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What continues to be so important about Rockall? The answer is in the video. Any comments unrelated to the question will not be published.
Mervyn Hagger
18/5/2021 04:09:57 pm
Yes Mike, the answer is in the video, and it contains a link to the answer to the previous question about the origins of Radio Caroline as a project, but that brings in another offshore broadcasting project and all of the links lead not to London, England, but to Houston, Texas. That is why the anoraks don't know the answer to the previous question because of deliberate obfuscation which owes its misleading details to the work of Ian Cowper Ross who became the instigator in chief of misdirection and obfuscation. But the answers to this present question and to the previous question leave Ronan O'Rahilly out in the cold, and Malcolm Smith hugging a hulk that was once a cod ship while a string of anorak authors look pretty stupid indeed because they did not know the 'true' history and the 'real' story about Radio Caroline that they all claimed to know. But they were con men and Mark Felton has come very close to poking the anoraks in the eye, only they are too stupid to realise that.
Mervyn Hagger
19/5/2021 10:34:24 am
I followed Felton's storyline back to Wikipedia (groan), which as usual does not exactly tell the true story, and therefore while trying to be informative about a totally unknown subject (for the majority of people), Felton ends up burying the real story which is really centered upon international law. I found an article in the Guardian which was based upon the academic work of a person who has a quirky interest in this subject, and he seems to be the only person who has delved into this story about Rockall, but even he does not uncover the connecting dots that lead to the creation of Radio Caroline. We can't be more specific at the moment because the last time we did that others stole our research and like Rusling they tried to hammer square pegs into round holes and the anoraks lapped it up while Malcolm Smith continued on with his cod boat attempt to gain charity standing for a swindle. Once we realised that we were in danger of revealing too much prior to publication of 'Caroline the girl who never was', so we put the blogs on hold.
Mervyn Hagger
23/5/2021 04:34:57 pm
Well, absence of posts seem to mean that not one anorak (or anyone else) has the knowledge to contribute to this thread that would add to everyone's knowledge base, and that is a shame.
Mervyn Hagger
25/5/2021 05:20:04 pm
I have just bought a copy of this book: 'Storm Over Rockall' by W. Howard Baker - Published by Consul Books (1965) See: and then ask, how did Danger Man at Red Sands get switched from Rockall?
Board Watcher
26/5/2021 11:09:14 am
Filming on Rockall presented far more logistical and practical issues than Redsands, not to mention the expense, simple as that. I don't think there's anything deeper to consider.
Mervyn Hagger
27/5/2021 11:56:38 am
Clearly you did not read the book - anymore than you read anything other than anorak rubbish! You just hung yourself. I will ignore comments under your silly id in future. I now have this 1965 book and the connection is extremely interesting, to say the least. Thanks again Mike for posting this topic.
Board Watcher
28/5/2021 02:20:53 pm
Thank you, Mervyn Hagger, for your informative and enlightening response. What a joy it is to correspond with such a courteous , well-mannered individual such as yourself, a true gentleman and an example to us all.
26/5/2021 04:34:09 pm
So what! My uncle bought that book in 1966, and I read it many years ago. It will be interesting what link you will twist into the subject of Offshore Radio. You are doing nothing but playing twisted mind games. Time to reveal your exclusive revelations, instead of criticising others that did not match to your high standards of journalism. You definitely still appear to be fishing, and the fish are not biting. What exactly are you, a book/article critic or a wannabe author/celebrity? Scottg.
Reality Check
28/5/2021 09:00:09 pm's a novel, Mervyn. You know, as in fictional, not real.
Mervyn Hagger
29/5/2021 03:57:09 pm
Rockall is real. The rocket / missile tests were real. The location of Red Sands is real. A pirate station on Red Sands is real. A ship acting as a pirate radio station off the southeast coast is real. MI5/MI6 and CIA tangling over spying on the missile tests off northwest Scotland is real. All of that factual stuff was then repackaged for a book and then cut down to just the southeast coast for a TV show. You live in a Monty Python world of gourd verses sandal and think that your Caroline daydreams are real. What a pity you never, ever take time to research the Caroline mythology.
Reality Check
30/5/2021 04:26:54 pm
Of course the locations and events were real. Danger Man isn't. And don't presume to know what I think.
Mervyn Hagger
27/5/2021 12:04:45 pm
Scottg, Fred Bramley, or whatever else you call yourself, you are a 100% certified IDIOT. Yes, there was a time when I thought you might be more than that, but that was long ago. If you had really read Fred Bramley's book (your 'uncle') you would know what this thread is all about, you would certainly know what the book is all about - you clearly do not - and please don't rush off now and buy a copy to claim that you have read it. Scottg you and all the anoraks are looney tunes who are several slices shy of even considering the making of a sandwich, and neither do you even have the filling that goes between the slices should you happed to get some. Trouble is you don't even know how to made a sandwich. You lot disgust me. You wasted your life and you want to waste the time of other people. In short: go back to Garry and yap about nothing which you are certainly qualified to do.
29/5/2021 07:54:23 pm
hello merve,oh dear what a big mstake you have made by attacking and alienating scottg,he has all and the same info you have research\project book + more which you have no knowledge of,it will be revealed after your book is published,and so putting it on the same level as all the other offshoreradio fairytales.
Mervyn Hagger
30/5/2021 04:29:08 pm
Agb, and your idiot friend Scottg are among the pack of sorry excuses for human life who worship something that never existed in fact, and the myth you worship is now being promoted to serve the financial ends of people like Rusling and Smith. As for the idea that something published can be topped by idiots following publication by claiming "we knew that", is just confirmation that most anoraks are idiots and I do not attach myself to their number - which is why I call them (you and Scottg included) = idiots, so that there will not be any form of guilt by association. If you idiots think you know something that no one else does, and which you think will be published by someone else very soon, then why not redeem yourself and publish what you say you know, now? The answer is you can't because your mind is about as capable of holding information as a sieve is in holding flour, except that the flour sieve has value, your mind does not. But here is another challenge by Mike that you STILL avoid answering (because you can't), but you can of course engage in personal attacks. That is why I consider those you do this to be idiots, because they cannot contribute anything to the knowledge of other people and that is not a personal attack on you, because you do not exist in fact, since you only write under a disguised identity.
Father Ted
28/5/2021 04:34:21 pm
Fine sermon to be sure Bishop Brennan
Mervyn Hagger
29/5/2021 03:59:36 pm
What does your stupid comment have to do with Rockall?
Mrs Doyle
28/5/2021 04:35:57 pm
More Tea fathers?
Mervyn Hagger
29/5/2021 04:00:52 pm
What does your second stupid comment have to do with Rockall?
Bishop McGregor
1/6/2021 10:53:33 am
If it was larger it would look a bit like Craggy Island????
Father Calvin and Hoobs
31/5/2021 10:00:13 pm
Because they are one and the same thing of the GPO ring tone
2/6/2021 11:42:42 pm
the dispute over the territory still continues too this day.
3/6/2021 10:09:47 am
Mervyn, today someone has provided a link to a Colin Nicol-Bill Scaden interview from Feb 1984.on another board (Free Radio Forum). I analysed that interview many years ago. Time for your expert review of the interview. Enjoy nit-picking. Scottg.
James McGregor
13/6/2021 01:35:48 pm
Mervyn becomes at One with Rockall
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