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Poor young Greta Thunberg, suddenly she just vanished, just like that, was someone counting her fifteen minutes of fame with a stopwatch? Her marketing and promotional teams forecast projection of personal wealth increase (that's their personal wealth) has gone by the wayside, plummeting to virtually nil in days. Even the decision too allow Greta to have Corona Virus and issue stark end of the world warnings with the virus hardly gained any traction. Even worse another young girl was starting to gain attention by saying that catastrophic climate change just isn't true, it's a lie, it's nonsense! Pure heresy, that clever people like Piers Moron quickly bought to account by restating the bogus facts and twisting his comments (and getting called out for it). If Climate Change is the only emergency that matters, and everything else is of no real concern, then why has the BBC and pretty much all other climate change worshipers suddenly stopped bleating on about it at every given moment of the day? Is it because a real global emergency has come about? Why yes, of course it is, and one that threatens these bogus journalists and their propaganda machines head on. Yep, some of them might catch a real emergency, if Boris can they can, now that is a real emergency! Still I dare say once the virus is under some sought of control, and humans are allowed out again BBC will once again dust off their golden mantra and resume the original project fear campaign. It's what their dark masters want so whilst they answer to them, it will. Roll on with killing the TV license off once and for all. Subscription or commercial I don't care which way it goes, break it up and sell it off would be my preference (or just kill it off) the BBC day of reckoning will come. Once the public become aware of just how manipulative they are with their programmed dumbing down and News propaganda then it will go the way of the Royals, (I can only hope, now that would be a double whammy). That said even ITV are full of rot as Piers Muppet ably demonstrates in the video below.
Greta's Great Message of Hope for the Planet
29/3/2020 04:34:51 pm
I think you are all wrong. See I am clever. I told my friends in Wuhan to let the virus out of the lab. I knew they had more people than they could cope with so they wouldn't miss one or two or a hundred or even a thousand or more. But see what I did? Now all the planes are on the ground and most vehicles are off the road. No more oil being burnt. Greenhouse gasses slashed to unbelievable lows. Those cows and pigs who been emitting nasty stuff into the atmosphere are next on my viral hit list. So laugh on because no one listened to me the first time so I shut you all up at home. The Planet is being saved. That old world will never return the way it was. Never.
James McGregor
30/3/2020 12:34:39 am
Good one. I actually looked that up about Greta and her actor father (explains a bit!) because I was not sure if you were joking!! Yes that's slipped by unnoticed. Not surprising though is it? She went all over the place just like grown up politicians who are now dropping like flies. Would be astonished if she hadn't got it. I bet that nice couple and their toddler on that catamaran have been deep cleaning like mad. I see she is trying to reinvent herself as a message that the young must take care cos they can get it too- but things move so fast in a Covid 19 24 hours noone on the world stage is noticing. Can't cry wolf twice girl. On darkie side the usual kind regards is I have no idea what dystopian means. My life is lived through pirate radio only and so shut yours!!!!! Yawn
Wake to the New Green Reality
30/3/2020 06:49:13 am
The buses are empty, most cars are off the streets and most planes are on the ground. If this is not part of the Green New Deal Agenda, then what is? People are confined to their homes. Businesses for the main are shut down. The Greens called for this kind of drastic action and everyone laughed. Now who'se laughing? The Greens won.
Green Lie Detector
30/3/2020 07:46:38 am
The longer this drastic, worldwide shutdown continues, the better it is to prove or disprove the 'Climate Change' mantra. If the Greens are honest, we will begin to see not just daily Virus Deaths statistics, but the rapid drop in carbon emission and the reversal of 'Climate Change'. If this is not a scientific lab test to prove or disprove that human beings are damaging the climate of the world, then what is? So we should now see Greta and Company celebrating the onset of the Virus attack as Nature's way of striking back at the human beings who have been destroying the Planet. This is not a test. This is the real thing. The fact is that the Greens wanted the planes grounded, and they wanted oil burning vehicles off the road and they wanted to stop human beings freely running around and polluting. Now they have it - worldwide. The U.N. would have been laughed silly if they had proposed this. But here it is, the new Green reality and you are being told to obey it, or the police will fine you or arrest you. Now you never, ever thought this would happen, did you? So come on Greens, lets see your daily reports on how Planet Earth is now thanking the Virus and recovering from all this human abuse that it has been suffering from. The weather patterns should now be wonderful and the sea levels begin to drop as the ice at the Poles begins to freeze again. Polar bears and all the other animals will now celebrate this golden age - all thanks to Mother Nature and her Virus.
One Dimensional & Blinkered
30/3/2020 10:48:13 am
Oil is still being drilled, gas is still being pumped, and Coal and Nuclear power stations continue to function around the world as normal. Oil is cheaper due to the Russia versus OPEC battle being fought. New pipelines are still being built. When this virus escaped the Wuhan Labs the effects of globalism and mass travel ensured the spread was worldwide. So now we have a reset, close down the retail commercial sectors except for essential supplies. One glimmer of hope within this is the need for a global financial reset. Cancel all debt and start again and whilst your at it kill off the central banks, now that would be nice. Sorry Greta and friends but the Green new deal is as far away as Narnia (which is where it belongs), and the climate change farce (remember we have been having just ten years or doom since the 1970's) will probably continue as long as NGO's and activists can make loads of money from it (millions).
The Greens
30/3/2020 10:53:46 am
No!!!! We were never meant to win, we were just here to protest and be angry and get funds and grants for comfy research and fabulous salaries. George Soros promised us billions if we continued to be a nuisance and keep upsetting the apple cart! Destroy democracy is our real goal and now you have locked us all in at home, no mass protests, no cretinous dressing up as death and limping round London stopping the traffic, you've taken all our fun away.
The Real Greens
30/3/2020 12:49:50 pm
Clearly that last 'Green' post was a Purple one and not the real thing. Fact is we have grounded the planes, stopped most cars and shut down most businesses and on top of that, we have shut everyone in their own homes and we did it worldwide. Wow! Now you have to admit this is a great accomplishment and we are also thinning out the population as well. The Greens have won a major victory for the Planet. Thank you Greta for thinking up such a devious plan which no one saw coming (except the Greens.)
The Has Been Greens
31/3/2020 11:26:52 am
The reality is that the Greens as per usual have done nothing. They can protest and whinge all they like or become political like Greenpeace and Friends of the Money sorry I mean Earth. In reality I would imagine Greens are more scared that your average citizen, because if the statistics don't change in the coming months their sad little emergency is in hot water. That said as the UN fiddle the stats to suit the activists that dominate their Climate Charge Schemes (that's not a typo) I dare say you will be fed more lies to suit whichever way the wind is blowing (which of course will be the wrong way due to climate change). Poor old Greens they are clueless to the spoon fed brainwashing they have been feeding on for decades.
Greens won and you don't like it
31/3/2020 02:24:40 pm
We grounded the planes and took most vehicles off the road, shut most business and told everyone to stay at home. Climate Change has been stopped in its tracks and we won. I know you think it CC is a hoax and that reaction to the Virus is ridiculous but we won by modeling showing what would happen in a worst case scenario and we scared everyone to death. We are trying to eliminate the cattle and pigs to reduce the farting and we may yet scare everyone silly enough to just eat plants, but so far we won and you have to admit that we are still winning. The facts speak for themselves and no one dares to talk back to us and tell us we are wrong. The Virus was the greatest idea ever dreamed up because we may have a chance now of getting rid of Trump because we have destroyed his economic boom and thrown millions out of work. We are smart. We are the Greens and we are winning and you can't stop us.
Idiot Watch
31/3/2020 08:36:44 pm
You are an idiot because you accept everything spoon fed to you without question, research and most certainly without analysis. The greens feed on gullible people and you just certified yourself as a Commander in Chief of Blinded Fools. Check verifiable facts not green spin doctors money grabbing dogma. Pollution is falling not climate change gases you stupid idiot. Ten UK cities are reporting a drop in Diesel related emissions, these cause pollution not climate change you farcical fool. WAKE UP and stop twisting information.
Mister Obama Agrees with Climate Change & Trump has to go
31/3/2020 09:46:05 pm
President Obama has just come out and connected the dots from Climate Change to the Virus and concluded that Trump is not fit for purpose to deal with either one.
Just How Stupid R U
1/4/2020 11:17:02 am
Obama ordered the spying on Trump's election campaign and his days are numbered just you watch, I'm gonna have the last laugh on this one
Incompetent Idiot Watch
1/4/2020 11:51:36 am
He's got this. Did you know, for example, that the population of Seoul is 38 metres above sea level? I have every confidence in 45.
James McGregor
31/3/2020 11:13:32 pm
Conspiracy Crackers or What or What or What or What or What ever is to become of us?
James McGregor
31/3/2020 11:50:39 pm
Mike when I scrolled own the reddit comments the more shivery I got
Caroline Brooks
1/4/2020 12:31:42 pm
James, you write millions of words and say nothing. Yet you attack those who take apart the liars and their words. A case in point is the GS Board. You post there, yet you offer not objections to the lies and smears that have been posted there on the subject of Radio Caroline. Why is that? I am broadening the scope of my own review to include many more books such as the fake words posted by Paul Rusling. If you and your friends on the GS Board (and its spin-off Board), are unwilling to deal with topics that you claim that are of concern to you, then is it any wonder why the world is marching towards a world dictatorship that will be imposed by fake reporting that will have brainwashed the majority into falling in line. In that long, long post of yours just now, what exactly did you intend to say? No one knows. Before tackling the world's problems go and tackle Garry Stevens about why that link to the Paul Rusling 'bible' is at the top of his Forum - a 'bible' that his anorak mate Hans Knot equates with the Holy Bible and claims that both deserve to be studied and read in every home. Charity may begin at home, but your honesty and your friends' honesty should begin on the GS Board right now.
Bipolar Bear
1/4/2020 09:45:09 pm
With each post you write more and more like Mervyn Hagger. Why might that be, I wonder.
James McGregor
1/4/2020 05:22:53 pm
Another alternative history novel Stephen Fry Making History. Black Magic water which renders Jews infertile and incompetent Adolph bumped off after the Beer Hall Putch by someone even more ruthless who could perform the world domination tour more successfully
Caroline Brooks
2/4/2020 06:58:13 pm
SHUT UP JAMES! - I am outing all of you now and I am doing it using court room rules of evidence procedure. You have attacked and smeared and run off at the keyboard just to cover up the fact that Rusling and Smith lied and cowered Garry Stevens into following suit. You won't address any of the issues. I dared you to do just that and you respond with more nonsense. Are you people so stupid, so idiotic that you are the people we should fear if ever a dictator came to power because you people would be the first to salute? Right now the world is teetering on the brink of a world dictatorship and all you silly little people can do is recall the playing of pop music long ago on stations that made no difference to anything and a LOT of those DJs playing those records have emerged as some of the most evil people to ever stalk our children. You disgust me.
James Mummy
2/4/2020 10:27:22 pm
Well I never heard such language in all my years. Are these these the kind of silly children you play with on your machine late at night?
James McGregor
2/4/2020 10:12:50 pm
Caroline Brooks
3/4/2020 10:33:29 am
No James, you are either totally off your rocker or you are amoral or a combination of both. You support crooks and avoid discussing issue.
James McGregor
3/4/2020 11:45:43 pm
Oh and your mouth is clip art so pretty.
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