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Which illnesses and diseases are currently priority for treatment. Meet tomorrows time bomb today. Save the NHS our beloved leaders scream!! What about saving their tax paying patients, don't they get a say in this?
Mervyn Hagger
11/3/2021 12:57:52 pm
Another good topic Mike. I guess it is one reason why the Palace stuff is promoted into the headlines - it gets rid of the real issues that need to be discussed - like the one you just posted.
Mervyn Hagger: Intermission Attention
12/3/2021 12:57:47 pm
If James can't turn Dr Martins head back round to front
James McGregor
12/3/2021 03:51:08 pm
Hi Mike I don't get it. Which segments are the time bomb?
12/3/2021 05:55:06 pm
Meaningless pie chart, doesn't tell us anything worthwhile, what's the point in posting it?
Idiot Watch
13/3/2021 01:09:38 pm
So a meaningless individual like you can write some drivel and out yourself as stupid. Job done, moving on.....
Meanwhile back in Fairy Land
13/3/2021 02:15:58 pm
The value and power of using personal names and titles is well established in psychology, management, teaching and trial law. It is often referred to as the "Rumpelstiltskin principle".
Real Idiot Watch
15/3/2021 10:55:45 pm
You want a real pie chart / bar char / vent your spleen diagram?
Mervyn Hagger
14/3/2021 01:23:52 pm
Another thread followed by off-topic comments. Now the two rival silly boards are slagging each other off over Malcolm Smith, and into which my name has been brought up again. I don't post on either board. But someone is asking about the style of writing and not the content of CB's Blog. I won't spend a lot of time answering this but if the idiot poster hiding behind yet another fictitious name cared to check, he/she/it would discover multiple edits for style each day on the CB Blog. Maybe conformity also brings with it some changes of style, which means that CB posts and perhaps others assist with some tidying up. Nothing strange about this, it is what Managing Editors do at print publications.
Fake Brian Lister Rustling Generator slice of PYE book sales chart table
14/3/2021 05:58:12 pm
Somewhere, someone some how is spinning Fools Pirate Gold
Maul McCartney
15/3/2021 02:55:20 pm
My heart belongs in Liverpool
James McGregor (sloshed)
15/3/2021 11:32:01 pm
Hi gh Merve. Why don't you reaserch toccabco companies. The plantations and how much they new about the perils of smoking when they bought 1960's advertising with Ronan's healthly lifestle of blessings
Cruising on Fumes
16/3/2021 01:21:23 am
Agb and Scott know F all and James is cruising too close on the cut
17/3/2021 11:36:02 pm
He who knows nothing ,
James McGregor
16/3/2021 02:00:07 am
Amusing how this is turning into what was the best chef, ship socks?
Fake Rustler Peter Pepper
16/3/2021 04:31:20 am
"Tomorrow, how 'The Work' of Herbert W. Armstrong began to acquire curious links to Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) assets in various parts of the world, during the tenure of Bolivar B. O'Rear."
Boo Boo Papa Doc
16/3/2021 01:18:58 am
What is the connection between Sylvain Tack and Mama Dock
Dr Martins Slippers
17/3/2021 09:50:06 pm
I am the only true voice of radio reason. Completely unbiased and with sneering predudice, banning anyone I don't like
MOleX My wifes an NHS ! All have the clap
17/3/2021 11:08:35 pm
Re: Before "The other place " Wipes it:
For Mervyn Hagger
18/3/2021 02:43:01 pm
You're ticking a lot of boxes here
Rumble Over Pothole
17/3/2021 11:40:14 pm
Posted by Rumble over Pothole on March 13, 2021, 6:36 am
What is emotionally wrong with Malcolm Smith?
18/3/2021 11:31:52 am
This Clown named Smith, left the Garry Board and went to the Joke Board where he now continually pokes fun at everyone on the Garry Board.
First Responder
18/3/2021 05:00:19 pm
"So, is Malcom Smith nothing more than a cold, calculating crook, when all is said and done?"
Second Responder
19/3/2021 12:51:17 pm
Okay, then, he's just an uncaring, unthinking crook?
mervyn Hagger
18/3/2021 07:21:14 pm
Over on the GS Board here comes that sniveling little runt called Fred Bramley again supported by a coward called Board Watcher and both read nothing - like Rusling. I stick to the facts and only the facts and the fact is that ROR and Smith and Rusling all LIED - but since Bramley reads nothing - he would not know about the FACTS already on line for him to read. Say sorry you sniveling little worms and stop supporting that FRAUD which is called Radio Caroline but which in reality is one big confidence trick to ROB AND STEAL.
Board Watcher
19/3/2021 03:45:57 pm
Contrary to what you think, but don't know, I read everything. What you fail to grasp time and time again is that the SPIRIT of Caroline lives on. It is only a fraud in your eyes. You keep trying to make mountains out of molehills. Well it won't wash.
Bored Reader of the Board Watcher
19/3/2021 08:15:31 pm
You don't get it do you? BOTH Boards are full of mentally deranged idiots and the idea that there is a 'spirit' attached to playing records (not to making records), is so pathetic like that Atlantis loony bin who pretend they are on a boat. You are all quite mad. You are not living in the real world and you do not respond to the real issues posted as topics by Mike. It would be one thing for you to find something wrong with the documented evidence posted on the CB Blog, but you can't so you natter on and on and on about trivia from 50 years ago while the big issue of OIL is about to bite you tomorrow in the bottom 50 years on, due to the nonsense about 'Climate Change' . You lot are so mentally off the rails as to validate the silliness of James McGregor as being representative of your entire Malcolm Smith cult. You just don't understand that you are being milked to support another whacko religion called Caroline.
General Robert Palm her off Plant
18/3/2021 08:25:08 pm
Might as well face it. One or 2 of the flying Scotsmen are just addicted to trolling
Bramley Jam
19/3/2021 12:39:12 pm
It's ironic how Fred harbors bitterness towards Mervyn & spews it out again and again Whilst calling Mervyn the nasty one. I say ironic perhaps totally hypocritical is more to the point. All those sad little anoraks trolling each other is where free radio finds it's final resting place.
Mike - Admin
19/3/2021 12:43:32 pm
There are going to be some changes here soon. All the trolls will be barred permanently. You will be able to contribute to an open discussion about Radio Caroline and both sides of the argument will be welcome. Trolling, stupidity and winding up others will not be allowed.
James McGregor
19/3/2021 02:51:05 pm
I would like to marry Jeff in a civilian ceremony
Robber Laugh a Day
19/3/2021 06:23:27 pm
Good one except all the comments will be one talking to himself
Mike - Admin
19/3/2021 07:51:36 pm
How very sad. Oh and you just commented and your not me. Try getting it right next time!
Restricted Access
20/3/2021 09:33:55 am
Welcome to the Mike and Merv only board
Routemaster Bus Nutter
19/3/2021 02:46:40 pm
Oh Dear. I trust I will not be front of the no moore tunnel traffic queue
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