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Are You Woke Enough Yet? Probably not, your just happy sleep walking your children & grandchildren into the end of times. Lets all leave it to someone else eh? Meanwhile in other news Rusty the Pudding Dog raised £1.50 for 'Anoraks In Need' by taking part in a sponsored tirade against anyone who just wants to know what really happened in 1963-64.
Garry Stevens
1/12/2021 05:57:29 pm
Wel I kant cee wots rong with that? I like kolers and they look prettey on the street. I welkom all peeple of kolor like pink people like me.
James McGregor
1/12/2021 08:49:18 pm
You can walk around London starknbollax naked if you like. No one is going to turn a hair. Who cares what Camden Council does. Most of the pedestrians can't read anyway. Letterbox them some of the Witless Bibles by Paul
Mike - Admin
2/12/2021 01:15:36 pm
You say one thing here and something totally anti Mervyn over on the GS Old Peoples Home Board.
Another McGregor about face
3/12/2021 03:16:58 pm
Well Ok then, guide dogs might need sunglasses. Thank you for bringing this important issue to our attention Mike. Top Man
Almost as daft as Atlantisgb!
2/12/2021 10:22:50 am
The trial inaugurated in Anorak Heaven by Atlantisgb! is underway at
Or Maybe
2/12/2021 01:21:15 pm
If Anoraks ran Camden council they would still be arguing over how to format the crossing with GS demanding a sixties euro pop colour experience, Rusling would be grabbing all the meeting minutes to write a Tranny Bible about it & the Church of Caroline would be demanding everyone who doesn't like their colour crossing be hung for daring to have an opinion different to theirs.
Not James McGregor
2/12/2021 01:25:50 pm
My ethereal fluffy flimflam self is currently par carking in another head space. There are my heads and your bed time hammer oddly not Mr Blobby's farm for lunatic anoraks.
2/12/2021 02:31:17 pm
HA! HA!.
Mister 2 Blog
2/12/2021 04:54:29 pm
We have your number and we are watching you. Seems like you are not reading us, otherwise you would know the answer.
Loop Antennas for McGregor and/or Anorak Reception
2/12/2021 01:39:19 pm
Camden Council recommend painting your toenails in the colours of our street crossings to show that you are un-Woke, and unsexist and unracist because only black and white colours reveal the domination of white over black and since all the roads are naturally black if they are tarmac, putting white stripes on top of the black shows white domination over black. To avoid any of this please paint your toenails now according to the manner in which Camden Council has shown you in our one world demonstration. Thank you.
Herr Ashley
2/12/2021 04:46:56 pm
Dear James
I keep calling Paul Mr Pudding Bowl, but I don't understand what a pudding bowl haircut is
2/12/2021 01:54:35 pm
"But until then, you have put our own publication, on hold."
Rusling's Pudding Bowl Barber Shop
2/12/2021 04:52:31 pm
We give (or we would if we had the money to print one), a FREE Pudding Bowl Bible with every Pudding Bowl Haircut. If you want to see what you would look like, look at Paul (Mr Pudding Bowl) Rusling.
Camden Council Knife Patrol
2/12/2021 03:44:25 pm
At 2:15 PM today Rod Watts (as if that is a real name! Probably Atlantisgb!), is threatening to pull a knife on MH to shut him up. If this happens in Camden it had better by a multi-coloured knife without a hint of sexism or racist whiteness about it, because we won't tolerate white racist knives with any hint of a masculine handle. Play nice with your knife threats and we will instruct our Camden coppers to leave you alone. Now move along, sonny.
2/12/2021 05:30:08 pm
iam not rod watts I dont make threats just post an opinion or reply relative too those that do someone is stirring the muck fiction\propaganda makes for a good story there are some cheap and nasty people out there who seem too get their kicks out of attacking others these people are a waste of space and best ignored a merve?!.
Atlantisgb! is Rod Watts
2/12/2021 07:48:01 pm
We know who you are Scottg.
Paul Rusling Ignoring MH
2/12/2021 04:09:58 pm
So Paul Rusling who said he was going to ignore Mervyn has failed & now posted Mervyn's home address on the GS Angry Old Men Forum. What a guy eh? & with covert threats just made on the same thread. Looks like the arrogant Yorkshire man is trying to stoke up a hate crime. Good job we have his address too, now lets find the local police phone number. Cant have Rusling getting away with this obvious attempt to cause a HATE CRIME.
JAMES mcgregor
2/12/2021 04:40:50 pm
I have never ead such rubbish for a long time. If I had wriiten even a word of it i would be ashamed
Wots an Ead
2/12/2021 06:43:10 pm
James who is the Dean of Rubbish says that ead is rubbish, but is he ashamed? He says that he is.
2/12/2021 05:09:09 pm
Hmm.... can't see any home address to send Mervyn a card, and can't post to his board.
Really, really
2/12/2021 06:44:01 pm
Where is it? You must have Stewart Censorvision
Wots all this then?
2/12/2021 04:49:59 pm
I went to the GS Forum for 5 (with multitudes of co-names), and I was disappointed. The Pudding Bowl Man's post has been censored by one of their own. No address or even email address. So how can I send him a Pudding Bowl Bible if I don't have his address? Come to think of it, I can't find a Pudding Bowl Bible to begin with. So sad. Merry Pudding Bowl Haircuts to all and to all you look a mess with one of them.
Detective Inspector Pudding (Yorkshire of course)
2/12/2021 06:03:39 pm
One of my snitches screen grabbed the offending post before the moderator deleted it. Now lets see who is a moderator there, oh Mr Rusling is one & My grass tells me he was there at the time.
Pudding Bowl Objects
2/12/2021 07:51:57 pm
My name is Paul Ruslin.... Bramley .... I mean Mead or something like that and I say that the Ross book is fiction - except when Mister Pudding Bowl says its fact and then it is fact but if someone else says its rubbish then its fact, I mean fiction. I know what I am talking about. I think.
Brother of Geoff Hutton
2/12/2021 06:47:45 pm
What the idiots don't know is whether there is another mole on that Board. Stewart does not know if Paul has censored stuff or if Garry has censored stuff. Geoff fed us a LOT of "secret" information. Do you dopes think that we don't know who you really are and where you live? Even James is running to the toilet.
Officer Nasty
2/12/2021 09:29:02 pm
Posted by Paul Rusling on December 2, 2021, 7:25 pm, in reply to "Re: More malevolent falsehoods from MH "
Dawn's awful Haggerly
3/12/2021 10:33:40 am
Dawn on the GS Board once echoed the Pudding Bowl Man who insists on identifying the source of his thefts as Haggerly, and one of the PBM's followers recently asked the PBM on Facebook whether he would deliver his book to MH or JE, because it was assumed (incorrectly) that MH had bought a book from the PBM and he had failed to deliver it.
Mixed up Bowel Man
3/12/2021 08:04:38 pm
I cannot be the only one here and there who is fed up to the back teeth with Mcgregorisms. Is he on the way out to a better toilet
Mike - Admin
4/12/2021 09:45:13 am
James is tolerated in small doses, plenty of his comments never see the light of day here for a variety of reasons.
The Bookshop Warehouse
4/12/2021 12:36:25 pm
We can now confirm that we have 1 copy of the Rusling book and we will ship it to you as soon as we can, Covid permitting and if its not raining, not too cold, and we have had time to digest our breakfast.
Wots all this then?
4/12/2021 12:38:31 pm
Haggerly's crew have stuck an Introduction Online and it looks as if it might have something to do with a new book that everyone said will never appear. Wot is very strange is that it's about a dry-cleaning business.
Get Ready
4/12/2021 03:51:31 pm
You ain't seen nothing yet & it will be supported by a wealth of documentary evidence. The link between the original Caroline and the version today will be shattered.
Need to Read
4/12/2021 04:52:42 pm
Will there be a book version soon?
Scarlet Pimpernel II
5/12/2021 10:31:58 am
We seek him here, we seek him there .... first Rusling disappears - for a long time, then he bounces back to insult Haggerly. Then a lot of trolls pile on and Rusling says he won't be commenting any more, but when December rolls around and the trolls are threatening knife attacks and concrete shoes in the name of their Master Mister Rusling who is also an Admin on the Garry Stevens Forum, all of a sudden a censor steps in and deletes all comments that have appeared following Rusling's last groan that Haggerly's mates are not stupid or thick. So what gives? Now the entire GS Forum and its companion Joke Board have fallen silent following the appearance of the blook which they said would never be published, but it is. However, has anyone, anywhere actually seen a copy of Rusling's supposed print-on-demand updated 'bible'?
Will Scarlet
6/12/2021 02:34:17 pm
LOL. James just realises his hero Jerry Lewis has left the Rusty Hulk
The Disappearing Saga of Horrible Haggly
7/12/2021 08:57:20 am
Horrible Haggly is slipping down the Garry Sanders Forum threads to the point that he will soon be off page one now that Rusting Rustler has been gagged. Wonder why? Still no sign of Rustler's update and I understand that views of a book in progress that will never be written but is being published are going up and up and up. Garry Sanders was right according to its companion Blog, the Trolls will be the first to read it. Sanders wrote 'buy it', but it is being made available free of charge (so far). What is going on in the Sanders-Rusling-Smith world of make believe?
Delta Dawn's Morm
7/12/2021 09:10:35 am
New version of old song: "Delta Dawn wot's that frown you have on, could it be that lie whose time has gawrn?" (Its a Texas version of that Country golden oldie.) Dela Dawn you shouldn't have listened to Agb (with exclamation mark), and his shadow Scottg who knows everything about nothing, because they just made a fool out of you. Then there is James the Profuse about Poop. They are all such disgusting gutter folk you have been mixin' with Dooorn, I mean Dawn. As for the Rustler who rounds up other peoples' words like cattle and makes off with them, well he seems to have made off with at least one book order. Then there is Garry the Gaffer who praised Horrible Haggly for bashing the Cult of Caroline and then decided to love Rustler, hate the Horrible and excommunicate Pope Peter known as Malcolm I. What a strange world of trolls you live in Delta Dawn.
James McGregor
7/12/2021 03:19:05 pm
More spinning tops from Merve making himself dizzy with the spinners
Bored Voyeur
7/12/2021 04:34:22 pm
Well at least we know Rod The Knife & the very boring Board Watcher are reading Mervyn's site. Quickly to Garry's rescue there troll boys. And you have the audacity to say "you couldn't make it up". Carry on living in your fantasy world boys, cause the real big wide world is a scary place ha ha!!
Board Watcher
7/12/2021 05:17:48 pm
Thought I'd put a comment on that thread just so Hagger has to do a rewrite of his blog post. So predictable. Yes, I'm reading his stuff. Brightens a dull day, doesn't it? Can't wait for the next hair brained theory like the one about making posts to force one off the front page. Love it!
Mike - Admin
7/12/2021 08:20:16 pm
So you are comfortable with veiled knife threats from Rod Watts & his contacts in Glasgow. Sadly you do not have a clue about Mervyn. His bull in a China shop approach when he was allowed on the GS forum was welcomed by Garry Stevens, Ive seen some of the emails. Ive also seen some of Paul Ruslings emails to Mervyn you would not believe how two faced that pair are.
Board Watcher
7/12/2021 08:35:19 pm
Of course I'm not happy with any physical threats, but that's not what they were in my opinion. Truth seeking is fine. So why not just publish that without all the hate?
Mervyn Hagger
7/12/2021 10:36:49 pm
The difference between you and me is that you know who I am but you are a coward like the other trolls all hiding their identity. Even when the words of Garry Stevens are put on line for you to read you ignore them. I offered one of your ilk the opportunity to just debate the facts. He is the one who would if he could resort to violence as a thug. This is what you support. Why do you avoid discussing the facts and stick to name calling? Why support people like Garry Stevens who is clearly playing you for fools? I find it amazing that such beings exist. No wonder there is so much hatred in the world. If you can't discuss anything, but only resort to caveman talk, there is little hope for your future.
Stewart's Mum
7/12/2021 09:22:25 pm
Dear son, why do you tell others not to comment about Haggly? Don't you know that if you tell people that they can't have something that they want it? will want it even more? Haggley put up a challenge to Rod Watts to just debate the issues and explain what he disagrees with and why. Instead of that Rod Watts has just pumped Rustler's attack on MH to the top of your leader board, again. You need to calm these Trolls down son, because even you are helping Haggly. By the way son, I am now reading Haggly's book. It's very interesting isn't it? Why don't your Trolls even mention that its online - free. By the way, I am still waiting for the book I paid Rusling for but no one seems to have a copy of it. Is he in financial trouble? Maybe you should have a whip round and buy him a Christmas present. How about giving him a modern translation of the real Bible, the one with the bit about not stealing and lying. Do you think he would like that?
Man in the Middle
8/12/2021 10:37:40 am
Have you ever considered any of your posts hateful Mr Board Watcher? You seem to give as good as you get over on the GS Troll Forum. I would say you choose not to see a threat because it's hard to defend rather than it did not happen. So go on, ignore Mervyn (you wont unless your frightened of the real truth about Caroline).
Mervyn Hagger
8/12/2021 11:06:53 am
We are in the process of writing and publishing an account of Philip Birch and his involvement with Radio London, and it has just been brought to our attention that Philip Birch has died. Unfortunately many will now add the bogus story of Philip Birch and Radio London to the bogus story of Ronan O'Rahilly and Radio Caroline. The fact is that the history books are closing around the acceptance of a yesterday that never happened, and the more that this fraud is exposed, the more that the hard core true believers become angry and shout to drown out all who try to expose the true story. The cult of the true believer is very dangerous because it is a cult that lives in a world of make believe. Sometimes the actions of the mob of believers is harmless (except to the lives of the true believers), but sometimes it gives the world war, slavery and death camps guarded by close-minded goons. Even Oxford BBC historian Asa Briggs 'fell' for the mythology of 'Caroline' and the lies spun by Ronan O'Rahilly. Philip Birch took his orders from a Chicago tax lawyer named Burton Kanter who also worked with a CIA operative and members of the Mafia. Kanter was the doyen of offshore banking and tax avoidance, and Birch listened to Kanter in order to shut out the true mastermind behind Radio London whose name is Don Pierson. For Philip Birch read a smarter manipulator than Ronan O'Rahilly. Both lied.
James McGregor
8/12/2021 02:55:25 pm
My version of reality is that RC exists today and it existed yesteryear
Mervyn Hagger
8/12/2021 08:17:56 pm
James, if you are going to attack me at least pretend to know what you are talking about. That begins with spelling Don Pierson's name correctly and knowing that documents exist that were written by Don Pierson at the time Big L was still on the air, to show that Birch was in the pocket of Kanter. But that is too much for you since you obviously don't know who that was. Shut up James get your meds out.
Mervyn Hagger
8/12/2021 09:35:52 pm
Posted by Garry Stevens on December 8, 2021, 8:59 pm, in reply to "Re: More malevolent falsehoods from MH "
Rusling Book Store
9/12/2021 02:52:53 pm
Sorry everyone, we have sold out of the hardbacks and now we only offer softbacks. If you ordered a hardback and the seller has not delivered one to you, it's because we don't have any. Please ask your seller for a softback and they should refund the difference in price to you. If they don't, please contact us at [email protected]
Fred Bramley
9/12/2021 02:54:00 pm
To whom it may concern. I am not James McGregor.
Councillor Cyril
10/12/2021 01:53:32 pm
We Know that. Unlike Brambly Dot Matrix, we can read McGregor Hieroglyphics clearly
Rusling's Mother's Guardian Angel
9/12/2021 05:50:02 pm
Dear Paul stop lying. Haggerly's people exposed you today with your comment that you had 'sold out' of the hard back books - but no one - no one at all has yet to say that they have received one - and Haggerly's people - well Haggerly's people placed an advance order back in October with a major bookshop and Haggerly's people still don't have one - and yet, you have the nerve to post that ridiculous advertising message today - after Haggerly's people exposed you again. Dear son you are such a liar as well as a thief that I need to go and recover from this abuse of reality that you are now displaying.
10/12/2021 06:31:59 pm
Stop playing with these names on GS Forum, I know you have their real identities so why not just make one big list and show the real name of every GS troll; who they are; where they live and whether they are writing all this nonsense just to wind people up using multiple silly names, How many agree with me? Let's have a vote, I say YES - expose them now for the world to see! It should be fun. Their parents might disown them; their wives and girls retaliate against them for behaving like children, who know,s some might get prosecuted?
Fred Smith
10/12/2021 06:32:37 pm
Yes, I vote to expose them.
Susan Smith
10/12/2021 06:33:47 pm
I would not put up with my husband behaving like a child. I say expose them all.
Anne Rustling
11/12/2021 12:23:08 pm
I unwrapped my husband on our wedding night and was disappointed to find the bridal shop had gift wrapped me a display model
11/12/2021 04:30:55 pm
Who did you think it was - Chuckie?
Flasher MackGregor Nimby
11/12/2021 12:35:25 pm
There are 2 schools close to this incontinent drunkard
11/12/2021 12:28:29 pm
Looks like Mervyn is enlisting help from Nicholas Hagger, a proper respected author. Smart move. Hopefully he'll sort him out after all the false starts.
Idiot Detector
11/12/2021 03:25:30 pm
The clue is in the surname oh limited knowledge one. Now go & Rewind your brain & figure out what that means. Your starter for ten points, access to professional publishers rather than print on demand amateurs?????
11/12/2021 06:27:06 pm
Let's hope the publishers eventually have something to publish. I seem to remember a boast that a publisher was lined up a year ago.
Mervyn Hagger
11/12/2021 04:29:08 pm
Nicholas Hagger is my first cousin on my father's side (his brother). I never had any contact with Nicholas Hagger until a genealogy group raised an issue quite recently. His views and my views are not the same views and where we differ is over the question of individual rights. Nicholas is an advocate of world government involving a future King Charles III (present Prince Charles), and I oppose the very idea of monarchy. My 'hero' is freeborn John Lilburne (1615-1657), but since you have raised the issue, we (the Trio) seem to be on a collision course with his views. However, where we meet is in the middle regarding the history of big money and big oil, but where we part is over a solution to the present collision course that the world is racing towards in a potential World War III involving Russia and China. If you want to know more you should read our book in progress which is presently on hold debating whether to reference the work of Nicholas, or not, because to reference Nicholas is to reference the work of Herbert W. Armstrong .... the man who made all of the main offshore stations of the Nineteen Sixties financially possible to stay on the air.
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