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Shaun Attwood is an activist and reporter who served time (six years) in one of the hardest prisons in the USA. He is also one very intelligent and fearless individual. Sonia Poulton is a well connected journalist and you can add to that a determined investigator and courageous woman. They will not be on any mainstream media outlet anytime soon, not unless the revolution turns out after all to be televised. Whilst You Tube allows their material to remain on line, feel free to dig a little deeper, both are clever at remaining under the radar, both are telling details that less than a century ago would have cost them everything. Check your history, that is not an exaggeration. As a small taste of reality here is a new video, it's only part of their discussion however it homes in on the real Royal story of the moment and not the perfectly timed smokescreen of Harry & Money.
James McGregor
16/1/2020 09:35:51 pm
Kount me in for those Gwyneth Paltrow candles
James McGregor
17/1/2020 12:55:55 am
And this chaps your intelligent hero?
James M to Mehrve and Megan
17/1/2020 04:25:41 am
Before I go to bed for the day I have just looked at the front of yesterdays newspaper and I can see clearly why you thought I might miss the h from Shelf. Good one. Sharp as a Luger
Lydia Crowdfunding
17/1/2020 05:04:53 am
I love James and want to marry him. You should all subscribe to my shite so we can have a big bong party
Mexit Mark All
17/1/2020 05:08:37 am
I am getting my lawyers onto these aims james
Radio Felix Toe
17/1/2020 05:12:00 am
Price of a holiday to Scarborough Fayre, I'll tell you you he is
James McGregor
17/1/2020 05:14:01 am
Who am I again?
Mervyn Meghan McGregor
17/1/2020 05:18:27 am
Talk about Royally F**ked-up
Mervyn the Hero
17/1/2020 06:03:45 am
Shoots James and he is so blind he does not notice
Hollow Gram of James McGregor
17/1/2020 06:08:59 am
James his name is Neo not Nero so your trolling in defence of your hero Ronan is as stupid as you are
One of the real McGregors
17/1/2020 06:27:36 am
So which version of the 1960's is true then Mervyn?
Mike - Admin
17/1/2020 10:08:02 am
James/Trolls. Did you watch the video? Do you have any opinions on the material posted? Why do you make so many sad, childish, and humourless comments. Your presence here is tolerated in deference to avoiding censorship, it doesn't mean your garbage is welcome.
James McGregor
17/1/2020 10:24:33 am
The first 5 were from him. After that it was the wild after midnight Fred West
17/1/2020 12:03:56 pm
You should read this book:
Very Real James McGregor Macbeth
17/1/2020 01:51:02 pm
I am sort of getting the hang of it about the follow the money thing. I nearly put up one of this Robert Kayaking guys videos in the previous topic. There was something about the debt being an asset? Which I don't quite get the hang of because I suspect he his trying to bamboozle and sell his institute of lectures and books. When I posted under the man de plume Claudia Moreno she was a character in the Scandi DDR Follow the Money. The premise was that fictitious company Evronis or whatever was ramping up their stock market flotation with some rubbish about everlasting electricity from floating magnets. As a TV programme I put up with it and did not watch the second series, but I wonder if DDR was telling us something with this. Others are of the same opinion as me that this Robert Kawaskai is yet another you tube look at my glasses while I drink your rich dad and poor mind dry. But if u tubers like these snake oilers u keep finding them for me to bunny boil
Mervyn Hagger
17/1/2020 02:57:40 pm
PLEASE NOTE: Because it is clear that a handful of posters are determined to act as propaganda trolls and plaster nonsense on this site, either Mike will have to introduce a password system or begin deleting comments since his efforts to present a topic for discussion are being deliberately sabotaged. Therefore I am withdrawing from further participation at this time.
17/1/2020 03:17:07 pm
Good. The exit is here. Perhaps now some reasonable discussion can take place without you bitching your sour grapes Caroline hate Garry doesn't love me any more cult church rusting hulk shit books look at me crap in every topic. The only reason the topics fill up with rubbish is because you're here spouting yours. Have a nice day.
James McGregor
17/1/2020 03:54:45 pm
The 10 pirate radio fanatics frantically look for memes for punching their arms up with delight
18/1/2020 05:56:25 pm
The following post has now been removed (censored) by one of the Admins on the 'Garry Stevens' Forum'.
18/1/2020 06:18:08 pm
And he's back! Yo, Mervyn! Yesterday you posted; 'Mike will have to introduce a password system or begin deleting comments since his efforts to present a topic for discussion are being deliberately sabotaged'. And here you are not contributing to the topic yourself, and sabotaging it yourself. Furthermore, there was no link from your joke board to this site after you left in a huff - you have reinstated it since. And btw, your link goes to the main page here, not Conversation Central, so you might like to amend it and then claim that was how it was all along.........'Therefore I am withdrawing from further participation at this time.' That didn't last long did it?
18/1/2020 07:44:15 pm
NOTICE. The link on the Radio Caroline Research Forum was changed while the Forum was undergoing changes. It was not changed as a reaction to any troll comment here. The reason for the change is to still support Mike and his Forum, while denying trolls support for their lies that Mike and Mervyn are the same person as trolls have previously stated. It is also to allow time for Mike to decide how he wants to deal with the trolls who are wrecking his own Forum. Mervyn Hagger has withdrawn from commenting in the meantime and this notice should not be regarded as his further participation at this time..
18/1/2020 07:55:30 pm
Undergoing post and a hyperlink. Mervyn Hagger has not withdrawn, because RCRF is Mervyn Hagger.......
Mix FM
18/1/2020 08:45:16 pm
We counted them all out and we counted them all back in
18/1/2020 08:46:30 pm
No further response is allowed to the topic 'Dial 999/Radio now and then',. This topic is now locked. We have also removed the last post..
Driver 79
18/1/2020 10:14:23 pm
I had the founder of the Yestertecs in the back of my cab being a complete pain in the backside. In the end I just told him to read the bible and booted him out
18/1/2020 09:02:55 pm
But not before the Mervster pounced on it. I think he has a surveillance team monitoring every post. Or not. Anyway, enough of this nonsense, although I do have my rusting hulk bingo card at the ready, and one of those special pens that does blobs.
Passenger 57
18/1/2020 09:12:07 pm
Kick It
18/1/2020 09:16:30 pm
Regardless of any other considerations, that's a cool look.
Boozy McBoatface
19/1/2020 08:56:32 pm
Great stuff, all free riding anything that sound likes a motorbike. It's foreign and urgent
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