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Thirty years ago Channel Four presented a documentary recounting the events of 'The Profumo Affair' and I quote "including contemporary interviews with protagonists Christine Keeler and Johnny Edgecombe, plus Lord Denning, along with archive interview clips of Mandy Rice-Davis, Stephen Ward and Lord Hailsham) and the protracted struggle to make it into first a TV mini-series and eventually a film (including interviews with script-writer Michael Thomas, TV executives Linda Agran and Brian Cowgill, plus film producers Stephen Wooley & Joe Boyd, and stars John Hurt, Ian McKellern and, briefly, Joanne Whalley and Bridget Fonda). Also various authors and journalists". With The Trial Of Christine Keeler now appearing on BBC (I have not viewed it yet) I was prompted to do some digging and quickly found this old documentary. What really struck me is how little has changed in terms of how MI5, the civil service hierarchy, and ruling governments operate. The latter part of this documentary could be talking about events today. In fact when the story of how MI5 and MI6 were involved in spying on a U.S president prior too and after becoming elected (I have been waiting since 2017 for this to enter the British public domain, however my sources are legit and in the USA many already know the facts) the reality is that the state, the media and particularly the BBC are more controlled by the elite than ever before, and many intelligent personnel operate without the elected governments consent or knowing. Don't believe me? Then watch this documentary and fast forward to 2019. Whats changed? What has got better (and don't say freedom of information act, as I tend to laugh so much I get hiccups). Even Radio Caroline's local community radio service is subject to the checks and balances of gray faceless individuals who are accountable to themselves and their civil service masters. Free radio? It has only happened on land and the raids continue month after month. But don't worry, you don't like their music and lets face it, on zero evidence you know they are all drug dealers.
Mervyn Hagger
30/12/2019 08:59:44 pm
Mike, I have watched Episode 1 and I am waiting to see Episode 2 tonight. I also saw the "Bank Job" which relates to the same sort of subject matter. As for your comments regarding MI5/MI6 and the 2016 Presidential Election, I am also aware of the matter your refer to. You are correct in everything you have written. Unfortunately too many are not aware of any of this and neither do they care. Consequentially, unless you take action as Admin to prevent nonsense posts, this thread will be sabotaged by the same prime individual who clearly has too much time to devout to his own mental aberrations which he is taking out on your site.
Mervyn Hagger
30/12/2019 10:18:25 pm
Tonight, while watching Episode 2 of the Christine Keeler Trial, I struck pay dirt in my research. I mean this one is a biggie = HUGE. i have now found THE ONE LINK that joins everyone and everything up that leads from 'The World Tomorrow' on Big L, to Radio Swan - the CIA 'Bay of Pigs station;directing the invasion of Cuba to Major General Edwin Walker who alleged to the Warren Commission that Lee Harvey Oswald had shot at him in Dallas, months before the JFK assassination in Dallas. It all flows through one man and it has taken hours and hours of searching to find the link which on its own may not seem anything. But but together it is everything.The source is impeccable!
30/12/2019 10:58:58 pm
I bet people in the olden days also went to the lavatory wondering how to jettison themselves of troublesome priests and legal Presidents Prime Munce Bomb
Mervyn Hagger
2/1/2020 09:03:45 am
"Hi" = You wrote: "We would like you a lot more Merve if you stopped swerving all over the ball park and calmed down and said Hi..." When I took that approach and shared information to a large email list, that information was taken by others who rushed really stupid books into print. What these vain authors did not want to grasp is that this is a long-term work in progress. These petty 'wannabe' authors could not make sense of why I can boldly claim that Ronan O'Rahilly is a fraud and why Atlanta and Caroline were always one project, and that the early programs of Radio Caroline were recorded in Crawford's studio at 47 Dean Street! So they cobbled together rubbish and tried to incorporate what they had gleaned from me. The two don't mix. The 'Sheffied-Ross' financial backing story is a HOAX. So a lot of people tried to explain that 'Jimmy Ross' really existed as the head of Ross Foods, and similar daft explanations. But 'Jimmy Ross' never existed. I was the one who bought the marriage certificate of Ian Cowper Ross to discover who his parents really were. His father, Charles Edward Ross was this made-up 'Jimmy' character. But Rusling has now brought that myth back to life in his book 'The Caroline Bible'. Brian Lister in his silly book 'Pirate Gold' also tried to pass himself of as a knowledgeable author because he had also been on my large mailing list. But both Rusling and Lister only came to know bits of the story because this is a work in progress. Then there is you. While Mike provides a sensible and interesting platform for comment, your intention using a multitude of childish names is to make these comments unreadable by adding gibberish in large quantities. In the Cold War on radio this was called 'jamming', and you are no more than a petty censor trying to stifle anyone from piecing together the real story about the origins and life of Radio Caroline which existed from 1964 to 1967. I can tell you authoritatively that what you are reading in 'The Caroline Bible' about the origins of Radio Caroline is absolute rubbish, and I would discourage anyone from wasting money on such a publication - unless, like the research group I am a part of, you are building a library of books from many different sources for reference purposes. Our library now includes many of the books previously published about the origins of Radio Caroline and we are constantly adding more. But our library also includes all of the published works by and about Tony Benn, and many other biographical works about political; music industry; royalty; religious and even mere DJs who 'popped-in' during that period from 1964-1967, and the time period of influential events leading up to the birth of Radio Caroline which means that our research library is comprehensive in scope. But then we are also writing for academia, as well as the commercial market with the forthcoming volume of 'Dial 999 for Caroline' later this year.
Mervyn Hagger
2/1/2020 09:20:25 am
Charles Edward Ross who was turned into this made-up 'Jimmy' character, was never referred to by his son Ian Cowper Ross until Ian Cowper Ross was asked to appear on the BBC-TV Arena show, and he then put that entire myth into print. Yet the in-laws of Ian Cowper Ross are really where attention should have been focused because they link to the financial back-story of both the Beatles and the Radio Caroline mythology. Ian Cowper Ross was knee-deep in British Establishment aristocracy but he diverted all attention away from them to this made-up character of 'Jimmy' who he claimed represented his Dad. It did not. From what I have been able to discover his Dad died intestate and had a record of DWI. So Ian Cowper Ross made-up his biography to incorporate his own parents. Smatterings of that made-up story are true, but the vast majority - including the 'Jimmy' myth and the financing of Radio Caroline is untrue. That is why 'The Caroline Bible' is so wide of the mark of beginning to tell anyone how and why Radio Caroline was created and why it died in 1967. All other uses of that name since that time are bogus and relate to a lot of different projects with no connection to the authentic Radio Caroline. Even Ronan O'Rahilly's story has become a cartoon cut-out that bears no resemblance to his real life story in those early years when he first arrived in London. But to drown-out the truth in true jamming style, a hoard of censors who promote lies for profit have jumped in to attack our research project. They too shall pass into oblivion once the true story is revealed for all to read.
Mervyn Hagger
2/1/2020 09:24:36 am
(A little bit of 'Caroline Bible' humor there with "bears no resemblence". Only those with a copy of that book will understand the joke.)
Swervin Mervyn
2/1/2020 02:44:43 pm
And off he goes, same s***, different year.........'Our library now includes many of the books previously published about the origins of Radio Caroline'........Well, I hope you're not using them for your research, since they are all rubbish according to you.
Testing 1,2.3
2/1/2020 12:46:28 pm
And so the Mervyn Hagger "I'm always right" continues into 2020.
Mervyn Hagger
2/1/2020 01:03:29 pm
Of course it continues because I am not writing a novel. I am part of a team researching facts. So which of the facts stated above do you not believe to be true concerning the start of the original Radio Caroline? Your nonsense is repetitious and claims that my novel which I am not writing will never be published. That is a true statement of fact. It will not be published. So which of the facts stated above are you challenging when I tell you that the stories in 'The Caroline Bible' are childish fiction repeated by vain would-be authors over and over again - just like you.
James McGregor
2/1/2020 02:30:54 pm
Having a shelf full of books neither makes you a reader, researcher or publisher, just someone with more to dust. If you spent half as much time on publication as you do sending off slabs of ROR ICR we can look forward to a book no later than Easter. This will be an appropriate time as of course we true supporters will be remembering the Easter Uprising off The Mountains of Hardwick, instigated by the Geat Man of Loch Ness. Alias are common on the web for the obvious reasons that there a lot of nutters, scammers, data miners in various guises. Previous/current employers/social workers,neighbours etc just looking for an unlocked door. However, as I have nothing to lose and have a powerful air rifle If my nothing to be ashamed of birth name offends you avert your eyes now. Looking forward to Easter already, good radio and a good book
Swervin Mervyn
2/1/2020 02:53:05 pm
Talking of would be authors, remind us as to when your book is being published? Loving your 'little bit of Bible humour, btw. Laugh? There goes another rib. Ho ho ho. Oh, wait, we've finished ho ho hoing, haven't we? And it would seem from your repetitive whining that the spirit of goodwill is well and truly over. If you don't want responses to your inanities then don't post them.
Mervyn Hagger
2/1/2020 03:01:05 pm
" If you don't want responses to your inanities then don't post them." But I DO want them - but YOU WON'T RESPOND. I asked questions and all you can do is rap on about me not writing a novel which I have agreed that I am not writing! The other idiot (like you), wants me to publish by Easter. You guys really are brain dead trolls. One of you writes endless reams of rubbish, and the other one writes endlessly that I won't publish a novel that I am not writing. You are both insane loonies. Make that you are both childishly inside loonies without the excuse of being children by reason of years.
Swervin Mervyn
2/1/2020 03:13:34 pm
You just don't get it do you? It is not your facts that are the issue, it's all the other c*** that spews forth from your keyboard: I can boldly claim.....cobbled together rubbish.......In the Cold War on radio this was called 'jamming'.......drown-out the truth...........They too shall pass into oblivion..............needI go on? As has been stated, 'We would like you a lot more Merve if you stopped swerving all over the ball park and calmed down', but this wnt straight over your head, and off you go again with the same old, same old. You ask for it. Perhaps you need the attention.
TV Viewer
2/1/2020 03:06:03 pm
I thought that this is a thread about a TV show about Christine Keeler? I have seen both episodes to date and both are reasonably accurate.
Swervin Mervyn
2/1/2020 03:15:45 pm
Another Hagger hijack I'm afraid. He's determined to cause mayhem just to make his point over and over ad nauseum.
TV Viewer
2/1/2020 03:25:15 pm
You must be reading a different thread. His first two comments are about the Christine Keeler show in relation to the subject matter he is researching. This is followed by a third comment from someone called Jimmy who is not responding to the thread but admitting that he uses various names to post nonsense on this site. From what I can see the Keeler show is tied to activities within MI5 and MI6 and if I am not mistaken, that is the theme of both the show and this thread.
Barry W
2/1/2020 03:55:55 pm
I am also watching this TV series and following this thread. How can you claim that Hagger hijacked this thread when it is obvious that it was hijacked by that third post from Jimmy?
2/1/2020 04:01:42 pm
Whoever you are Swervin, it seems that you are not watching the TV show and that you are not following Mervyn's comments. Instead you seem to be taking issue with the fact that he is annoyed that others are constantly attacking him personally so that they can avoid answering the evidence that he is revealing, which by way, he relates to the TV show.
Swervin Mervyn
2/1/2020 03:57:53 pm
Did you not read Mervyn's pre-emptive strike in his first post, then?
TV Viewer
2/1/2020 04:07:59 pm
Yes, and he was drawing attention to what happened on previous threads. On the other hand I have been following Mike and I agree with his own introductory comments to this thread. Have you read them? Mike wrote: "The latter part of this documentary could be talking about events today. In fact when the story of how MI5 and MI6 were involved in spying on a U.S president prior too and after becoming elected (I have been waiting since 2017 for this to enter the British public domain, however my sources are legit and in the USA many already know the facts) the reality is that the state, the media and particularly the BBC are more controlled by the elite than ever before, and many intelligent personnel operate without the elected governments consent or knowing."
2/1/2020 04:23:22 pm
'Swervin' how do you explain the last post by 'James McGregor' otherwise known as 'Jimmy'?
Barry W
2/1/2020 04:20:16 pm
It seems that "Jimmy" using one of his other identities has just confirmed that the people who are attacking Mr Hagger are the same people who are afraid of the facts that he is bringing to light for all to read. Personally, I think Mike should just delete all posts that are not intended to be read as sensible dialogue such as the one just added by 'James McGregor' a/k/a 'Jimmy'.
James McGregor
2/1/2020 04:23:41 pm
And who will adjudicate what is sensible dialogue and what is not. Will it be Barry W or Barry Spoons
Barry W
2/1/2020 04:32:33 pm
If your posts fail to follow the norm by responding to the subject matter of the thread, and it your sentences do not follow a logical sequence of commonsense interpretation, and if your paragraphs are composed of what an ordinary person would call nonsense, then Mike has an easy choice of whether he should delete or keep the post. In your case it would be delete them.
James McGregor
2/1/2020 04:04:16 pm
The Bed that Rocked the Government
Testing 1,2.3
2/1/2020 04:31:05 pm
Comment from Swervin Mervyn "We would like you a lot more Merve -- ".Don't count me in with the "WE". There is now way on this earth I would ever "like" MH after all the disgraceful comments made about ROR. Just remember ,Hagrid , what goes around comes around.
Swervin Mervyn
2/1/2020 04:32:19 pm
OK, well, you'll be glad to hear that I will give this forum a miss henceforth. For my objections to Mervyn's attitude you would need to read back through several threads to see why, and I wouldn't wish that upon you. Have fun and Happy New Year.
TV Viewer
2/1/2020 04:38:58 pm
Since 'Testing', 'Swervin' and 'James/Jimmy' all fail to address the topic of this thread which is the Keeler TV series, and since their only reason for posting here seems to be to personally attack Mr Hagger, I suspect that all three are the same person using different names. However, since none of their posts have ever addressed the issues raised by Mike, nor for that matter the evidence presented by Mr Hagger, I can only conclude that your presence will not be missed but welcomed if you fail to post here in the future.
2/1/2020 04:42:18 pm
Barry W
2/1/2020 04:45:51 pm
Very true, but it is a bit like stating the obvious.
Swervin Mervyn
2/1/2020 05:23:16 pm
Sigh.......Once again, I have to return to confirm that I am not Testing or James. This is the kind of notion usually propounded by Mervyn in one of his mad deductions. He may be masquerading as Sean, Barry W and/or TV Viewer himself for all I know, if you want to play that game. What a coincidence that they should all suddenly appear at the same time.........
2/1/2020 04:46:39 pm
Mervyn, Happy New Year. Check out Witchseason - Joe Boyd, connected to Elektra Records. Werewolf Management - Directors - Anthea Joseph, (check more) - Oonagh Karanjia - Joe Boyd's personal assistant (Feb 1970- Billboard). Scottg.
Mervyn Hagger
2/1/2020 04:51:59 pm
Since this thread is about the Christine Keeler TV series I fail to see how your post relates to the topic, and it appears to be but yet another post from 'James'.
2/1/2020 05:00:32 pm
John Profumo who features in this TV series, was the original Tory spokesperson pushing for sponsored commercial radio right after WWII. Before the advent of Caroline he was sidelined due to the scandal that developed from his affair and perjury relating to Christine Keeler.
Tina Head Turner CNN CC Pal + OBOE
2/1/2020 05:41:08 pm
Nutbush City Limits
Barry W
2/1/2020 05:52:28 pm
If the attempted efforts to derail this thread are all tied to 'Jimmy/James' who also posts on both the Garry Stevens Forum and the Forum populated by Freddie Archer et al in support of the Malcolm Smith enterprise called Caroline, then clearly these people are in state of fright. They seem to be scared out of their wits that their little world is about to sink in its own sea of lies. Jimmy/James is merely confirming this conclusion by his frantic efforts to interrupt and derail all sensible conversation.
Mervyn Hagger
2/1/2020 05:55:39 pm
Barry I could have written better. Spot on!
Swervin Mervyn
2/1/2020 06:04:34 pm
Hahaha. Barry posts at 5:52, using exactly the same forms of words and phraseology as Mervyn would, and he responds three minutes later. Now who's being childish? Pathetic.
Mervyn Hagger
2/1/2020 06:18:10 pm
No, you guys who use fake names to constantly attack because of fear are pathetic. If Barry is in lockstep with my own views. then I can also report that I am in lockstep with Mike's views at the beginning of this post when he wrote .... "when the story of how MI5 and MI6 were involved in spying on a U.S president prior too and after becoming elected ..." Now are you about to start that silly nonsense (again) that I am Mike and Mike is me? Not everyone is a fool, an idiot like James/Jimmy/Testing and you. Some people actually think as individuals and reason things out for themselves. They are not going to be fooled by rubbish like 'The Caroline Bible' and its cult of O'Rahillyism. You are the fool. You are the idiot - until you start thinking for yourself.
Mervyn Hagger
2/1/2020 06:23:21 pm
Mervyn would not post: "in support of the Malcolm Smith enterprise called Caroline" because Mervyn would post "in support of the Garry Stevens' 'Church of Caroline' and their rust-bucket hulk..." I have been very consistent in my description of the cult of Caroline. Oh and by the way, I always give credit to Garry Stevens' for labeling the other Forum as 'The Joke Board'.
Swervin Mervyn
2/1/2020 06:52:38 pm
I have never suggested that you and Mike were the same person, that was someone else. Get your facts straight.
Testing 1.2,3
2/1/2020 06:35:16 pm
I am me ,not anyone else ,not James , not Swervin.
Swervin Mervyn
2/1/2020 07:00:48 pm
Another Hagger conspiracy theory. His book will be full of them. The sad thing is that they might well be true, but come the day noone will take any notice because of rants like this.
Mervyn Hagger
2/1/2020 07:20:33 pm
You quack like ducks and I you identify yourself as ducks, and therefore you (Testing); Swervin/Adrian and James/Jimmy are ducks as far as I am concerned. Go quack elsewhere. Mervyn, I assume your reply that your post at 4:51:19 was in reply to me. I have been supportive to you, I occasionally supply info relating to Offshore Radio, so don't even consider taking your rants out of me. The connection is Jimmy Houlihan, who was known, both to Christine Keeler and Oonagh Huggar (aka - Leigh, Karanjia). It is possible that Jimmy Houlihan and Michael Joseph of Scene 61 acting school are the same person, (only a picture comparison will tell). The name C O Stanley first appeared in print in January 1965 in connection with Radio Caroline, long before 'Radio Man'. Check my info before 'rants'. I ONLY post under Scottg. Scottg.
Swervin Mervyn
2/1/2020 06:57:34 pm
This is how he alienates even those who try to help him. This is how it always ends.
Mervyn Hagger
2/1/2020 07:17:54 pm
Your version of 'help' is the same as censorship. You keep promising to shut up, please do so.
Mervyn Hagger
2/1/2020 07:16:38 pm
Scottg - you keep asking me for information I am not willing to supply to you in public. I have offered private means of communication but you have rejected them. As to your Houlian/Joseph question the answer is NO, and the same goes for your statement about C.O. Stanley, I don't understand its significance. This is a thread about the Christine Keeler TV show and I don't understand why you are posting this stuff on this thread.
Swervin Mervyn
2/1/2020 07:23:20 pm
I rest my case.
2/1/2020 07:24:17 pm
I wish you would
James McGregor
3/1/2020 01:34:44 am
Jimmy Houlian was a mythical minder make up to tell puppets to keep with the programme. Any muppet can see that Fozzy Bare
Barry W
2/1/2020 07:31:49 pm
Why do you three or is it one [Testing-Swervin-Jimmy] keep up your effort to prevent discussion of the Christine Keeler TV series. That is what I want to discuss, not your childish rants which all seemed to be aimed at Mr Hagger. Why not email him directly or just ignore him if he annoys you? Why can't you leave this site alone. One of you has just admitted that you don't think that Mike is Mervyn, so why take it out on Mike and people like me?
Swervin Mervyn
2/1/2020 08:54:19 pm
Well, it seems that you are yet to contribute to the topic of this thread yourself. You need to be aware of the history of Mervyn and his ransacking of discussion boards and his attacks on those who are unable to defend themselves. A little kindness and friendliness from the outset would have yielded so many positive and helpful responses, but his bombastic approach has done him no service. Those are the issues. Such a shame, he is obviously an intelligent man who has accumulated a wealth of information. I guess he is just not a people person. If you are 'on his side', as it were, please offer your services to him so that he can finish his book.
Barry W
2/1/2020 09:41:57 pm
Swervin, I find your attitude throughout to be totally condescending to me and to everyone else. I would say that Mr Hagger has a right to express anger at people who post rubbish and do nothing to advance a topic.You accused me of not contributing anything to this thread, but if you go back you will find my comments: "I am also watching this TV series and following this thread. How can you claim that Hagger hijacked this thread when it is obvious that it was hijacked by that third post from Jimmy?
Mervyn Hagger
2/1/2020 09:51:12 pm
Barry, the problem is that Svervin is being a total hypocrite. It is he and his pals (or maybe it is one person using several silly names), who have not contributed anything to this thread. I am accused of not publishing a novel when I have never claimed to be writing a novel, and neither have I every claimed to be a lone individual working on an investigation. In fact, I have made my previously published works available to all who want to read them, but still this insane and silly abuse continues unabated. It does look as if these cowards hiding behind silly names are really scared stiff about what we are working on and what we will eventually publish in our own time - not theirs. Sverviin and his alter-egos have never contributed anything of an academic nature to advance our learning, all that they have ever done is to launch personal attacks on me. Their record and the facts speak for themselves. These people are no-nothings of the worst type because they want to inhibit learning and knowledge by hurling abuse.
Mervyn Hagger
2/1/2020 10:00:10 pm
An addendum: I wrote "no-nothings" because some of them do KNOW parts of the true story and they are choosing to lie. They are "NO-nothings" because of their chant that I will not publish a novel which I am not writing and which I have never claimed to be writing. Their only response is negative to everything. It is a case of no-no-no to investigation and yes-yes-yes to bilge like 'The Caroline Bible'. Obviously it is a campaign. Fortunately Mike obviously shares many of the views (and knowledge base) that I am associated with, and that is why I post here. Others have tried to suggest that I am Mike and Mike is me because the thought that more than one person knows what I do, is obviously worrying to them.
James McGregor
3/1/2020 12:36:54 am
Very Good reply SM. I agree
Swervin Mervyn
2/1/2020 09:57:19 pm
I refer you to Mervyn's first post in which he urged Admin to take action even before any other posts were made. Anyway, shall we get back on topic? Let us have your thoughts on the subject matter which, according to your earlier post, you wish to discuss.
Mike - Admin
2/1/2020 10:19:31 pm
I resent the hypocritical censorship on Garry Stevens forum, especially by Stewart - Admin who closes down threads simply because he does not like what is said. Also the banning of individuals. Why? because however stupid they may be, or daft the comments may seem, we all have different ways of expressing ourselves, and when it's not face to face then in reality someone trying to amuse, can come across as ignorant or rude.
Testing 1.2,3
2/1/2020 10:40:49 pm
Interesting post from you Mike .Looks like you've been drawn in by this fellow's bluster.I'll continue to read your topics here without comment apart from when MH directs his venom towards Ronan.The publishing clock is ticking and that is all it will do continue to tick into 2021 then on and on .
Swervin Mervyn
2/1/2020 10:47:10 pm
A well reasoned and thoughtful post. We've all had a spiffing time, haven't we? I too will watch from a safe distance (subject to the usual disclaimer), and look forward to reading Mervyn's findings in due course. I bid you goodnight, sir.
James McGregor
3/1/2020 01:02:19 am
Hi Mike. I think your points and your points about Mervyns points and your point about me getting as tedious as a Cadbury's Cream Egg is getting just a little repetitive is very true! However, why does the Lone Star Sate of Texas continue to be favoured and excused for self promotion on the grounds that "oh he's just a forceful cheeky abrasive monkey - but he knows stuff that no one else wants to bare their head buried up to their arse to". Definitions of Intelligence seem to differ in my Pictionary.
Mervyn Hagger
3/1/2020 08:30:50 am
James McGregor - You, like 'Testing' are setting up a straw man to knock down. 'Testing' rants that I will never publish a novel when I have never claimed to be writing a novel, and I stand by that claim now. You on the other hand accuse me of 'self-promotion' because, in your words "he knows stuff that no one else wants to bare their head buried up to their arse to". That is not a civil response to Mike, and it is not an intelligent refutation of anything I have written. It is just another smear. Now we come back to 'Testing' and his admonition in favor of censorship: "MH directs his venom towards Ronan " The reason why I openly denounce Ronan O'Rahilly's claims is because they are false, and the false premise upon which they were built required help from Ian Cowper Ross to invent a string of lies about a mythical person called 'Jimmy'. Why? Because it was necessary for the liars to provide a false financial base for the money behind Radio Caroline. Never can it be admitted by the liars that Radio Atlanta and Radio Caroline were one single project from the beginning. If that is ever admitted then Ronan O'Rahilly becomes superfluous to the story. The fact is that Ronan O'Rahilly was a loud mouth, and to quote James McGregor "a forceful cheeky abrasive monkey". He was a con man. He was a fraud. Radio Caroline was a last minute invention to assist with the acquiring of a lease on the mv Mi Amigo while it was in Galveston, Texas. All of Radio Caroline's original taped programs were recorded at 47 Dean Street on the top floor above Crawford's office. Simon Dee was trained there. In fact the more that the bilge artists have their way and publish stuff like 'Pirate Gold' and 'The Caroline Bible' the more that silly stories about people like Barry Ainley appear! The entire framework of the O'Rahilly myth is based upon exaggeration and inventive lies. It is why my critics don't even want this thread by Mike to be discussed - because it runs headlong into the mythological timeline of Georgie Fame and Ronan O'Rahilly. So what happens? Mike posts a topic and immediately the ranting propagandists go into action to divert attention by attacking me = personally. NOTE: Not in one instance has ANY attacker taken issue with the substantive text of what I have written. They can't. So instead, they immediately attack me personally. Well, one thing is for sure, you are all providing ample proof that "out there" are ranters who are mere slaves of propaganda spewing forth from what Garry Stevens called the 'Church of Caroline' and his own rival that he called the 'Joke Board'. I DARE you detractors to start discussing the issues instead of attacking me.
Mervyn Hagger
3/1/2020 08:47:17 am
On topic: Mike wrote "when the story of how MI5 and MI6 were involved in spying on a U.S president prior too and after becoming elected - the reality is that the state, the media and particularly the BBC are more controlled by the elite than ever before, and many intelligent personnel operate without the elected governments consent or knowing." So what has the 2016 Election of Donald Trump got to do with the UK? Just this news headline today: "Hillary Clinton named chancellor at Northern Ireland university." Hillary Clinton is now following the same path taken by the Chancellor of Stirling University and his stooge Joseph Mifsud - the man who engaged with MI5/MI6 to 'set-up' Donald Trump, and he did this at a time when the Vice-Chancellor was the co-host of the BBC Radio 4 'Today' show! Now you know why Hillary Clinton has been in the UK attacking Donald Trump. The UK or namely MI5/MI6/BBC is ground zero!
James McGregor
3/1/2020 03:20:56 pm
Yes I can now see clearly that you are right and how wrong I have been. I shall swap my sweaty Caroline shirt for one of pure Monks hair. The Caroline monkeys have been chimpering away for for too many years burying their ostracising heads in their little zoo clique cilice. Their tinpot rituals, 140ft dreamworks spires and Easter Masses will soon be gone the way of the dodo. Is that cliche riddled enough Mike?.
Mervyn Hagger
3/1/2020 04:20:31 pm
What does your comment have to do with the topic; Mike's comments; my comments, or reality?
Testing 1.2,3
3/1/2020 03:53:56 pm
Hagger are you now saying you never attacked the declining health of Ronan?The comments you made will not get swept under the carpet and be forgotten about as they were appalling.
Connected 1.2,3,
3/1/2020 04:19:00 pm
Ronan O'Rahilly's mental health has been in feigned decline since he first arrived in London. The man is a con artist and a fraud. You might just call him a balled-faced liar and be done with it. What this git is doing now is of no concern of mine. But then I don't go around worrying about other fraudsters who are in declining health either. I do support research into finding a cure for Alzheimer's, but since O'Rahilly chose in his 20s to forget the truth - on purpose, I will concentrate on exposing his lies by revealing the true story. If you want to join the cult for crooks, go ahead, but don't expect others to have sympathy for your own madness.
Mervyn Hagger
3/1/2020 04:30:06 pm
A "balled-face liar" according to the US informal dictionary must be "confused or frustrated" as in "I got slightly balled up in my facts". However, O'Rahilly wasn't confused or frustrated in his facts, he was just flat-out lying, yes, he was a con man and a fraud. I guess this thing called "Testing" is also mentally deficient since he seems to have an identity crisis, or is it that he is just a plain coward who dare not use he real name and reveal himself, but he sees no difficulty in rudely calling me by my surname. I guess "Testing" is just a chip of the fraudster's block.
Min Spy
3/1/2020 04:46:50 pm
What does your comment have to do with the topic; Mike's comments; my comments, or reality?
3/1/2020 04:52:57 pm
You didn't post any comments for anyone to comment upon.
Connection Failed
3/1/2020 04:39:24 pm
I think Mervyn needs a hug. I'm not offering.
Freddie Archer
3/1/2020 04:57:39 pm
I will take all the hugs going. I need them. Mervyn has more than enough people who love him. So where are you 'Connection Failed'? Are your hugs failing due to a poor connection? I discovered the same thing over at the Church of Caroline and its affiliated Joke Board where everyone is going out of their minds.
Freddie Archer
3/1/2020 04:51:21 pm
Scottg says on Garry Steven's Church of Caroline Forum that "It has come to my attention that Chris Moore, prior to Radio Caroline, organised the music for The Crazy Elephant, 57-58 Jermyn Street, London." Then follows about 4 versions of how Chris Moore supposedly got involved with Caroline. But good old Scottg needs to read up on the history of 'The Crazy Elephant' restaurant which seems to have come into existence in 1965. Er, isn't that after the start of Radio Caroline? I guess all of the people on that Church of Caroline Forum have had their noses in 'The Caroline Bible' trying to find the truth in a sea of fiction.
Swervin Mervyn
3/1/2020 04:58:07 pm
Dear oh dear. And so it goes on. As tempting as it may be to respond (and here's me doing it), I think that the best way forward is for everyone to completely ignore Mervyn's posts. He hates that, not getting any attention. It may also be the kindest course of action too.
Swervin Mervyn
3/1/2020 05:05:10 pm
Wait a minute. If we ignore Mervyn's posts he will get what he wants - which is not us trolls. Maybe I should attack James and James should attack Testing and ... well, no, then they might attack me. Oh I am soooooo confused.
Testing 1.2,3
3/1/2020 05:08:48 pm
Swervin Mervyn I'm with you 100% on that . Just wanted to remind people of the appalling things MH said about Ronan's health which will not get swept under the carpet.Out from me and let him fester.Enjoy life Tick,Tock,Tick,Tock.what goes around comes around.
Swervin Mervyn
3/1/2020 05:12:10 pm
Testing, you want me to attack James and James to attack you? I don't get it. I am sooooooooooooooooooo confused.
Testing 1.2,3
3/1/2020 06:11:05 pm
Swervin Mervyn - no I meant 100% to this post .I clicked on the wrong reply.
Testing 1.2,3
3/1/2020 06:13:11 pm
And it's happened again bottom line is ignore the troll.
Freddie Archer aka Testing 1.2,3
3/1/2020 05:02:02 pm
You got me. I was going on at Hagger for not publishing the novel that he never wrote, and now you know who wrote and published the novel. Psst! It's called 'The Caroline Bible'. Ooops! I should have been blaming Rusting for not publishing his novel but Rusting has published his novel. Real life is sooooo complicated.
Hillary Clinton
3/1/2020 05:08:50 pm
Hey, did anyone notice that I am now at the University in Belfast just like Joseph Mifsud was? He disappeared after cropping up at the University of Stirling. I have friends at MI5,MI6 and BBC and we publish fiction, same as Mr Rusting.
Garry Stevens, Archbishop, Church of Caroline
3/1/2020 05:19:00 pm
Please stop this blasphemy against Saint Ronan and disrespect of our Bible. Our creed is to disrespect truth and those who tell it.
Health Warning
3/1/2020 05:35:43 pm
Have you been in contact with the fluidity of virtual phlegm called 'Ronan's Rapture'? Third, fourth-hand or even twelth-hand contact can be dangerous to your mental health, if your mind has imbibed these toxic texts. Do not ignore this health warning, detoxification is necessary. Visit a reference librarian without delay and ask for help to open your mind.
3/1/2020 05:50:58 pm
Christine Keeler documentary on YouTube
To the owner of this board - my name 'Scottg' is being replicated by others who HATE ' MH'. These people all seem to be people connected to Peter Moore, and something that was suggested to Peter Moore by Mervyn Haggar regarding a 'CAROLINE' franchise that was rejected, when broadcasting had stopped in the early 1990's. This 'War ' is still continues to this day. There must eventually be a ceasefire. Maybe 'MH' can expand on what I have just written. Sincerely, (the genuine) Scottg.
Mervyn Hagger
3/1/2020 07:10:04 pm
I have absolutely NO idea of what this is about. My surname has an 'e' and not a second 'a', by the way,
3/1/2020 07:11:48 pm
That's because I did not write it.
David 8 Ike LW
3/1/2020 07:13:19 pm
I wrote it.
David 8 Ike LW
3/1/2020 06:37:22 pm
This is the best forum. I am shedding my skin watching this with my partner Lydia Plantpot
3/1/2020 07:14:51 pm
Stop impersonating me.Scottg
James McGregor
3/1/2020 07:16:17 pm
He's not, I am.
Swervin Adrian
3/1/2020 07:17:40 pm
Cut it out James, that's my game
Training 1,2.3
3/1/2020 07:19:12 pm
Write your novel Scottg
The real Scottg
3/1/2020 07:25:15 pm
If you think you are so smart where was Simon Dee before he was recruited by someone or other to work on Radio Caroline in 1964 while the ship was off Essex and were they still using tapes when he took over and where were those tapes recorded? It seems that the people on Garry's Board don't know the answers to these questions and from what I have read various books the answers all seem to be contradictory.
Know It All Smart Arse
3/1/2020 07:41:03 pm
He was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar. He was picked out, shaken up, turned around and turned into someone new.
3/1/2020 07:59:21 pm
He was reverse transgender?
Welcome to Iran
3/1/2020 07:45:05 pm - Iran has no gays it turns them all into women.
Swervin Adrian
3/1/2020 07:55:36 pm
Are you saying that Simon Dee was an Iranian?
Know It All Smart Arse
3/1/2020 08:12:05 pm
No, just a light drizzle.
James McGregor
3/1/2020 08:17:10 pm
I think I have the hang of it now. The tapes were stockpiled at Dean Street or wherever in a reciprocal arrangement for a glass of of the tale us port. The big fib is THE GRAND BETRAYAL when the MV Cline was used as an experiment to test the hoovering up ships like the lucky stars act. THERE WAS NEVER any GBTL it was part of the plan. Then it all came back together. The more media advertising accessible Queen Magazine being more establishment Duke of Woburn Princess Margaret Friendly than shady mysterious Atlanta Radio Nord Money Men. The huge problem apart from BiG L (another story obviously linked) was all these wasses finding the forts and towers and jumping on and off at the changing of the tide. By Frinton Beach in 66 New blood try to rescue and do so very well ???? By 67 What have you got to lose? Two theoretical experimental wrecks? There's the thorny matter of Wise Muller and the insurance, the huge impracticality of 2 ships in 1967 ,representing a station with less than a break even situation and it goes.
No James you still haven't figured it out
3/1/2020 08:36:16 pm
You are trying very hard to figure out what I am saying because you still want to clutch on to the Ronan mythology. That won't work either. Ronan is a fraud. But Ray Anderson and Chris Elliot and Brian Lister are all rip-off artists who thought they could figure it out and rush into print. Mr Rusting did the same, but they all got it wrong. This investigation began with offshore radio but it has spread to many other related interests - such as the Christine Keeler scandal that dragged in John Profumo. But soon we are into the Cuban Missile Crisis and the lying Robert F. Kennedy who pushed the world towards a nuclear WWIII, and let's not forget Polaris and on and on and on. Then there is the subject of polemics - politics and religion and I don't mean just Armstrrong, I mean Billy Graham and the Lutheran Hour and so many, many other bits that all end up rewriting the history of the Twentieth Century. It has nothing to do with the rusting hulk brigade and Ronan O'Rahilly remains a nothing blip, a con man of insignificant stature. So James, you may think that you are smart and you may think that you can figure this out, but unless you have a team like I do who have been working on this for decades, you are just going to have to wait to see what we have amassed when we are ready to release it on our own timetable.
Missing Persons Bureau
3/1/2020 11:07:53 pm
Anyone seen Barry W or Sean?
3/1/2020 09:31:20 pm
Has anyone else seen the 1962 Brands Hatrch souveneir programme that is on the Pirate Hall of Fame that shows a picture of someone who looks like Simon Dee working as a tyre mechanic with a person who appears to be Christine Keeler looking on from a chair?
Mary Vernon Horton Smith
3/1/2020 09:34:56 pm
o no you are not bringing those same daft questions that youstick on garrys board here as well are you?
3/1/2020 10:43:35 pm
Is that the one witht the gold border?
3/1/2020 10:45:25 pm
No it has a green leaf edge
Mary Vernon Horton Smith
3/1/2020 10:46:59 pm
for heavens sake take this somewhere else.
IT Support
3/1/2020 10:58:16 pm
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