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I am not going to hold my breath, but might biased BBC have a problem? The box ticking cronies ain't happy, so who knows? Also, to anyone leaving a stupid anti Mervyn comment here, you are wasting your time. I am not Mervyn, and I don't waste his time with your drivel or 'hissy fits.' As the censors do not give him the right to reply on the nut job free radio boards, he is welcome here, to say his piece. If you don't like it, tough!
Finally this time around, it is clear that there are a couple (or more) two faced people, that say one thing here and another thing on the supposedly free radio forums. Do you think I am that stupid, not to see through your inane efforts to be clever or two faced? For the record, I know some of the facts (as in provable and beyond reasonable doubt) that Mervyn and the trio are sitting on. In due course plenty of high profile anoraks and their blind followers are going to look incredibly stupid. Tik Tok the game is on !!!!
David Cotter
16/9/2021 10:58:31 pm
I do think that this cuts both ways. Mervyn vents his spleen either here on on the blogs, but his victims do not have a right of reply. Comments here are censored, and as for hissy fits, Mervyn has more than most!
James McGregor
17/9/2021 12:32:09 am
Never using more than my real name I have always been a keen supporter of Mervyn and his team of 2 and look forward to his version of the Davinci Bible being available before I die of gingivitis gum disease. This is not a joke. There has been some neglect on my part. It is at an arrestable / reversible stage at the moment and x rays show there are no cavities except in my bank balance
George Hayes
17/9/2021 02:28:37 pm
The biggest troll on the Garry Stevens board is Garry himself !
Jerry McGregor
17/9/2021 07:19:02 pm
Get a grip David LW giving your location away as Hayes
David Cotter
17/9/2021 04:41:46 pm
Fred Bramley's Mother
17/9/2021 07:32:15 pm
When I first married your mother I told you all about J*** A S*******d and so did that bloated ego Paul Rusling and just about every anorak who ever breathed. So if you read OEM you will see what is being referred to, but David, I would prefer you to undertake the elementary 2 minute task of finding the details for yourself. In other words shut up Freddie Archer. Like all "oh I am so clever by being so stupid" anoraks, you have earned another merit badge for idiocy. Now, what your other pointless point?
David Cotter
18/9/2021 08:14:17 pm
What has Freddie Archer got to do with this? Don't tell me that you think that he and I are one and the same. We are not and I do not know him.
Fred Bramley's mother who is wiser that David Cotter's mother who is as daft as they come for giving birth to a boy name Sue.
17/9/2021 07:35:53 pm
Oh sorry, that was Johnny Cash.
18/9/2021 10:43:57 am
That makes about as much sense as James writing under the influence, which goes to show that you can't hold a conversation, watch TV and write comments without proof-checking them, all at the same time. Three into one doesn't work, does it James?
Umm David Cotter, are you answering a question not asked?
18/9/2021 10:40:52 am
I think you got your wires crossed. The OEM article was about Oonagh who referred to Shirley in context of Terence Conran and Jocelyn Stevens and Jocelyn did not marry Shirley Conran - she married Terence Conran and then John Stevenson and then Kevin O'Sullivan. None of which has anything to do with the subject of how Radio Caroline began, or the marriages of Jocelyn Stevens. He did not marry Shirley Conran.
David Cotter
18/9/2021 08:29:09 pm
"many radio anoraks put themselves in the same boat (pardon the pun), as the most extreme fanatical religious cultist"
David Cotter's Mum
19/9/2021 02:00:04 pm
Why don't you stop trying to be clever David, and stop trying to argue about typos or information that is not relevant to anything but which sounds like Scottg or Fred Bramley under other names? You could sound like the phantom Freddie Archer but he at least sticks to one point of telling everyone that he loves Peter Moore's Radio Caroline. But you do sound like Scottg who could be Fred Bramley and even James is in such a muddle that it would be an insult to say that you are he and the insult would be on James because he at least thinks that he is being funny, but all you do is write snide remarks. Why do you even bother? Now let's try to get you thinking about Oonagh and how she has resurrected Rosswood as her own company when it clearly is a name derived from Ian Ross and his home in Hindhead. Why has she suddenly reappeared or is it the Rusling resurrected her and then OEM opened the door of late to allow her to write a pile of rubbish? Why doesn't Oonagh want to talk about what she DID do at Ronan's flat when she and he placed legal notices with his name and in her name (neither one being Rosswood and neither one being mentioned by Rusling or OEM?) If you are not going to do that, then please shut up and go to bed like a good little boy Scottg Bramley, and stop annoying Mr Mike.
Doctor soap opera
19/9/2021 04:43:04 pm
I prescribe insanity
Scottg Bramley's Bruv
20/9/2021 04:41:27 pm
Ooooooh! Scottg Bramley is debating himself on the Garry Nothingboard. He wants you to tell him how he knows that Oonagh was known as Karanjia years ago, and he was interrupted by his alto ego Bramley telling Scottg to shut up because no one cares.
Watching The Research Thief
20/9/2021 08:01:05 pm
I see the idiot that steals other peoples research to publish himself is trying to justify his cynical moves. Typical bloated Northerner. He was only on Caroline for a week and was a rubbish disco style DJ when he did that minimal stint. He has about as much to do with offshore radio as Harvey Weinstein has to do with women's rights.
Scott, Fred, David & James
20/9/2021 08:05:27 pm
Scott, Fred, David & James. You should ask Garry to rename his board the Anorak Ladies Knitting Circle. Why? Because that's where you all belong. Fred could also join the nasty brigade as a group leader for the intellectually challenged division.
20/9/2021 09:09:32 pm
Stop attacking me Fred Bramley, I am asking a question about Oonagh and Paul Rusling has kindly come back to Garry's Board to answer my question which is more than you doing by attacking me and my exclusive research that I think is so important that it needs to be shared. David Cotter understands why I write with ***** instead of words and we three seem to be the only sane people on Garry's Board. So stop and listen to Paul's expert response. You might learn something.
Mister Might waiting to learn something on Garry's Board
20/9/2021 09:13:02 pm
Oh, I just learned that Paul Rusling has drifted back from the Joke Board to Garry's Board and that is confusing since Garry is attacking Peter Moore and Paul Rusling is supporting Peter Moore. I learned that James McGregor has it all figured out: you are all nuts like him, but at least he knows that he is nuts.
Mobile Wire
23/9/2021 10:17:21 am
Truthfully, Scottg and his signal reports signal reports past present and future
Morning Son
23/9/2021 11:23:14 am
It's the New Order
Scottg honest me
23/9/2021 02:55:16 pm
"Posted by Scottg on September 23, 2021, 10:09 am, in reply to "Re: Am I right, or am I wrong? - Oonagh "
Harry Ramsden
23/9/2021 05:26:01 pm
All my fish & chips have a calibrated reading, that's easy. The difficulty comes with salt & vinegar deposits. In 1977 in the Hastings/Eastbourne area I tested several fish & chip shops who were just 1.2va from my own secret recipe for chicken, however Colonel Sanders beat me to that, so I was stuck with my traditional fishy on the dishy.
Hastings/Eastbourne area inspectorate
23/9/2021 07:16:32 pm
Our official readings are 1,2.0119 and that tips the scales in fishy talk so that the Rusling exemption does not apply but the Scottg factor as verified by Broadmoor's Dr Atlantisgb is a factor in the mind of Patient James McGregor.
UK Electricity Inspector
23/9/2021 06:49:19 pm
Scuse me hARRY but lectric switches work in the opposite direction for on and off in the USA, so could Scottg have a point if his brain is switched off when it should be switched on and could he just be getting ground vibrations from the Beach Boys without any electrics at all. He could be using the string and two tins approach. But if tins are cans in the USA he might be thinking of sardines more than turntables. WHat is your imput James?
Hastings/Eastbourne area inspectorate
24/9/2021 12:30:36 pm
Please tell Scottg's Mum that we put a comma where there should have been a full stop in the figure quoted earlier.
The Nutter on the bus
24/9/2021 06:53:04 am
The current fashion for dressing for the operating theatre is playing havoc with my preferred travel time of loudly eating crisps and talking to myself. If I stare wildly eyes bulging out at other passengers they just stare wild eyed back at me
Anatomy Correct Person
24/9/2021 12:27:56 pm
We find your reference to 'girlfriend' highly toxic and therefore offensive. Also the idea that non-penis people should in any way be linked to penis people for any purpose other than extraction of fluid to create additional biological creatures. Stop it immediately or we will tell Scottg's Mum.
Board Watcher
25/9/2021 07:56:40 am
I want to share with you what I just told Scottg on the Garry Board. Scotttg is going on and on about Oonagh Karanjia in the 1970s when no one is even remotely interested in what Oonagh Karanjia. So this is what I wrote on Garry's Board:
The Real Board Watcher
25/9/2021 02:45:47 pm
The above comment is not, of course, made by me although I am correctly quoted.
London Bus Driver
26/9/2021 02:30:32 pm
If you want to go dogging get orf my bus. You are not doing it here Chrysanthemum sunshine. I came here for a better life and cup of coffee, not to debate the merits of your very very small penknife. Orf Now!
The Real Board Watcher
26/9/2021 07:07:48 pm
Of course it is correctly quoted because you are the author and not the author of the Real Board Watcher claiming to be the Board Watcher. So if you, whoever you are, want to dish out this advice to one and all, because you feel that alternative facts are necessary, and that is an oxymoron (for morons), because that is like saying that there is an alternative explanation why things fall downwards and not upwards. So if all and sundry are really ignorant twits, what is Merv supposed to call all and sundry - which it seems includes the fake Board Watcher? Just my observation as a Board bored Watcher. Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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