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Please check out HERE.
Day in and day out BBC News champions the climate change debate (do you understand why the term global warming was dropped?). Today that nasty Mr Trump challenged the doom mongers head on, and the BBC news focus switched to live links on the hour over the impeachment scam (for that is what it is, the Demonrat Party are simply projecting their own crimes onto the orange man). They have played videos of Greta versus Mr President as if they are in the same room at the same time. It's as if their (BBC) campaign to deliver Cultural Marxism (more about that another time) is under threat! Someone asked for a list of climate change peer reviewed papers in the comments of another post a little while back. That is of scientists who disagree with climate change. Well we can go better than that, especially if you are prepared to learn rather than take the doom merchants side and die in a ditch defending the globalists who want to strip you of every freedom to save themselves. So we have a new movie from December 2019, and some other videos that include an awful lot of scientists, climate experts and impartial commentators. OK they are lacking the rent a mob activists, the money grabbing carbon off-setting corporations, but atleast Al Gore makes it into the movie, to be exposed as the hypocrite he really is (now that is an inconvenient truth). Remain brainwashed or wake up, it's your choice.
Megan MarkUp
21/1/2020 10:12:05 pm
How long before midnight when James wokes up to f *ck this up
Freedom of speech
22/1/2020 08:13:24 am
There are people who want to shut down free speech that tells the truth. They don't argue the points, they are like protesters laying down in the middle of the road to block all traffic.
A Found Thread
22/1/2020 08:25:10 am
A Found Thread or a Lost Soul
22/1/2020 10:09:47 am
Well Mervyn, at least you wouldn't stoop so low as to call Greta Thunberg a troll, an idiot or handicapped or to 'go home like a good little girl'. Oh, did. Bullying a 17 year old on Facebook is your new hobby, is it?
22/1/2020 10:52:26 am
Greta lied. How do I know? Because 20 years expired long ago in 1975 and now it is the year 2020 and everything is just hunky-dory.
A Found Thread or a Lost Soul
22/1/2020 11:05:41 am
Keep telling yourself that. I think you're confusing hunky-dory with FUBAR.
A Found Thread or a Lost Soul
22/1/2020 10:15:06 am
Oh, and I don't think she's likely to read your Facebook page either, do you? But then very few do.
22/1/2020 10:53:43 am
Well you read it so maybe she did too... or are you insulting her by saying that she can't read?
A Found Thread or a Lost Soul
22/1/2020 11:02:32 am
No. I am aware of your existence. I doubt that she is.
22/1/2020 11:07:15 am
Oh, now you are saying that you are smart and she is stupid. You have a high opinion of your low intelligence level. don't you? Bit like Greta wouldn't you say?
A Found Thread or a Lost Soul
22/1/2020 11:24:22 am
You're very fond of saying what I am saying when I am saying nothing of the sort. Unable to make a sensible point yourself, you have to put words into other's mouths so that you have something to criticise.
A Found Thread or a Lost Soul
22/1/2020 10:18:46 am
Hmmmmm......posts deleted? Maybe you got reported.
22/1/2020 10:55:09 am
No, but 1975 was replaced by 1976; 1977; 1978; oh this is boring let's just cut to the chase: it is now 2020.
A Found Thread or a Lost Soul
22/1/2020 10:27:50 am
Whoops! No, posts are still there. And look at all the comments! All by you, except one. You must be very proud.
22/1/2020 10:31:42 am
Huh? Your non-topic posts are still on line. You need Specsavers. By the way, this is 2020, not 1975. Tell Greta.
22/1/2020 10:29:18 am
It's great to be alive in 1975! Wait, its 2020. How can that be?
I like Mark Steyn
22/1/2020 11:09:16 am
Mark often sits in for Rush. He has a great sense of subtle humor.
A Found Thread or a lost Soul
22/1/2020 11:15:57 am
Don't you just hate it when people bang on about hiding their identity, but then do it themselves because they painted themselves into a corner by stomping off in a huff? Copy and paste from Facebook, but use a different name. Don't think that fools anyone, do you?
I like Mark Steyn
22/1/2020 11:19:52 am
I am not on Facebook so I will ask you back on Mike's topic, what is your opinion about the views expressed in the videos at the top of this page?
A Found Thread or a Lost Soul
22/1/2020 11:29:01 am
If it posts like a Hagger, argues like a Hagger, flusters and blusters like a Hagger, then it's probably a Hagger.
I like Mark Steyn
22/1/2020 11:51:36 am
Back on Mike's topic, what is your opinion about the views expressed in the videos at the top of this page?
A Found Thread or a Lost Soul
22/1/2020 01:58:56 pm
I have not watched them I just like to spout off
I like Mark Steyn
22/1/2020 02:08:25 pm
That figures.
Greta Thunberg's headstone upon seeing the light:
22/1/2020 02:12:40 pm
"This is not a time for pessimism; this is a time for optimism. Fear and doubt is not a good thought process because this is a time for tremendous hope and joy and optimism and action. "But to embrace the possibilities of tomorrow, we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse. "They are the heirs of yesterday’s foolish fortune-tellers — and I have them and you have them, and we all have them, and they want to see us do badly, but we don’t let that happen. They predicted an overpopulation crisis in the 1960s, mass starvation in the ’70s, and an end of oil in the 1990s. "These alarmists always demand the same thing: absolute power to dominate, transform, and control every aspect of our lives."
Donald Trump speech
22/1/2020 03:56:51 pm
There seems to be a degree of total ignorance about the originator of the words above. They were spoken on Tuesday at Davos by President Donald Trump.
Radiator Cap
22/1/2020 03:32:08 pm
Come back with the AA repairman James. The Mervyn engine is blowing off steam again
Freedom of Speech
22/1/2020 03:44:44 pm
There are people who want to shut down free speech that tells the truth. They don't argue the points, they are like protesters laying down in the middle of the road to block all traffic. The last time James tried that nonsense on, he found himself in the middle of a situation where he was condoning child sexual abuse. I suggest a little caution because if your intention is to only disrupt freedom of speech, then the topic that you are disrupting would appear to be one that you do not want discussed because you are somehow or other involved with it - on the wrong side of the law. So be careful with your disruptive tactics because they may come back to haunt you.
President Donald Trump
22/1/2020 03:59:46 pm
The only engine blowing off steam is apparently your own ignorance about the origin of the words above about the 'Prophets of Doom'.
22/1/2020 06:22:12 pm
There seems to be ignorance of discussion here just as you tried to stop a discussion of child sex abuse on the previous thread.
Terry's Chocolate Orange
22/1/2020 05:02:47 pm
It's very sad when authors have a breakdown
22/1/2020 05:25:01 pm
Woody Woodpeckerhead
22/1/2020 05:44:08 pm
The USSR James Jammer?
22/1/2020 06:20:22 pm
No, if its the same person it is the one who tried to stop the discussion on child sex abuse. Makes you wonder.....
Jamming discussion
22/1/2020 06:24:27 pm
Hmmm. So the same people who tried to jam discussion on child sex abuse on the previous thread are now at it here.
22/1/2020 06:26:34 pm
Now let's get back to Mike's topic: What is your opinion about the views expressed in the videos at the top of this page?
Youtube Reviewer
22/1/2020 06:59:30 pm
Thank you for asking. I give them 2 stars.
22/1/2020 07:00:46 pm
Do you think its right for people like James to deliberately try to stop a discussion on child sex abuse?
22/1/2020 07:02:01 pm
Well we don't know enough about him, do we? Was he abused as a child?
22/1/2020 07:02:50 pm
Do you mean sexually abused or just abused?
22/1/2020 07:03:38 pm
Does it matter? Abuse is abuse.
22/1/2020 07:05:05 pm
I know, but sexual abuse of children carries an added stigma, doesn't it?
22/1/2020 07:06:14 pm
Yes, I suppose it does. But is this the reason why he reacts the way he does to drown out all discussion?
22/1/2020 07:07:50 pm
If that abuse also employed a form of censorship, by let's say shouting to tell the child to shut up and stop complaining, while being abused ...
22/1/2020 07:09:11 pm
That would be horrible, but i suppose later on the child could strike back at adults, any adults.
Mary's Mate Reginald
22/1/2020 07:11:06 pm
Are you two discussing these trolls who shout people down like James?
22/1/2020 07:11:35 pm
22/1/2020 07:12:42 pm
Why not invite others to contribute?
22/1/2020 07:13:55 pm
We have but people like James keep acting like children and begin screaming in print/
22/1/2020 07:14:59 pm
Have you asked him why he continues to behave like an abused child who is striking back?
22/1/2020 07:15:54 pm
Well not in so many words
22/1/2020 07:16:54 pm
Give it a try. James, if you are out there, why do you behave like an abused child who is hitting back?
22/1/2020 07:17:43 pm
Are you there James?
Megan the crafty Fox
26/1/2020 01:17:05 am
Dance all days and nights. You won't catch him to have a bite
The Voice of Reason
22/1/2020 07:38:18 pm
Can we get this thread back on track? It's about time Admin weeded out all these trolls and disruptors who are ruining this board and stifling discussion. We want to hear more from Mervyn Hagger who has been driven away. His astute observations are always well worth a read, whether it be concerning offshore radio, climate change or the constitution. I don't know about you, but I want to hear more about his research, John Lilburne, Donald Trump and his forthcoming book which I am certain will rock our world to it's very foundations. Enough is enough and it's time to introduce a login system for everyone's sanity before this board becomes a laughing stock.
Not the real Managing Doktor
22/1/2020 07:59:58 pm
Hi all, not the real Tardis flyer here (Neil Gates is on shored up leave). Only 10 years ago this fine gentleman James, of which I have the utmost understanding and respect, especially as he has just left me some wine dose drink was a GS Optimod and looked me over and over, over an innocent comment about my admiring teenage girls. He did apologise for that slight misunderstanding of his syntax and I broke my bread and made peace with him. 10 years later I do wonder if what goes around comes around and he is the biggest historical big of shit since Mervyn Heygirl (come over here and look at my rabbits) promised to write a serous book.
AA Breakdown Service
22/1/2020 08:40:04 pm
Toot Toot. Board down in tears break down service did you call? I hear your Alexa board is broken missus and not receiving us loud and clear. What you need here is a trip to the Dave Martin spare moderators service station in Epping and a full administration of Stuart drain cleaner. Kills all irritating Radio Caroline germs stone dead. Boff. Soon be back on the road love to Falkirk Love.
Esther loves James
22/1/2020 10:59:42 pm
We have read the prophets of doom Mervyn. They are Major Minor records of old beliefs
Any Good God at all
22/1/2020 11:06:07 pm
Thank you Mike, Mervyn, Esther and James. The Exodus starts right here
Real God
22/1/2020 11:12:41 pm
Close the Red Sea when you have left Moses McGregor
Laserus McGregor
22/1/2020 11:28:07 pm
O very witty, very extraordinarily Mefvyn. If you attended your bile study class and paid more attention to spelling lugurs, you will note with the sense and wisdom that only someone like me possesses that the the River Denile closed on the charity equipment and they all went home to live with the Queen and the Queen's mummy. James will now come on to deny knowing Prince Andrew fought in the Falklands War, had no lucrative overseas arms deals with Saudi Arabia, never really got married to have children and find a video of a moose fighting a woodpecker
A Real Iris Licker
22/1/2020 11:40:32 pm
And so say all of us
James McGregor
23/1/2020 12:13:24 am
I appeal for calm on Brookside Close.
James Mervyn Chicken Duplicity
23/1/2020 12:33:31 am
As you know James I don't usually reply to your input if your view disagrees with mine or I cannot use it to further my own zodiac mind warped ends but on this occasion I agree that you have some strength of argument that John Lennon was a highly emotional being and might well have come to the attention of the security services. He was certainly on their files when he played a key role in a band and this MI6 interest did not abate until he stayed in bed for a week with Man Made Climate Change and her mother YOU TOO
Lord Chicken Wing Dipper
23/1/2020 12:56:29 am
I will not lie to you. I am your laughing Stock President
Nancy Marconi Bela Scone Eat
23/1/2020 01:53:33 am
An overnight phenomenon? While some people claim psychological shock or trauma can turn hair gray overnight, many scientists doubt it happens that quickly. Prevailing medical opinion traces rapid hair whitening over several weeks or months to a genetic autoimmune disease called alopecia areata in which T cells mistake hair follicles for a foreign substance and aggressively attack them, sometimes targeting only pigmented hairs.
Clinton's Power Station Cards Ltd
23/1/2020 02:07:57 am
Aww Shucks, melting the polar ice cap for a real money shot was Monica's job LOL. Is Greta, you know, old enough to know enough and know enough not to say anything. If she changes her mind and pulls out of the conference half way we will just stigmatise her as a teenage mental. Half of them will believe us, half won't but as we own the electricity collage we will still win the vote. Democracy in Fox News action
Freedom of Monkey speech
23/1/2020 05:59:28 am
James and his friends react really badly when they are told their benefits are going to be cut
Psychiatric Ward Attendant (PWA) Ralph
23/1/2020 08:49:30 am
It seems that this character James in all of his many manifestations who did his best to shut down a serious discussion about child sex abuse, is at it again on this thread.
PWA WIlliam
23/1/2020 08:53:53 am
I agree with you there PWA Ralph. One wonders what is really going on in the brains of multiple-personality people like James. They seem to have so many hot button issues like child sex abuse that immediately they encounter a topic like that, they became infuriated and do their best to stop the conversation immediately. Now he is doing it with this topic as well.
PWA Ralph
23/1/2020 08:58:10 am
PWA William, the reaction of James to these topics is really a cry for help by James in drawing attention to himself. I wonder if child sex abuse in his own case is an underlying cause, after all, we only have his reactions to the topic to go by.
PWA William
23/1/2020 09:00:19 am
Very true, PWA Ralph, very true, and sad, very sad.
PWA Ralph
23/1/2020 09:03:57 am
PWA William, why would anyone like James spend so much time and energy writing rubbish just to destroy conversation by disrupting it? These topics like child sex abuse must be akin to pushing a reaction button in James' befuddled mind that is occupied by so many different personalities.
PWA William
23/1/2020 09:06:54 am
PWA Ralph. Are you suggesting that James may be more than just a victim ....
PWA Ralph
23/1/2020 09:08:58 am
PWA William. Sorry to cut you off, it looks as if he is about to hit out again using one of his many personality types.
James McGregor as a personality
23/1/2020 10:49:36 am
It is all well and good to have fun at my expense but to imply an ulterior motive for my rambling dissertations is not acceptable. My method of objection is to create long, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, tediously boring text to drive away anyone else who even remotely thinks of posting a sensible comment here, with all due respect to Admin Mike.
23/1/2020 10:51:31 am
He still doesn't address the issue that has caused us to wonder about what is really behind his behaviour.
PWA William
23/1/2020 10:54:40 am
James is clearly having difficulty in coping with reality.
PWA Ralph
23/1/2020 10:55:46 am
Rolf Harris
23/1/2020 11:48:27 am
I strongly object to being drawn into Mervyns cartoon world
PWA William
23/1/2020 11:53:19 am
Now James has manifest himself as Rolf Harris who was convicted of sexual abuse. What is James playing at?
PWA Ralph
23/1/2020 11:56:23 am
PWA William, in June 2014 Rolf Harris was convicted of 12 counts of indecent assault. The crimes were committed against four girls - one of who was aged just seven or eight.
PWA William
23/1/2020 12:00:44 pm
Well that brings us back to the previous thread where he tried to shut down all conversation about underage sexual abuse.
PWA Ralph
23/1/2020 12:01:56 pm
What is going on inside his head?
PWA William
23/1/2020 12:03:37 pm
Is he now trying to make light of the case against Rolf Harris?
Jimmy Civil War
23/1/2020 12:02:55 pm
If Mike digs up 3 videos about the nuns and the priests in the 60s and 70's and draws contemporary parallelograms would James colour them in sketches or wisely keep quiet?
PWA Ralph
23/1/2020 12:07:50 pm
That would depend James upon whether they were just videos of nuns and priests in the 60s and 70s, or whether they were depictions of child sexual abuse by nuns and priests. Tell us James, what would you do?
Concerned Parent
23/1/2020 12:10:17 pm
Is James free to wander around in public at the present time, or do you have him under observation and some form of restraint?
PWA Ralph
23/1/2020 12:24:42 pm
At the moment we only have him under observation.
Rosy Wood Park Bench
23/1/2020 12:34:55 pm
He is also a big time racist who resents the cultural diversity and tax revenue boost immigration brings to this country. He refuses to speak to anyone at his nojobforhimclub who cannot trace their ancestry back to an Anderson shelter in 1940 and is on record as disproving of the Jewesses Caudia Winklemouse and Dani Bare having plastic surgery on their hooters. He said "This spoils their perfectly natural and attractive Jewish faces!" Well he might as well have put them in a cattle truck. He admires rednecks from Georgia and Alabama marching through Virginia defending the 2nd amendment and showing off their humongous assault weapons. He gets very twitchy if anyone misspells his beloved Lugwar which I need hardly remind you is synonymous with he Third Reich even though it was invented before Hitler was still being potty trained. He is also obsessed with lavatorial matters, the plumbing and sanitary arrangements on radio ships and how many dreams of false teeth is normal for an over middle aged man. Oh and now he has stopped smoking Hashtags because he said it messed with his mind LOL he drinks like a fish. I can see all to clearly why Mr Smith has adopted him as a tin pot pasty defender. He is a totally unsavoury character, a rusty hulk of a man and a fraud underserving of our benefits. There is no way I am giving up my seat for him to mutter to himself feeding the pigeons. The man is a pure evil carrion who should be banned from all public places including the internet
Mervyn Hagger
23/1/2020 12:42:38 pm
You missed one of the list. How funny he is, which is why I like him immensely and log on straight away at 8am to see what he has said overnight so I can immediately agree with him
Name Checker
23/1/2020 01:03:31 pm
The post above uses the name of a known and identifiable person, but the post was not written by that person. If you wish to post here using either a fake name or your own name, you are at this time free to do so. What you must not do is impersonate a living and recognizable person which is what has occurred with the post above which was not written nor posted by Mervyn Hagger because Mervyn Hagger has stated more than once that he is not posting as Mervyn Hagger on this Forum at this time. Impersonating a living and identifiable person is criminal offence. By inserting the name Mervyn Hagger into a Google or similar search engine you will obtain results that will identify Mervyn Hagger as a real person. At this time, whether any other person on this Forum aside from the Admin is a real person is unclear, and at this time no other such identifiable linkage has established to a real person.
Justice 4
23/1/2020 12:59:19 pm
Time for a new topic Mike before everyone forgets James abducted her, ate her and drank her blood
Name Checker
23/1/2020 01:07:04 pm
Before moving to a new topic, please be aware of the legal constraints against impersonating a living and identifiable person. Please read the notice above under 'Name Checker'.
James McGregor
23/1/2020 01:24:23 pm
Granted about the title names Mr Name Checker Admin but how many more stupid times are the names of the real person James McGregor be followed with child abuser, abused child etc etc etc. Don't those show up in search engines then? I suggest they do. We both know this is something someone else is running away with now beyond any point of jockular parody and then you don't like it when I give it back to him as my protagonist might say with both barrels. As you might say you cannot have it both ways but this nonsense (and we both know who is doing it) repetitively implying James McGregor and child abuser belong in the in the same sentence should have been stopped by you ages ago. How would you like it. Not a lot I think. To Summise Please Sir he started it so that's why I keep giving him a bloody nose. When he stops that crap I will stop belting him back!
Mike - Admin
23/1/2020 01:11:38 pm
I suppose it was only a matter of time before someone impersonated me, well there you go, not very well but that's life. A couple of comments have also gone the way of my delete button in this thread, if you need to figure out why, you don't belong here. OK does anyone have a sensible or at least a half decent funny comment on any of the videos above, or should I just close this place down for wasting my time? Mind you as we are getting more new & non VPN unique visitors by the day perhaps I should rename this place as the still alive and kicking Free & Pirate Radio board & start my own version of Radio Sutch online. Or would simbuddy who dose not spill properlee complan.
Steward Admin
23/1/2020 05:47:01 pm
I would have simply erased the entire topic. That's what we do on a professional free radio forum.
Natalie West Bank
23/1/2020 05:49:54 pm
Being professionals we just erase your entire account. This is what we do
Name Checker
23/1/2020 01:30:31 pm
If you enter 'Mervyn Hagger' into Google you will be directed to many sites all identifying the same person. If you enter James McGregor into Google as I have just done, it returns a lot of different people with the same name including this listing from the Daily Record: "Cocaine wrap police van death probe as James Macgregor dies after 21st birthday arrest
PWA Ralph
23/1/2020 01:33:14 pm
So if James McGregor was arrested for drugs and then died of a drug overdose while in police custody, who is this James McGregor who is defending Rolf Harris and child sex abuse?
PWA William
23/1/2020 01:36:09 pm
I don't know PWA Ralph, but clearly this James McGregor is a whacko (pardon my medical in-exactitude). Obviously he is not the one who died from an overdose of cocaine. I wonder what the legal ramifications of his death were since he was already under arrest?
PWA Ralph
23/1/2020 01:39:46 pm
I just came up with this one: "Very Rev James MacGregor DD FRSE (1832–1910) was a Scottish minister and philanthropist. He was Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 1891". If he is still alive he must be the son of Dracula.
PWA William
23/1/2020 01:42:58 pm
There's no end of these James McGregors on Google: "James MacGregor is a cyclist from Bradford On Avon, England, United Kingdom." Maybe he hopes to backpeddle himself out of the mess he has created for himself on this Forum?
PWA Ralph
23/1/2020 01:44:08 pm
Nice one PWA William!
James McGregor
23/1/2020 01:49:47 pm
Well apart from the spelling that was a pointless statement to make. You are obviously not living up to your (internet) name. I can find my household on 192 on the first google page. Look forward to you visiting for tea
Google Search
23/1/2020 04:21:33 pm
Taking you at your word, which of the "James McGregor" entries on Google is you? We really want to know.
PWA William
23/1/2020 01:48:26 pm
Chances are there a lot more James McGregors out there than just the quick finds we found on Google. Maybe he is all of them and cloned himself? I guess he would still have to be Dracula though.
PWA Ralph
23/1/2020 01:50:27 pm
You may be on to something PWA William. Go back a few posts and read what someone wrote: "Time for a new topic Mike before everyone forgets James abducted her, ate her and drank her blood."
PWA William
23/1/2020 01:51:30 pm
Well I'll be darned, PWA Ralph, James McGregor IS Dracula!
PWA Ralph
23/1/2020 01:53:50 pm
I think that was written by James McGregor because he wants Mike to move on to another topic so no one will read how McGregor exposed himself in public. As Dracula, I mean.
James McGregor
23/1/2020 02:10:51 pm
When the Castle Blue Board went password it was suggested that as we were all honest and upright messages no longer required moderation and could be posted in real time. I pointed out straight away that would be an absolute disaster. SDR fans might remember me from the chat boxes of local sites (Hack Green, Derby, Stafford) to me. I pointed out that it was not going to be long before these were closed as anyone could use anyone else's name but was told I was a prophet of doom and we were all too God fearing for that Sure enough by 12 months later there are 10 thousand versions of me spouting all sorts of offensive crap. Pointless offensive log in names calling Irish Hams child molesters (seems to be a popular theme with these radio trolls) and miles and miles of nonsense totally spoiling what was a very useful innocent daily chatbox box contact and report facility. Those 3 boards have now well and truly closed the chatboxes and one has even stopped the spectrum marker log in because of stupid short insults. I don't know what the technical possibilities of a board like this are but I can prophesize that you are well and truly on the road to ruin going on like this. There is no way I am taking the blame for this (don't forget it was me who inadvertently opened the sluice gates pointing that this could be done when I laughed that I found I had been complaining to the bus station about a ride I had forgotten I had taken!). I am going to do my bit and stay well clear as a poster for now and we can see what happens and that's that.
PWA William
23/1/2020 03:45:03 pm
Totally off topic a person called "James McGregor" is now complaining that others are mimicking him. As pointed out, there a lot of James McGregor's on Google - including a drug addict who died in police custody. Now this new "James McGregor" is complaining about the "Castle Blue Board" - what is that? It has nothing to do with this Forum and nor for that matter does anything in this new "James McGregor" post. We have no idea who "James McGregor" is, but he claims others are mimicking him. If the real James McGregor will kindly identify himself as a real person that Google can reference, then there will not be a need for passwords, will there? I guess that the ball is firmly in the court of this "James McGregor". Identify yourself as a real human being James McGregor and all will be well.
Paul Rusty
23/1/2020 05:24:35 pm
Geoff Hatton and I call him Auld Baldy!
PWA Ralph
23/1/2020 05:40:10 pm
Another James McGregor loony. You bring these trolls here James, you ger rid of them.
PWA William
23/1/2020 05:41:57 pm
I agree PWA Ralph. We have told James McGregor what to do it he is the real James McGregor and all he has done is post a lot of nonsense about another web site.
Advisory for Little Girls
23/1/2020 02:11:30 pm
We are sure that the person who wrote: "James abducted her, ate her and drank her blood." - was only joking. Dracula is not real and James will not abduct you; eat you and drink your blood. Mike will make sure of that.
Barclays Bank of Trolls
23/1/2020 05:57:47 pm
This is what we do. We lend trolls out to accumulate interest in the past.
Thomson Travel Pass
23/1/2020 06:08:20 pm
We are in administration but as desperate gesture of goodwill can swap the bottle bore for the bore of the lies of Ronan O'Rahilly and his sidekick Ian Cowper Ross. This offer will not last long as the tuning whistle David LW has reported us to SFA OFCOM for being 5 hz off our share price promise of having more than 5 real posters
Thomson Trivial Pass
23/1/2020 10:09:00 pm
And you can prove that. Nah your just another troll, like all the other trolls, sad lonely and insecure. Can you prove that is not how it is.
Identification of James McGregor
24/1/2020 07:14:29 am
In order to stop the trolls who are gathered around the name 'James McGregor' it is necessary to identify the real James McGregor because in an earlier post 'James McGregor' claimed that this was not his real name.
Terry T Roll
24/1/2020 08:40:27 pm
No he did not, you Supreme Bore Mervyn. He said he used the internet name of. He did not say that the name was not also his to use in other walks of life. Personally I think anyone that can donate their personal bloodline to cut your nosy tongue out while vigorously defending our free radio heroes earns the respect of true Ronan and Caroline fans of all ages
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24/1/2020 10:17:57 am
The fact is that Greta Thunburg is but a brain damaged kid who has no scientific knowledge but a lot of self-importance to become the new evangelist for a daft religious cause. She is but the very latest 'Prophet of Doom', but according to her peers, after 20 years of warning from 1955 onwards, her world ceased to exist in 1975, and consequently she was never born. Her own life makes her own words a LIE and because the BBC promotes this rubbish, the BBC is but the transmitter of doom on behalf of a bunch of crafty people with their hands in the Treasury to fund non-commercially sustainable 'alternative' energy sources when we are awash in oil and gas for years to come. Greta Thunberg is but the latest in a long, long line of con-artists called preachers and the BBC love her.
Ilene Dover
24/1/2020 02:22:21 pm
Greta is used, because those feeding her with all the rubbish know the media are frightened to question a poor innocent victim as she is presented to them. The BBC are nothing more than a propoganda unit for their real masters, held hostage by the license that enables them spend deciduous amounts of money on presenting the lies. Remove the licence and you remove the power base.
24/1/2020 06:13:04 pm
Here's what The Trumpster had to say regarding Elon Musk.....'Well -- you have to give him credit. I spoke to him very recently, and he's also doing the rockets. He likes rockets. And -- he does good at rockets too, by the way. I never saw where the engines come down with no wings, no anything, and they're landing. I said I've never seen that before. And I was worried about him, because he's one of our great geniuses, and we have to protect our genius. You know, we have to protect Thomas Edison and we have to protect all of these people that -- came up with originally the light bulb and -- the wheel and all of these things. And he's one of our very smart people and we want to-- we want to cherish those people.'........Yes, this really is the extent of his knowledge and wisdom. Discuss.
Source request
24/1/2020 06:57:38 pm
What is the origin of this quotation? Where can it be found and read in context and in its entirety?
24/1/2020 07:37:25 pm .......for the video. The transcript is above. And before anyone says 'Oh, it's CNN', or 'it's out of context' you can find the whole interview on Youtube if you want to wade through it. Regardless of whether you watch in it's entirety or not, that was his answer to the question 'Tesla's now worth more than GM and Ford. Do you have comments on Elon Musk?'
Source request
24/1/2020 08:07:12 pm
I admit I have not yet followed up the source to hear it for myself in context. However, regarding your final question, my answer is another question: How much of that 'worth' is real? Clearly a lot of his money has come from the US Treasury - which means tax money. On the other hand while both Ford and GM have had government contracts and GM has had a US tax payer bailout, they have been commercial enterprises. However, I would say that Telsa is built almost entirely on US tax money, which means that it is not a true commercial enterprise. On the other hand, the returning rockets are quite amazing as a matter of engineering. If you take away the US government contracts will Telsa and Musk go into the financial dustbin?
24/1/2020 08:22:30 pm
My point is more about Trump's barely coherent, bumbling, ignorant response. It makes one wonder who he thinks invented the wheel, apart from anything else.
Source request
24/1/2020 08:32:26 pm
But that is not what you asked. You wrote "egardless of whether you watch in it's entirety or not, that was his answer to the question 'Tesla's now worth more than GM and Ford. Do you have comments on Elon Musk?'" I answered that question. Your comment about Trump requires a study of the original recording, but given his success in turning the US economy around, I can only imagine that the quotation is taken out of context. He is certainly not the person you describe.
24/1/2020 08:44:41 pm
I asked nothing and am not talking about the economy. I suggest you watch the video and see for yourself. How do you think he should protect Edison and the inventor of the wheel as that is what Trump thinks should happen?
Source request
24/1/2020 08:52:55 pm
I will do as you say. However, you did make a statement and then ask a question, and that is what I answered. You wrote "'Tesla's now worth more than GM and Ford.: Then you asked."Do you have comments on Elon Musk?'" Now you are focusing upon a pejorative statement which is why I asked you about the source material. However, it sounds as if your mind is made up to have a low opinion of Donald Trump.
24/1/2020 09:06:50 pm
No, that is what the interviewer asked, not myself. Apologies if I was unclear. Now let's return to how Trump might protect Edison and the inventor of the wheel.
Source request
24/1/2020 09:11:23 pm
I will have to take time to listen to your original source in order to provide an answer and.I will do this later on. Without context is is impossible to offer an opinion.
The Stabiliser Brothers
24/1/2020 09:10:18 pm
Has anyone written a book about BBC Radio London?
Levi Lerros
24/1/2020 09:28:03 pm
Or did Independent Radio London write a book about themselves?
To the administrator of this board, could you please administer SANITY if possible! There could be information hidden deeply within the text. However everywhere a certain person posts, apparently loonatics follow.! It does appear that the pleasure is getting as many irrelevant responses as possible - how sad. This board now is a TOTAL JOKE. Time to get a grip, instead of being a laughing stock. Sincerely, Scottg.
Elton Pyramid Stage of Trolls Mask
24/1/2020 09:41:26 pm
"Information hidden deeply within the text"
Natalie West Bank
24/1/2020 09:47:09 pm
Always read the small print. This is why we do it
Barclays Blood Bank of Trolls
24/1/2020 09:56:42 pm
Count Dracula of Staffordshire has a very good credit rating with us and we are happy to extend his rolling troll line of credit
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