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As I watched this documentary made in 1991, I did a couple of things. First I followed & noted the timeline of events particularly for the late 1950's through to the early 1960's. Secondly I looked at Joe Meek's interaction with the big record labels and the events that unfolded in that respect. It's clear he was both creative and had a determination to get his own way, he was the forerunner of the indie music scene and also has a musical legacy that is well remembered getting on for sixty years later. It's also clear he was perhaps not the best with handling money and running a business, led perhaps more by emotion than sound business logic. Although Joe Meek using Radio Luxembourg for his Triumph record label is not mentioned in this documentary it is clearly documented elsewhere and falls into the time line logically. It raised a few questions though and some of these events run parallel with the story Ronan O'Rahilly has told regarding his own supposed experience's with the music industry at that time. First of all as The Radio Caroline Bible alleges that Ronan was a part player in the management of Georgie Fame who had a professional backer, so what was O'Rahilly doing in the first place going to Radio Luxembourg trying to get an acetate played? O'Rahilly has an Acetate to share, so what was that, a demo (hardly what you would want played on the radio) or a studio recording in which case that would have been expensive (see the Meek documentary) and which recording studio did he use? More importantly if Georgie Fame did not have a record label contract, what an earth was O'Rahilly doing trying to get him airtime? It was the long established norm in the early sixties that promoters wanted a recording contract through which you recorded a product to then market using the music press, live appearances, and of course your own labels output on Radio Luxembourg if it suited that format. Finally don't forget Georgie Fame was actually signed with a label in 1963. Joe Meek's documentary gives valuable incite into that era and regardless of the man himself, how the music business functioned, something any aspiring promoter would have clearly understood. Georgie Fame was clearly talented and popular in the London club scene way before O'Rahilly arrived, his music was suited to that era, he was a natural for getting a recording contract, which he did and went on to significant success, something an acetate and no record to sell would surely only held him back.
James M
16/12/2019 04:31:30 pm
I reckon they all just shagged each other
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 04:42:33 pm
Aaaah Bisto! James is gathering material from his his porno library, but he has only got as far as looking at video covers. Don't worry he will get around to the bedsheets and the stains upon them.
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 04:36:55 pm
Excellent points Mike. Now James will come on with slabs of stuff about the public toilets at Clacton, or lack thereof combined with the price of veal in Wandsworth Prison raising issues of social concern for the Planet due to excessive gas emissions from cattle and the mold growing on his bathroom wall due to excessive dampness = to which Kevin will wonder if that is why James is a bore and 1.2,3 will state that this will make a great novel that won't be published and Ed will confess that his real name is Mary and not as previously stated. Meanwhile the subject of Joe Meek will get forgotten since it is an apocryphal tale as far as The Ronan (He whose name shall be blessed) is concerned because it is not in the Ronan Bible..
James M
16/12/2019 04:50:02 pm
Now Now Now and then MV. You did not compose that and write and post it in 5 minutes and 25 seconds did you? I speculate that that this was a pre prepared slab just waiting and frothing at the jaw for the next topic to lob the grenade in. It will serve you right if no one bothers to reply to this because it is blindingly obvious that you do not give a shit (bad word even though appears here a lot (LOL) about RC but just want an obsessional troll hobby. It may well be a bit of social contact for me as has been opined by folk like Trevor on GS, but I am not a raving mad sociopath whose idea for home improvement is blowing up the house. Just Go Away
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 05:44:49 pm
No James it all came out of your Instant Jar of Time Wasting - no deposit and no identification necessary.
Testing 1.2,3
16/12/2019 05:27:47 pm
Mike ,Doesn't it pee you off that every topic gets hijacked by MH?
Ed Abovewater
16/12/2019 05:42:09 pm
He has, but it is not for the likes of us. He directs potential posters to this page. You can read more of Joe Meek on Merv's board, published 9th December....................
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 05:47:12 pm
You are right Ed, you belong on the Garry Board, this is for people who think and reason..
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 05:42:10 pm
No, I have been to the Boring School for James distemper contamination decontamination and to the 1.2, 3 School for wondering what 2,2,3 means in life to Ed who is wildly demonstrating that he is not Mary and Kevin who who is simply frothing at the mouth for excessive blathering about bithering all.
Ed Abovewater
16/12/2019 05:58:08 pm
Great thinking and reasoning there, Merv.
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 06:14:23 pm
Thanks Ed, Kevin gave me an medal but I sent it back in true Beatles style because it had been peed on in 1.2,3 fashion just because he was testing his hose again and wanted to prove that he could..
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 05:48:39 pm
Testing Your Pee 1,2,3?
James M
16/12/2019 05:56:32 pm
This is the amusing thing T123. He HAS got his own forum but refuses to use it . Pretending that it is for solely holier than thou academic research
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 06:08:53 pm
Look James no slabs cos I can see that you can't read cos his name is 1 point 2, 3 and not as you have written it 123 and that is cos 2 and 3 are parts of 1 and not separate units which means you didn't go to Specgazers for geezers who try to con you into thinking that they know what they are doing to your eyesight and I can clearly see that your pupils need to go back to school to discern the difference and if you time this correctly you will know that there is no way that I could have prepared your kind of drivel which this is, in advance, unless of course your time piece is ticking to the mental clock in your head and then any time is James time and I don't mean Jamestown cos it is over "there" and you are over "here" but not in my neck of the woods or for that matter in my legs, arms and feet woods either, not that I have anything against woods or wood unless it because some git wants me to plant trees to save their planet drowning in George Carlin Waitrose bags (other brands of bags also being available to stuff into Wales... and England, Scotland and Northern Ireland (while it lasts - long live S.F.)
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 06:16:52 pm
Next, or can we now get back to Mike's topic?
Ed Abovewater
16/12/2019 06:27:09 pm
I have no answers to the points raised, so cannot comment meaningfully on the post.
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 06:52:30 pm
Ed that won't do because you have had plenty to say in defense of the people spreading lies on behalf of the Liar-in-Chief (may his name forever be abused). Now you are silent? Read Mike's editorial again - assuming you read it the first time.
Ed Abovewater
16/12/2019 07:04:02 pm
So you would like me to comment on a topic of which I have no knowledge? And yes I have read the post and watched the video. That's how I know that I have nothing to say on the subject.
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 07:16:17 pm
Then what have you already been commenting upon?
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 06:19:25 pm
Where y'all gone?
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 06:56:47 pm
James Slab sort out Ed he is commenting upon a thread which he says he has nothing to comment about. Sounds like your kind of graduate of gurgling gloop.
James M
16/12/2019 07:14:22 pm
It was the Little Britain Froggy and Maggie's vomit that did for you really wasn't it?
Ed Abovewater
16/12/2019 07:17:57 pm
You asked where everyone had gone. I responded with an explanation from my standpoint. That was not good enough for you. I expanded on my explanation. You criticise me for doing so.
Kevin H
16/12/2019 07:35:54 pm
Blimey, he's off again! I've just clicked on this topic, and the mad Hagger has already named me not once, not twice, but three times! I've clearly got under his skin, despite my largely polite & reasonable replies to him. compared to the constant vile & offensive posts he directs at everyone else. I genuinely feel sorry for the old boy, he clearly has no real life or friends, leaving him with his obsession & lashing out at people online. (((Hagger)))
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 07:44:39 pm
Kevin meet James 123 who is the son Ed who is really someone else and this is not a Test of your mental ability or lack thereof, because there is nothing there to test for if there had been you would have commented upon Mike's disgusting, vile and offensive posts like the one at the top of this thread which does not worship He Whose Mind is Gone or Going and who once perceived the general population as fools, like Ed who has read the post about Joe Meek and knows not what to make of it.
Ed Abovewater
16/12/2019 07:55:41 pm
Well, I'm not sure who is who now :) Anyway, I do know what to make of Mike's post, but have no information to add, if that's OK . I cannot answer the questions raised, as I said before.
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 08:17:49 pm
Ws, let's begin by being honest: O'Rahilly is a fraud. He claimed that he could not do what Meek had already done.Everyone believed O'Rahilly because O'Rahilly was a dishonest con man who did not admit that Meek had done what he claimed that he could not do.
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 08:19:41 pm
Wa, is a typo that should read Ed and the post above is awaiting your response.
Ed Abovewater
16/12/2019 08:32:37 pm
Perhaps he could not do what Meek had done because circumstances or policies were different. Perhaps he couldn't blag them to do it. Perhaps he lied about the whole thing. I don't know. Who does?
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 08:36:27 pm
I know Ed, let's begin there. I know that Meek did what it is claimed that Mike did. There is both contemporary proof and hard artifacts to prove it. On the other hand there is NO proof that O'Rahilly did any of the things he claimed to do to the extent that he claimed to have done them, and there is no proof to show that he began a station called Radio Caroline. I can prove that as well.
Ed Abovewater
16/12/2019 08:44:07 pm
You can prove that there is no proof, OK. Maybe he was too clever for you. Anyway, innocent until proven guilty, eh, Mervyn?
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 08:51:33 pm
Ed, you are in a box. You wrote: "You can prove that there is no proof, OK. Maybe he was too clever for you. Anyway, innocent until proven guilty, eh, Mervyn?" No Ed, there IS proof regarding Meek, and there IS proof regarding O'Rahily. It is all based upon the fact that a human being cannot be in two places at the same time. We know where both men were and we also know what one did and what one did not do. It is called old-fashioned detective work and it is based upon hard evidence. O'Rahilly was a con man who lied for money. He was paid to con and deceive and I know who paid him and why he was paid. The trouble is that some have turned this useless individual into some sort of a god that they worship. I don't. I call O'Rahilly a fraudster.
Ed Abovrwater
16/12/2019 09:02:31 pm
Round and round and round we go. Where it stops nobody knows. Goodbye.
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 09:07:13 pm
Ed, nothing is going "around and around" but your fears. Mike posted a thread which challenges the lies of O'Rahilly. You have no answers, you are afraid of the truth and so rather that search for evidence, you run away to hide.
Testing 1.2,3
16/12/2019 08:49:54 pm
Mike,There have been some interesting reads on this board of yours when it wasn't infested.I thank you for that.Time to depart as it is obvious that MH is out to destroy it evident by his post "Where y'all gone?" earlier. All we are doing if feeding the troll.Ed , Kev, James nice to have been here with you and Haggrid we don't use the term y'all in the UK .Wonder why you can not go back to the USA but I will not be here for the answer.
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 08:57:29 pm
Count 1,2,3 - What a sad and sorry example of a cultist troll who sees where the dialog with Ed is going, and so it (no idea of identity) has to run away before it is gobsmacked by the truth.
Ed Abovewater
16/12/2019 08:59:24 pm
Yes, I think you're right. 'Do not feed the troll' seems like good advice. My trouble is that something outrageous is posted and I have to respond. I shall henceforth watch from a safe distance. Merry Christmas to all.
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 09:04:22 pm
Ed, so you too are afraid of the truth? I guess this site has mainly attracted Caroline cult trolls so far, and these trolls worship the holy name of O'Rahilly. When confronted with the truth the trolls all run for cover, which is something that all religious cultists do. They run because the truth may destroy their belief system.
Ed Abovewater
16/12/2019 09:12:15 pm
Mervyn Hagger
16/12/2019 09:15:48 pm
Ed, so your answer is a crude jpg? That's it? You have now confirmed your identity as a true member of the Church of Caroline. How sad, how sick and how stupid you people are.
Mervyn Hagger
17/12/2019 06:22:08 pm
Go to the Garry Stevens' Hypocrisy Board and read something related to this thread.
Have a look at - Hans Knot International Report Aug 2005. Five paragraphs down. Quote: Radio Mi Amigo technician/DJ Will van der Steen - 'let me tell you that I've always had the delusion that Ronan was hired by the investors of Radio Caroline in 1964 to be their publicity person'. Read the report and any comments welcome. Scottg.
Mervyn Hagger
17/12/2019 08:45:49 pm
Scottg we have come a long way since 2005, but everything that Hans wrote and reported is true. What is different today is that we know the details, and Malcolm Smith popped has up with his tin pot station and rusting hulk looking for funding based upon the bogus story that O'Rahilly put Radio Caroline on the air. Then Garry Stevens got involved and embraced Malcolm and the two of them have embraced a "bible" in order to promote the cult of the Church of Caroline. The ridiculous brain dead trolls who are members of this sect, are among the most outspoken, nasty, vile and stupid people on this Planet, and they want to prevent any one from spreading doubts about their religion.So in that sense you can thank Garry Stevens for promoting the destruction of knowledge.
Admin - Mike
17/12/2019 08:47:07 pm
It's not the first time this site has sparked a new thread on the CommunityRadio/Censorship board yet I imagine the result will be the same. Either total denial by the never fact fanatics or Stewbrains-Admin will lock the whole thing up as he always knows best. Does anyone remember when the eternal pirate radio legend Garry Stephens had the final say, rather than offering grovelling apologies?
Mervyn, with you agreeing with the statement (and your endorsement for Hans Knot), 'that Ronan was hired by the investors Radio Caroline in 1964 to be their publicity person', would you be willing to reveal all or some more of the investors in the original project? Many thanks, Scottg.
Mervyn Hagger
17/12/2019 09:53:55 pm
Scottg, It is not a simple matter of revealing names because the way that Radio Caroline came into being was as an offshoot of Radio Atlanta which in many ways was an offshoot of GBOK. There are a lot of people who are involved with these projects and although they have a common objective, it is not to start an offshore radio station. The reason you know of Jocelyn Stevens is because he surfaced as the original spokesman, but that created other problems. The person who actually unlocks a lot of the riddles is the young man who created them. His name is Ian Cowper Ross, and no, it was not his father Charles who financed everything, and who the myth writers called 'Jimmy'. This is where years and years of painstaking research have now begun to reveal the actual story of Radio Caroline which can essentially be broken into three parts. The first is from March 27 to October 15, 1964; the second is from November 1964 to December 1965, and the third is from January 1966 to August 14, 1967. An appendage then takes us to March 1968 when the ships are towed away.
James M
18/12/2019 09:15:01 am
WHICH WE ALREADY KNOW, IS BLOODY OBVIOUS BUT DOES NOT DISTRACT from forging out the career of perseverance when he has found his niche of Marine Broadcaster, thorn in the side of the establishment, the hierarchy that debatably and as my spell checker corrects me detestably thought they could take him for a pasty. FOUNDER, CHAMPION of IMPOSSIBLE dreams, provider of radio and marine INTEREST, EMPLOYMENT, CAREER development of very very many and the way that UK, EUROPEAN and even WORLD RADIO has SHAPED UP. Now for all those interested in the origins and the politics of cross border broadcasting - I SAY GREAT ME TOO# - but do it politely and properly - not flushing it down the toilet (lavatory is my preferred appellation) in East DunnyShire - Where I am UNRELIABLY INFORMED by not exactly A Spinning 4 TOPS liberal minded foundation research team there are not very many spare seats left to contest, and they DON'T ALWAYS FLUSH with pride about providing content to a septic think tank. la to real fans james m
Mervyn Hagger
18/12/2019 09:30:56 am
What is obvious James M is that you are an idiot. Your posts are idiotic, and whereas Scottg raised an interesting question on the Garry Stevens Church of Caroline Board, and then on this Forum, you, like other trolls (some have already fled), are only intent on creating havoc and obfuscation of intelligent discussion. You are full of yourself and since you are full of crap, your posts are to be stepped over being akin to a public nuisance.
James M
18/12/2019 10:30:29 am
Why is that everyone running a car, for research purposes, with a very small clapped out tiresome engine seeks to project their park on the pavement interpretation of the Highway Code upon every other road user. If there is no scrap of value in your motoring life left stop abandoning cans of your dirty black oil here there and everywhere hoping to stain the reputation of the garage which AS WE ALL KNOW FOR THE MILLIONTH F ING TIME was a dealership and franchise. Write your "book" real names only please unless you are shit scared of being sued and then move on to why Domino's pizzas aren't as big as they George Oughtwell should have been by 2019. Mental Psychopathic Grudges - The Franchise - You founded it, enjoy the low return on capital investment. Everyone is shrewdly trading places and selling your book of shares in the North Sea Bubble at rock bottom prices because like your non existent publication the dockets are not worth arse wiping bathroom tissue
Mervyn Hagger
18/12/2019 10:36:02 am
Shut-up James you are being really stupid if your intention is to obliterate the sensible question by Scottg which is "Mervyn, with you agreeing with the statement (and your endorsement for Hans Knot), 'that Ronan was hired by the investors Radio Caroline in 1964 to be their publicity person', would you be willing to reveal all or some more of the investors in the original project? Many thanks, Scottg." to which I replied: "Scottg, It is not a simple matter of revealing names because the way that Radio Caroline came into being was as an offshoot of Radio Atlanta which in many ways was an offshoot of GBOK. There are a lot of people who are involved with these projects and although they have a common objective, it is not to start an offshore radio station. The reason you know of Jocelyn Stevens is because he surfaced as the original spokesman, but that created other problems. The person who actually unlocks a lot of the riddles is the young man who created them. His name is Ian Cowper Ross, and no, it was not his father Charles who financed everything, and who the myth writers called 'Jimmy'. This is where years and years of painstaking research have now begun to reveal the actual story of Radio Caroline which can essentially be broken into three parts. The first is from March 27 to October 15, 1964; the second is from November 1964 to December 1965, and the third is from January 1966 to August 14, 1967. An appendage then takes us to March 1968 when the ships are towed away."
Mervyn Hagger
18/12/2019 10:44:05 am
James M, like the other stupid cult trolls who have already fled from here, seems to think that piles of gibberish confound and confuse to the point where censorship by deletion is the only way to shut him up. Then he can claim that this site censors posts just like Garry Stevens Church of Caroline Forum. In a way James M is like the idiot protesters who show up to block traffic who think that they are acting on conscience when in reality they are acting upon instructions from someone who is paying the trolls to cause trouble. These trolls will all DIE just like everyone else, but instead of living a life of individual freedom, they have actually become another cog in someone's wheel. James M you need to evaluate your own life and either stay with the trolls on the Garry Stevens Church of Caroline Forum, or write one or two lines that actually address the topic of the thread.
James M
18/12/2019 10:53:46 am
would you be willing to reveal all or some more of the investors in the original project? Many thanks, Scottg." to which I replied: "Scottg, It is not a simple matter of revealing names because the way that Radio
Mervyn Hagger
18/12/2019 11:59:57 am
Now you are pretending to be sane James M, but being abusive at the same time - unlike Scottg. Just study your Caroline Bible and do three "Hail Ronan's", because this thread will only destroy your faith in the Church of Caroline.
Mervyn, have you seen the ROR interview with Janice Street Porter - lwt Radio Caroline 1977? It starts with 'This is what actually started Radio Caroline - I record Georgie Fame - I DID NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE BUSINESS - I just thought this guy is fantastic - the British public will just love him........' Total nievity, no business knowledge, no technical knowledge, only promotion of the finished product. The face of Radio Caroline (for the investors) and of the target market - the youth of Britain of the 'Swinging Sixties'. Scottg.
Mervyn Hagger
18/12/2019 08:19:09 pm
Scottg: This is a red herring because it supposes that there was an acetate: "Posted by Flashback on December 18, 2019, 12:33 pm, in reply to "Re: That mysterious Acetate/Demo disc"
Mervyn Hagger
19/12/2019 09:27:24 am
This item has recently been posted on the Garry Stevens Board. Does anyone have a copy of the recording and the date and station of transmission?
Ed Abovewater
19/12/2019 07:14:15 pm
BACK! Just to answer your question: Yes, and yes.
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