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Two videos if your interested. The first is from the Financial Times and was published a few days ago. The fact that the City of London has long been the dirty money capital of the world is now official and it's all those nasty Russians Oligarch's doing it. If only it was as convenient as that. The reality is that organized crime around the world has found our beloved square mile of bankers, lawyers and 'advisers' very useful for decades. The second video from Germany's DW is in English and gives us an idea of the sheer scale of international crime particularly across Europe. Still I'm sure all the Governments across Europe are happy to keep sticking band aids over gaping wounds, after all we wouldn't want their weekend pick me ups to get scarce. A reliable journalist from Greece tells me that a certain European leader who appears almost daily on our TV news in his T'shirt is rather partial to a line or two of the powder! Fancy that eh?
Wise barn Howl
28/4/2022 10:59:40 am
If a toot it keeps camo T shirt man going strong who gives a hoot
Quiggle Repeating
28/4/2022 05:52:09 pm
Read this first:
Reality Check
28/4/2022 10:26:57 pm
Nobody used to listen to 'The World Tomorrow' except the Haggers of this world. Get a grip.
Reality Moron
29/4/2022 03:35:44 pm
How do you know that? What market research evidence backs up your comment?
Reality Check?
29/4/2022 08:36:50 pm
A) you are too scared to identify yourself.
Reality Check
30/4/2022 01:36:54 pm
Thank you for your informed and constructive comments, especially from 'Reality Check?' who fails to see the irony in remaining anonymous him/her self whilst criticising me for doing likewise.
Ed Phoney
1/5/2022 06:51:25 pm
Oh dear so the delirious rants of never listened er never happened. Indeed with half a dozen respondents we don't appear to have much support for the 'never listened' viewpoint.
Amused Bystander
1/5/2022 06:54:57 pm
It never fails to make me laugh when somebody so dismissive is so easily dismissed with a little logic. Perhaps you should start a page called kindergarten anoraks where they can go and throw their toys out of the pram to each other
28/4/2022 08:46:22 pm
Little Jimyza
1/5/2022 11:56:01 am
I am very pleased to be here and learning so much about your country
Justice and reparations for the ghosts of the Caribbean says the nutter on the bus
30/4/2022 04:19:16 pm
Of course it was below standards. But as if no other bored MP ( doctor, lawyer, brain surgeon, currency trading stockbroker has gone to the rest room and rubbed one out for a bit of relief. Personally i am always spying from the wheel arch seats what the phone strokers are doing below stairs. It's my civic duty innit?
Marina Monica Lewycka
1/5/2022 11:45:56 am
I very please to be here at home in your country of tractor lovers
James McGregor
2/5/2022 05:08:08 pm
Hi Real English James here. Born and bread CNN+ and butter benefit crust side up
Board Watcher
3/5/2022 01:16:03 pm
To Peter Moore's nail-on-the-head hitting post I would add:
James McGregor
3/5/2022 05:13:18 pm
Ok My name was not mentioned which is Bumber. But apart from that oversight I thought Peter's greatness shone though is in welcome return to the board I have been from banned from writing forward thought
Daffy Don Allenky
4/5/2022 06:49:04 pm
Wervyin is dispwickable
Um, Peter Mervyn?
3/5/2022 05:59:05 pm
Wot a rant from Malcolm of 648 looneyville. Now he has moved away from the Garry's crazies to Dave's crazies with a long, long. long rant at Mervyn who isn't worth ranting about sez Malcolm er Peter, er man with a rusty boat.
George Orwell : The Editing Sweet
4/5/2022 11:00:02 am
Of course you never get there as the whole idea while you are pressing NEXT is to keep you looking at the adverts that surround the texts. Or you may find a site with an image of Margot Robbie in shorts and you don't care any more about the man and his house.
Questions answered for the hard of understanding
3/5/2022 08:19:13 pm
"If he ain't worth ranting about, why is Malcolm starting a rant about Mervyn on the Dave Looney II Board?"
3/5/2022 08:22:22 pm
Well done that UmHead Jam Man
Dave and Garry Shoe
4/5/2022 07:41:35 am
We are the Ant and Dec of 648. Dave and Garry know all. We love Malcolm and we hate Peter. No one seems to care so we are now dipping into our toy box once again.
Neptune's Mother
4/5/2022 10:15:44 am
Oh dear my boy has just joined the ranks of 648 on Dave's Board today by trying to save Malcolm by using Mervyn. Is that how desperate the Rustler crowd has become. Wait, he has yet to add his name to this new thread, but given time the fat podge from Yorkshire soon will - he eats any old idea if it puts money in his pocket. He was pals with Ray Anderson who did the same thing.
Mike - Admin
4/5/2022 12:07:03 pm
Just to save you some time, if you write abusive messages aimed at Mervyn they wont be published. Constructive and well thought out stands a much better chance.
Mr Nice
7/5/2022 10:21:46 am
Mervyn seems to have gone off on a bit of a tangent from this story. Hopefully he will supply the information to back up what you and he are saying, although I am aware that he does rather enjoy the' I know something you don't know' scenario.
Finger Lickin' Lessons
4/5/2022 10:03:43 pm
Dec's back with another 648 boost from Malcolm. Things must be bad at 648 with two doses in one day.
Why is Peter spelling Roan the same way Garry and James and Paul spell Ronan?
5/5/2022 11:12:07 pm
Who gives a flying fig. Another Mooria Mcgoongy Garloony spoonerism
Johnny Morris
7/5/2022 11:43:54 am
Do the monkeys sing free for charity?
Nectar Card points
5/5/2022 11:27:09 pm
The undying loyalty of the card Freddie Archer
Mike - Admin
6/5/2022 03:06:35 pm
Some pointless troll leaves a comment inferring that I am lying about Genie B working for the Voice of Peace & expects me to publish his pathetic words, what a moron!
Genie B and VoP comment
6/5/2022 09:55:54 pm
The problem is that the trolls who cannot identify themselves expect others to jump when they say 'jump'. But even if we wanted to tell you we cannot because Genie B has told us not to, but she has told us why which we cannot share with you - whatever you are which is probably a teen alone in a bedroom pretending to be something he is not. No girl would waste her time to write troll tripe, so it is obvious that you are a boy longing for a girl to share your life. You are lonely and obviously very young and immature wishing that you could be part of the real world with real people. But you can't, can you? You are still an immature little kid, that's why, and no good looking girl would give you a second glance.
Mr Nice
7/5/2022 10:18:25 am
Quite right to. There is no need for what I presume to be an abusive comment.
7/5/2022 07:51:22 am
Well, the day finally came when Malcom Smith (who calls himself Peter Moore), finally told the truth:
7/5/2022 05:25:44 pm
That is the question says Malcom Smith who has now batted a ball back and forth with the help of Dave Smith's nonsense board (Garry Stevens calls it the Joke Board and even the 'Church of Caroline' Board.)
Goldfish Memory Man
7/5/2022 11:20:10 am
I started to write something about charity begins with .. In the beginning was .. and then and then
James McGregor
8/5/2022 11:41:13 am
A blessing of a visitation from Peter Moore is like a London bus. You wait for one almost giving up hope of seeing God land in a flying saucer. Then you see his face in a slice of toast every morning. Unfortunately always saying convoluted blessings of the same prayers. Syrup of flying figs is the new burnt Maxwell House blend. Nine out of ten runny bottoms monkeys attest to reading Mervyn Hagger gives them a sore arse. There is the main wipe, then countless perjury inciting precursory wipes some nappy accidents nanny then loyal Freddie, Neptune (a name yarns ago Peter would have scoffed at) and James wolf down the burnt offerings claiming the fact it gives them stomache ache shows it was cooked by the winner of Masterchef
Neptune's Mother
8/5/2022 09:46:31 am
Posted on the Dave Smith Board by Neptune on 7/5/2022, 14:23:50, in reply to Malcolm Smith
Rattling Malcolm's Cage
8/5/2022 09:57:47 am
Posted on Dave Smith's Board by Malcolm Smith on 8/5/2022, 7:17:06 ....
A looney writes
8/5/2022 01:23:38 pm
Dear Offshore Echoes, I was absolutely gobsmacked this morning when I saw Peter Moore's face appear in a slice of toast. Every detail was correct. After a couple of cups of special monkey brew the whoemeal even began to talk to me. He said I was a chosen one to raise awareness of the good work of the New Church. To prove that the New Church was genuine the best thing since Suzy waffles told me the ministry was just as strapped for cash as the old monetary which Hagger the VIII has plundered and i must spread on plenty of marmalade whatever the price at Mcolls. I was completely awestruck and instantly shunned all my shallow worldly possessions selling my toy car collection on E bay. I enclose a picture of the Holy Toast Ghost before I covered my mate with Archers special ingratiating my mate Marmite conservation piccalilli. I am completely bonkers
Put your evidence where your mouth is
8/5/2022 02:35:49 pm
Show me with quotes where in that thread it states that Ronan" had in fact paid for two ships; broadcasting equipment and the rent for a mansion in Mayfair", and where in that thread Peter Moore confirms it.
Mike - Admin
8/5/2022 07:02:14 pm
For the attention of the idiot who keeps going on about Genie b & the VOP.
Feeble Mind
9/5/2022 09:09:38 pm
Crafty thought. Now that Sir S MP has stated he will retire if fined. Do you think that might be a cunning plan thinking the police will now never dare find him guilty because that might lead them open to accusations of committing a very British coup, backed by Freemason policemen Tories, Darth Vader, Dark Forces, Pye radiograms, The Dagenham Girl Guides Pipers band, anoraks who hate Labour because of the MOA etc etc
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