I am now advising Boris Johnson how to deal with the threats coming from Scotland.
James McGregor
29/6/2022 10:01:28 pm
The only threat to our peaceful, honest and wholesome way of free radio loving life is from you Mr Scot , outlandish researcher and all round peeing outside the tent man
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