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There are two sides to most stories. There is an army of internet trolls ready to attack anything that challenges their opinion, preconceived ideas or beliefs. There is also analysis, consideration and logical thinking. Alex Belfield has good reason not to like Jeremy (I'm so perfect) Vine, but put that to one side and follow the general reasoning. Logical thinking is a skill to acquire and develop.
You Gotta be Clever ....
20/7/2020 07:13:33 am
In the video above we are told we gotta be clever ... but how clever is clever? Or, how dumb is the guy exposing Diane Abbott for being dumb? Put it another way, this entire BLM thing came from the USA and at last a silly campaign by the "Never Anything Sensible Today You'all" brigade, took off. But if the issue was to bring down the existing system using RACISM, then why hasn't anyone picked up on the self-loathing BBC Scotland campaign that has already shown several programs that prove that Glasgow was built on the backs of African slavery, and that the Confederacy was Scottish and that the KKK with its fiery cross is Scottish and that the Scottish are responsible for all of it ..... including the long line of British kings who came south (James VI) and became King of England (James I) and brought HIS "Authorized Version" of the King James Bible with him .... and that this king was merely a vassal of the Pope who (Sylvester I) had spread the myth that Emperor Constantine (born in York, England) had given the Pope the Western Half of the Roman Empire, and that when King Henry VIII of England broke with Rome he adopted that hoax which is how the entire UK of 2020 is still ruled under a duopoly of spiritual and temporal. In other words Diane and BLM, if you are going to attack - destroy the BBC and its master the British Crown. Its Royal Family are merely the figureheads - but they have to go as well. All British history is FAKE. There is no connectivity! If you do try to connect you will end up with the united republic that existed under Cromwell, but the Crown forbade anyone to talk about that. In other words if you are going to start a war to end racism - DESTROY THE BRITISH CROWN. Got it now?
Robin the Twaddle Twitcher
21/7/2020 09:18:23 am
I don't want to ruffle any feathers, but with my webmaster tunnel telescope I am sure I can spy the sad and lonely robin nesting high up in the Brooks Orchard
Caroline Blog
21/7/2020 09:33:04 am
Atlantisgb! wrote and asked why we can't "get on with it" - why are we delving so far back in history? So we replied with the following which seems to tie in to the current theme on this blog .... So I will re-post it here as well ....
James McGregor
22/7/2020 01:01:44 pm
Hi, I tried to check into Camelot Camp (A term I (James) instigated, don't you dare forget) this morning to sing some hymns about how listening to Radio Caroline warns off Coranavirus and you are double protected if you know nothing about anything. Some fat cat, probably a hard nosed businessman or politician or moderator not going under the name of Jeff said ISP blocked. So I had to chill, calm down and relax reading more bullshit from Rustling, crapping himself because Scott (prick that he is) has given him the chilly willies
What a hoot
23/7/2020 11:55:23 am
There is a hamburger chain in Texas called 'Whataburger', and good they are too. But this is for 'Whatahoot' otherwise known as James the Whatever-he-calls-himself-today. Now James, you seem to be taking pot shots at Rusling and Scottg and a number of others like Atlantisgb! who seems to parrot Maldonian as if they are one and the same, which they may well be. So when you are not taking your meds or imbibing too much of the %alcohol intake, and you are relatively 'normal' by your own account, why do you spend so much time posting twaddle? Is it that you do not have any other form of recreational activity? You seem to like Peter Moore's output, but not necessarily the fanaticism that goes with it. In short and to the point, why do you do, what you do? Hoot-hoot!
No sugar added trigger
27/7/2020 06:23:49 pm
Bored Pat Edison fan. I imagine
James McGregor
27/7/2020 01:39:20 pm
This is an interesting one. Are THEY now going to admit THEY have GOT IT or not
Leopold Bloom Lion
27/7/2020 07:35:14 pm
Face facts, Maldon sheep. In your parlance, the King Fisher has boded his time but he has bloody well gone down to the banks of the river and nailed it . The cod liver trawler now stinks of nothing but fishy bones and diesel oil
James McGregor
2/8/2020 07:16:58 pm
Some pine apples are very clever and fetch a high price
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