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...and I expect some idiot will still try & shoot the messenger (for BBC please also read ITV, Sky & Channel 4 etc etc
Administration 72
19/7/2022 12:29:24 am
bloody hell!
19/7/2022 01:24:28 pm
Paul Joseph Watson is quite the charmer, isn't he? Not a fan of Jews or indeed anyone who isn't white, which is a bit much. Mentored by Alex Jones, but now jumping on whatever bandwagon is passing by. Hey, it's a living, right?
Mike - Admin
19/7/2022 08:49:48 pm
I said that some idiot would shoot the messenger & congratulations you did!
Let's turn this around
20/7/2022 07:46:36 am
The earth is flat.
Round Earth Society
20/7/2022 10:52:15 am
The content of the video was interesting and made sense. Unfortunately Mike, there are so many brainwashed people now who believe everything the MSM tell them is news & everyone else is a conspiracy theorist if they done toe the line. Add into that the Marxist influence in schools and universities these days and you are left with these delusional ranters who attack anything that challenges the narrative.
James McGregor
20/7/2022 02:14:36 am
I'm not being as funny as I usually am but isn't that Aled Jones?
Mr On Topic
19/7/2022 01:45:20 pm
Mike's right - again!
Also on topic
20/7/2022 07:49:09 am
Plenty or flies already. What caused them, do you think?
Marshall McLuhan's Ghost
19/7/2022 03:05:17 pm
In 1967, Marshall McLuhan wrote about type of person now described by some as an anorak. He wrote that the medium has become the message, and that in some ways it is more important than the message to a strange class of people who, like anoraks, discuss transmitters and antennas and not the message that is delivered.
20/7/2022 07:54:02 am
Why does everything have to have a message? Why can't it just
Anoraknaphobia answered
20/7/2022 01:07:55 pm
Because it is like abortion. Abort yourself. No? Need a doctor or another person who knows how to do it? That's 2 people involved. You and someone else. With pirate radio you want to broadcast your record. Why? So another person can hear what you are doing. That's 2 people again. Now we get into social problems and unless there are agreed upon laws to regulate conduct we have chaos or as Ronan O'Rahilly said: anarchy and anarchy leads to wars and killing once you stop talking and discussing, and killing does not seem like "fun" to me, unless of course you are mentally deranged, like Ronan O'Rahilly, or Hitler.
21/7/2022 05:00:21 pm
Well, Radio Caroline's conduct, or the conduct of the station calling itself Radio Caroline if you would prefer, is regulated by laws so that's OK then. Fun for one and all within the framework set out by those who make the rules to prevent playing records and broadcasting same descending into a mass killing spree.
Boardhost Consultant
20/7/2022 11:03:03 am
"anoraks don't seem to know much about anything but transmitters and antennas."
McGregor really should shut up
20/7/2022 07:13:41 pm
It's one thing to be a fool and act like a fool but when McGregor pretends to tell companion idiots about KDKA, he really should learn to read first, then study and ask questions in order to form an opinion.
James McGregor
21/7/2022 05:38:03 pm
What's a Lego brick?
Leggo Brick
22/7/2022 12:13:57 am
I am James McGregor
Floor Manager
22/7/2022 06:12:27 pm
What you keep hitting your head on you muppet
Bloodlines and Brainlines and Trainlines and Boozelines
21/7/2022 07:50:12 am
Lots of lines James. So you want to know if blood can be used as a substitute for diesel in running a ship?
Mervyn Hagger's psychiatrist
22/7/2022 04:02:09 pm
What about the Caroline Family?
James McGregor's nurse
22/7/2022 08:14:56 pm
Sorry about that Mervyn, James is in love with psychiatrists because his is a fresh out of uni young lady who sends James wild every time she looks into his bleeding left ear and tries to discover if he has got some old diesel fuel congealed inside. He sometimes pretends to be Fred Bramley and then the Board Watcher and that has brought him here again. Just put up with it because he hasn't got long to live because each time he falls on his left side he pushes this brain further and further into a squishy ball on the right side of his skull and the goo is now leaking out of his right ear.
Samantha Layover Brick
22/7/2022 08:48:01 pm
I have worked in the media you know and and am keeping tabs on what is said about me on social media and gossip in old folks care homes
James corrected by Fred Bramley
21/7/2022 03:55:12 pm
Oh God! Wrote Fred: "Posted by Fred Bramley on July 21, 2022, 8:37 am, in reply to "The worlds eldest functioning commercial station"
Who was first
22/7/2022 07:32:03 am
I thought that 2MT was the first. I cannot find and reference to MZX. Can you please provide a link to some info. I would like to read about it and further my knowledge. Thank you in advance.
22/7/2022 07:42:36 am
Rather more helpful than telling Fred to shut up and misspell 'Lego', here is something more useful regarding MZX and 2LO:
Bored Watcher of the Board Watcher
22/7/2022 08:05:08 pm
I looked over at Eric's mess and it is a mess. He knows as much as Rusling which is nothing at all. Whatever you do, don't rely upon that source for your information. As for LEGGO that is short for "Lovely Eric's Got Garbage Offshore" - its a kit for Fred to use in building a toy Mi Amigo - I thought you knew that!
Mervyn Hagger's psychiatrist
22/7/2022 08:35:06 pm
Lego is a line of plastic construction toys that are manufactured by The Lego Group, a privately held company based in Billund, Denmark. As of 2021, Lego was the largest toy company in the world. Wikipedia
David Koresh LW
22/7/2022 06:08:33 pm
Well done Bore. The bloodline to Long Wave is proven
Dolly the Sheep
22/7/2022 08:44:22 pm
Hi Molly, sorry I don’t have MS Word only the useless cut down Onedrive app which is neither use nor ornament. Personally I agree with the jobcentres that anyone who pays to have a cv written for them these days is daft or blind. So I think we will just leave it at that
James McGregor
22/7/2022 08:57:02 pm
If I had the strength to keep on climbing up the magic money monkey tree
James McGregor
21/7/2022 05:44:11 pm
Have you not heard about my health problems and passing out on my left hand side and smashing up my torso, shoulders and head to the point that blood came down my ear and I am now a bit blocked with a ringing tinnitus
Doctor Bottle's Surgery
22/7/2022 07:02:18 am
Well James you want to donate you blood to fuel a generator? Is that right? You claim to have a job coach who brought you here because (quote), you are "passing out on my left hand side and smashing up my torso, shoulders and head to the point that blood came down my ear and I am now a bit blocked with a ringing tinnitus."
James McGregor
22/7/2022 08:24:51 pm
Mervyn, I wrote a witty and long reply to this but I did not know how to use the computer and it went. Essentially my Job Coach, kindly after a bad fall of mine offered to drive me to a medical MD not a fake medicine man of MH preaching
Doctor Soap opera
22/7/2022 08:31:01 pm
"Whoever suggested that you are of sound mind and able to work must be same person who told you that blood is the same as diesel fuel."
Brass Neck???? Or Radio Legend??
24/7/2022 01:31:07 pm
As usual Young Paul has corrected us all and the elder statesman of broadcast radio was a Dutch man from the Hague. He is pictured in the Good News Bible, compiled by the man who speaks double Dutch and thinks their is something fishy going on in the water. He demonstrates this like a goldfinch in a pudding bowl gasping for air by making a pointless observation that the Hague is close to Schevinegarrgham on Sea the spiritual home of offshore radio, just across the North street from Claptrap on Sea Essex. Tours of the Holy Land are available by the Olau Line. The Onedian line was BBC fiction. All tenders actually came from the Spanish Main Kent. Walter Raleigh was a keen supporter of the Golden Hind and spiritually went onboard the Ark Royal with Paul and Lord Nelson to inspect the possibility of recusing her from the scrapyard and going to war with Hilversum of Orange off the Hague. The spiritual home of many of young Pauls great navel gazing campaigns
James McGregor, representative idiot
26/7/2022 08:39:09 pm
As Usual this is the last anorak board 3rd past the post to comment on this wonderful commeroration everyone raving mad is taking about about
James McGregor
26/7/2022 10:37:53 pm
If that war goes on much longer it is going to be a BIG war and theire will be consequences all around everywhere, not least in Mike Simmond's belief that electricity will be cheaper and there will be another Tory Government
BA Bardacrackers
28/7/2022 07:38:08 pm
and Bernhard Cribbins
Mervyn Hagger
28/7/2022 12:09:00 pm
The time has come to escape from the insanity of the few who cluster around the word 'anorak', and the handful of aging disc jockeys who never did know anything and never were interested in learning anything (like the anoraks), and withdraw from their madhouse.
29/7/2022 07:08:15 pm
"We are now working on our 5th part-work publication, which will be published at the same location as the previous monologues"
Where Answers
30/7/2022 11:57:37 am
Mike knows
Where Again
31/7/2022 11:43:32 am
Agb! doesn't know, although he wants to pretend that he knows. Note that it says the 5th part-work publication WILL be published at the same location as the existing monologues but it does not say WHEN and it seems that this part-work series are not monologues and they are being published at some other location, which Mike knows. However, Agb! does not. Agb! will now say "sorry" like his know-it-all buddy Scottg who also pretends to know everything about nothing.. Rusling doesn't even pretend. He just flat out lies to the anoraks and they are stupid enough to believe him. So how stupid does an anorak have to be in order to be classified as an anorak? Ask Agb! He has the full qualifications.
31/7/2022 01:11:09 pm
Mike Who?
30/7/2022 12:24:50 pm
where are the monologues?.
Atlantisgb! Corrected
31/7/2022 11:33:01 am
Sorry, I meant that the existing series of monologues in linked there, but it is not there it is at - but the new series that is referred to in the post above is not there and I don't know where it is - although it says that Mike knows but I am not sure that he is telling the anoraks.
31/7/2022 01:10:24 pm
Sorry Agb!, how do I get that on my phone?
James McGregor
31/7/2022 08:39:02 pm
Well done pilots! We have complety sent the Lufwaffe Hagger packing orf back home with his Herman tales between his precursary chapters two faced tails
San Tander
30/7/2022 05:12:12 pm
If Bilbao does not stop baying at Mike Simmonds I will I have a little more than kind regards to say to him
Michael SImmonds
31/7/2022 01:08:10 pm
I wish to announce that I am changing my faith to BBC. It is obvious that the 648 version is silly and that its supporters have very little that could be claimed as a moral compass, in fact they seem to lack any sort of compass because they are unsure where they are going. Please note that posts claiming to be me that appear elsewhere as moderator will not be by me. I have now received a good job offer from a local BBC affiliate.
James McGregor
31/7/2022 08:44:45 pm
That's great again from you Mike - A compass- what kind of compass does Peter use?
31/7/2022 01:09:01 pm
If I want to bay at the moon, I shall without permission from you.
James McGregor. Cue Representative James Bonding Idiot
31/7/2022 08:32:31 pm
What does Peter Moore collect - apart from snipes, gripes and totally jealous insults? After model cars, guns, yatchts and radios. Three of my interests of which Peter might be interested in two. I have also had a brain bashing wave about antique cameras. The E bay Kodaks and the better German ones with the holloring and the beloowing Eine Vie Ziess etc. Very attractive ornaments
Kodak Kojack
1/8/2022 08:22:06 pm
Several Zeiss bodies would accompany Capa for the rest of his career. Their most famous moment would be on June 6th, 1944. As he plunged into the surf behind Allied troops assaulting the “Easy Red” sector of Omaha Beach, Capa brought two Contax IIs fitted with 50mm glass. As he describes in his autobiography Slightly Out of Focus, “The slant of the beach gave us some protection, so long as we lay flat… I took out my second Contax camera and began to shoot without raising my head.” He later recalls frantically attempting to reload his Contax soaking wet on “the ugliest beach in the world”, eventually retreating to a landing craft out of panic. (It should be noted that as he did elsewhere in life, Capa presented alternate or fictionalized retellings of events for dramatic effect in Slightly Out of Focus.)
31/7/2022 08:45:32 pm
Is a publisher responsible for publishing hate speech that leads to violence and death?
Administration 72
31/7/2022 09:21:14 pm
ha ha ha,you lot just can't see through my wry sense of humor,I'm taking the piss,what a bunch of Muppets you are!.
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