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This is a short video that gives a to the point precis on Payola and the record industry in the USA. That it is still around today in different more subtle way's isn't that surprising, the record industry seems to have always been coated with a layer of sleaze. It does raise the question about British radio & payola, particularly when you consider the USA connections to the 1960's offshore stations such as Radio's Caroline, London, & SWE / Britain Radio. Also Laser 558 in the 1980's had strong USA connections so what about them? Consider Morris Levy & one UK smash hit in 1964. "With international sales of 5m copies in 1964, the year of its release, the hit single My Boy Lollipop, sung by Millie, who has died aged 72, “opened the door for Jamaican music to the world,” said the producer Chris Blackwell. He had flown the 16-year-old Millie Small from Kingston to London to manage her career. Millie’s shrill, joyful vocals, married to a galloping ska rhythm in Olympic Studios in London in an arrangement by the Jamaican master guitarist Ernest Ranglin, were beamed out all that summer from the new pirate radio stations, such as Caroline, that were instrumental in helping promote the record. In May 1964, two months after the release of My Boy Lollipop, Millie was given a guest appearance on the ITV special Around the Beatles." Many archetypal releases have suitably exotic back stories and My Boy Lollipop is no exception. Originally released in 1956 in the US by Barbie Gaye as a shuffle blues, it had been a small hit. The tune’s songwriter, however, was a card player who had swapped his rights to it for a $100 bet that he lost. Morris Levy, a New York record boss, contacted the bet-winner and took over the rights to My Boy Lollipop, thereby owning the publishing income from this future multimillion-seller." (Source Guardian Newspaper 2020). Who knows for certain if Payola arrived this early? It might explain why 'Winchester Cathedral' was on insanely high rotation on Radio London, when it was so different from their main fayre. As for Radio Caroline & it's director Philip Soloman & his Major Minor record label, well that was out of the closet payola at it's best. Being offshore in international waters did have it's benefits!
Mervyn Hagger
3/10/2021 07:52:26 pm
Mike, I guarantee that payola arrived in the UK early.
Doctor soap opera
4/10/2021 11:23:46 am
"Moving an MF frequency more than xx kM towards a potentially co-user means doing clearance again. But really that’s just agreeing with co-channellers. If OFCOM told Caroline that their hands are tied then there’s not much you can do - that’s why it pays to have experienced consultants ‘negotiate’ you. (They charge €2,000 a day)."
Talking about Trans-Atlantic Crossings ....
4/10/2021 04:49:01 pm
Why is the ongoing Tory Party Conference using the same 'Build Back Better' slogan that Joe Biden's Democrats are using? The last time that happened is when Tony Blair hired Bill Clinton's team to fight an election.
Wolves in Sheeps Clothing
4/10/2021 05:57:36 pm
Good question? The link is the great reset & the New World Order. A Corporately run world where only the very elite do OK & everyone else lives in a semi Marxist benign state. It's already started through Covid 19. Medical passports being floated to gauge reaction. The unvaccinated are the enemy, they need to be put in camps (sound familiar?).
That's funny ... that is ...
5/10/2021 07:50:54 pm
The more nobody cares and the more nobody is interested in reading MH (shhhhhh! - don't mention that name), the more the readership of the Blogs goes up and now we learn that Malcom Smith and his side kick (whoever he is), are both reading the Blogs and dear old Malcolm has now found it necessary to come out on Garry Stevens Joke Board (or is it the Church of Caroline Board?) and take up his precious time to write a huge slab of nothing in order to denounce (shhhhhhh!) and tell everyone that the smart thing to do is get drunk. Something is amiss here. No one cares but more people are reading the Blog but no one but the people who don't care are doing the reading and telling others to stop reading and get drunk instead. Funny old world, isn't it? By the way Garry will now delete a thread that is bound to start on his Board about shhhhh! and on the Joke Board I guess Malcolm the junior priest is hoping to kick start a religous revival about shhhhhhhh! Keep it coming Malcolm, keep it coming - you have to work harder to stop people from reading the Blogs.
Roy Orbison's echo
6/10/2021 09:29:23 pm
Just running scared these anoraks who are scraping the bottom of the barrel to attack Shhhhhhhhhh! in order to help out Malcolm Smith and his Caroline Church.
David Cotter
7/10/2021 03:15:40 pm
Hi, Mervyn. How's it going?
Is it possible?
7/10/2021 08:19:37 am
Is it possible that the outfit calling itself Radio Caroline and licensed by the UK, is in fact a patsy for the string-pullers at the heart of the UK?
Doctor soap opera
7/10/2021 01:47:49 pm
" I think he once claimed to have won the Ross from Ronan in a game of Snooker - I wonder if he would like to help share in the renovation costs of this great ship, if that is the case? "
7/10/2021 08:52:38 pm
Doctor soap opera
7/10/2021 03:35:27 pm
"I think it was Frank Sinatra who joked that he felt sorry for people who did not get drunk, since when they awoke in the morning that was as good as they were going to feel for the whole day." says PM
James McGregor
8/10/2021 03:37:14 pm
Why does HE have to prefixed "The car mechanic" Malcolm Smith
Mervyn Hagger
8/10/2021 01:54:13 pm
Ian B. You have a problem. Your comments by Ben Toney courtesy of Mary Payne who is another tiny brain afraid of the true story, has just made a liar out of Ronan O'Rahilly. What applies to one applies to both Ben Toney and Ronan O'Rahilly regarding money. Ronan didn't have any. In case anyone is wondering - I am referring to comments on Garry's Joke Board. By the way, Ben stayed in my house and so he knew my wife who he pretends did not exist. But there is more. Go this recording and hear Ben Toney in his own words on XERF boast about HIS new venture called WRLI and its companion Radio London America. Just as well Ben is dead, isn't it? LISTEN TO BEN TONEY IN HIS OWN WORDS ON XERF Yes, Ben lied. He even lied about Don Pierson and how Don created WRLI at the National Association of Broadcasters in Las Vegas. You really are a sorry bunch of anoraks who seem to be in a blind panic because commonsense should tell you to ignore me, since you hate me. But no, you keep on promoting me. All I can say is "thank you" and please keep the advertising coming my way. I really do appreciate it very much. Thank you and thank you again. Did I remember to thank you Ian B and especially Malcolm. Thank you Malcolm for starting this new thread. The Joke Board wouldn't post this if it came from me. Even Garry Stevens has thought twice about promoting me. By the way DO listen to that recording of Ben Toney - I introduce him on the first broadcast so be sure to stay tuned for Ben and guess what - he made that recording in my home where my WIFE brought Ben a drink to stop him from coughing. (He smoked too much which put him in hospital.)
David Cotter
8/10/2021 07:18:39 pm
Just a correction to the facts in today's blog:
9/10/2021 11:29:16 am
He ran a carburetor company in North London, hence the car mechanic jibe. So what are his qualifications for marine engineer?
David Cotter
9/10/2021 11:58:36 am
Well, the Ross is still here, today buzzing with activity, young presenters, and boat loads of visitors. Could you do any better?
9/10/2021 07:48:23 pm
To answer your question. Yes. Now answer mine.
David Cotter
9/10/2021 08:48:28 pm
Firstly it's 'gullible', not 'gullible.
David Cotter
10/10/2021 01:43:25 pm
Oops! Of course I mean 'gullible', not 'gullable' in my last post.
Gull Able
12/10/2021 08:13:28 pm
No, your fifteen minutes of fame are up.
Spotted Dick
10/10/2021 12:23:44 am
What was the question again?
David Cotter Gull Sanctuary
11/10/2021 04:10:03 pm
Please address all further correspondence about Gulls to James Cotter McGregor,1 Ross Revenge Hulk, c/o. Garry Stevens, Tribute Gull Company.
James McGregor clinic
10/10/2021 12:07:34 pm
Internal examination check up
Dr Sanity
10/10/2021 04:05:48 pm
So Ben Toney lied, Rusling is a thief, etc., etc., and David Cotter and his childish pals switch topics immediately and go back to trivia. On top of this they all try to hide their true identities and James who doesn't, is either drunk, drugged or drifting in and out of sanity. Clearly this handful of stupids is not worthy of any more time being spent on response to their posts.
David Cotter
11/10/2021 02:28:15 pm
Well, I was asked some questions so I answered them. We have yet to hear what 'Gullable' would do better , but at least Mervyn has shut up for a few days. So much filing.....
David Cotter McGregor Rusling Stevens Smith
11/10/2021 10:22:34 pm
Oh good gracious me, it seems as though Garry Stevens lied (like other anoraks). Have you seen the latest post on the Blog for the book that will never get published (says Freddie)? Now what? It means that he knows the real last name of Stewart, and I'll bet he starts using it. Is there no secrecy left for the anoraks to enjoy?
12/10/2021 08:35:06 am
I am not Fred Bramley even though Garry Stevens says I am and so do many others. If I don't write this everyone will think that ALF is Fred Bramley who is an Admin on the Garry Stevens's Board w, Not Fred Bramley, ALF I mean. On the other hand I do not deny that I do agree 100% with everything that Fred Bramley writes - even when 'he' is laughing while I am writing his comments. Sincerely, ALF
Fred Bramley
12/10/2021 08:36:44 am
ALF I challenge you to prove that I am you and that Garry Stevens confirmed that I am ALF.
Board Watcher
12/10/2021 08:39:34 am
How can Garry praise MH and place him on a pedestal one minute by making him an Admin and telling him to attack PM, and then ban PM, and then tell PM he agrees with him by attacking MH? Is Garry such a two-faced b-astard (oops put the dash in the wrong place there).
Board Watcher
12/10/2021 04:40:07 pm
Just to clarify, the above post purportedly written by me is not mine.
Board Watcher
12/10/2021 08:12:05 pm
Actually, I am in two minds, maybe it was me. No make that three minds, let's include the voices in my head. Sorry make that five minds, they are getting very loud today.
Paul Rusling
12/10/2021 08:58:15 am
ALF is probably Fred Bramley,
Exposing Fred Bramley
12/10/2021 09:16:31 am
On 7/17/2019 - Garry Stevens exposed Fred Bramley as ALF and Paul Rusling then agreed that ALF is Fred Bramley and so did one other of Garry's Admins.
Fred Bramley IS Alf
12/10/2021 09:29:04 am
Email just surfaced: GS kept making MH an Admin and ALF kept deleting his account. So GS wrote to other Admins and it turned out that GS had forgotten that he made ALF an Admin long ago.
Mervyn Hagger
12/10/2021 10:10:34 am
Garry is now running scared ....
12/10/2021 10:14:22 am
Re: Peter Moore - Fred Bramley Yesterday, 8:54 pm
12/10/2021 11:11:09 am
I suppose we need to compile a PUBLIC list to show how stupid this lot are,
Doctor soap opera
12/10/2021 06:41:08 pm
A Strange patient of mind tested my patience today with this very important enquiry
Revenging Ross
12/10/2021 12:02:52 pm
Please leave me out of this, it was bad enough being stolen and used as a radio ship, let alone left to rust in an Essex backwater. I mean, Essex of all places! Please somebody tow me back to Grimsby so I can see out my days amongst normal people.
James McGregor
12/10/2021 06:15:51 pm
You would be more neglected in Grimsby old fish
Revenging Ross
12/10/2021 08:01:21 pm
I would be in a heritage centre in Grimsby, not a play thing for Malcolm Moore & his merry band of unpaid labour.
ALF Alien Life Form from Planet Melmec
12/10/2021 07:29:31 pm
Better save this before it's deleted
Insanity has broken out like Covid20 on the GS Board (it was semi-dormant)
12/10/2021 02:39:17 pm
Well now Scottg is answering Morris Dancer on the GS Board, but Morris Dancer IS Scottg who is actually a small time DJ from Scotland's base for Gordon Brown
Peter Moore is now blasting Garry Stevens on the Joke Board
12/10/2021 02:40:50 pm
But that's unkind because GS has just forgiven PM by totally agreeing with him.
James McGregor
12/10/2021 02:41:27 pm
Am I the only person left is sane but drunk?
ALF is also Tronald Dump and Fred Bramley
12/10/2021 03:00:15 pm
It seems that this 'war' began with a threat from Tronald Dump on the Joke Board and that Tronald Dump is/was posting on both the Joke Board and the GS Board where he is/was Admin ALF and poster Fred Bramley.
12/10/2021 03:18:25 pm
It looks as if Dave Martin of the Joke Board is in fact ALF of the GS Board and he is therefore Fred Bramley and Tronald Dump, and with Peter Moore posting on the Joke Board and GS embracing Peter Moore who is Malcolm Smith, it means that the real target here should be Garry Stevens and his plaything streams.
Mervyn Hagger
12/10/2021 05:42:10 pm
Well, what happened here?
Mervyn Hagger
12/10/2021 07:18:15 pm
The Neil Gates Factor.
Doctor Board Scott & Alf
12/10/2021 08:08:38 pm
Actually Neil was kicked off the Ross Revenge in Dover a few months after it was stranded on the Goodwin Sands. Having been caretaker (with a few others) of the vessel for getting on for two years he was no longer of use to Mr Smith and his cohorts despite all he went through, so he was dumped without any thanks.
Peter Moore
12/10/2021 09:00:38 pm
Look, stop trying to invent a problem where there is no problem. I don't care if Garry Stevens agrees with me or not. His lot are all waiting for me to tell them about the power increase and yet they stay with Garry instead of leaving him and gong to the Board I am on now. Then there is this Board. Where do you get the right to poke your nose in? You have Hagger and that is another story. So leave us alone we are doing very well without any of you. Even though Ronan is dead and even if he dropped out towards the end we still owe him thanks for starting Radio Caroline. Does it matter whether Caroline Kennedy inspired him? I think not. George Fame certainly owed a lot to Ronan. Please stop all of this nonsense and let us get on with rebuilding Radio Caroline into a very influential voice in British broadcasting.
13/10/2021 11:40:52 am
Your not Peter Moore, your just a very naughty boy!
Malcolm Smith aka Peter Moore aka Neal Gates aka Here-We-Go-Again
13/10/2021 10:09:09 am
This has just popped-up on the Church of Caroline Joke Board ....
Vietnam or bust
13/10/2021 11:44:23 am
I love the smell of Spooky Station Manager's in the morning.
Mister Payoff
13/10/2021 05:13:47 pm
You want to know what's in it for Malcolm Smith?
13/10/2021 07:47:59 pm
The Garry Stevens Board just uploaded this with a following comment ....
14/10/2021 11:53:20 am
"In 2004 one Mike Weston came along to see if he could get any decent funding for repairs rather than the few quid we could raise." - Posted by Peter Moore on 14/10/2021, 7:50:07, in reply to "New Ross Revenge Charity"
Why no squarking?
14/10/2021 11:57:50 am
So Malcolm Smith is exposed on the CB Blog, and Tracy Crouch has been dropped in the middle of a pile of **** but no (so far) on the noisy side has written a word. Not even James.
James McGregor
14/10/2021 01:10:42 pm
I have the utmost respect for Mike Weston who I have had quite a few email exchanges with over web shop purchases (all positive stuff)
Squark free
14/10/2021 07:35:46 pm
Because it's all a big nothing. One company has been dormant since 2015 and the other is correct as regards it's current directors.
Squark Not Free
14/10/2021 09:48:56 pm
Oh look here come the expert. It's anything but a big nothing. You got plenty of good scam pain killers there boy? It's a big something & it going away.
Mike - Admin
14/10/2021 12:07:18 pm
Save yourselves some time.
Mervyn Hagger
14/10/2021 01:15:55 pm
I am watching on catch-up, the Netflix series called 'The Crown', and I cannot help but see the damage that these tapestries shown by mass media create.
James McGregor
15/10/2021 08:07:27 pm
I hope Geoff is OK. We will even put up with his videos we have seen 10 million times before if he just says he is alright. Please get in touch with Garry Geoff
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