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Coincidences happen but when they happen with the same individuals more than once, well perhaps digging a little deeper is worth the shovel. An interesting video here, it's made by someone that can easily be described by those with something to hide as a conspiracy theorist (the CIA invented that term to rubbish anyone doing the "wrong sought" of investigating). Worth watching in full in my opinion and giving some thought. It's not the most professional piece but the information is intriguing to say the least.
19/3/2020 04:37:02 pm
"wrong sort" not "wrong sought". 6/10 must try harder
Mervyn Hagger
19/3/2020 05:39:14 pm
When I started watching that I could not understand the date of it at the top. I watched all of it and it is mind boggling because of its implications. But do you know who had the dry dry of the dry run involving the 'Population Bomb' and all of these people supplying the backbone for the lead-up to this: HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG.
20/3/2020 01:21:26 pm
Hi, Mervyn. Just wanted to say what a great job Caroline is doing over at her blog site. A true asset to your team. And she sure gets up early! Hope she's OK over there in Washington. How are things in Falkirk?
Mickey Mouse
21/3/2020 07:02:56 am
Alvin, are you really a chipmunk you are not very bright are you? I have seen that site and it seems to be written the night before and then uploaded so that you think it is happening in your time. And talking of time, what do you make of this video that Mike has loaded on his site? I am wondering where the 2019 time stamp of independent authentication is to show that Bill Gates participated in a trial run of this pandemic. Will the virus get into your hole?
21/3/2020 01:27:52 pm
Well, it's most unlike you not to respond within 24 hours to a comment addressed to you. Hope you are well, and have not succumbed to the virus. Worried about you, poppet.
Thou hast to wait for thy Mod Alvin
21/3/2020 02:06:13 pm
Alivin and the chipmunks, you just have to learn to wait because we can't control the weather and we can't control Mike. The wind blows when it blows and Mike uploads when he is good and ready to see what rubbish has landed in his mailbox from rodents.
James McGregor
20/3/2020 01:58:36 pm
Back to the Compost Digestor!
Digested Compost Inspector
21/3/2020 07:08:31 am
I suppose you are in trouble James because Garry's Compost Pile of Posts seems to have spluttered to its conclusion and that other Pile that Garry laughs at has just about dried up completely. Time for you to deposit more piles of your own rubbish and help them both out James because you are one of their big depositors.So with all that work to do, why are you making deposits here?
Blog Reader
22/3/2020 07:52:39 pm
Well, it looks like Caroline has thrown in the towel and abandoned her book review. It's not all bad news though. Looks like she is being retained by the 'trio' to assist with a different project.
James McGregor
23/3/2020 02:48:19 pm
I know there are more important things in the world but you can't help but have a wry smile at the convenience of this delay. If you can see the humour in something that got to be good for the health. I wish all well and we are all trying to stay as safe as we can. JM
Caroline Brooks
23/3/2020 03:33:41 pm
Well that shows that the people who post silly comments don't read what I wrote, although you begrudgingly acknowledged that I am working with more than one person.
Blog Reader
24/3/2020 02:19:59 pm
'Trio' is in inverted commas. You know, like 'Caroline Brooks'.
Caroline Brooks
25/3/2020 06:50:43 pm
I am real and not in commas or comas, but what is "BOG READER?" You read shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit?
Spell Check
26/3/2020 01:59:04 pm
It doesn't say 'BOG READER' anywhere on this page.
James McGregor as TV Rerun
26/3/2020 07:51:49 am
Out of curiosity due to the sudden appearance of the 'Caroline Brooks' thread on GS, (why is everything now in single quotes I wonder?), and after adding my television watching comments, I also began to wonder what happens if I typed in ''? In one sense I was quite surprised at the result, and in another sense I was not. Being a constructive thinker I then began to wonder whether the answer to that new CB thread on GS, is PR? Is this his ingenious way of stimulating sales among us OAPs before we get the virus? Is PR that devious to create a storm of controversy? Is he like the boys stoking away in coal dust and sweat to keep those boilers on the Titanic at full steam ahead before the ship hits the iceberg? Who or what then is the iceberg? Is PR going to cease printing more of his 'bibles' and then by supply and demand cause their price to shoot up? Who would buy apart from anoraks? Maybe that is why those articles in the Mirror and Sun have appeared? Now I am going back to my TV to laugh hysterically at the reruns as I put on my spectacles while I tell myself to Be of Strength Be of Good Courage - Long life milk and Loving Awareness will help humanity to win because it's Showtime!
26/3/2020 12:25:45 pm
I just typed that in James. Are you saying that Caroline Brooks is really Paul Rusling playing both sides against the middle?
Pauline Ruslinginginginginginginging: Hello?
28/3/2020 02:16:26 pm
Just a minute while I adjust my skirt because someone said my domain tag is showing CB/PR.
Mike Flex
26/3/2020 12:27:25 pm
I see the Caroline Brooks thread on the insane asylum board was started by a certain Mike Hunt. Well you certainly are one of those are you not?
Nigel 4
26/3/2020 12:56:08 pm
Fred, now you mention it, PR who is an Admin on GS, says that he did not put the Admin thread about his book at the top of the GS page. Well who did? Malcolm? Is Malcolm secretly controlling that GS Board with PR to cause a solid block of support for the community station and ship? I also notice that over on the holier than thou Forum with Dave Martin they are sneering at "the carnage next door." That's funny since the issue began with Dave Martin doing the split from GS over Peter Moore before Rusling got involved. What a mess.
James McGregor
27/3/2020 06:12:46 pm
In the understandable situation of not having anything more serious to distract our tiny minds some of this question by Nigel 4 about the protection of Caroline minds does make my 2 spare cells wonder.
James McGregor
26/3/2020 03:27:31 pm
Lets got snooping Dodger Ray
When Mervyn started revealing some facts, (and maybe received additional information), the GS board went into 'defence of the MYTH ' mode, at all costs to destroy every relevant thread regarding the origins. As a result some of these threads contained duplicated information, and the actual sequence was broken many times. Eventually all the threads were deleted. As these have been already been published, could a readable, understandable version be reissued, to compare what is written in the recent book that has caused so much controversy. Scottg.
Mike Admin
28/3/2020 01:28:32 pm
Apologies but once again lot's of comments went into the spam folder for no apparent reason (around thirty comments). I have deleted that folder and will check it daily from now on, so no it was not wholesale censorship as one disgruntled complainer thought (actually few of his comments are allowed as he is always attacking other person(s) and never adds any value to this forum).
Broken threads (sounds like a song coming on)
28/3/2020 02:06:13 pm
I think that there may be a problem with your suggestion Scottg. I don't think that the disruption last year on the GS was planned and so I think that all of those posts have gone for good unless someone made copies. But looking in at Caroline's place I see that your comment was posted and then repeated as part of her main blog. She seems to be reciting a personal story while posting the kind of information you are asking about. Looking at the GS Board and the Dave Martin version there is only one mention of Caroline I can find and it has 4 posts on it. That is the one started by Mike Hunt. Why not add a comment there and at least draw their attention to the CB blog? Just a thought. You might want to add more comments to her blog and at least let her know that someone is reading it.
Hot New!
30/3/2020 07:46:55 pm
According to Caroline's blog: "I am also working on my own book about all of this and how I personally got involved via my uncle in Scotland, Texas." This means that we shall have not only Mervyn Hagger's book which is still promised as per his board thus: "Coming in 2020 as an exclusive and original true-crime forensic investigation in book format.", but also another book from Caroline!
31/3/2020 01:14:52 pm
Wow! That's fantastic news. Personally, I can't wait! Does anyone know whether they can both be pre- ordered? I wouldn't want to miss out, as there's bound to be a demand for both. I'm going to copy the post above and share it with my radio friends. I bet they'll be excited. Well done Caroline and Mervyn. You're both doing a great job. You guys stay safe now.
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