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Well that was a strange couple of months. COVID, secondary infection(s) and wonderfully damaged sinuses. As the world continues to march towards it's own well deserved oblivion (not me I have built up some immunity & had my booster jabs) lets go back to the 1960's & 70's and enjoy some New York Mafia radio and some real seventies heads down no nonsense offshore Anoraking. If you share any of these vid's on the silly forums and don't mention this place a local gypsy is on stand by to put a curse on you (and she's real ugly too). The first tape from January 1966 is a bonafide recording by Jack Spector (WMCA) made for Radio Caroline.
28/11/2023 02:31:55 pm
for some reason getting a 404 error on the links provided.
James McGregor
3/12/2023 01:20:21 am
No coincidence between the NY Good Guys and the Sharps suits on the Mi Amigo then?
James McGregor
3/12/2023 01:54:56 am
I think they were far more polite and articulate on those ships in those days ( OK I know it was a bit school dorm behind the portholes but the likes of Andy Archer were very good communicators in public air space . I think a lot was the naivety of how long can this last. Since the 80's the idea has been this can go on for ever and a lot got egotistical and stuck their heads up their backsides being obsessed with offshore or nothing else
28/11/2023 06:13:16 pm
1/12/2023 11:56:46 pm
add this....
James McGregor
3/12/2023 01:05:59 am
Hi Mike,
A London Cabbie Twitters on X
4/12/2023 08:41:33 pm
If Bianca Williams can't afford a carriage to Queens there is no hope for you average punters parking your Teslas at home and joining my rank all white and impoverished of Maida Vale. If she's so good at running why can't she keep fit going to work like that Eh? Radio 4 Longwave Guv? No sorry can't get that no more for love or money. Some guy called Fred Bramble ate all the Marconi valves you see. What do you think of Megs and Harry boss. What a hoot. Did you see that Uber cutting me up, bloody foreigners. You want to drive like that go to your own country and get your head cut off. My wife's a black man actually so I am not biased mind, just say things how they appear to normal people. Do you need a hand with your baggage? No problem, I'll just leave the meter running
4/12/2023 10:49:28 pm
members5,proof readers comments only? there is no proof. everything being published has always been available too all, only if you had years to waist looking for it.and in the end who cares or is interested,
Waistline Police Check
17/12/2023 11:41:06 am
AgB stop wasting your life away looking because NOBODY is interested - you told us so over and over again. So are you saying that nobody is interested but you are because you are somebody?
17/12/2023 11:44:37 am
Dear Mr AgB. Due to you inability to spell the word waste and your inability to know when to use a capital letter and a full stop, I regret to inform you that I cannot accept your services as a proof reader. Kind regards, Paul Rusling
James McGregor
29/12/2023 04:16:25 am
I have just seen that AgB lost his mum around that time. So a mouth offs a bit understandable. So sorry to hear this Agb. When you have lost your mum you have indeed lost your best most loyal supportive friend
5/12/2023 09:57:38 am
It's good to see this forum up and running. We are all in agreement that Moore's fake caroline needs to be closed down by Ofcom.. Moore has endlessly libelled Mervyn, Rusling, who has now finally been caught out with his own lies is someone to avoid. I hope Mervyn is well and in good spirits, Regards, David
Hobby Long Wave Forum Fiddler
16/12/2023 08:52:01 pm
No we are not, no it doesn't and no he hasn't.
The Free Radio Forum throws open it's doors to the desperate
5/12/2023 08:16:04 pm
Prince William has been spotted in west London selling Big Issue magazines, which raise funds for the homeless.
James McGregor
8/12/2023 11:59:30 pm
How amusing James comes out of retirement to suddenly express an interest in Offshore Echoes at least 3 years too late to read about who has died and GS Stuart comes out of retirement to realise a Rad Lons wrong un's passed away last June. According to Stuart it's Facebook's fault. According to James he assumed all past magazines if not available in print would have been archived on PDF DVD for the Galaxy to remember
Plop, plop
12/12/2023 07:47:39 am
There was an Alka Seltzer jingle that began with "Plop, pop" when the tablets were dropped in water to fizz, and this was followed by "Oh what a relief it is", well late last night 'Board Watcher' tacked on another silly comment to the 648 transmitter trouble - only he drew attention to a stuck page 5 on the 'Dial 999' story. It just goes to show, the anoraks are waiting for some opening about trivia to comment, because they have no comments about content within context. So stay tuned 'Board Watcher' - page 6 is coming.
James McGregor
14/12/2023 03:35:09 am
From: [email protected]
Kate Bushnell
13/2/2024 10:00:08 pm
My partner Jonathan Fry met Paul in the 1980s from Brighton- so shocked to hear of beautiful Paul’s death . Met Paul on a walkie talkie cb - not normal CB - Hangelton hearing Paul’s voice . Go to a phone box and call me . They became friends.
Clarification needed
14/12/2023 03:39:24 pm
Before I offer my services in response to the plea for help, does anyone know exactly who is writing "Dial 999 for Caroline?".
Good reason to keep you guesing
17/12/2023 11:27:47 am
Ah yes, that last comment taken from Facebook which is about a murder, the murder of someone's daughter. So out there is someone who is ashamed or too frightened to identify themselves, who is spending time to investigate Hagger because ..... because ........ er, becauseeeeee ....... Meanwhile this little pea brain has no comment about substance, or the MURDER, just a comment to show that it is soooooooooooooooooooooooo important that this worm knows who is writing what. Does the pea brain also suggest that Hagger is Gilder and Baskir? What is the point of your MANY comments under MANY fake and silly names? Obviously you are spending too much time away from Mummy downstairs while up in your bedroom with the curtains drawn and pretending that you are the slueth whose revelations we all need to pay attention to.
Freddie Archer
17/12/2023 11:29:51 am
Daft. No one is writing 'Dial 999' because I have told everyone many times that it will never get written, so how can anyone be writing it. Anyway, its not on paper, is it?
Three Books and No Murder
17/12/2023 11:34:01 am
Dunno wat mr clever is on about. Sez on that there 3 books in the works and not one of them is about a murder. Wot murderbook are u on about?
The Funeral Director
8/1/2024 11:33:45 am
Reg Calvert
James McGregor
19/12/2023 02:16:20 am
I see all the customary BS of the 2 main pirate radio frustration BS forums, not counting the BBC are this year self excluding themselves from the usual FAKE we wish you all a merry Christmas and happy new year complete with genuine GS and DM snowflakes
Harris Tweed TX shows the thread of Grammar Nazis versus Admin Nastys are still alive and kicking
23/12/2023 11:59:30 am
Posted by Ray Dio on December 23, 2023, 8:34 am, in reply to "Re: From another sourse"
Mervyn Hagger
24/12/2023 08:59:16 am
The idiot calling himself 'Board Watcher' has just handed me a Christmas present on the appropriate idiot Board run by Garry. This is what he wrote:
Board Watcher
26/12/2023 10:05:03 pm
I am not in the habit of answering my own questions. I am not Ray Dio, nor anyone else. But you go ahead and believe whatever you like if it makes you happy.
The elevator that does not go to the top floor
28/12/2023 12:12:52 am
Being part of the New World Order cabals under Denver Gargoyle Black Ops Airport and it's offshore outpost Blackwater Marina. An area surrounding in effigy and totem poles of iconography I cannot grasp the Area 51 significance of a poster Board Watcher asking a question and a poster Ray Dio giving an answer. I saw this in real time at the time. I don't know if this was a close encounter of the real Garry kind or you are just spreading misinformation for your idea of us accepting at last that you can scoop mashed potato into the shape of a mountain but Sheep wolf Ross Revenge is not going to levitate and fly out of it like Chopper Squad. The warnings have been given - "might last another winter" - after that it's Captain Kidd's rum story on land or you have your cod and CHIPS"
Geordie La Forge 648 TX
28/12/2023 12:38:59 am
Santa Claus Malcolm Smith gave me an air fryer but the backplate was all hot air
Mervyn Hagger
24/12/2023 03:02:43 pm
I decided to have a look at my entire review of Ray Clark's book which I bought from Amazon (so it says), on Oct 21, 2014. Well that's about right, and it explains in context what happened next with the book 'Radio Man'.
Board Watcher's Bluff Called and Board Watcher runs for cover
26/12/2023 09:39:12 pm
Board Watcher who claims that he is not Ray Dio when no one said that he was, has put up another straw man and set fire to himself after picking a fight and then running off crying to his Mummy (or is it Garry Stevens?)
Board Watcher
28/12/2023 01:58:03 pm
I beg to differ. Hagger states above:
Thanks 'Board Watcher', aka 'Ray Dio' aka Garry Stevens,
26/12/2023 09:42:58 pm
You speak with one voice and so you are obviously one person but Board Watcher is not Ray Dio because those are obviously fake names. But Garry Stevens is not.
James McGregor
28/12/2023 11:43:39 am
I need diverse Gervais directions to Garry Linkippers asa slum house to have a New Yom Kipper with Steven Goldberg Fry up slap up meal
Mervyn Hagger
28/12/2023 08:26:02 pm
Something VERY strange is going on with Garry Stevens and his pal Fred Bramley.
Catch Pa says Stewart always makes us feel a bit ambiguous about his news headlines
31/12/2023 01:53:17 am
Posted by dxer on December 30, 2023, 12:06 pm, in reply to "Re: Tony Blackburn"
Delia Deviant Smith The Master Chopper waves his gravy boat of sourse around under our noses again
2/1/2024 10:28:26 am
I am the cock in our house. I was shown how to make a scene maybe 20 years ago, then I was sent a Noel Edmunds Cook Book and I've never looked back.
between a rock and a hard place
31/12/2023 02:12:28 am
Oh dear, Mike has come up against a Garry Zomb again
James McGregor talks box office
5/1/2024 02:54:33 am
Hi it's me, This is a totally original thought of mine I have not cribbed from anyone and you can tell I am real because of the time stamp when it is dark
James McGregor
21/1/2024 09:42:37 am
My money box is still empty. Non donators will have More/Putin humiliation shame videos for not donating to the dream
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