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Sorry Louis but this is not a Wonderful World. Candice Owens is one very intelligent person who also has a knack for interviewing, for example she listens and takes in what is being said rather than constantly interupting like those supposed journalists on BBC News. However this is about the guest and the subject matter, the first half of the interview I hope will wake a lot of people from their slumber, and help them see just how much corruption and evil surrounds us all. Whats this got to do with Radio (Now & Then)? Absolutely nothing, this is more important and should be shared with every old anorak, as it should be with everyone else.
James McGregor
10/4/2020 11:14:52 pm
Video does not download at least not to Win X btw so you have to watch the painful lot in real time
15/4/2020 09:58:29 am
Mike, it is interesting how these "gotcha" characters get everything so wrong. The headlines about Trump having a meltdown were just the opposite - Trump caused the press a meltdown when he played a video back to them showing their lies - and then he rammed it down their throats by saying that he did it because they are fake news. They went into outer orbit and had a fit. Now a character named Scottg is dogging Caroline with a 'gotcha' about this daft 'Jimmy Ross' hoax by referring back to a Telegraph article in 1965 put on the PRHOF by a 1965 Caroline fan. Trouble is you can find the original letter from Caroline House to this guy who then posted the Telegraph article about 'Jimmy Ross'. Guess what? The letter to the fan from Caroline House was from Spectre the fan merchandise operation and listed at the base as a director is "I. Ross" - Ian Cowper Ross! The Telegraph article is rubbish as well, but the source of all of this bullshit keeps going back to Ian Cowper Ross. Meanwhile Scottg who is in hiding but listens to Malcolm Smith's tin pot station (which defines Scottg's residence), is shown to be in the Maidstone general area. Instead of trying to assist in research these people waste time by playing their vanity kicks of 'gotcha' but the more they do the more I have to spend time proving that they are fools and idiots and time wasters - which is one reason I like Trump because he shoves it back in the face of the fake news brigade and I like Rush because that is one of the few places to hear the other side of the story verbatim and discover why the fake press are pissed off. Talk about Lucy with the football in 'Snoopy' - these idiots are flaming mad.
Mervyn, I DETEST people 'gossiping' about, me (Scottg), let alone questioning my location which is still the same, (no permission has been given to Google to display the actual location). It was asked if there was an earlier reference to 'JIMMY ROSS' than the 1990 IR book, and I provided it. I am NOT interested in 'gotcha' or putting anyone down, just accurate details from 1963 to March 1964. No-one is above correction (and that includes you, me and others). Scottg.
Mike - Admin
15/4/2020 12:10:51 pm
I see Trump has kissed the W.H.O money supplies (slush funds for the deep state) goodbye, that will have the Trump derangement syndrome fools and the Fake news going into melt down ha ha. I see over on the idiot forum that Fred Bramley is having another girly hissy fit, called you a liar, what a demented loser he is. Maldonian is another who likes to describe others as having a melt down, when if he looked in the mirror might realise it's him that's got the problem. Many of the Fake Caroline Anorak Brigade are in total denial and would rather go name calling rather than educate themselves. Is Simon also Bernie Holmes or are there to people over there with a feeling they need to have the final word on everything. Perhaps the lockdown should be extended to keep these fools of the street....
Mike - Admin
15/4/2020 12:15:29 pm
that should have been two and off - excuse the typos & well done to Caroline Brooks, just loving the "it's Mervyn" mob trying to explain that one and having rings ran round them. Oh and where's Rusling gone?
15/4/2020 02:16:33 pm
I have looked in the mirror and can assure you that I am not having a meltdown. The one with the problem is Mervyn Hagger, gaslighting and masquerading as Caroline Brooks who, as we all know, does not exist. It speaks volumes that Mervyn Hagger has not protested at this suggestion as he does with everything else.
Meltdown Monitor
15/4/2020 06:16:42 pm
That sounds like a meltdown going on there. Prove Caroline Brooks does not exist, go on, facts, data, not just lame accusations (that sound like a meltdown to me).
15/4/2020 07:26:28 pm
There is no record of Caroline Brooks in Washington DC, Denton, or Canton. No residential details, no birth records, nothing. Similarly, there are no records for Tom or Thomas Haler, either as an individual or as a proprietor of an antiques or private investigation business. Searches of family trees and genealogical records produce no neice/uncle relationship between two people with those names. You will say that just because I have found nothing that does not mean that it is not there. So my return challenge to you, Mervyn or whoever, is to produce some fact or data to prove that Caroline does exist. Now that should be easier than proving someone does not exist, shouldn't it? There is, of course, a raft of circumstantial evidence, but you deal in facts, so let's have a tangible fact. Just one. A failure to respond with any evidence will confirm that Caroline does not exist. If you choose not to publish this comment, I have a copy in case of need as evidence that I responded and you cannot say that I did not.
Identity Checker
16/4/2020 06:54:05 am
Let's see, this Maldonian moniker which can't be a real name, unless its Fred or Bill or Jill Maldonian who has no address and no identity is complaining about a girl name Caroline who does have a surname. Seems to me that she has more than Fred or Bill or Jill Maldonian has. What's your bra size Jill? Just trying to get a handle on something that identifies you as a person and not Fred Bramley under another name.
15/4/2020 12:38:24 pm
Mike, have you noticed the "other" Forum is remaining tight-lipped about all this. Not a word, but they do have some intelligence members like Mike Barraclough, but I am not sure why he posts there because that Forum is mostly silent of so trivial as to be non-existent.
15/4/2020 07:33:20 pm
You're diverting again. Read my response to Meltdown Monitor should it be published, and provide one fact, just one irrefutable fact, to prove that Caroline Brooks exists as a real person.
U Rekon
16/4/2020 06:59:00 am
Gaslighting is what Maldonian is doing but he does not understand the meaning of the word he is using. Maybe he's Ruslting because he can't spell/
Meltdown Melting & Awash With Rage
16/4/2020 01:58:49 pm
You need to calm down Maldonian, your having multiple meltdowns, try and focus on the fact that you are wrong. Your "supposed" investigation was born out of another meltdown, stop melting, chill out and take deep breaths. Caroline Brooks is real, you are not, you hide behind a silly childish name, see I have a false name and it's oh so frustrating because you do not know if I am Brian Spoons, Fred (Barking) Bramley, Geoff Muldoon, James To (many words) or Jill with a huge Bra size. Meltdowns are bad for you!
Chris Daley
16/4/2020 02:01:12 pm
Is it OK if one of my names comes here to have a pop at Geoff Hutton?
16/4/2020 03:01:50 pm
Stop making personal comments about my bust, and while I am at it, stop making nasty comments about my brother Bob Maldon who posts on here, although I don't know why. He should save his finger exercises.
16/4/2020 03:03:54 pm
I confess to using an old picture Maldonian. I have now updated it just for you.
16/4/2020 05:37:34 pm
You've really changed, 'Caroline'! It's like I don't know you anymore:) I hope you're joking regarding the picture update. If not, you're even more deluded than I thought. The previous photo was of Adara Toop, actress and model. What larks, eh? Still no proof of your existence............
16/4/2020 03:19:13 pm
You can have as many pops as you like, but the fact remains that you only deflect. Exactly as I anticipated. That is your only response to a request to provide just one fact to prove the existence of Caroline Brooks. No answer. No facts. No proof. I've obviously hit a nerve, since 'Caroline' has a new image on her blog and on her Facebook page, so you have ended that deception - or have you? How do you explain that neither she nor her uncle Tom appear anywhere in any official records? If i'm wrong, show me.
Bob Maldon
16/4/2020 05:25:19 pm
They are pretty big wobbly ones, might even cause the odd meltdown.
16/4/2020 07:14:29 pm
Maldonian, you are a judgmental FOOL.Why should anyone care a hoot about what you think about anything? Let alone the past and Radio Caroline. You seem to think that everyone should care about what you think or do, but what have you done? Nothing except support thieves. This says volumes about YOU. If you think you can do a better job of exposing the lies of Malcolm Smith and his trolls who include his Joseph Goebbels, well, go on and do it. But right now you are just someone pissing in a can behind someone's garage and making a tinkling sound. Be sure to zip your pants and your mouth.
16/4/2020 07:16:05 pm
Now Scottg has been reading over here and posting among the GS trolls, and this is what this sanctimonious bit of shit has to say: "Posted by Scottg on April 16, 2020, 5:56 pm, in reply to "Re: The 'CarolineBooks' review blog."
James McGregor
16/4/2020 04:08:42 pm
I do hope this is not excavating into a time team pre moderation trench
Dictionary Corner
16/4/2020 05:23:35 pm
This is an English language site James, please use the correct words in the right order (translation into James language - please abuse the correct me if I'm wrong worms in the write a letter orders will be obeyed).
16/4/2020 06:12:41 pm
These trolls are some of the most stupid people to ever walk this Planet - the latest example is "Scottg" who seems to live in the Maidstone area and is scared to death of Malcolm Smith his little band of cult followers. Even Kevin asks if Scottg is in fact a Trojan Horse. Of course he is. Read what this IDIOT named "Scottg" who like all trolls does not have the guts to admit who he is. So he wrote: "Posted by Scottg on April 16, 2020, 2:23 pm, in reply to "Re: The 'CarolineBooks' review blog."
Mic Whitmore
16/4/2020 08:57:49 pm
Re: The 'CarolineBooks' review blog. - mic whitmore Today, 7:10 pm - I am getting so fed up with the way that MH is trying to take this forum over again via others. Caroline is still with us so get over it. Is MH after the Caroline name for that Cyber mob? What was in the past and gave people free radio was not detailed. Was the Mebo 2 a spy ship? What could they spy on out at sea? This is all getting very silly. I tuned into Caroline for the test back in 64 and was quite happy and how they sorted things out was nothing to do with me.
16/4/2020 09:02:11 pm
What is WRONG in the head with you Mic Whitmore? YOU lot keep referring to me and since Garry Stevens did his deal with Malcolm Smith last year I have had absolutely nothing to do with his Forum. I have no one posting anything over there. Stop making stupid accusations - I am not in any way interested in any of your antics and that includes this other venture you mentioned. So get your head out of the pig sty swill and look up and see that there is a real world with real people who live real lives. If you look at Caroline's site you will see that it is NOT involved with anything to do with your obsession.
17/4/2020 07:19:11 am
Everything we know about China: it is a COMMUNIST dictatorship built upon the legacy of Mao whose "Cultural Revolution" in the Sixties murdered millions of its own people, and which banned flights internally from Wuhan but permitted international flights from China to Italy and New York and California and told no one about the coming pandemic. But since a lot of people in California got the "flu" back in November and December last year and recovered, it is thought that this proves that the financial shut down was unnecessary in most areas. New York is suffering because of all those skyscrapers with all those little tiny boxes called elevators (lifts) and mass transit, whereas as California is a State built for private automobiles ("safe distancing") and now all of those banned plastic bags or paper sacks are thought to be just great for stopping the spread of disease. But guess who LOVES this pandemic? The Greens, the Socialists and the Communists! Everyone seems to forget that the flu of 1917 killed more people than WWI and there was NO shutdown! This entire fiasco is a staged "Big Brother was watching you, but now we are really going to watch you - thanks to your cooperation and we know all about you and where you live and what you do thanks to 'smartphones' and you telling us!" Now we have people "clapping for the NHS"? Talk about brainwashing! You will be clapping yourself into DICTATORSHIP - just like Mao, Joe Stalin, Adolph Hitler and all the other jumped-up thugs of the past have ever wanted, and YOU will be the one surrendering to fear, not to a gun, fear from FAKE media. Begin now by demanding an end to BBC and all of its fear mongering fake offshoots. But you won't. You will just attack this post as loony, and then one day, not too far off from now you will wonder about those magic words "liberty" and "freedom" and you will be wondering what they mean, because soon, very soon, if this continues, no one will know.
17/4/2020 03:27:37 pm
Has this 'Maldonian' who won't reveal his name let alone a picture, ever read what I am writing? No. Instead he writes to someone else complaining that I don't exist and then alleges that I am someone else. Well Miz Malodian, get your panties untangled from inside your crotch and prove to everyone that you are not Scottg or worse still that you are really Fred Bramley and James on Drugs, all rolled into one? Go on, prove it. First let's see your picture.
James McGregor
18/4/2020 06:22:21 pm
What's this crap about my being an alcolohic? You got a problem with that of mine?
19/4/2020 02:07:23 pm
Yes, I do read, and with some interest, what is supposedly being written by 'Caroline'. I'm not sure who Miz Malodian is, but I am not aware that his or her panties are in any way tangled, and I can assure you that I am not Scottg, Fred Bramley or James. There you are, a straight denial. Now, in stark contrast we have not had any such denial that Caroline is not Mervyn, have we? I mean, it's usually Merv who is going on about pebbles, ponds and ripples, whether they be theatrical or not. Hmmm.
Where is Paul Rusling?
17/4/2020 07:56:10 pm
Something weird is going on over on the GS Board - Rusling has disappeared while a thread is raging about Caroline Brooks, and in the middle of that thread, Fred Bramley wrote: "Posted by Fred Bramley on April 17, 2020, 3:09 pm, in reply to "Re: The 'CarolineBooks' review blog."
Troll Watch Weekly Awards
18/4/2020 12:29:26 pm
And this weeks Troll Award Winners are:
James McGregor
18/4/2020 10:16:40 pm
Please Sir Can I grass up the other board
Social Worker
19/4/2020 07:29:39 pm
Let's spare a thought for poor Caroline, who is taking all this flack and is holed up all on her own in Canton, Texas, presumably knee deep in books and research papers. According to her social media presence, she only has but three friends, and they are work associates. Her one post has received no comments or likes, not even from Mervyn Hagger or her other two friends. So how about we show Caroline some love at this difficult time? Kindness costs nothing.
20/4/2020 03:17:23 pm
Thank you for your concern. I am enjoying the fresh air and sunshine and taking care of Ralph, the guard dog. Not certain who is in charge of the exercise. How about you?
James McGregor
20/4/2020 08:20:04 pm
Perhaps the legacy can be the Loving Awareness he dreamed of. After we come through this WW3 that would be the greatest tribute we can make to his efforts
21/4/2020 01:53:05 pm
I have just updated my blog and my Comments Forum after someone called 'Mourner' brought a text by Malcolm Smith to my attention. I also saw this on the GS site: "Posted by ZENDER on April 20, 2020, 5:30 pm, Wonderful tribute on the Caroline website. RIP Ronan" Is Malcolm Smith winding these loony toones up? He all but calls O'Rahilly a fool and a con man - which of course he was. But the trolls embrace anything. Can't they read, or if they can, do they comprehend what they are reading?
22/4/2020 12:30:36 pm
First someone popped up on the GS Forum to say the Ronan was in intensive care; then that same person said that Rusling had just informed him that Ronan was NOT in intensive care; then Ronan died and the original poster came back and said that he was sadly right all along. BUT WHERE IS PAUL RUSLING? All of these condolences on line on both the silly forums and not a peep out of Rusling who told everyone that Ronan was in his garden reading and loving 'The Radio Caroline Bible' - while others on these two silly forums were all but calling Rusling a liar and saying that Ronan had totally lost his mind and could not read anything due to illness. BUT WHERE IS PAUL RUSLING? He started all this up with his crazy book? Is he in hiding? WHAT?
23/4/2020 03:37:08 pm
I have just uploaded on my blog the BIGGEST LIE of all which even the most hard-boiled anoraks like Hans Knot don't believe, but some person wrote out the lie and handed it to the priest to recite to the world at the memorial service for Ronan O'Rahilly today. So, in the interest of good reporting I have put that extract on line for you to hear for yourself. In short: the Caroline Kennedy myth was created in New York City during 1965 by expat Londoner Robin Leach - who later appeared on TV as host of 'Lifestyles of the rich and famous'. It had NOTHING to do with either Ronan O'Rahilly or Caroline Kennedy. But it seems the liars will even stoop to manipulating a local parish priest in Ireland to spread their lies and deceit in aid of their fraudulent claim that 'Caroline continues' - when Radio Caroline DIED IN 1967 on August 14, at midnight. If these trolls want to grieve, let them grieve for the legless and blind Allan Crawford who died alone in Wales in a nursing home. He is the man that Ronan O'Rahilly STOLE from. These anoraks have no shame, no heart and no sense.
James McGregor
24/4/2020 12:51:44 pm
"These anoraks have no shame, no heart and no sense".
James McGregor
24/4/2020 01:54:19 pm
And conspicuously missing from the "family " death notices and the eulogy
24/4/2020 03:38:34 pm
James posted links to Malcolm Smith's impersonator board with a picture of Ronan's carer about to dump flowers from the funeral into the waters off Greenore. The picture is credited to Paul Rusling. S'funny that getting from the East Coast of England to the southern coast of Ireland - the bit in a foreign country - seems more than a daily stroll while the house arrest process is going on. How did he achieve that? James thinks that PAR was there, but it is more likely that someone else took that picture and sent it to him. If PAR was there, how come he has not uttered a peep after telling everyone that ROR was not about to die - just before he did? Was PAR responsible for the lie told to the priest about Caroline Kennedy? So many questions and the man who stirred all of this up is .... silent. Does PAR have the VIrus? Who knows?
27/4/2020 02:28:43 pm
Ha, within minutes of you posting that about Paul Rusling, someone who has been looking at my picture and reading my Facebook page who wanted to know more about me, suddenly posted never mind about Paul Rusling, where is MH. Maybe this person is bisexual. Ha.
27/4/2020 07:59:15 pm
James, I have been sent copies of posts uploaded by you to Caroline which are complimentary, and I have seen your post and the post of two deranged people that you are keeping company with by agreeing with them in their hope that I will get the Virus and die. Meanwhile, the 'DavidG ' is also posting on Caroline's Forum claiming that while the truth is being told, he hates me. Why? I don't know. James, I am told that the reason your posts are not going on line is because you are not sending them to Caroline's Forum but attempting to post them on her blog. The other total nutcase is Freddie Archer who is also ranting and hoping I will get the Virus. What is wrong with these people? Are you all so afraid that the tin pot Caroline will soon sink? I have not posted anything that Garry Stevens wrote to me about the Caroline cult idiots - but it was Garry Stevens who told me to shut them down! I suggest that Garry needs to take stock of what is going on because he is now permitting raw hate to be posted on his site and none of it has anything to do with the issues at hand. You lot are getting very, very, very close to legal action being taken against you, and I don't mean by me.
James McGregor
28/4/2020 02:34:11 am
Wonderful though Captain Toms achievements were how did 125,000 grown ups or encouraged children think it was a fantastic idea to send that amount of paper through the post. It's Like Princess Di's flowers or the shed loads of mail to the Soham girls' parents. The front page of the Times today says, the cards are being opened by staff and volunteers at his local Bedford School. He's done great and will probably get a postumous MBE but does this mean we can now be assured there is no chance of contamination from posted paper? How much extra processing and delivery work has this cost (ieprofited) the Royal Mail just to make a nice display.
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