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Posted by Peter Moore on 5/8/2023, 7:07:13, in reply to "Re: Time to be scrapped!" HMM, the quote you mention was surely from Mervyn, or John England or Caroline Brooks or his mythical 'trio ' of colleagues. It is not the first time he has accused me of multiple criminal actions and even my making this post will in due course come to his notice when he will spit out still more impotent fury. As it happens I sent various examples of Mervyn's outpourings to a defamation lawyer and then had a meeting. The advice was that in normal circumstances i.e. if dealing with a normal person, a ' Cease and Desist ' letter would cure the problem. But in this case the lawyer , being of the opinion that Mervyn is clearly deranged, suggested that a cease and desist would cause him to post even more outrageous accusations. Then I woud be obliged to go to law causing me to spend money not all of which would be recovered when the case was found in my favour. Additionally if damages were awarded there was doubt that Merv could pay. Lastly, were his multiple postings doing me any actual damage that I could demonstrate, or were such readers as he has perfectly aware that he is a nut job, fruit loop and many bricks short of a load. I detect no damage only frustration at being unfairly targeted. Maybe Merv's brain will explode soon. PM. Well there are always two sides to every story, but on this occasion you can have a third, all free of charge, no donations required, no support group needed, just my ten penny's worth.
As requested by Mervyn in the comments of the previous post, Here I go... I can indeed confirm that I know what Mervyn is currently working on and have been copied in on some of the documents and correspondence from individuals going back to 1959. The trio are all real people as is Caroline Brooks and they all go back together a considerable amount of time. Like Malcolm Smith who calls himself Peter Moore, Mervyn once used the name John England for his radio work, there's nothing unusual with that as most anoraks should be keenly aware of. Mervyn & I have never met in person or spoken in person and indeed we are hundreds of miles apart. I tend to agree with his opinion that the current version of Radio Caroline has nothing to do with the original 1964 - 67/8 radio station. I personally think the current version should distance itself from Ronan O'Rahilly for their own self interest and stop parroting the myth of Caroline's name being based on Caroline Kennedy. If you have read Lyn Gilbert's book and Andy Archer's lengthy article in a 1970's Freewave magazine (previously featured here), then hopefully any rose tinted views of Ronan will have been replaced by a more accurate understanding of how he operated and took advantage of others. Was he any different in the 1960's? Well who he mixed with might answer that question, but I will leave that for the publication of Dial 999 For Caroline. Just to be clear I have no personal axe to grind with Malcolm who I know has worked tirelessly for his radio station for many years. I don't personally listen anymore so am not inclined to comment beyond that. Perhaps Mervyn could lower the rhetoric towards Malcolm but that will be his choice, we are all getting along in age now and old and wise enough to decide for ourselves what we choose to do. I will state again my own personal motivation is to understand what actually happened in the creation of offshore radio as this considerably shaped my growing up and who I am today. If I was fed a load of nonsense, half truths or simply got it all wrong, then I would like to know. That's all, it's not complicated, however as an afterthought perhaps you dear reader could contribute to this websites forthcoming fundraiser. £10 a month will gain you a behind the scenes look at my computer and a tea shirt with some brands name on it!
David Cotter
5/8/2023 02:18:13 pm
Petty much a well balanced and not unreasonable response, certainly when compared to Mervyn Hagger's crazed vitriol. If only he could stick to completing his book instead of poking the bear with a stick all the time. Takes all sorts I suppose, including those who choose to post three times the same video of Kennedy getting shot on their Facebook page.
David Cotter - typo alert
5/8/2023 05:40:02 pm
I meant 'pretty' not 'petty', of course.
Malcolm Responds to Mike, the Unnamed Person
5/8/2023 07:29:52 pm
Posted by Peter Moore on 5/8/2023, 13:20:30, in reply to "Re: Time to be scrapped!"
From the Unnamed Person whose name is not Mike because he is named
5/8/2023 07:37:04 pm
a) Look up the meaning of the word 'platonic'. How can a platonic relationship be an intense relationship.
Mervyn Hagger to David Cotter
5/8/2023 07:43:23 pm
The reason I can't respect you or Malcolm your hero, is because both of you are frauds. You say that you are waiting for a book to appear, yet all of the prerelease extracts only solicit nit-picking nonsense from you about names like Branigan or should I write Brannigan? Malcolm is merely a con man building his business on mythology while turning anoraks upside down to shake out the change from their trousers which he then scoops up and puts into his own pockets.
David Cotter
6/8/2023 01:53:21 pm
Your respect is not something I covet.
David Cotter
12/8/2023 07:21:59 am
' shake out the change from their trousers which he then scoops up and puts into his own pockets.'
Mervyn Hagger
6/8/2023 08:38:23 am
Mike suggested that "Perhaps Mervyn could lower the rhetoric towards Malcolm ...." but to do that Malcolm would have to first stop his use of the BBC airwaves to spread a lie about Caroline Kennedy and Ronan O'Rahilly.
Mervyn Hagger
6/8/2023 10:16:29 am
Malcolm Smith won't quit. This is what he posted today:
Admin - Mike Wilson
6/8/2023 12:28:27 pm
Just a little reminder for Malcolm that I do exist, I am indeed male (One of the two real genders that exist in reality as opposed to someones imagination or educational indoctrination)
Tarnished Silver
6/8/2023 02:33:19 pm
Posted by Silver Tom on 6/8/2023, 11:59:01, in reply to "Re: Time to be scrapped!"
Christopher Mervyn
6/8/2023 02:34:56 pm
Of course Chris England is the same person as Mervyn. He was working with John Burch back in the day trying to find out who owned the Ross Revenge.
Chris Burch
6/8/2023 02:39:31 pm
Mervyn is really John Burch when the 'three' (Trio - get it?) were being quoted about the links between Paul Rusling and the guy in New Jersey who tried to get his hands on the Ross Revenge. These "three" are really many more because I know for a fact that Garry Stevens and Dave Smith are also one and the same. The idea was Peter Moore's to create the illusion that he had another anorak base. The real one is in Southampton and that is where they all meet. Ask anyone who attends.
6/8/2023 02:41:14 pm
Look chaps, I am trying to keep a sense of sanity here and this is really not helping by confusing everyone about who is real and who is not.
David Cotters
6/8/2023 02:43:31 pm
Does anyone know if there is any truth to what Hagger is claiming about Caroline Kennedy and the rest?
6/8/2023 08:49:36 pm
Yes - anybody who chooses to check these things out, it is called research which should leave most spoon fed Muppet's out ha ha
Mervyn Hagger for Ian B
6/8/2023 05:42:35 pm
Posted by Ian B on 6/8/2023, 13:11:21, in reply to "Re: Time to be scrapped!"
The Ghost Of Ronans Bank Accounts
6/8/2023 09:01:57 pm
Lichtenstein does not exist, it is merely one of Haggers fantasies that has been added to maps by him to try and prove Ronny O'Really was not a great guy! I will always love Ronny, I had the pleasure once of buying him lunch, dinner, overnight hotel accommodation and lending him £500 pounds for his taxi fare back from Kensington to Chelsea. What a guy, when I asked for it back he told me he had given a little bit to Radio Caroline and the rest to a charity account somewhere between Germany and Switzerland. Who could argue with that.
German and Swiss Bank Myth Buster
7/8/2023 10:45:38 am
I know for a fact that Germany was defeated in WWII and occupied by other countries. So obviously it does not exist in 2023 and bank laws shut down Switzerland's hidden accounts. Ronan put his money under his bed in old shoe boxes. I also know that he gave you that 500 Quid back. All of it so he could go to heaven like the good Catholic that he was.
Look over your shoulder, Malcolm
7/8/2023 11:11:41 am
Back comes Malcolm Moore with this:
Ian Anderson in remedial school
7/8/2023 11:24:49 am
"Posted by Ian Anderson on 7/8/2023, 7:35:31
I was there!
9/8/2023 05:35:17 pm
Everybody lies apart from "The Trio". Hang on, when did Genie Baskir work for the Voice of Peace? Thats right, never!
10/8/2023 06:22:47 pm
You sure of that? I know what her role was there, but your to stupid to understand what roles are. I will apply the "don't engage with idiots" rule at this point as I don't want to be dragged down to your level
Who is the idiot?
11/8/2023 11:29:24 am
I think the stupidity and sheer naivety lies with you, if you believe her. You drone on about cold case evidence, well there is no evidence that she was ever working for the Voice of Peace basically because nobody who really did work there has heard of her. Provide some evidence!
Mike - Admin
11/8/2023 07:56:08 pm
I only let the troll 'Who is the idiot' to comment so that I can try & help him get over his tantrums.
Case proven m'lud
12/8/2023 08:28:58 am
No more to be said.
watch out merve!
7/8/2023 08:42:42 pm
Malcolm-mooresmiths might report you to Ofcom(as did Fred bramley)
Watch what?
8/8/2023 08:55:31 pm
Fred Bramley does not exist, so don't talk nonsense, and if Malcolm wants to invite me to a Oriental Fry-Cooked Onion Meal, my answer is no thank you. I like Sushi.
Just a little (MORE) fact checking by Mervyn
8/8/2023 07:42:26 pm
It suddenly dawned upon me how to PROVE that Ronan O'Rahilly lied about Caroline Kennedy. Ignoring the real reason for the Radio Caroline name, it was not until 1965 that the myth began to appear and then O'Rahilly jumped on the bandwagon.
Radio Carolina
8/8/2023 08:37:07 pm
He made us change our name from Caroline to Carolina, a tiny RSL and just a little fun. He made us change our name because there can be only one Radio Caroline. Still the French & Belgium versions seem to be able to carry on. Why is that? We know it was way back but it was only for fun. Took a sledgehammer to crack a nut, now where have you all heard that before??????????????
Sez Who?
11/8/2023 02:52:19 pm
You want to be 'Radio Caroline'? Go ahead because Malcom C. Smith claims to be 'Radio Caroline', only he is not 'Radio Caroline'. Tell Malcolm you will see him in court if he keeps up his pretense to exclusive rights. First of all he has to use that name to make it valid, so why is a company using that name instead?
Radio Caroline Trade Mark belongs to Malcolm C. Smith PERSONALLY
11/8/2023 02:45:37 pm
Okay you ignorant little anorak worms who think that there is a company out there that owns the trade mark/s (2) for "Radio Caroline". You are WRONG. Malcolm C. Smith of Beeleigh Falls Cottage, Abbey Turning, Beeleigh, Essex, CM9 6LL, United Kingdom owns them. Personally. They are his. The current Radio Caroline belongs to him and to him alone. Even the company which does not own the Radio Caroline trade marks was registered FRAUDULENTLY by Malcolm C. Smith. There is no connection whatsoever to 1964, it all begins in 1992, so if you would like to register 'Original Radio Caroline 1964-1967' - go ahead and apply. It will be fun to see Malcolm C. Smith challenge your claim and try to defend his own claim in a court of law. Since he has financially harmed people by clinging on to the image and story of Ronan O'Rahilly and said on camera on BBC-TV that it was named after Caroline Kennedy, it looks as if from a strictly legal position, Macolm C. Smith could be in a whole lot of financial trouble very quickly. I image that swindled anoraks would also have a case against Malcolm C. Smith. Okay, Malcolm C. Smith, start posting on the Dave Martin rubbish board and try to defend your ill-gotten gain. This will be fun. By the way, it is the COMBO that has been trademarked, that is "radio" + "caroline" = not "radio" or "caroline" alone. They cannot be trademarked by anyone,
Keep up
11/8/2023 10:47:32 pm
Barely worthy of a response, but I'll bite.
Keep up sanity text
12/8/2023 08:29:02 pm
Claiming something and proving something are not the same thing. You have been told that the proof exists that Malcolm Smith personally owns everything. If you are mad enough to worship Malcolm Smith to the point that you give him money to support his own venture, then you are as dotty as the Brian Hyland bikini song, only that yellow material represents your brain.
James McGregor
13/8/2023 04:19:51 pm
That's quite correct
Radio Caroline Bank Account
11/8/2023 02:49:29 pm
Okay, so who owns the "Radio Caroline" bank account? Whose name is on the account and which bank has been stupid enough to open such an account since now we are talking about banking fraud. Oh, I forgot, the Charity people will also have some explaining to do regarding that old cod ship that only exists thanks to the kind generosity of Malcolm C. Smith.
Serious James McGregor
12/8/2023 09:05:20 pm
The RC Trade Marke was registerd when someone maybe Tonk Kirk , I don't know relalised theere was potentially a world of grief eith Richad Hilton and England and Dave Asher Meddlers with LTD names . As RC at Dover sold T shirt, car stickers etcs they registered as a trade mark. This name conundrum of hubris has gone on all over Europe and the world since the with the same frigging outcome
Realator Estate Agent
12/8/2023 09:06:59 pm
It is digusting that you are printing out his address for all to see
UK Trade Mark Office
14/8/2023 07:40:33 am
That is the policy of the UK Trade Mark office. It is called transparency. If we hid the information you would accuse the government of a cover-up. All government registered information of this type is available for the world to see.
Butter late night Nutter
12/8/2023 07:42:16 pm
I am geeting really plst on the time here. Why do new posts not be posoted up evvery month. I want to know the truth aboug=th why some peole get Cthristmas cards on brthdays> I am not a totl drinker. I just drink to keep the war thoughts of the past in my head. i am a nice man. I think. Whoe rwally owns the Roos Revenge
James McGregor
13/8/2023 04:18:28 pm
You are all old wrong really sad nutters!!
14/8/2023 07:45:21 am
We have 2 Radio Caroline Trade Marks on file. There are 2 because they represent 2 categories of trade mark. The 1992 Trade Mark represented 1 category only. Trade Marks can be challenged and this is what happed to the Radio London trade mark. The BBC challenged the Paynes and because they were not broadcasting, that part was taken away and give to the BBC.
Corby Radio Crap
12/8/2023 08:39:25 pm
"Juke Box Drive In on Corby Radio Sunday 2100-2200: Ron O'Quinn, Programme Director of Swinging Radio England, joins us live from Ecuador to talk about some of the many artists he has worked with in the 60s & 70s. This will include the August 1966 Beatles tour when he made reports on it for Swinging Radio England.."
Sweet Caroline
18/8/2023 06:33:36 pm
'Neil Diamond originally wrote the song in 1969 for his wife Marcia, but her name didn’t fit the tune.
David Cotter
19/8/2023 07:52:02 pm
"Expect 'Dial 999 for Caroline' before November 22, 2023
20/8/2023 04:39:59 pm
Posted by Fred bramley on August 20, 2023, 10:56 am, in reply to "Re: OUCH!"
Mervyn Hagger
20/8/2023 01:38:44 pm
In view of Malcolm Smith's latest admission I am willing to have yet another go at making peace with him. This is in part what Malcom wrote in response to Bob Meade:
20/8/2023 05:20:34 pm
I do like a good laugh on a Sunday afternoon
I come in pieces
20/8/2023 05:56:59 pm
Hoping to increase your potential readership or tap PM up for some info, huh? Your generous magnaminousity is exceeded only by your unrealistic expectations. Does 'having no interest' include your accusations of fraud and theft, or are you retracting those?
James McGregor
20/8/2023 06:30:03 pm
"In 2006 after softening me up by praising my long term efforts, he switched to blagging me in to putting 50% of the supporters money in to a Lichtenstein company under his remote control. When I refused, his anger was frightening.'"
James McGregor
21/8/2023 06:44:19 pm
Life was a lot simpler with black and white TV. The world is too coloured now. Or is it. Have we moved on from the chalk and slate to the overhead projector. The printing press caused a revolution and printed out wisdom and nonsence in a lengthy process by hand. The internet and TV caused a revolution in a comparably shorter time and causes revolutions all around the world by simulatationaly advancing communication by offering access to a library that most members only go to 5 shelves for. New love. New Hate. New Music. New Porn. Old Arguments about the previous 4 shelves
James McGregor
22/8/2023 04:00:54 am
Hi Mike, flattered that you put up the last 2 of my last three. Amusingly from what I remember of the third of (which I did not make a copy), the mess with the masts, registrations, religion and Dutch frequencies and marine laws and sea limit smugglers causing rocking the boat motions to broadcast reformation of the monasteries was style sheeted by PM on his organ board 12 hours after I stylised mine. Do great minds think alike or is there a mole at work. I must say for some strange inarticulated reason that for some time you have a mole or are connected with the GS mouthpiece!
James McGregor the Slave Trader
22/8/2023 07:28:02 am
Life was so much easier when everyone knew their place in the world and Great Britain ruled the sea waves and lands adjacent to it.
James McGregor The Free Radio Slave
25/8/2023 06:37:11 pm
I am only a slave to one worthy cause - The Ship, The Music and Malcolm Smith
malcolms rust revenge
22/8/2023 12:43:51 am
Posted by Peter Moore on 21/8/2023, 16:51:12, in reply to " Re: Aug 19th 1989 "
Prigozhin Putin on Prozac
24/8/2023 07:36:45 pm
The later Peter Moore was a useful friend of mine and a talented businessman
Wulson the Canary The Big Green Know it All
25/8/2023 06:26:16 pm
Posted by Paul Rusling on August 22, 2023, 11:40 am, in reply to "Re: Whatever happened to Bill Wilson? (The man who killed Atlantic 252)"
How does Malcolm do it?
27/8/2023 09:28:03 am
Malcolm ('Peter') slags off Ronan as a crook, and even Bob Meade ('Freddie') has to agree that Ronan O'Rahilly was a crook, and yet, and yet, their idol (Ronan) remains an idol and they devote their money and time to a useless medium that is rapidly disappearing via Death's Door?
Pondering McGregor
27/8/2023 05:21:36 pm
If you mean the medium of the rare medium wave. The East Anglain Daily times 2 months ago has Radio Caroline 648 ( or however anyone listens) at number 4 behind BBC Radio 1. Greatest Hits (Whatever that is) and the ever popular BBC Radio 2. Others were Classic FM, BBC 5 Live, BBC 4 and some obscure pirate radio nonsence like Radio Felixtowe or some rubbish only listened to by listeners in the immediate vaciniaty of Ray Andersons Pier in Essex. So There. The LADY RULES - FIGHTING IT OUT WITH THE BBC AND WINNING
Professor David Heinz Wolf
28/8/2023 07:36:24 pm
The Future for AM MW/LW Hobbit Radio is for navigation beacons or like the Dutch. Remote controlling traffic signs or windturbine speeds
28/8/2023 10:10:58 pm
One of the Dalek sides is now reduced to the old chesnut of when is a tall mast a folly or a triumph of political rebellion
Mervyn Hagger
18/9/2023 05:08:03 pm
"Posted by Malcolm Smith on 18/9/2023, 11:09:11
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