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Part 90,051,132 of our ongoing series 'But Seriously It Cant Get Any Worse?' Next week we will feature your 'Top Ten Hilarious Nuclear Accidents Of The 20th Century', stay tuned it's gonna be an absolute party!!!
Mervyn Hagger
13/6/2023 12:30:39 pm
I agree with just about everything Neil Oliver says, but here is the question: What are you going to do about it?
Oh dear..........
13/6/2023 06:19:16 pm
"Malcolm Smith plays the anoraks for fools to build his own PERSONAL business for PERSONAL financial gain."
Personal Gain? I don't think so
19/6/2023 06:40:17 pm
"CROWDFUNDER UPDATE: Message from station manager Peter Moore
Mervyn Hagger
9/7/2023 09:10:26 am
So, Malcolm Smith using a fictitious identity is raising money to save an old cod ship because it may have some historic interest to a few fishermen.
Mervyn Hagger
13/6/2023 04:41:47 pm
Here are two speakers you need to listen to. One of them is Roger Waters
Anon Annew
13/6/2023 08:47:07 pm
Is a knew spelt right?
Clearly you missed the message
15/6/2023 05:56:22 pm
You are no doubt a person who will look at a "week bridge" sign and rant that if the spelling is not right then the message is not right, so over you go and down you go as the weak bridge collapses under your weight.
Take the Knee and weep
15/6/2023 06:55:54 pm
Yes it is James McGregor? Obviously him. The Supreme Gnu. Supreme anorak of cut and paste BBC rubbish and wallpapering Malcolm Smith's fraudulant scam
Me who knows you knows you know who
20/6/2023 05:48:52 am
What has this Country become?
We're waiting for Hagger
20/6/2023 02:10:46 pm
Is his big surprise book really a big surprise that will contain a multitude of surprises or will in be another nothingland like Dave Martin and Garry Stevens
Jakes McGregor
23/6/2023 01:26:57 am
I don't know how you think I know and wright everything Meve because I actually don't read or write, much to your surprise. But going backwards in history some one on GS Gas has queried the surrender of the MV Communicator in November 1985
The Eye Spy
24/6/2023 08:44:11 pm
Mike was recused form the dark in just 2 hours after Stewart revived him with mouth to mouth
Ray Anderson
21/6/2023 05:46:03 pm
I am putting on a tribute to Big L - Wonderful Radio London and I asked Peter Moore if we could combine our operations because so many of us are dying and we need to use the remaining resources to the best of our abilities.
CANCELLED. ENTITLED How bad things really are in the alternative reality metablogs
22/6/2023 02:10:49 am
Re: Radio Caroline power increase
Or Visa Versa
23/6/2023 10:31:46 pm
Posted by StewartAdmin. on June 23, 2023, 9:03 pm, in reply to "Re: Smooth Radio Essex"
23/6/2023 08:34:33 am
Ray, the reason I have a negative view about what you are doing is because it is a flash in the pan. It's only another RSL. We've done that and been there long ago. All you are doing is diverting resources that we need for the ship and station. Your operation is just that = your operation. As a team we have much bigger ambitions than that, but the window of opportunity rests with the anoraks who are dying off, and so raising money now is a race against the clock of old age.
mike Simmonds
23/6/2023 10:07:15 pm
I've been banned from garrys board.
James McGregor
26/6/2023 03:10:38 pm
On one of my occasional daily listens to the station of the free world nation I hear that Lyn Gilbert's book is now being promoted as the the true and sometimes shocking story behind the scenes!
Lyn Gilbert's book
26/6/2023 10:53:27 pm
It is simply that the author requires all proceeds of sale to go to the Ross Revenge charity for the restoration of the ship, nothing more than that.
Captain Jack Sparrow
28/6/2023 03:42:13 pm
That's a shame. On here we all look for rididuculous time travel plots we can sell to Hollywood
Ronans' shadow
29/6/2023 10:57:31 pm
I remember taking an acetate record round to Radio Luxembourg and telling them this sounds a bit like Georgie Fame
Alan McGee talks to Robbie Owen
29/6/2023 10:41:58 pm
Liam was very opinionated about rough cut names like Live Demonstration and Oasis
Offshore Echaos France
1/7/2023 12:44:17 am
A total of 270 people were arrested across France on Friday daytime and evening, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said. In the early hours of Saturday, the ministry updated that figure to 341.
Thunderbird 5
2/7/2023 04:30:40 pm
the Radio Caroline Myth 1963-1964 about to be finally revealed?
Big Hole Bloke
3/7/2023 07:30:32 pm
"There are only a few things for certain, the MV Fredericia was fitted out in Greenore" sez Scottg.
Black Hole Bob IV
3/7/2023 05:19:53 pm
Aint it funny that Garry and his board and Dave and his board and Hans Knot and his board all confuse what happened between 1964 and 1967 with something that they call 'free radio'?
Brussel Spouts
3/7/2023 11:25:15 pm
His correct name is Sir Hans Knot
Sir Hans is NOT
4/7/2023 07:35:22 pm
You groveling little Anglo monarchist pig - they DON'T use pretentious tiles like that in Holland. He may have some sort of stupid monarchist awarded title but its not used they was record spinners like Jimmy Saville, er Johnnie Walker in the British Isles.Hans is not even a qualified radio historian, just a hack jack with a blog.
Knot a Sir
7/7/2023 07:14:53 am
Hans is neither a historian nor a Sir. His works are riddled with schoolboy inaccuracy, just like the pudding bowl who bestowed the title upon him, because he knows his place.
What book of Kate Cary's was this?
4/7/2023 12:06:19 am
Kate writes to Hans praising Supremo for being the new sliced bread and paying their mortgage when it was financially more likely the other way around and Chris was richer than him to the point of mutiny and Hans says thanks for the insight
Supper Hands in trough
7/7/2023 02:18:40 pm
Garry and the late Geoff used to be my best friends and called me Sir or Captain as a form of endearment. Now Garry just addresses me as Sorry ISP blocked
Mervyn Hagger
9/7/2023 09:05:56 am
If you go on YouTube you will find a lot of authentic video material recorded at the time of incident recorded. But there is a LOT of conspiracy guilt by association stuff on there as well.
Mervyn Hagger
9/7/2023 06:22:29 pm
Colin Nicol (yes I spelt it differently last time when I also included some typos), but in going back through my old emails I find that I have uncovered so much data that I have forgotten half of it. This includes asking the same questions of Colin years after asking them the first time.
Richard Rhett Butler
11/7/2023 12:35:29 am
We looked into this at great expense and after many years decided frankly my dear boys and girls all the Bent Tonys of this world are gone with the wind and no one except a trio of obsessives gives a flying fig. Hey ho we are out of Wimbledon wombles again. Never mind there are still the ball girls to enjoy unless you work for the BBC
James McGregor
11/7/2023 07:33:40 pm
To mirror the above
19/7/2023 01:46:59 pm
AGBs Snipies on the dark side, mirror the above. Anorak can surely never turn against anorak. Pirate against pirate? Surely not says Susan Calvert, Mebo and Roy Lindau
Russian ads on 648
10/7/2023 10:52:07 pm
even Atlantis dropped Russian ads,
Mervyn Hagger
11/7/2023 03:42:54 pm
"God Dump Our Idiot King and his BBC hacks" - that will be glorious!
If only you new how bad things are really now bad you know
13/7/2023 05:43:10 pm
Mike Simmonds: Ships need to be dry docked for winter
The hue and cry pelts the celebrities with Meta Toxic found threads of YouDung
15/7/2023 12:16:32 am
For those who have given up on the old News about the BBC Then. Here are the headline minutes of the Caroline Movements old womens intstitute meeting in Southampton online today
Mike Simmonds Vader
15/7/2023 12:19:15 pm
You chaps are small grease monkeys! I have studied the dark side, even now I am causing a disturbance in the anorak force. I have written to PM and told him to buy a bigger umbrella to cover the entire ship which urgently needs to be dry docked on my death star. You will succumb to my power little anoraks monkeys
Essex Boy
15/7/2023 02:24:25 pm
I don't really see the point of copying posts from the Pirate Radio Board and posting them here.
Minister for Educational Lapses
17/7/2023 05:38:46 pm
If only you NEW how to spell
Middlesex Man
17/7/2023 06:08:13 pm
Garry made us do it
18/7/2023 04:28:08 pm
It's good to see Mervyn is still active to get to the truth. So much drivel appears on Garry's and Martin's joke forums. We all know Caroline finally ended in 1967 and there is NO connection between the 1964 to '67 Caroline and today's comminity hobby caroline
19/7/2023 04:01:05 pm
I wonder how many have been lied to and cheated by "Disciple Paul?". A copyright thief and con man well sussed and exposed by Mervyn several times
6/8/2023 04:30:32 pm
The following is typical of the stuff libelling Mervyn Hagger's character on public forums by Peter Moore. This shows Peter Moore is not fit to run a UK community station, and therefore the Radio Caroline licence should be revoked to bring this noneense to a close. Ofcom should be notified by Mervyn Hagger about the continual attacks on him by Peter Moore.of Radio Caroline.:-
8/8/2023 09:50:55 am
Another nasty post from Peter Moore of radio caroline attacking Mervyn follows, and is copied and pasted directly from Dave Martins pirate PUBLIC forum. Surely this sort of constant PUBLIC character assasination of Mervyn Hagger is ILLEGAL?? I'm sure it's now classed as a libellouos form of GBH, not tolerated these days. Mervyn Hagger MUST notify Ofcom of this constant abuse from Peter Moore, and the right outcome would be to revoke the caroline licence to end Peter Moore's constant public Mevyn Hagger MUST formally send in a complaint to Ofcom to end this constant heckling abuse and unfair character assasinations of Mevyn Hagger.The Peter Moore post fllows :-
9/8/2023 06:10:08 pm
Another nasty post attacking Mervyn Hagger on a PUBLIC forum.follows this. Notice how More gloats and constantly taunts Mervyn, saying Mervyn is "insanely jealous" of his (Moore's) huge achievements in having the radio caroline station, and Mervyn has achieved nothing, and will be continuosly rejected. This is LEGALLY classed as long term harrasment by Moore, and the BEST way to end this constant attack on Mervyn is to get Ofcom to cancel Moore's caroline communiy station licence. Then, Moore would have nothing to cajole Mervyn about, and so nicely ends Moore's 5 plus years of libellous character assasination attacks on Mervyn Hagger. Simply go onto Ofcoms website, and file a complaint in the community broadcasting section against Peter Moore's abuse of his Ofcom granted licence. It's as easy as that to do.
23/8/2023 03:02:51 pm
Spotted on a public forum today (23rd August 2023) additional remarks from Peter Moore continuuing to attack Mervyn Hagger. The ONLY way for Mervyn to stop Peter Moore's personal attacks on Mervyn is to supply this and the other nemerous slanderous public forum posts as evidence to Ofcom. Revoking the caroline licence is the right (and best) way to put and end to these obsessional personal attacks on Mervyn by Peter Moore. A copy of more posts defaming Mervyn folows this-----
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